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base repository: atk4/ui
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base: c0e2ab6a859a37408bcb30c7fa2804ade499f344
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head repository: atk4/ui
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compare: fa7b3b62ffb3b9fb9c1268bfa2d18e2bbd53435a
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Showing with 16 additions and 16 deletions.
  1. +16 −16 phpstan.neon.dist
32 changes: 16 additions & 16 deletions phpstan.neon.dist
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -20,14 +20,14 @@ parameters:
path: 'src/App.php'
identifier: x
identifier: method.alreadyNarrowedType
message: '~^Call to method Atk4\\Ui\\App::callExit\(\) with true will always evaluate to true\.$~'
count: 2

# assign to generic callable property is broken
path: '*'
identifier: x
identifier: assign.propertyType
message: '~^Property Atk4\\Data\\Model\\UserAction::\$(callback|enabled) .*Closure<.+ does not accept .*Closure\(.+\.$~'
count: 2

@@ -123,11 +123,11 @@ parameters:
message: '~^Access to an undefined property Atk4\\Ui\\Form\\Control::\$iconLeft\.$~'
path: 'demos/form/jscondform.php'
identifier: x
identifier: method.notFound
message: '~^Call to an undefined method Atk4\\Ui\\Form\\Layout::activate\(\)\.$~'
path: 'demos/form/jscondform.php'
identifier: x
identifier: method.notFound
message: '~^Call to an undefined method Atk4\\Ui\\Form\\Layout::addSection\(\)\.$~'
path: 'demos/init-app.php'
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ parameters:
message: '~^Call to an undefined method Atk4\\Ui\\AbstractView&Atk4\\Ui\\UserAction\\ExecutorInterface::onHook\(\)\.$~'
path: 'src/Console.php'
identifier: x
identifier: method.childParameterType
message: '~^Parameter #1 \$level \(''alert''\|''critical''\|''debug''\|''emergency''\|''error''\|''info''\|''notice''\|''warning''\) of method Atk4\\Ui\\Console::log\(\) should be contravariant with parameter \$level \(mixed\) of method Psr\\Log\\LoggerInterface::log\(\)$~'
path: 'src/Crud.php'
@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ parameters:
path: 'src/SessionTrait.php'
count: 4
identifier: x
identifier: property.notFound
message: '~^Access to an undefined property Atk4\\Ui\\Tests\\SessionAbstractMock::\$name\.$~'
path: 'src/Table/Column.php'
@@ -314,15 +314,15 @@ parameters:
message: '~^Parameter #1 \$fx \(Closure\(\$this\): void\) of method Atk4\\Ui\\Console::set\(\) should be compatible with parameter \$content \(string\) of method Atk4\\Ui\\View::set\(\)$~'
path: 'src/Form/Control/Calendar.php'
identifier: x
identifier: method.childParameterType
message: '~^Parameter #1 \$expr \(Atk4\\Ui\\Js\\JsExpressionable\) of method Atk4\\Ui\\Form\\Control\\Calendar::onChange\(\) should be contravariant with parameter \$expr \(array\{Closure\(Atk4\\Ui\\Js\\Jquery, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed\): \(Atk4\\Ui\\Js\\JsExpressionable\|Atk4\\Ui\\View\|string\|void\)\}\|Atk4\\Ui\\Js\\JsExpressionable\|\(Closure\(Atk4\\Ui\\Js\\Jquery, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed\): \(Atk4\\Ui\\Js\\JsExpressionable\|Atk4\\Ui\\View\|string\|void\)\)\) of method Atk4\\Ui\\Form\\Control::onChange\(\)$~'
path: 'src/Form/Control/Upload.php'
identifier: x
identifier: method.childParameterType
message: '~^Parameter #1 \$fileId \(string\) of method Atk4\\Ui\\Form\\Control\\Upload::set\(\) should be contravariant with parameter \$value \(mixed\) of method Atk4\\Ui\\Form\\Control::set\(\)$~'
path: 'src/JsCallback.php'
identifier: x
identifier: method.childParameterType
message: '~^Parameter #1 \$fx \(Closure\(Atk4\\Ui\\Js\\Jquery, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed\): \(Atk4\\Ui\\Js\\JsExpressionable\|Atk4\\Ui\\View\|string\|void\)\) of method Atk4\\Ui\\JsCallback::set\(\) should be contravariant with parameter \$fx \(Closure\(mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed\): mixed\) of method Atk4\\Ui\\Callback::set\(\)$~'
path: 'src/Loader.php'
@@ -338,11 +338,11 @@ parameters:
message: '~^Parameter #1 \$fx \(Closure\(Atk4\\Ui\\View\): void\) of method Atk4\\Ui\\Popup::set\(\) should be compatible with parameter \$content \(string\) of method Atk4\\Ui\\View::set\(\)$~'
path: 'src/VirtualPage.php'
identifier: x
identifier: method.childParameterType
message: '~^Parameter #1 \$fx \(Closure\(\$this, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed\): void\) of method Atk4\\Ui\\VirtualPage::set\(\) should be compatible with parameter \$content \(string\) of method Atk4\\Ui\\View::set\(\)$~'
path: 'src/VirtualPage.php'
identifier: x
identifier: argument.type
message: '~^Parameter #1 \$fx of method Atk4\\Ui\\Callback::set\(\) expects \(Closure\(mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed\): void\)\|null, Closure\(\$this, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed\): void given\.$~'

# TODO these rules are generated, this ignores should be fixed in the code
@@ -353,19 +353,19 @@ parameters:
message: '~^Method Atk4\\Ui\\Card::addButton\(\) should return Atk4\\Ui\\View\ but returns Atk4\\Ui\\AbstractView\.$~'
path: 'src/CardDeck.php'
identifier: assign.propertyType
identifier: property.defaultValue
message: '~^Property Atk4\\Ui\\CardDeck::\$container \(Atk4\\Ui\\View\|null\) does not accept default value of type array<int\|string, string>\.$~'
path: 'src/CardDeck.php'
identifier: assign.propertyType
identifier: property.defaultValue
message: '~^Property Atk4\\Ui\\CardDeck::\$sharedExecutorsContainer \(Atk4\\Ui\\UserAction\\SharedExecutorsContainer\|null\) does not accept default value of type array<int, string>\.$~'
path: 'src/CardDeck.php'
identifier: assign.propertyType
identifier: property.defaultValue
message: '~^Property Atk4\\Ui\\CardDeck::\$cardHolder \(Atk4\\Ui\\View\) does not accept default value of type array<int\|string, string>\.$~'
path: 'src/CardDeck.php'
identifier: assign.propertyType
identifier: property.defaultValue
message: '~^Property Atk4\\Ui\\CardDeck::\$paginator \(Atk4\\Ui\\Paginator\|false\|null\) does not accept default value of type array\{''Atk4\\\\Ui\\\\Paginator''\}\.$~'
path: 'src/CardDeck.php'
@@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ parameters:
message: '~^Method Atk4\\Ui\\Form\\Layout\\Section::addSection\(\) should return Atk4\\Ui\\Form\\Layout but returns static\(Atk4\\Ui\\Form\\Layout\\Section\)\.$~'
path: 'src/Form/Layout/Section/Accordion.php'
identifier: x
identifier: method.childReturnType
message: '~^Return type \(Atk4\\Ui\\Form\\Layout\) of method Atk4\\Ui\\Form\\Layout\\Section\\Accordion::addSection\(\) should be compatible with return type \(Atk4\\Ui\\AccordionSection\) of method Atk4\\Ui\\Accordion::addSection\(\)$~'
path: 'src/Form/Layout/Section/Accordion.php'