diff --git a/.github/workflows/test-unit.yml b/.github/workflows/test-unit.yml index f5f4122293..7f298f280a 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/test-unit.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/test-unit.yml @@ -126,10 +126,6 @@ jobs: if [ "${{ matrix.type }}" = "Phpunit Lowest" ]; then composer update --ansi --prefer-dist --prefer-lowest --prefer-stable --no-interaction --no-progress --optimize-autoloader; fi if [ "${{ matrix.type }}" = "Phpunit Burn" ]; then sed -i 's~ *public function runBare(): void~public function runBare(): void { gc_collect_cycles(); gc_collect_cycles(); $memDiffs = array_fill(0, '"$(if [ \"$GITHUB_EVENT_NAME\" == \"schedule\" ]; then echo 64; else echo 4; fi)"', 0); for ($i = -1; $i < count($memDiffs); ++$i) { $this->_runBare(); gc_collect_cycles(); gc_collect_cycles(); $mem = memory_get_usage(); if ($i !== -1) { $memDiffs[$i] = $mem - $memPrev; } $memPrev = $mem; rsort($memDiffs); if (array_sum($memDiffs) >= 4096 * 1024 || $memDiffs[2] > 0) { $this->onNotSuccessfulTest(new AssertionFailedError( "Memory leak detected! (" . implode(" + ", array_map(fn ($v) => number_format($v / 1024, 3, ".", " "), array_filter($memDiffs))) . " KB, " . ($i + 2) . " iterations)" )); } } } private function _runBare(): void~' vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/Framework/TestCase.php && cat vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/Framework/TestCase.php | grep '_runBare('; fi - - name: Init - run: | - php -r '(new PDO("mysql:host=mysql", "root", "atk4_pass_root"))->exec("ALTER USER '"'"'atk4_test_user'"'"'@'"'"'%'"'"' WITH MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS 5");' - - name: "Run tests: MySQL" env: DB_DSN: "mysql:host=mysql;dbname=atk4_test" @@ -184,10 +180,6 @@ jobs: if [ "${{ matrix.type }}" = "Phpunit Lowest" ]; then composer update --ansi --prefer-dist --prefer-lowest --prefer-stable --no-interaction --no-progress --optimize-autoloader; fi if [ "${{ matrix.type }}" = "Phpunit Burn" ]; then sed -i 's~ *public function runBare(): void~public function runBare(): void { gc_collect_cycles(); gc_collect_cycles(); $memDiffs = array_fill(0, '"$(if [ \"$GITHUB_EVENT_NAME\" == \"schedule\" ]; then echo 64; else echo 4; fi)"', 0); for ($i = -1; $i < count($memDiffs); ++$i) { $this->_runBare(); gc_collect_cycles(); gc_collect_cycles(); $mem = memory_get_usage(); if ($i !== -1) { $memDiffs[$i] = $mem - $memPrev; } $memPrev = $mem; rsort($memDiffs); if (array_sum($memDiffs) >= 4096 * 1024 || $memDiffs[2] > 0) { $this->onNotSuccessfulTest(new AssertionFailedError( "Memory leak detected! (" . implode(" + ", array_map(fn ($v) => number_format($v / 1024, 3, ".", " "), array_filter($memDiffs))) . " KB, " . ($i + 2) . " iterations)" )); } } } private function _runBare(): void~' vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/Framework/TestCase.php && cat vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/Framework/TestCase.php | grep '_runBare('; fi - - name: Init - run: | - php -r '(new PDO("mysql:host=mariadb", "root", "atk4_pass_root"))->exec("ALTER USER '"'"'atk4_test_user'"'"'@'"'"'%'"'"' WITH MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS 5");' - - name: "Run tests: MariaDB" env: DB_DSN: "mysql:host=mariadb;dbname=atk4_test"