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File metadata and controls

119 lines (103 loc) · 6.8 KB


Tools for the ANNIE experiment to work on the grid

Before using any of the tools you must setup them up on the gpvm:


You should only ever need to directly use

The basic workflow would look like this:

  1. Identify/create a SAM dataset to run over
  2. Set up your tool chain configuration a. Use config/ <ToolChainName>, then modify/copy things as necessary b. Make note of which configuration file defines the input file to use (ie. my_files.txt for the DataDecoder tool chain or LoadWCSimConfig for the LoadWCSim tool chain) c. Make note of the input file variable name (there would be no variable name if you're doing a my_files.txt style input, while for LoadWCSimConfig this would be "InputFile")
  3. Tar up your local ToolAnalysis directory
  4. Set up a destination directory on PNFS. This directory should be group writable (chmod g+w <dir>)
  5. Run the command as specified below. Along with the required arguments, here are some additional ones to consider
    • --file instead of writing the full command in the teminal you can write a config file for reusability
    • --input_config_var depends on your tool chain setup as mentioned above
    • --tarball BALL tarred up ToolAnalysis directory to use (it DOES NOT have to be in PNFS)
    • --njobs technically optional, but should almost always use it
    • --disk and --memory sets the minium reuired disk space and memory available for worker nodes. Sometimes you need more memory.
    • --expected_lifetime how much time should your job be allowed to run (default is 3 hrs)
    • --exclude_site some sites don't work
    • --print_jobsub shows you the full jobsub command that was generated
    • --test_submission will run a small grid job over one input file and only three events

Here is the full usage:

usage: --jobname JOBNAME --dest DEST --config CONFIG --input_file_config
                            INPUT_FILE_CONFIG --defname DEFNAME [--input_file INPUT_FILE]
                            [--tarball TARBALL] [--input_config_var INPUT_CONFIG_VAR]
                            [--copy_out_script COPY_OUT_SCRIPT] [--no_rename] [--export EXPORT]
                            [--njobs NJOBS] [--files_per_job FILES_PER_JOB] [--nevents NEVENTS]
                            [--disk DISK] [--memory MEMORY] [--cpu CPU]
                            [--expected_lifetime EXPECTED_LIFETIME] [--grace_memory GRACE_MEMORY]
                            [--grace_lifetime GRACE_LIFETIME] [--continue_project PROJECT_NAME]
                            [--exclude_site SITE] [--print_jobsub] [--test_submission] [-h]
                            [-f FILE]

Submit ANNIE jobs

Required arguments:
  These arguments must be supplied

  --jobname JOBNAME     Job name
  --dest DEST           Destination for outputs
  --config CONFIG, -c CONFIG
                        Tool chain config to use. The config should be a directory in
  --input_file_config INPUT_FILE_CONFIG
                        File in the toolchain config directory that defines the input file that is
                        run over. eg. for LoadWCSim this would be "LoadWCSimConfig", while for
                        DataDecoder this would be "my_files.txt"
  --defname DEFNAME     SAM dataset definition to run over

Other optional arguments:
  These arguments are optional

  --input_file INPUT_FILE
                        Copy an extra file to the grid node. You can use this multiple times.
  --tarball TARBALL     If you want to use your local ToolAnalysis then pass in a tarball
                        here.Otherwise the base build from the singularity container will be
                        used.Note: you DO NOT have to move your tarball to your pnfs scratch area.
  --input_config_var INPUT_CONFIG_VAR
                        Variable name in the input_file_config that defines what the input is. eg.
                        for LoadWCSim this would be required and set to "InputFile", while for
                        DataDecoder this argument is not required.
  --copy_out_script COPY_OUT_SCRIPT
                        Use the supplied COPY_OUT_SCRIPT (located on pnfs). Otherwise all files will
                        be copied as is to the DEST.
  --no_rename           By default, output file we be renamed by prepending the input file name for
                        uniqueness. Using this flag will turn off that "feature"
  --export EXPORT       Export environment variable to the grid. It must be already set in your
                        current environment. You can pass in multiple variables.

Job control args:
  Optional arguments for additional job control

  --njobs NJOBS         Number of jobs to submit
  --files_per_job FILES_PER_JOB
                        Number of files per job. If zero, calculate from number of jobs
  --nevents NEVENTS     Number of events per file to process
  --disk DISK           Local disk space requirement for worker node in MB. (default 10000MB (10GB))
  --memory MEMORY       Local memory requirement for worker node in MB. (default 1900MB (1.9GB)
  --cpu CPU             Request worker nodes that have at least NUMBER cpus
  --expected_lifetime EXPECTED_LIFETIME
                        Expected job lifetime (default is 10800s=3h). Valid values are an integer
                        number of seconds or one of "short" (6h), "medium" (12h) or "long" (24h,
                        jobsub default)
  --grace_memory GRACE_MEMORY
                        Auto-releese jobs which become held due to insufficient memory and resubmit
                        with this additional memory (in MB)
  --grace_lifetime GRACE_LIFETIME
                        Auto-release jobs which become held due to insufficient lifetime and
                        resubmit with this additional lifetime (in seconds)
  --continue_project PROJECT_NAME
                        Do not start a new samweb project, instead continue the specified one.
  --exclude_site SITE   Specify an offsite location to exclude.

Debugging options:
  These are optional arguments that are useful for debugging or testing

  --print_jobsub        Print jobsub command
  --test_submission     Override other arguments given to submit a test to the grid.It will run 1
                        job with 3 events and write the output to


  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit
  -f FILE, --file FILE  Text file containing any arguments to this utility. Multiple allowed.
                        Arguments should look just like they would on the command line, but the
                        parsing of this file is whitespace insenstive. Comments will be identified
                        with the # character and removed.