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# emdash

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[![Publish Docker
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The goal of emdash is to provide a deployer dashboard for an e-mission

| **Tab**                                    | **Example**                                                               |
| **Dashboard**                              | ![Screen Shot 2020-10-14 at 5 21 17 PM](man/figures/emdash_dashboard.gif) |
| **Tables** (and interactive visualisation) | ![](man/figures/emdash_tables.gif)                                        |
| **Map**                                    | ![](man/figures/emdash_map.gif)                                           |

## Installation

You can install emdash from GitHub:

``` r

Alternatively, with Docker CLI:

    docker pull amarins/emdash
    docker run -d -p 80:80 --name emdash amarins/emdash

After that, open your favourite browser and type `localhost` or
`` in the URL bar to see the dashboard.

## How to use the dashboard

### Run locally

To use the dashboard you must config the port of your e-mission mongoDB
in the `emdash::run_app(mongo_url = 'mongodb://localhost:27017')`
command. As you can see, the default is `27017`. The easiest way to use
this dashboard with your e-mission deployment is to create a SSH tunnel
to the e-mission mongo on your e-mission server.

``` ssh
ssh -L {my-local-port}:localhost:{remote-server-port} username@your-server-ip-address-or-domain-name
ssh -L 27017:localhost:27017 ec2-user@

Here is how you launch a e-mission dashboard with emdash.

``` r
emdash::run_app(mongo_url = 'mongodb://localhost:27017')

## Loading test data

This repository contains a test mongodump with entries from the
[e-mission unit test real

-   2016-07-22
-   2016-07-25
-   2016-07-27
-   2016-08-04
-   2016-08-05
-   2016-08-09
-   2016-08-10
-   2016-08-11

It includes background sensed data (`background/*`), analysis results
(`analysis/*`) and the mode and purpose confirm objects from the master
branch (`manual/mode_confirm` and `manual/purpose_confirm`).

To load the data into a local mongodb,

    $ unzip test-data/2016_jul_aug_test_trips.zip
    $ mongorestore

If you would like to load additional data, you can do so through the

For convenience, you may use this `docker_start_test_mongodb.sh` for
starting up a Docker container that will run the test database.

### Use with Docker

We provide a Dockerfile to run this dashboard. In the future we may
include this as part of an e-mission docker-compose file which will be
hosted on [the e-mission-docker github

Be warned that the emdash Docker image is quite large, around 2.8 GB,
and take a while to build. You can use pull from [the emdash docker
repository](https://hub.docker.com/r/amarins/emdash) and skip the wait!

## How to customise the dashboard

First you need to know [R](https://www.r-project.org/) and
[Shiny](https://shiny.rstudio.com/). I tried to modularise each
component as much as possible so that the dashboard is easy to be
customised. Any advices to improve the dashboard are welcomed. :)

### Customise query functions

See `R/utils_query_database.R`.

The functions in this script are for querying data from the e-mission
mongoDB database.

### Customise data

See `R/utils_tidy_data.R`.

The functions in this script are for cleansing and transforming data
queried using the functions in `R/utils_query_database.R`.

# Citation

Use `emdash` in your work? Consider citing the package:

      author       = {Siripanich, Amarin and 
                      Rashidi, Taha Hossein and 
                      Shankari, K and 
                      Allen, Michael and 
                      Yip, Arthur},
      title        = {asiripanich/emdash: v1.5.0},
      month        = Jul,
      year         = 2021,
      publisher    = {Zenodo},
      version      = {v1.5.0},
      doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.5166881},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5166881}