Camera Calibration algorithms in Julia using JuliaImages ecosystem
Idea is to be able to do something like below by end of the year for now:
- determining a camera's intrinsic parameters from a series of images
- common calibration algorithms e.g. zhang, tsai, dlt etc
- work with different calibration targets e.g. chessboard
- 3d reconstructions as shown below
- checkeboard detection algorithm which can provide the necessary inputs to a camera calibration routine
- projective geometry implementations, camera models, though CoordinateTransformations.jl, CameraModels.jl(by yakir), CameraCalibrations.jl(by yakir), ImageProjectiveGeometry.jl(by peter kovessi) need to be checked to avoid repeated methods
using Images
using CameraCalibrations
img = Gray.(load("assets/test.jpg"))
res = process_image(img)
draw_rect(img, res, Gray(1))
save("results.png", img)
Input image | Output Image |
- Camera Calibration - common methods for camera calibration discussed
- Farneback method - algorithm for detecting crosses in grid which could be a checkerboard
- Above images were taken from here
- Input image credit