diff --git a/.swiftpm/xcode/xcuserdata/tj.xcuserdatad/xcschemes/xcschememanagement.plist b/.swiftpm/xcode/xcuserdata/tj.xcuserdatad/xcschemes/xcschememanagement.plist
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b6a2d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.swiftpm/xcode/xcuserdata/tj.xcuserdatad/xcschemes/xcschememanagement.plist
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ SchemeUserState
+ IonicPortalsWrapper.xcscheme_^#shared#^_
+ orderHint
+ 1
diff --git a/IonicPortals.xcframework/Info.plist b/IonicPortals.xcframework/Info.plist
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..baac8f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IonicPortals.xcframework/Info.plist
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+ AvailableLibraries
+ BinaryPath
+ IonicPortals.framework/IonicPortals
+ LibraryIdentifier
+ ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator
+ LibraryPath
+ IonicPortals.framework
+ SupportedArchitectures
+ arm64
+ x86_64
+ SupportedPlatform
+ ios
+ SupportedPlatformVariant
+ simulator
+ BinaryPath
+ IonicPortals.framework/IonicPortals
+ LibraryIdentifier
+ ios-arm64
+ LibraryPath
+ IonicPortals.framework
+ SupportedArchitectures
+ arm64
+ SupportedPlatform
+ ios
+ CFBundlePackageType
+ XCFrameworkFormatVersion
+ 1.0
diff --git a/IonicPortals.xcframework/ios-arm64/IonicPortals.framework/Headers/IonicPortals-Swift.h b/IonicPortals.xcframework/ios-arm64/IonicPortals.framework/Headers/IonicPortals-Swift.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b908a9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IonicPortals.xcframework/ios-arm64/IonicPortals.framework/Headers/IonicPortals-Swift.h
@@ -0,0 +1,482 @@
+// Generated by Apple Swift version 6.0.2 effective-5.10 (swiftlang- clang-1600.0.26.4)
+#pragma clang diagnostic push
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wgcc-compat"
+#if !defined(__has_include)
+# define __has_include(x) 0
+#if !defined(__has_attribute)
+# define __has_attribute(x) 0
+#if !defined(__has_feature)
+# define __has_feature(x) 0
+#if !defined(__has_warning)
+# define __has_warning(x) 0
+#if __has_include()
+# include
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wauto-import"
+#if defined(__OBJC__)
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+#pragma clang diagnostic push
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wnon-modular-include-in-framework-module"
+#if defined(__arm64e__) && __has_include()
+# include
+#pragma clang diagnostic push
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wreserved-macro-identifier"
+# ifndef __ptrauth_swift_value_witness_function_pointer
+# define __ptrauth_swift_value_witness_function_pointer(x)
+# endif
+# ifndef __ptrauth_swift_class_method_pointer
+# define __ptrauth_swift_class_method_pointer(x)
+# endif
+#pragma clang diagnostic pop
+#pragma clang diagnostic pop
+#if !defined(SWIFT_TYPEDEFS)
+# define SWIFT_TYPEDEFS 1
+# if __has_include()
+# include
+# elif !defined(__cplusplus)
+typedef uint_least16_t char16_t;
+typedef uint_least32_t char32_t;
+# endif
+typedef float swift_float2 __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(2)));
+typedef float swift_float3 __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(3)));
+typedef float swift_float4 __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(4)));
+typedef double swift_double2 __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(2)));
+typedef double swift_double3 __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(3)));
+typedef double swift_double4 __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(4)));
+typedef int swift_int2 __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(2)));
+typedef int swift_int3 __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(3)));
+typedef int swift_int4 __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(4)));
+typedef unsigned int swift_uint2 __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(2)));
+typedef unsigned int swift_uint3 __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(3)));
+typedef unsigned int swift_uint4 __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(4)));
+#if !defined(SWIFT_PASTE)
+# define SWIFT_PASTE_HELPER(x, y) x##y
+# define SWIFT_PASTE(x, y) SWIFT_PASTE_HELPER(x, y)
+#if !defined(SWIFT_METATYPE)
+# define SWIFT_METATYPE(X) Class
+# if __has_feature(objc_class_property)
+# else
+# endif
+#if !defined(SWIFT_RUNTIME_NAME)
+# if __has_attribute(objc_runtime_name)
+# define SWIFT_RUNTIME_NAME(X) __attribute__((objc_runtime_name(X)))
+# else
+# endif
+#if !defined(SWIFT_COMPILE_NAME)
+# if __has_attribute(swift_name)
+# define SWIFT_COMPILE_NAME(X) __attribute__((swift_name(X)))
+# else
+# endif
+#if !defined(SWIFT_METHOD_FAMILY)
+# if __has_attribute(objc_method_family)
+# define SWIFT_METHOD_FAMILY(X) __attribute__((objc_method_family(X)))
+# else
+# endif
+#if !defined(SWIFT_NOESCAPE)
+# if __has_attribute(noescape)
+# define SWIFT_NOESCAPE __attribute__((noescape))
+# else
+# endif
+# if __has_attribute(ns_consumed)
+# define SWIFT_RELEASES_ARGUMENT __attribute__((ns_consumed))
+# else
+# endif
+# if __has_attribute(warn_unused_result)
+# define SWIFT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT __attribute__((warn_unused_result))
+# else
+# endif
+#if !defined(SWIFT_NORETURN)
+# if __has_attribute(noreturn)
+# define SWIFT_NORETURN __attribute__((noreturn))
+# else
+# endif
+#if !defined(SWIFT_CLASS_EXTRA)
+#if !defined(SWIFT_ENUM_EXTRA)
+#if !defined(SWIFT_CLASS)
+# if __has_attribute(objc_subclassing_restricted)
+# define SWIFT_CLASS(SWIFT_NAME) SWIFT_RUNTIME_NAME(SWIFT_NAME) __attribute__((objc_subclassing_restricted)) SWIFT_CLASS_EXTRA
+# define SWIFT_CLASS_NAMED(SWIFT_NAME) __attribute__((objc_subclassing_restricted)) SWIFT_COMPILE_NAME(SWIFT_NAME) SWIFT_CLASS_EXTRA
+# else
+# endif
+# if __has_attribute(objc_class_stub)
+# define SWIFT_RESILIENT_CLASS(SWIFT_NAME) SWIFT_CLASS(SWIFT_NAME) __attribute__((objc_class_stub))
+# else
+# endif
+#if !defined(SWIFT_PROTOCOL)
+#if !defined(SWIFT_EXTENSION)
+# define SWIFT_EXTENSION(M) SWIFT_PASTE(M##_Swift_, __LINE__)
+# if __has_attribute(objc_designated_initializer)
+# define OBJC_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER __attribute__((objc_designated_initializer))
+# else
+# endif
+#if !defined(SWIFT_ENUM_ATTR)
+# if __has_attribute(enum_extensibility)
+# define SWIFT_ENUM_ATTR(_extensibility) __attribute__((enum_extensibility(_extensibility)))
+# else
+# define SWIFT_ENUM_ATTR(_extensibility)
+# endif
+#if !defined(SWIFT_ENUM)
+# define SWIFT_ENUM(_type, _name, _extensibility) enum _name : _type _name; enum SWIFT_ENUM_ATTR(_extensibility) SWIFT_ENUM_EXTRA _name : _type
+# if __has_feature(generalized_swift_name)
+# define SWIFT_ENUM_NAMED(_type, _name, SWIFT_NAME, _extensibility) enum _name : _type _name SWIFT_COMPILE_NAME(SWIFT_NAME); enum SWIFT_COMPILE_NAME(SWIFT_NAME) SWIFT_ENUM_ATTR(_extensibility) SWIFT_ENUM_EXTRA _name : _type
+# else
+# define SWIFT_ENUM_NAMED(_type, _name, SWIFT_NAME, _extensibility) SWIFT_ENUM(_type, _name, _extensibility)
+# endif
+#if !defined(SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE)
+# define SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE __attribute__((unavailable))
+# define SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE_MSG(msg) __attribute__((unavailable(msg)))
+# define SWIFT_AVAILABILITY(plat, ...) __attribute__((availability(plat, __VA_ARGS__)))
+#if !defined(SWIFT_WEAK_IMPORT)
+# define SWIFT_WEAK_IMPORT __attribute__((weak_import))
+#if !defined(SWIFT_DEPRECATED)
+# define SWIFT_DEPRECATED __attribute__((deprecated))
+# define SWIFT_DEPRECATED_MSG(...) __attribute__((deprecated(__VA_ARGS__)))
+# if __has_feature(attribute_diagnose_if_objc)
+# define SWIFT_DEPRECATED_OBJC(Msg) __attribute__((diagnose_if(1, Msg, "warning")))
+# else
+# endif
+#if defined(__OBJC__)
+#if !defined(IBSegueAction)
+# define IBSegueAction
+#if !defined(SWIFT_EXTERN)
+# if defined(__cplusplus)
+# define SWIFT_EXTERN extern "C"
+# else
+# define SWIFT_EXTERN extern
+# endif
+#if !defined(SWIFT_CALL)
+# define SWIFT_CALL __attribute__((swiftcall))
+# define SWIFT_INDIRECT_RESULT __attribute__((swift_indirect_result))
+#if !defined(SWIFT_CONTEXT)
+# define SWIFT_CONTEXT __attribute__((swift_context))
+#if !defined(SWIFT_ERROR_RESULT)
+# define SWIFT_ERROR_RESULT __attribute__((swift_error_result))
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+# define SWIFT_NOEXCEPT noexcept
+#if !defined(SWIFT_C_INLINE_THUNK)
+# if __has_attribute(always_inline)
+# if __has_attribute(nodebug)
+# define SWIFT_C_INLINE_THUNK inline __attribute__((always_inline)) __attribute__((nodebug))
+# else
+# define SWIFT_C_INLINE_THUNK inline __attribute__((always_inline))
+# endif
+# else
+# define SWIFT_C_INLINE_THUNK inline
+# endif
+#if defined(_WIN32)
+# define SWIFT_IMPORT_STDLIB_SYMBOL __declspec(dllimport)
+#if defined(__OBJC__)
+#if __has_feature(objc_modules)
+#if __has_warning("-Watimport-in-framework-header")
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Watimport-in-framework-header"
+@import Capacitor;
+@import CoreFoundation;
+@import Foundation;
+@import ObjectiveC;
+@import UIKit;
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wproperty-attribute-mismatch"
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wduplicate-method-arg"
+#if __has_warning("-Wpragma-clang-attribute")
+# pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wpragma-clang-attribute"
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunknown-pragmas"
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wnullability"
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension"
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunsafe-buffer-usage"
+#if __has_attribute(external_source_symbol)
+# pragma push_macro("any")
+# undef any
+# pragma clang attribute push(__attribute__((external_source_symbol(language="Swift", defined_in="IonicPortals",generated_declaration))), apply_to=any(function,enum,objc_interface,objc_category,objc_protocol))
+# pragma pop_macro("any")
+#if defined(__OBJC__)
+@class NSString;
+@class NSBundle;
+/// The Objective-C representation of Portal
. If using Swift, using Portal
is preferred.
+@interface IONPortal : NSObject
+/// The name of the portal
+@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) NSString * _Nonnull name;
+/// The Bundle
that contains the web application.
+@property (nonatomic, strong) NSBundle * _Nonnull bundle;
+/// The root directory of the IONPortal
relative to root of the Bundle
+@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) NSString * _Nonnull startDir;
+/// Any initial state required by the web application.
+/// The following types are valid values:
+/// -
+/// NSNumber
+/// -
+/// NSString
+/// -
+/// NSArray
+/// -
+/// NSDate
+/// -
+/// NSNull
+/// -
+/// NSDictionary keyed by a String and the value is any valid JS Value
+@property (nonatomic, copy) NSDictionary * _Nonnull initialContext;
+/// Configures the LiveUpdate
+/// \param appId The AppFlow id of the web application associated with the IONPortal
+/// \param channel The AppFlow channel to check for updates from.
+/// \param syncImmediately Whether to immediately sync with AppFlow to check for updates.
+- (void)setLiveUpdateConfigurationWithAppId:(NSString * _Nonnull)appId channel:(NSString * _Nonnull)channel syncImmediately:(BOOL)syncImmediately;
+- (nonnull instancetype)init SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE;
++ (nonnull instancetype)new SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE_MSG("-init is unavailable");
+@interface IONPortal (SWIFT_EXTENSION(IonicPortals))
+/// Creates an instance of IONPortal
+/// \param name The name of the portal, must be unique.
+/// \param startDir The starting directory of the Portal
relative to the root of bundle
+/// If nil
, the portal name is used as the starting directory.
+/// \param initialContext Any initial state required by the web application. Defaults to [:]
+- (nonnull instancetype)initWithName:(NSString * _Nonnull)name startDir:(NSString * _Nullable)startDir initialContext:(NSDictionary * _Nullable)initialContext;
+/// Creates an instance of IONPortal
+/// \param name The name of the portal, must be unique.
+/// \param startDir The starting directory of the Portal
relative to the root of the bundle
+/// If nil
, the portal name is used as the starting directory.
+/// \param bundle The Bundle
that contains the web application.
+/// \param initialContext Any initial state required by the web application. Defaults to [:]
+- (nonnull instancetype)initWithName:(NSString * _Nonnull)name startDir:(NSString * _Nullable)startDir bundle:(NSBundle * _Nonnull)bundle initialContext:(NSDictionary * _Nullable)initialContext;
+/// An Objective-C interface that enables marshalling data to and from a Portal
over an event bus. If using Swift, PortalsPubSub
is the perferred interface.
+@interface IONPortalsPubSub : NSObject
+- (nonnull instancetype)init SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE;
++ (nonnull instancetype)new SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE_MSG("-init is unavailable");
+/// Subscribe to a topic and execute the provided callback when the event is received.
+/// Tip: You must retain a reference to the returned to keep the subscription alive. To unsubscribe, set the the reference to nil.
+/// \param topic The topic to listen for events on
+/// \param callback The code to be executed when an event is received for the topic
+/// returns:
+/// A subscription reference to use for unsubscribing
++ (id _Nonnull)subscribeToTopic:(NSString * _Nonnull)topic callback:(void (^ _Nonnull)(NSDictionary * _Nonnull))callback SWIFT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
+/// Publish event to all listeners of a topic
+/// \param message The data to deliver to all subscribers. Must be a valid JSON data type or nil.
+/// \param topic The topic to publish to
++ (void)publishMessage:(id _Nullable)message toTopic:(NSString * _Nonnull)topic;
+@class CapacitorBridge;
+@class NSCoder;
+/// A UIKit UIView to display Portal
+@interface IONPortalUIView : UIView
+@property (nonatomic, readonly, strong) CapacitorBridge * _Nonnull bridge;
+/// Creates an instance of PortalUIView
+/// \param portal The IONPortal
to render.
+- (nonnull instancetype)initWithPortal:(IONPortal * _Nonnull)portal;
+- (nullable instancetype)initWithCoder:(NSCoder * _Nonnull)coder OBJC_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;
+- (nonnull instancetype)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE;
+@interface IONPortalUIView (SWIFT_EXTENSION(IonicPortals))
+/// Reloads the underlying WKWebView
+- (void)reload;
+@class CAPPluginMethod;
+@class CAPPluginCall;
+@protocol CAPBridgeProtocol;
+@interface IONPortalsPlugin : CAPInstancePlugin
+@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) NSString * _Nonnull identifier;
+@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) NSString * _Nonnull jsName;
+@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) NSArray * _Nonnull pluginMethods;
+- (void)addEventListener:(NSString * _Nonnull)eventName listener:(CAPPluginCall * _Nonnull)listener;
+- (nonnull instancetype)initWithBridge:(id _Nonnull)bridge pluginId:(NSString * _Nonnull)pluginId pluginName:(NSString * _Nonnull)pluginName SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE;
+- (nonnull instancetype)init SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE;
++ (nonnull instancetype)new SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE_MSG("-init is unavailable");
+/// Manages the registration lifecycle
+@interface IONPortalsRegistrationManager : NSObject
+- (nonnull instancetype)init SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE;
++ (nonnull instancetype)new SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE_MSG("-init is unavailable");
+/// The default singleton
+SWIFT_CLASS_PROPERTY(@property (nonatomic, class, readonly, strong) IONPortalsRegistrationManager * _Nonnull shared;)
++ (IONPortalsRegistrationManager * _Nonnull)shared SWIFT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
+/// Whether Portals has been registered.
+/// Will be true when register(key:)
has been called with a valid key.
+@property (nonatomic, readonly) BOOL isRegistered;
+/// Validates that a valid registration key has been procured from http://ionic.io/register-portals
+/// \param key The registration key
+- (void)registerWithKey:(NSString * _Nonnull)key;
+/// A plugin to handle web performance metrics reporting from web applications
+/// embedded in a PortalUIView
or PortalView
+@interface WebVitalsPlugin : CAPInstancePlugin
+@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) NSString * _Nonnull jsName;
+@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) NSString * _Nonnull identifier;
+@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) NSArray * _Nonnull pluginMethods;
+- (void)load;
+- (nonnull instancetype)initWithBridge:(id _Nonnull)bridge pluginId:(NSString * _Nonnull)pluginId pluginName:(NSString * _Nonnull)pluginName SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE;
+- (nonnull instancetype)init SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE;
++ (nonnull instancetype)new SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE_MSG("-init is unavailable");
+#if __has_attribute(external_source_symbol)
+# pragma clang attribute pop
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+#pragma clang diagnostic pop
diff --git a/IonicPortals.xcframework/ios-arm64/IonicPortals.framework/Info.plist b/IonicPortals.xcframework/ios-arm64/IonicPortals.framework/Info.plist
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54f7918
Binary files /dev/null and b/IonicPortals.xcframework/ios-arm64/IonicPortals.framework/Info.plist differ
diff --git a/IonicPortals.xcframework/ios-arm64/IonicPortals.framework/IonicPortals b/IonicPortals.xcframework/ios-arm64/IonicPortals.framework/IonicPortals
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8811004
Binary files /dev/null and b/IonicPortals.xcframework/ios-arm64/IonicPortals.framework/IonicPortals differ
diff --git a/IonicPortals.xcframework/ios-arm64/IonicPortals.framework/Modules/IonicPortals.swiftmodule/Project/arm64-apple-ios.swiftsourceinfo b/IonicPortals.xcframework/ios-arm64/IonicPortals.framework/Modules/IonicPortals.swiftmodule/Project/arm64-apple-ios.swiftsourceinfo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab33ad9
Binary files /dev/null and b/IonicPortals.xcframework/ios-arm64/IonicPortals.framework/Modules/IonicPortals.swiftmodule/Project/arm64-apple-ios.swiftsourceinfo differ
diff --git a/IonicPortals.xcframework/ios-arm64/IonicPortals.framework/Modules/IonicPortals.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios.abi.json b/IonicPortals.xcframework/ios-arm64/IonicPortals.framework/Modules/IonicPortals.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios.abi.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e4bfaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IonicPortals.xcframework/ios-arm64/IonicPortals.framework/Modules/IonicPortals.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios.abi.json
@@ -0,0 +1,7690 @@
+ "ABIRoot": {
+ "kind": "Root",
+ "name": "IonicPortals",
+ "printedName": "IonicPortals",
+ "children": [
+ {
+ "kind": "Import",
+ "name": "Foundation",
+ "printedName": "Foundation",
+ "declKind": "Import",
+ "moduleName": "IonicPortals",
+ "declAttributes": [
+ "RawDocComment"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "kind": "Import",
+ "name": "IonicLiveUpdates",
+ "printedName": "IonicLiveUpdates",
+ "declKind": "Import",
+ "moduleName": "IonicPortals"
+ },
+ {
+ "kind": "TypeDecl",
+ "name": "AssetMap",
+ "printedName": "AssetMap",
+ "children": [
+ {
+ "kind": "Var",
+ "name": "name",
+ "printedName": "name",
+ "children": [
+ {
+ "kind": "TypeNominal",
+ "name": "String",
+ "printedName": "Swift.String",
+ "usr": "s:SS"
+ }
+ ],
+ "declKind": "Var",
+ "usr": "s:12IonicPortals8AssetMapV4nameSSvp",
+ "mangledName": "$s12IonicPortals8AssetMapV4nameSSvp",
+ "moduleName": "IonicPortals",
+ "declAttributes": [
+ "HasStorage",
+ "AccessControl",
+ "RawDocComment"
+ ],
+ "hasStorage": true,
+ "accessors": [
+ {
+ "kind": "Accessor",
+ "name": "Get",
+ "printedName": "Get()",
+ "children": [
+ {
+ "kind": "TypeNominal",
+ "name": "String",
+ "printedName": "Swift.String",
+ "usr": "s:SS"
+ }
+ ],
+ "declKind": "Accessor",
+ "usr": "s:12IonicPortals8AssetMapV4nameSSvg",
+ "mangledName": "$s12IonicPortals8AssetMapV4nameSSvg",
+ "moduleName": "IonicPortals",
+ "implicit": true,
+ "accessorKind": "get"
+ },
+ {
+ "kind": "Accessor",
+ "name": "Set",
+ "printedName": "Set()",
+ "children": [
+ {
+ "kind": "TypeNominal",
+ "name": "Void",
+ "printedName": "()"
+ },
+ {
+ "kind": "TypeNominal",
+ "name": "String",
+ "printedName": "Swift.String",
+ "usr": "s:SS"
+ }
+ ],
+ "declKind": "Accessor",
+ "usr": "s:12IonicPortals8AssetMapV4nameSSvs",
+ "mangledName": "$s12IonicPortals8AssetMapV4nameSSvs",
+ "moduleName": "IonicPortals",
+ "implicit": true,
+ "accessorKind": "set"
+ },
+ {
+ "kind": "Accessor",
+ "name": "Modify",
+ "printedName": "Modify()",
+ "children": [
+ {
+ "kind": "TypeNominal",
+ "name": "Void",
+ "printedName": "()"
+ }
+ ],
+ "declKind": "Accessor",
+ "usr": "s:12IonicPortals8AssetMapV4nameSSvM",
+ "mangledName": "$s12IonicPortals8AssetMapV4nameSSvM",
+ "moduleName": "IonicPortals",
+ "implicit": true,
+ "accessorKind": "_modify"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "kind": "Var",
+ "name": "virtualPath",
+ "printedName": "virtualPath",
+ "children": [
+ {
+ "kind": "TypeNominal",
+ "name": "String",
+ "printedName": "Swift.String",
+ "usr": "s:SS"
+ }
+ ],
+ "declKind": "Var",
+ "usr": "s:12IonicPortals8AssetMapV11virtualPathSSvp",
+ "mangledName": "$s12IonicPortals8AssetMapV11virtualPathSSvp",
+ "moduleName": "IonicPortals",
+ "declAttributes": [
+ "HasStorage",
+ "AccessControl",
+ "RawDocComment"
+ ],
+ "hasStorage": true,
+ "accessors": [
+ {
+ "kind": "Accessor",
+ "name": "Get",
+ "printedName": "Get()",
+ "children": [
+ {
+ "kind": "TypeNominal",
+ "name": "String",
+ "printedName": "Swift.String",
+ "usr": "s:SS"
+ }
+ ],
+ "declKind": "Accessor",
+ "usr": "s:12IonicPortals8AssetMapV11virtualPathSSvg",
+ "mangledName": "$s12IonicPortals8AssetMapV11virtualPathSSvg",
+ "moduleName": "IonicPortals",
+ "implicit": true,
+ "accessorKind": "get"
+ },
+ {
+ "kind": "Accessor",
+ "name": "Set",
+ "printedName": "Set()",
+ "children": [
+ {
+ "kind": "TypeNominal",
+ "name": "Void",
+ "printedName": "()"
+ },
+ {
+ "kind": "TypeNominal",
+ "name": "String",
+ "printedName": "Swift.String",
+ "usr": "s:SS"
+ }
+ ],
+ "declKind": "Accessor",
+ "usr": "s:12IonicPortals8AssetMapV11virtualPathSSvs",
+ "mangledName": "$s12IonicPortals8AssetMapV11virtualPathSSvs",
+ "moduleName": "IonicPortals",
+ "implicit": true,
+ "accessorKind": "set"
+ },
+ {
+ "kind": "Accessor",
+ "name": "Modify",
+ "printedName": "Modify()",
+ "children": [
+ {
+ "kind": "TypeNominal",
+ "name": "Void",
+ "printedName": "()"
+ }
+ ],
+ "declKind": "Accessor",
+ "usr": "s:12IonicPortals8AssetMapV11virtualPathSSvM",
+ "mangledName": "$s12IonicPortals8AssetMapV11virtualPathSSvM",
+ "moduleName": "IonicPortals",
+ "implicit": true,
+ "accessorKind": "_modify"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "kind": "Var",
+ "name": "bundle",
+ "printedName": "bundle",
+ "children": [
+ {
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+ "filePath": "\/Users\/tj\/projects\/ionic-portals-ios-dynamic\/Sources\/IonicPortals\/Logo.swift",
+ "kind": "FloatLiteral",
+ "offset": 14136,
+ "length": 5,
+ "value": "0.231"
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/tj\/projects\/ionic-portals-ios-dynamic\/Sources\/IonicPortals\/Logo.swift",
+ "kind": "FloatLiteral",
+ "offset": 14180,
+ "length": 3,
+ "value": "0.0"
+ },
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+ "filePath": "\/Users\/tj\/projects\/ionic-portals-ios-dynamic\/Sources\/IonicPortals\/Logo.swift",
+ "kind": "FloatLiteral",
+ "offset": 14196,
+ "length": 5,
+ "value": "0.769"
+ },
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+ "filePath": "\/Users\/tj\/projects\/ionic-portals-ios-dynamic\/Sources\/IonicPortals\/Portal+LiveUpdates.swift",
+ "kind": "IntegerLiteral",
+ "offset": 2961,
+ "length": 1,
+ "value": "0"
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/tj\/projects\/ionic-portals-ios-dynamic\/Sources\/IonicPortals\/Portal+LiveUpdates.swift",
+ "kind": "Array",
+ "offset": 4031,
+ "length": 2,
+ "value": "[]"
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/tj\/projects\/ionic-portals-ios-dynamic\/Sources\/IonicPortals\/Portal.swift",
+ "kind": "Array",
+ "offset": 1727,
+ "length": 2,
+ "value": "[]"
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/tj\/projects\/ionic-portals-ios-dynamic\/Sources\/IonicPortals\/Portal.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2992,
+ "length": 12,
+ "value": "\"index.html\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/tj\/projects\/ionic-portals-ios-dynamic\/Sources\/IonicPortals\/Portal.swift",
+ "kind": "BooleanLiteral",
+ "offset": 3037,
+ "length": 4,
+ "value": "true"
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/tj\/projects\/ionic-portals-ios-dynamic\/Sources\/IonicPortals\/Portal.swift",
+ "kind": "Dictionary",
+ "offset": 3110,
+ "length": 3,
+ "value": "[]"
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/tj\/projects\/ionic-portals-ios-dynamic\/Sources\/IonicPortals\/Portal.swift",
+ "kind": "Array",
+ "offset": 3147,
+ "length": 2,
+ "value": "[]"
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/tj\/projects\/ionic-portals-ios-dynamic\/Sources\/IonicPortals\/Portal.swift",
+ "kind": "Array",
+ "offset": 3179,
+ "length": 2,
+ "value": "[]"
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/tj\/projects\/ionic-portals-ios-dynamic\/Sources\/IonicPortals\/PortalView\/PortalUIView.swift",
+ "kind": "BooleanLiteral",
+ "offset": 965,
+ "length": 5,
+ "value": "false"
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/tj\/projects\/ionic-portals-ios-dynamic\/Sources\/IonicPortals\/PortalView\/PortalUIView.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 13929,
+ "length": 2,
+ "value": "\"\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/tj\/projects\/ionic-portals-ios-dynamic\/Sources\/IonicPortals\/PortalsPlugin.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 175,
+ "length": 18,
+ "value": "\"IONPortalsPlugin\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/tj\/projects\/ionic-portals-ios-dynamic\/Sources\/IonicPortals\/PortalsPlugin.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 218,
+ "length": 9,
+ "value": "\"Portals\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/tj\/projects\/ionic-portals-ios-dynamic\/Sources\/IonicPortals\/PortalsPlugin.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 310,
+ "length": 15,
+ "value": "\"publishNative\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/tj\/projects\/ionic-portals-ios-dynamic\/Sources\/IonicPortals\/PortalsPubSub+Combine.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1522,
+ "length": 37,
+ "value": "\"Unable to cast JSValue to \""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/tj\/projects\/ionic-portals-ios-dynamic\/Sources\/IonicPortals\/PortalsPubSub+Combine.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1558,
+ "length": 1,
+ "value": "\"\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/tj\/projects\/ionic-portals-ios-dynamic\/Sources\/IonicPortals\/PortalsPubSub.swift",
+ "kind": "Dictionary",
+ "offset": 3458,
+ "length": 3,
+ "value": "[]"
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/tj\/projects\/ionic-portals-ios-dynamic\/Sources\/IonicPortals\/PortalsRegistrationManager.swift",
+ "kind": "BooleanLiteral",
+ "offset": 530,
+ "length": 5,
+ "value": "false"
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/tj\/projects\/ionic-portals-ios-dynamic\/Sources\/IonicPortals\/PortalsRegistrationManager.swift",
+ "kind": "BooleanLiteral",
+ "offset": 794,
+ "length": 5,
+ "value": "false"
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/tj\/projects\/ionic-portals-ios-dynamic\/Sources\/IonicPortals\/PortalsRegistrationManager.swift",
+ "kind": "BooleanLiteral",
+ "offset": 845,
+ "length": 4,
+ "value": "true"
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/tj\/projects\/ionic-portals-ios-dynamic\/Sources\/IonicPortals\/WebVitalsPlugin.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 330,
+ "length": 11,
+ "value": "\"WebVitals\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/tj\/projects\/ionic-portals-ios-dynamic\/Sources\/IonicPortals\/WebVitalsPlugin.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 370,
+ "length": 17,
+ "value": "\"WebVitalsPlugin\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/tj\/projects\/ionic-portals-ios-dynamic\/Sources\/IonicPortals\/WebVitalsPlugin.swift",
+ "kind": "Array",
+ "offset": 438,
+ "length": 2,
+ "value": "[]"
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/tj\/projects\/ionic-portals-ios-dynamic\/Sources\/IonicPortals\/WebVitalsPlugin.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1217,
+ "length": 2435,
+ "value": "\"(()=>{var m=-1,h=function(e){addEventListener(\"pageshow\",function(t){t.persisted&&(m=t.timeStamp,e(t))},!0)},g=function(){return window.performance&&performance.getEntriesByType&&performance.getEntriesByType(\"navigation\")[0]},y=function(){var e=g();return e&&e.activationStart||0},d=function(e,t){var n=g(),i=\"navigate\";return m>=0?i=\"back-forward-cache\":n&&(i=document.prerendering||y()>0?\"prerender\":document.wasDiscarded?\"restore\":n.type.replace(\/_\/g,\"-\")),{name:e,value:t===void 0?-1:t,rating:\"good\",delta:0,entries:[],id:\"v3-\".concat(Date.now(),\"-\").concat(Math.floor(8999999999999*Math.random())+1e12),navigationType:i}},E=function(e,t,n){try{if(PerformanceObserver.supportedEntryTypes.includes(e)){var i=new PerformanceObserver(function(a){Promise.resolve().then(function(){t(a.getEntries())})});return i.observe(Object.assign({type:e,buffered:!0},n||{})),i}}catch{}};var l=function(e,t,n,i){var a,r;return function(s){t.value>=0&&(s||i)&&((r=t.value-(a||0))||a===void 0)&&(a=t.value,t.delta=r,t.rating=function(c,o){return c>o[1]?\"poor\":c>o[0]?\"needs-improvement\":\"good\"}(t.value,n),e(t))}},C=function(e){requestAnimationFrame(function(){return requestAnimationFrame(function(){return e()})})},L=function(e){document.prerendering?addEventListener(\"prerenderingchange\",function(){return e()},!0):e()},u=-1,v=function(){return document.visibilityState!==\"hidden\"||document.prerendering?1\/0:0},f=function(e){document.visibilityState===\"hidden\"&&u>-1&&(u=e.type===\"visibilitychange\"?e.timeStamp:0,w())},p=function(){addEventListener(\"visibilitychange\",f,!0),addEventListener(\"prerenderingchange\",f,!0)},w=function(){removeEventListener(\"visibilitychange\",f,!0),removeEventListener(\"prerenderingchange\",f,!0)},b=function(){return u<0&&(u=v(),p(),h(function(){setTimeout(function(){u=v(),p()},0)})),{get firstHiddenTime(){return u}}},T=function(e,t){t=t||{},L(function(){var n,i=[1800,3e3],a=b(),r=d(\"FCP\"),s=E(\"paint\",function(c){c.forEach(function(o){o.name===\"first-contentful-paint\"&&(s.disconnect(),o.startTimewindow.webkit.messageHandlers.vitals.postMessage({name:e.name,value:e.value,portalName:window.portalInitialContext?.name}));})();\""
+ }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/IonicPortals.xcframework/ios-arm64/IonicPortals.framework/Modules/IonicPortals.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios.private.swiftinterface b/IonicPortals.xcframework/ios-arm64/IonicPortals.framework/Modules/IonicPortals.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios.private.swiftinterface
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..050b34f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IonicPortals.xcframework/ios-arm64/IonicPortals.framework/Modules/IonicPortals.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios.private.swiftinterface
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+// swift-interface-format-version: 1.0
+// swift-compiler-version: Apple Swift version 6.0.2 effective-5.10 (swiftlang- clang-1600.0.26.4)
+// swift-module-flags: -target arm64-apple-ios13.0 -enable-objc-interop -enable-library-evolution -swift-version 5 -enforce-exclusivity=checked -O -module-name IonicPortals
+// swift-module-flags-ignorable: -no-verify-emitted-module-interface
+import Capacitor
+import Combine
+import Foundation
+import IonicLiveUpdates
+import Swift
+import SwiftUI
+import UIKit
+import WebKit
+import _Concurrency
+import _StringProcessing
+import _SwiftConcurrencyShims
+public struct AssetMap {
+ public var name: Swift.String
+ public var virtualPath: Swift.String
+ public var bundle: Foundation.Bundle
+ public var startDir: Swift.String {
+ get
+ }
+ public init(name: Swift.String, virtualPath: Swift.String? = nil, bundle: Foundation.Bundle = .main, startDir: Swift.String)
+extension Foundation.JSONDecoder {
+ @available(*, deprecated, renamed: "decodeJsObject")
+ public func decodeJSObject(_ type: T.Type, from object: Capacitor.JSObject) throws -> T where T : Swift.Decodable
+ @available(*, deprecated, message: "Use JSValueDecoder from Capacitor. This will be removed in the next release.")
+ public func decodeJsObject(_ type: T.Type, from object: Capacitor.JSObject) throws -> T where T : Swift.Decodable
+extension Foundation.JSONEncoder {
+ @available(*, deprecated, renamed: "encodeJsObject")
+ public func encodeJSObject(_ value: T) throws -> any Capacitor.JSValue where T : Swift.Encodable
+ @available(*, deprecated, message: "Use JSValueEncoder from Capacitor. This will be removed in the next release.")
+ public func encodeJsObject(_ value: T) throws -> Capacitor.JSObject where T : Swift.Encodable
+extension IonicPortals.Portal {
+ public struct LiveUpdateNotConfigured : Swift.Error {
+ }
+ public func sync() async throws -> IonicLiveUpdates.LiveUpdateManager.SyncResult
+ public static func sync(_ portals: [IonicPortals.Portal]) -> IonicPortals.ParallelLiveUpdateSyncGroup
+extension Swift.Array where Element == IonicPortals.Portal {
+ public func sync() -> IonicPortals.ParallelLiveUpdateSyncGroup
+public typealias ParallelLiveUpdateSyncGroup = IonicPortals.ParallelAsyncSequence>
+public struct ParallelAsyncSequence : _Concurrency.AsyncSequence {
+ public typealias Element = IonicPortals.ParallelAsyncSequence.Iterator.Element
+ public func makeAsyncIterator() -> IonicPortals.ParallelAsyncSequence.Iterator
+ public typealias AsyncIterator = IonicPortals.ParallelAsyncSequence.Iterator
+ #if compiler(>=5.3) && $AssociatedTypeImplements
+ @available(iOS 18.0, tvOS 18.0, watchOS 11.0, visionOS 2.0, macOS 15.0, *)
+ @_implements(_Concurrency.AsyncSequence, Failure) public typealias __AsyncSequence_Failure = Swift.Never
+ #else
+ @available(iOS 18.0, tvOS 18.0, watchOS 11.0, visionOS 2.0, macOS 15.0, *)
+ public typealias __AsyncSequence_Failure = Swift.Never
+ #endif
+extension IonicPortals.ParallelAsyncSequence {
+ public struct Iterator : _Concurrency.AsyncIteratorProtocol {
+ public mutating func next() async -> T?
+ public typealias Element = T
+ #if compiler(>=5.3) && $AssociatedTypeImplements
+ @available(iOS 18.0, tvOS 18.0, watchOS 11.0, visionOS 2.0, macOS 15.0, *)
+ @_implements(_Concurrency.AsyncIteratorProtocol, Failure) public typealias __AsyncIteratorProtocol_Failure = Swift.Never
+ #else
+ @available(iOS 18.0, tvOS 18.0, watchOS 11.0, visionOS 2.0, macOS 15.0, *)
+ public typealias __AsyncIteratorProtocol_Failure = Swift.Never
+ #endif
+ }
+public struct Portal {
+ public var name: Swift.String
+ public var startDir: Swift.String
+ public var devModeEnabled: Swift.Bool
+ public var index: Swift.String
+ public var bundle: Foundation.Bundle
+ public var initialContext: Capacitor.JSObject
+ public var plugins: [IonicPortals.Portal.Plugin]
+ public var liveUpdateManager: IonicLiveUpdates.LiveUpdateManager
+ public var liveUpdateConfig: IonicLiveUpdates.LiveUpdate? {
+ get
+ set
+ }
+ public var assetMaps: [IonicPortals.AssetMap]
+ public init(name: Swift.String, startDir: Swift.String? = nil, index: Swift.String = "index.html", devModeEnabled: Swift.Bool = true, bundle: Foundation.Bundle = .main, initialContext: Capacitor.JSObject = [:], assetMaps: [IonicPortals.AssetMap] = [], plugins: [IonicPortals.Portal.Plugin] = [], liveUpdateManager: IonicLiveUpdates.LiveUpdateManager = .shared, liveUpdateConfig: IonicLiveUpdates.LiveUpdate? = nil)
+extension IonicPortals.Portal {
+ public func adding(_ plugins: [IonicPortals.Portal.Plugin]) -> IonicPortals.Portal
+ public func adding(_ plugin: IonicPortals.Portal.Plugin) -> IonicPortals.Portal
+ public func adding(_ plugin: Capacitor.CAPPlugin) -> IonicPortals.Portal
+ public func adding(_ pluginType: Capacitor.CAPPlugin.Type) -> IonicPortals.Portal
+ public func adding(_ plugins: [Capacitor.CAPPlugin]) -> IonicPortals.Portal
+ public func adding(_ pluginTypes: [Capacitor.CAPPlugin.Type]) -> IonicPortals.Portal
+extension IonicPortals.Portal : Swift.ExpressibleByStringLiteral {
+ public init(stringLiteral value: Swift.StringLiteralType)
+ public typealias ExtendedGraphemeClusterLiteralType = Swift.StringLiteralType
+ public typealias StringLiteralType = Swift.StringLiteralType
+ public typealias UnicodeScalarLiteralType = Swift.StringLiteralType
+extension IonicPortals.Portal {
+ public enum Plugin {
+ case type(Capacitor.CAPPlugin.Type)
+ case instance(Capacitor.CAPPlugin)
+ }
+extension IonicPortals.Portal {
+ public func configuring(_ keyPath: Swift.ReferenceWritableKeyPath, _ value: Value) -> IonicPortals.Portal
+ public mutating func configure(_ keyPath: Swift.ReferenceWritableKeyPath, _ value: Value)
+@_hasMissingDesignatedInitializers @objc public class IONPortal : ObjectiveC.NSObject {
+ @objc public var name: Swift.String {
+ @objc get
+ }
+ @objc public var bundle: Foundation.Bundle {
+ @objc get
+ @objc set
+ }
+ @objc public var startDir: Swift.String {
+ @objc get
+ }
+ @objc public var initialContext: [Swift.String : Any] {
+ @objc get
+ @objc set
+ }
+ @objc public func setLiveUpdateConfiguration(appId: Swift.String, channel: Swift.String, syncImmediately: Swift.Bool)
+ @objc deinit
+extension IonicPortals.IONPortal {
+ @objc convenience dynamic public init(name: Swift.String, startDir: Swift.String?, initialContext: [Swift.String : Any]?)
+ @objc convenience dynamic public init(name: Swift.String, startDir: Swift.String?, bundle: Foundation.Bundle, initialContext: [Swift.String : Any]?)
+@objc(IONPortalUIView) @_Concurrency.MainActor @preconcurrency public class PortalUIView : UIKit.UIView {
+ @objc @_Concurrency.MainActor @preconcurrency public var bridge: Capacitor.CapacitorBridge {
+ @objc get
+ }
+ @_Concurrency.MainActor @preconcurrency required public init(portal: IonicPortals.Portal)
+ @objc @_Concurrency.MainActor @preconcurrency convenience public init(portal: IonicPortals.IONPortal)
+ @_Concurrency.MainActor @preconcurrency @objc required dynamic public init?(coder: Foundation.NSCoder)
+ @objc deinit
+extension IonicPortals.PortalUIView {
+ @_Concurrency.MainActor @preconcurrency public func setServerBasePath(path: Swift.String)
+ @objc @_Concurrency.MainActor @preconcurrency dynamic public func reload()
+extension IonicPortals.PortalUIView : Capacitor.CAPBridgeDelegate {
+ @_Concurrency.MainActor @preconcurrency public var bridgedWebView: WebKit.WKWebView? {
+ get
+ }
+ @_Concurrency.MainActor @preconcurrency public var bridgedViewController: UIKit.UIViewController? {
+ get
+ }
+@_Concurrency.MainActor @preconcurrency public struct PortalView : SwiftUI.UIViewRepresentable {
+ @_Concurrency.MainActor @preconcurrency public init(portal: IonicPortals.Portal, onBridgeAvailable: @escaping (Capacitor.CapacitorBridge) -> Swift.Void = { _ in })
+ @_Concurrency.MainActor @preconcurrency public func makeUIView(context: IonicPortals.PortalView.Context) -> IonicPortals.PortalUIView
+ @_Concurrency.MainActor @preconcurrency public func updateUIView(_ uiView: IonicPortals.PortalUIView, context: IonicPortals.PortalView.Context)
+ public typealias Body = Swift.Never
+ public typealias Coordinator = Swift.Void
+ public typealias UIViewType = IonicPortals.PortalUIView
+@objc(IONPortalsPlugin) final public class PortalsPlugin : Capacitor.CAPInstancePlugin, Capacitor.CAPBridgedPlugin {
+ @objc final public let identifier: Swift.String
+ @objc final public let jsName: Swift.String
+ @objc final public let pluginMethods: [Capacitor.CAPPluginMethod]
+ public init(pubsub: IonicPortals.PortalsPubSub = .shared)
+ @objc override final public func addEventListener(_ eventName: Swift.String, listener: Capacitor.CAPPluginCall)
+ @objc deinit
+extension IonicPortals.PortalsPubSub {
+ public struct Publisher : Combine.Publisher {
+ public typealias Output = IonicPortals.SubscriptionResult
+ public typealias Failure = Swift.Never
+ public func receive(subscriber: S) where S : Combine.Subscriber, S.Failure == Swift.Never, S.Input == IonicPortals.SubscriptionResult
+ }
+ public func publisher(for topic: Swift.String) -> IonicPortals.PortalsPubSub.Publisher
+ public static func publisher(for topic: Swift.String) -> IonicPortals.PortalsPubSub.Publisher
+extension IonicPortals.PortalsPubSub.Publisher {
+ public struct CastingError : Swift.Error, Swift.CustomStringConvertible {
+ public let description: Swift.String
+ }
+ public func data() -> Combine.AnyPublisher<(any Capacitor.JSValue)?, Swift.Never>
+ public func data(as type: T.Type = T.self) -> Combine.AnyPublisher where T : Capacitor.JSValue
+ public func tryData(as type: T.Type = T.self) -> Combine.AnyPublisher where T : Capacitor.JSValue
+ public func decodeData(_ type: T.Type = T.self, decoder: Capacitor.JSValueDecoder = JSValueDecoder()) -> Combine.AnyPublisher where T : Swift.Decodable
+extension IonicPortals.PortalsPubSub {
+ public static func subscribe(to topic: Swift.String) -> _Concurrency.AsyncStream
+ public func subscribe(to topic: Swift.String) -> _Concurrency.AsyncStream
+public class PortalsPubSub {
+ public init()
+ public func subscribe(to topic: Swift.String, _ callback: @escaping (IonicPortals.SubscriptionResult) -> Swift.Void) -> Combine.AnyCancellable
+ public func publish(_ message: (any Capacitor.JSValue)? = nil, to topic: Swift.String)
+ public func publish(_ message: Message, to topic: Swift.String) throws where Message : Swift.Encodable
+ public static let shared: IonicPortals.PortalsPubSub
+ public static func subscribe(to topic: Swift.String, _ callback: @escaping (IonicPortals.SubscriptionResult) -> Swift.Void) -> Combine.AnyCancellable
+ public static func publish(_ message: (any Capacitor.JSValue)? = nil, to topic: Swift.String)
+ @objc deinit
+public struct SubscriptionResult {
+ public var topic: Swift.String
+ public var data: (any Capacitor.JSValue)?
+ public func decodeData(as type: T.Type = T.self, with decoder: Capacitor.JSValueDecoder = JSValueDecoder()) throws -> T? where T : Swift.Decodable
+@_inheritsConvenienceInitializers @_hasMissingDesignatedInitializers @objc public class IONPortalsPubSub : ObjectiveC.NSObject {
+ @objc(subscribeToTopic:callback:) public static func subscribe(topic: Swift.String, callback: @escaping ([Swift.String : Any]) -> Swift.Void) -> Any
+ @objc(publishMessage:toTopic:) public static func publish(message: Any?, topic: Swift.String)
+ @objc deinit
+@_inheritsConvenienceInitializers @_hasMissingDesignatedInitializers @objc(IONPortalsRegistrationManager) public class PortalsRegistrationManager : ObjectiveC.NSObject {
+ @objc public static let shared: IonicPortals.PortalsRegistrationManager
+ @objc public var isRegistered: Swift.Bool {
+ @objc get
+ }
+ @objc public func register(key: Swift.String)
+ @objc deinit
+@objc public class WebVitalsPlugin : Capacitor.CAPInstancePlugin, Capacitor.CAPBridgedPlugin {
+ @objc final public let jsName: Swift.String
+ @objc final public let identifier: Swift.String
+ @objc final public let pluginMethods: [Capacitor.CAPPluginMethod]
+ public init(_ onFirstContentfulPaint: @escaping (_ portalName: Swift.String, _ duration: Swift.Double) -> Swift.Void)
+ @objc override dynamic public func load()
+ @objc deinit
+extension IonicPortals.PortalView : Swift.Sendable {}
diff --git a/IonicPortals.xcframework/ios-arm64/IonicPortals.framework/Modules/IonicPortals.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios.swiftdoc b/IonicPortals.xcframework/ios-arm64/IonicPortals.framework/Modules/IonicPortals.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios.swiftdoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef651cc
Binary files /dev/null and b/IonicPortals.xcframework/ios-arm64/IonicPortals.framework/Modules/IonicPortals.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios.swiftdoc differ
diff --git a/IonicPortals.xcframework/ios-arm64/IonicPortals.framework/Modules/IonicPortals.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios.swiftinterface b/IonicPortals.xcframework/ios-arm64/IonicPortals.framework/Modules/IonicPortals.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios.swiftinterface
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..050b34f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IonicPortals.xcframework/ios-arm64/IonicPortals.framework/Modules/IonicPortals.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios.swiftinterface
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+// swift-interface-format-version: 1.0
+// swift-compiler-version: Apple Swift version 6.0.2 effective-5.10 (swiftlang- clang-1600.0.26.4)
+// swift-module-flags: -target arm64-apple-ios13.0 -enable-objc-interop -enable-library-evolution -swift-version 5 -enforce-exclusivity=checked -O -module-name IonicPortals
+// swift-module-flags-ignorable: -no-verify-emitted-module-interface
+import Capacitor
+import Combine
+import Foundation
+import IonicLiveUpdates
+import Swift
+import SwiftUI
+import UIKit
+import WebKit
+import _Concurrency
+import _StringProcessing
+import _SwiftConcurrencyShims
+public struct AssetMap {
+ public var name: Swift.String
+ public var virtualPath: Swift.String
+ public var bundle: Foundation.Bundle
+ public var startDir: Swift.String {
+ get
+ }
+ public init(name: Swift.String, virtualPath: Swift.String? = nil, bundle: Foundation.Bundle = .main, startDir: Swift.String)
+extension Foundation.JSONDecoder {
+ @available(*, deprecated, renamed: "decodeJsObject")
+ public func decodeJSObject(_ type: T.Type, from object: Capacitor.JSObject) throws -> T where T : Swift.Decodable
+ @available(*, deprecated, message: "Use JSValueDecoder from Capacitor. This will be removed in the next release.")
+ public func decodeJsObject(_ type: T.Type, from object: Capacitor.JSObject) throws -> T where T : Swift.Decodable
+extension Foundation.JSONEncoder {
+ @available(*, deprecated, renamed: "encodeJsObject")
+ public func encodeJSObject(_ value: T) throws -> any Capacitor.JSValue where T : Swift.Encodable
+ @available(*, deprecated, message: "Use JSValueEncoder from Capacitor. This will be removed in the next release.")
+ public func encodeJsObject(_ value: T) throws -> Capacitor.JSObject where T : Swift.Encodable
+extension IonicPortals.Portal {
+ public struct LiveUpdateNotConfigured : Swift.Error {
+ }
+ public func sync() async throws -> IonicLiveUpdates.LiveUpdateManager.SyncResult
+ public static func sync(_ portals: [IonicPortals.Portal]) -> IonicPortals.ParallelLiveUpdateSyncGroup
+extension Swift.Array where Element == IonicPortals.Portal {
+ public func sync() -> IonicPortals.ParallelLiveUpdateSyncGroup
+public typealias ParallelLiveUpdateSyncGroup = IonicPortals.ParallelAsyncSequence>
+public struct ParallelAsyncSequence : _Concurrency.AsyncSequence {
+ public typealias Element = IonicPortals.ParallelAsyncSequence.Iterator.Element
+ public func makeAsyncIterator() -> IonicPortals.ParallelAsyncSequence.Iterator
+ public typealias AsyncIterator = IonicPortals.ParallelAsyncSequence.Iterator
+ #if compiler(>=5.3) && $AssociatedTypeImplements
+ @available(iOS 18.0, tvOS 18.0, watchOS 11.0, visionOS 2.0, macOS 15.0, *)
+ @_implements(_Concurrency.AsyncSequence, Failure) public typealias __AsyncSequence_Failure = Swift.Never
+ #else
+ @available(iOS 18.0, tvOS 18.0, watchOS 11.0, visionOS 2.0, macOS 15.0, *)
+ public typealias __AsyncSequence_Failure = Swift.Never
+ #endif
+extension IonicPortals.ParallelAsyncSequence {
+ public struct Iterator : _Concurrency.AsyncIteratorProtocol {
+ public mutating func next() async -> T?
+ public typealias Element = T
+ #if compiler(>=5.3) && $AssociatedTypeImplements
+ @available(iOS 18.0, tvOS 18.0, watchOS 11.0, visionOS 2.0, macOS 15.0, *)
+ @_implements(_Concurrency.AsyncIteratorProtocol, Failure) public typealias __AsyncIteratorProtocol_Failure = Swift.Never
+ #else
+ @available(iOS 18.0, tvOS 18.0, watchOS 11.0, visionOS 2.0, macOS 15.0, *)
+ public typealias __AsyncIteratorProtocol_Failure = Swift.Never
+ #endif
+ }
+public struct Portal {
+ public var name: Swift.String
+ public var startDir: Swift.String
+ public var devModeEnabled: Swift.Bool
+ public var index: Swift.String
+ public var bundle: Foundation.Bundle
+ public var initialContext: Capacitor.JSObject
+ public var plugins: [IonicPortals.Portal.Plugin]
+ public var liveUpdateManager: IonicLiveUpdates.LiveUpdateManager
+ public var liveUpdateConfig: IonicLiveUpdates.LiveUpdate? {
+ get
+ set
+ }
+ public var assetMaps: [IonicPortals.AssetMap]
+ public init(name: Swift.String, startDir: Swift.String? = nil, index: Swift.String = "index.html", devModeEnabled: Swift.Bool = true, bundle: Foundation.Bundle = .main, initialContext: Capacitor.JSObject = [:], assetMaps: [IonicPortals.AssetMap] = [], plugins: [IonicPortals.Portal.Plugin] = [], liveUpdateManager: IonicLiveUpdates.LiveUpdateManager = .shared, liveUpdateConfig: IonicLiveUpdates.LiveUpdate? = nil)
+extension IonicPortals.Portal {
+ public func adding(_ plugins: [IonicPortals.Portal.Plugin]) -> IonicPortals.Portal
+ public func adding(_ plugin: IonicPortals.Portal.Plugin) -> IonicPortals.Portal
+ public func adding(_ plugin: Capacitor.CAPPlugin) -> IonicPortals.Portal
+ public func adding(_ pluginType: Capacitor.CAPPlugin.Type) -> IonicPortals.Portal
+ public func adding(_ plugins: [Capacitor.CAPPlugin]) -> IonicPortals.Portal
+ public func adding(_ pluginTypes: [Capacitor.CAPPlugin.Type]) -> IonicPortals.Portal
+extension IonicPortals.Portal : Swift.ExpressibleByStringLiteral {
+ public init(stringLiteral value: Swift.StringLiteralType)
+ public typealias ExtendedGraphemeClusterLiteralType = Swift.StringLiteralType
+ public typealias StringLiteralType = Swift.StringLiteralType
+ public typealias UnicodeScalarLiteralType = Swift.StringLiteralType
+extension IonicPortals.Portal {
+ public enum Plugin {
+ case type(Capacitor.CAPPlugin.Type)
+ case instance(Capacitor.CAPPlugin)
+ }
+extension IonicPortals.Portal {
+ public func configuring(_ keyPath: Swift.ReferenceWritableKeyPath, _ value: Value) -> IonicPortals.Portal
+ public mutating func configure(_ keyPath: Swift.ReferenceWritableKeyPath, _ value: Value)
+@_hasMissingDesignatedInitializers @objc public class IONPortal : ObjectiveC.NSObject {
+ @objc public var name: Swift.String {
+ @objc get
+ }
+ @objc public var bundle: Foundation.Bundle {
+ @objc get
+ @objc set
+ }
+ @objc public var startDir: Swift.String {
+ @objc get
+ }
+ @objc public var initialContext: [Swift.String : Any] {
+ @objc get
+ @objc set
+ }
+ @objc public func setLiveUpdateConfiguration(appId: Swift.String, channel: Swift.String, syncImmediately: Swift.Bool)
+ @objc deinit
+extension IonicPortals.IONPortal {
+ @objc convenience dynamic public init(name: Swift.String, startDir: Swift.String?, initialContext: [Swift.String : Any]?)
+ @objc convenience dynamic public init(name: Swift.String, startDir: Swift.String?, bundle: Foundation.Bundle, initialContext: [Swift.String : Any]?)
+@objc(IONPortalUIView) @_Concurrency.MainActor @preconcurrency public class PortalUIView : UIKit.UIView {
+ @objc @_Concurrency.MainActor @preconcurrency public var bridge: Capacitor.CapacitorBridge {
+ @objc get
+ }
+ @_Concurrency.MainActor @preconcurrency required public init(portal: IonicPortals.Portal)
+ @objc @_Concurrency.MainActor @preconcurrency convenience public init(portal: IonicPortals.IONPortal)
+ @_Concurrency.MainActor @preconcurrency @objc required dynamic public init?(coder: Foundation.NSCoder)
+ @objc deinit
+extension IonicPortals.PortalUIView {
+ @_Concurrency.MainActor @preconcurrency public func setServerBasePath(path: Swift.String)
+ @objc @_Concurrency.MainActor @preconcurrency dynamic public func reload()
+extension IonicPortals.PortalUIView : Capacitor.CAPBridgeDelegate {
+ @_Concurrency.MainActor @preconcurrency public var bridgedWebView: WebKit.WKWebView? {
+ get
+ }
+ @_Concurrency.MainActor @preconcurrency public var bridgedViewController: UIKit.UIViewController? {
+ get
+ }
+@_Concurrency.MainActor @preconcurrency public struct PortalView : SwiftUI.UIViewRepresentable {
+ @_Concurrency.MainActor @preconcurrency public init(portal: IonicPortals.Portal, onBridgeAvailable: @escaping (Capacitor.CapacitorBridge) -> Swift.Void = { _ in })
+ @_Concurrency.MainActor @preconcurrency public func makeUIView(context: IonicPortals.PortalView.Context) -> IonicPortals.PortalUIView
+ @_Concurrency.MainActor @preconcurrency public func updateUIView(_ uiView: IonicPortals.PortalUIView, context: IonicPortals.PortalView.Context)
+ public typealias Body = Swift.Never
+ public typealias Coordinator = Swift.Void
+ public typealias UIViewType = IonicPortals.PortalUIView
+@objc(IONPortalsPlugin) final public class PortalsPlugin : Capacitor.CAPInstancePlugin, Capacitor.CAPBridgedPlugin {
+ @objc final public let identifier: Swift.String
+ @objc final public let jsName: Swift.String
+ @objc final public let pluginMethods: [Capacitor.CAPPluginMethod]
+ public init(pubsub: IonicPortals.PortalsPubSub = .shared)
+ @objc override final public func addEventListener(_ eventName: Swift.String, listener: Capacitor.CAPPluginCall)
+ @objc deinit
+extension IonicPortals.PortalsPubSub {
+ public struct Publisher : Combine.Publisher {
+ public typealias Output = IonicPortals.SubscriptionResult
+ public typealias Failure = Swift.Never
+ public func receive(subscriber: S) where S : Combine.Subscriber, S.Failure == Swift.Never, S.Input == IonicPortals.SubscriptionResult
+ }
+ public func publisher(for topic: Swift.String) -> IonicPortals.PortalsPubSub.Publisher
+ public static func publisher(for topic: Swift.String) -> IonicPortals.PortalsPubSub.Publisher
+extension IonicPortals.PortalsPubSub.Publisher {
+ public struct CastingError : Swift.Error, Swift.CustomStringConvertible {
+ public let description: Swift.String
+ }
+ public func data() -> Combine.AnyPublisher<(any Capacitor.JSValue)?, Swift.Never>
+ public func data(as type: T.Type = T.self) -> Combine.AnyPublisher where T : Capacitor.JSValue
+ public func tryData(as type: T.Type = T.self) -> Combine.AnyPublisher where T : Capacitor.JSValue
+ public func decodeData(_ type: T.Type = T.self, decoder: Capacitor.JSValueDecoder = JSValueDecoder()) -> Combine.AnyPublisher where T : Swift.Decodable
+extension IonicPortals.PortalsPubSub {
+ public static func subscribe(to topic: Swift.String) -> _Concurrency.AsyncStream
+ public func subscribe(to topic: Swift.String) -> _Concurrency.AsyncStream
+public class PortalsPubSub {
+ public init()
+ public func subscribe(to topic: Swift.String, _ callback: @escaping (IonicPortals.SubscriptionResult) -> Swift.Void) -> Combine.AnyCancellable
+ public func publish(_ message: (any Capacitor.JSValue)? = nil, to topic: Swift.String)
+ public func publish(_ message: Message, to topic: Swift.String) throws where Message : Swift.Encodable
+ public static let shared: IonicPortals.PortalsPubSub
+ public static func subscribe(to topic: Swift.String, _ callback: @escaping (IonicPortals.SubscriptionResult) -> Swift.Void) -> Combine.AnyCancellable
+ public static func publish(_ message: (any Capacitor.JSValue)? = nil, to topic: Swift.String)
+ @objc deinit
+public struct SubscriptionResult {
+ public var topic: Swift.String
+ public var data: (any Capacitor.JSValue)?
+ public func decodeData(as type: T.Type = T.self, with decoder: Capacitor.JSValueDecoder = JSValueDecoder()) throws -> T? where T : Swift.Decodable
+@_inheritsConvenienceInitializers @_hasMissingDesignatedInitializers @objc public class IONPortalsPubSub : ObjectiveC.NSObject {
+ @objc(subscribeToTopic:callback:) public static func subscribe(topic: Swift.String, callback: @escaping ([Swift.String : Any]) -> Swift.Void) -> Any
+ @objc(publishMessage:toTopic:) public static func publish(message: Any?, topic: Swift.String)
+ @objc deinit
+@_inheritsConvenienceInitializers @_hasMissingDesignatedInitializers @objc(IONPortalsRegistrationManager) public class PortalsRegistrationManager : ObjectiveC.NSObject {
+ @objc public static let shared: IonicPortals.PortalsRegistrationManager
+ @objc public var isRegistered: Swift.Bool {
+ @objc get
+ }
+ @objc public func register(key: Swift.String)
+ @objc deinit
+@objc public class WebVitalsPlugin : Capacitor.CAPInstancePlugin, Capacitor.CAPBridgedPlugin {
+ @objc final public let jsName: Swift.String
+ @objc final public let identifier: Swift.String
+ @objc final public let pluginMethods: [Capacitor.CAPPluginMethod]
+ public init(_ onFirstContentfulPaint: @escaping (_ portalName: Swift.String, _ duration: Swift.Double) -> Swift.Void)
+ @objc override dynamic public func load()
+ @objc deinit
+extension IonicPortals.PortalView : Swift.Sendable {}
diff --git a/IonicPortals.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/IonicPortals.framework/Headers/IonicPortals-Swift.h b/IonicPortals.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/IonicPortals.framework/Headers/IonicPortals-Swift.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b908a9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IonicPortals.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/IonicPortals.framework/Headers/IonicPortals-Swift.h
@@ -0,0 +1,482 @@
+// Generated by Apple Swift version 6.0.2 effective-5.10 (swiftlang- clang-1600.0.26.4)
+#pragma clang diagnostic push
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wgcc-compat"
+#if !defined(__has_include)
+# define __has_include(x) 0
+#if !defined(__has_attribute)
+# define __has_attribute(x) 0
+#if !defined(__has_feature)
+# define __has_feature(x) 0
+#if !defined(__has_warning)
+# define __has_warning(x) 0
+#if __has_include()
+# include
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wauto-import"
+#if defined(__OBJC__)
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+#pragma clang diagnostic push
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wnon-modular-include-in-framework-module"
+#if defined(__arm64e__) && __has_include()
+# include
+#pragma clang diagnostic push
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wreserved-macro-identifier"
+# ifndef __ptrauth_swift_value_witness_function_pointer
+# define __ptrauth_swift_value_witness_function_pointer(x)
+# endif
+# ifndef __ptrauth_swift_class_method_pointer
+# define __ptrauth_swift_class_method_pointer(x)
+# endif
+#pragma clang diagnostic pop
+#pragma clang diagnostic pop
+#if !defined(SWIFT_TYPEDEFS)
+# define SWIFT_TYPEDEFS 1
+# if __has_include()
+# include
+# elif !defined(__cplusplus)
+typedef uint_least16_t char16_t;
+typedef uint_least32_t char32_t;
+# endif
+typedef float swift_float2 __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(2)));
+typedef float swift_float3 __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(3)));
+typedef float swift_float4 __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(4)));
+typedef double swift_double2 __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(2)));
+typedef double swift_double3 __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(3)));
+typedef double swift_double4 __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(4)));
+typedef int swift_int2 __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(2)));
+typedef int swift_int3 __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(3)));
+typedef int swift_int4 __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(4)));
+typedef unsigned int swift_uint2 __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(2)));
+typedef unsigned int swift_uint3 __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(3)));
+typedef unsigned int swift_uint4 __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(4)));
+#if !defined(SWIFT_PASTE)
+# define SWIFT_PASTE_HELPER(x, y) x##y
+# define SWIFT_PASTE(x, y) SWIFT_PASTE_HELPER(x, y)
+#if !defined(SWIFT_METATYPE)
+# define SWIFT_METATYPE(X) Class
+# if __has_feature(objc_class_property)
+# else
+# endif
+#if !defined(SWIFT_RUNTIME_NAME)
+# if __has_attribute(objc_runtime_name)
+# define SWIFT_RUNTIME_NAME(X) __attribute__((objc_runtime_name(X)))
+# else
+# endif
+#if !defined(SWIFT_COMPILE_NAME)
+# if __has_attribute(swift_name)
+# define SWIFT_COMPILE_NAME(X) __attribute__((swift_name(X)))
+# else
+# endif
+#if !defined(SWIFT_METHOD_FAMILY)
+# if __has_attribute(objc_method_family)
+# define SWIFT_METHOD_FAMILY(X) __attribute__((objc_method_family(X)))
+# else
+# endif
+#if !defined(SWIFT_NOESCAPE)
+# if __has_attribute(noescape)
+# define SWIFT_NOESCAPE __attribute__((noescape))
+# else
+# endif
+# if __has_attribute(ns_consumed)
+# define SWIFT_RELEASES_ARGUMENT __attribute__((ns_consumed))
+# else
+# endif
+# if __has_attribute(warn_unused_result)
+# define SWIFT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT __attribute__((warn_unused_result))
+# else
+# endif
+#if !defined(SWIFT_NORETURN)
+# if __has_attribute(noreturn)
+# define SWIFT_NORETURN __attribute__((noreturn))
+# else
+# endif
+#if !defined(SWIFT_CLASS_EXTRA)
+#if !defined(SWIFT_ENUM_EXTRA)
+#if !defined(SWIFT_CLASS)
+# if __has_attribute(objc_subclassing_restricted)
+# define SWIFT_CLASS(SWIFT_NAME) SWIFT_RUNTIME_NAME(SWIFT_NAME) __attribute__((objc_subclassing_restricted)) SWIFT_CLASS_EXTRA
+# define SWIFT_CLASS_NAMED(SWIFT_NAME) __attribute__((objc_subclassing_restricted)) SWIFT_COMPILE_NAME(SWIFT_NAME) SWIFT_CLASS_EXTRA
+# else
+# endif
+# if __has_attribute(objc_class_stub)
+# define SWIFT_RESILIENT_CLASS(SWIFT_NAME) SWIFT_CLASS(SWIFT_NAME) __attribute__((objc_class_stub))
+# else
+# endif
+#if !defined(SWIFT_PROTOCOL)
+#if !defined(SWIFT_EXTENSION)
+# define SWIFT_EXTENSION(M) SWIFT_PASTE(M##_Swift_, __LINE__)
+# if __has_attribute(objc_designated_initializer)
+# define OBJC_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER __attribute__((objc_designated_initializer))
+# else
+# endif
+#if !defined(SWIFT_ENUM_ATTR)
+# if __has_attribute(enum_extensibility)
+# define SWIFT_ENUM_ATTR(_extensibility) __attribute__((enum_extensibility(_extensibility)))
+# else
+# define SWIFT_ENUM_ATTR(_extensibility)
+# endif
+#if !defined(SWIFT_ENUM)
+# define SWIFT_ENUM(_type, _name, _extensibility) enum _name : _type _name; enum SWIFT_ENUM_ATTR(_extensibility) SWIFT_ENUM_EXTRA _name : _type
+# if __has_feature(generalized_swift_name)
+# define SWIFT_ENUM_NAMED(_type, _name, SWIFT_NAME, _extensibility) enum _name : _type _name SWIFT_COMPILE_NAME(SWIFT_NAME); enum SWIFT_COMPILE_NAME(SWIFT_NAME) SWIFT_ENUM_ATTR(_extensibility) SWIFT_ENUM_EXTRA _name : _type
+# else
+# define SWIFT_ENUM_NAMED(_type, _name, SWIFT_NAME, _extensibility) SWIFT_ENUM(_type, _name, _extensibility)
+# endif
+#if !defined(SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE)
+# define SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE __attribute__((unavailable))
+# define SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE_MSG(msg) __attribute__((unavailable(msg)))
+# define SWIFT_AVAILABILITY(plat, ...) __attribute__((availability(plat, __VA_ARGS__)))
+#if !defined(SWIFT_WEAK_IMPORT)
+# define SWIFT_WEAK_IMPORT __attribute__((weak_import))
+#if !defined(SWIFT_DEPRECATED)
+# define SWIFT_DEPRECATED __attribute__((deprecated))
+# define SWIFT_DEPRECATED_MSG(...) __attribute__((deprecated(__VA_ARGS__)))
+# if __has_feature(attribute_diagnose_if_objc)
+# define SWIFT_DEPRECATED_OBJC(Msg) __attribute__((diagnose_if(1, Msg, "warning")))
+# else
+# endif
+#if defined(__OBJC__)
+#if !defined(IBSegueAction)
+# define IBSegueAction
+#if !defined(SWIFT_EXTERN)
+# if defined(__cplusplus)
+# define SWIFT_EXTERN extern "C"
+# else
+# define SWIFT_EXTERN extern
+# endif
+#if !defined(SWIFT_CALL)
+# define SWIFT_CALL __attribute__((swiftcall))
+# define SWIFT_INDIRECT_RESULT __attribute__((swift_indirect_result))
+#if !defined(SWIFT_CONTEXT)
+# define SWIFT_CONTEXT __attribute__((swift_context))
+#if !defined(SWIFT_ERROR_RESULT)
+# define SWIFT_ERROR_RESULT __attribute__((swift_error_result))
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+# define SWIFT_NOEXCEPT noexcept
+#if !defined(SWIFT_C_INLINE_THUNK)
+# if __has_attribute(always_inline)
+# if __has_attribute(nodebug)
+# define SWIFT_C_INLINE_THUNK inline __attribute__((always_inline)) __attribute__((nodebug))
+# else
+# define SWIFT_C_INLINE_THUNK inline __attribute__((always_inline))
+# endif
+# else
+# define SWIFT_C_INLINE_THUNK inline
+# endif
+#if defined(_WIN32)
+# define SWIFT_IMPORT_STDLIB_SYMBOL __declspec(dllimport)
+#if defined(__OBJC__)
+#if __has_feature(objc_modules)
+#if __has_warning("-Watimport-in-framework-header")
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Watimport-in-framework-header"
+@import Capacitor;
+@import CoreFoundation;
+@import Foundation;
+@import ObjectiveC;
+@import UIKit;
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wproperty-attribute-mismatch"
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wduplicate-method-arg"
+#if __has_warning("-Wpragma-clang-attribute")
+# pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wpragma-clang-attribute"
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunknown-pragmas"
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wnullability"
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension"
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunsafe-buffer-usage"
+#if __has_attribute(external_source_symbol)
+# pragma push_macro("any")
+# undef any
+# pragma clang attribute push(__attribute__((external_source_symbol(language="Swift", defined_in="IonicPortals",generated_declaration))), apply_to=any(function,enum,objc_interface,objc_category,objc_protocol))
+# pragma pop_macro("any")
+#if defined(__OBJC__)
+@class NSString;
+@class NSBundle;
+/// The Objective-C representation of Portal
. If using Swift, using Portal
is preferred.
+@interface IONPortal : NSObject
+/// The name of the portal
+@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) NSString * _Nonnull name;
+/// The Bundle
that contains the web application.
+@property (nonatomic, strong) NSBundle * _Nonnull bundle;
+/// The root directory of the IONPortal
relative to root of the Bundle
+@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) NSString * _Nonnull startDir;
+/// Any initial state required by the web application.
+/// The following types are valid values:
+/// -
+/// NSNumber
+/// -
+/// NSString
+/// -
+/// NSArray
+/// -
+/// NSDate
+/// -
+/// NSNull
+/// -
+/// NSDictionary keyed by a String and the value is any valid JS Value
+@property (nonatomic, copy) NSDictionary * _Nonnull initialContext;
+/// Configures the LiveUpdate
+/// \param appId The AppFlow id of the web application associated with the IONPortal
+/// \param channel The AppFlow channel to check for updates from.
+/// \param syncImmediately Whether to immediately sync with AppFlow to check for updates.
+- (void)setLiveUpdateConfigurationWithAppId:(NSString * _Nonnull)appId channel:(NSString * _Nonnull)channel syncImmediately:(BOOL)syncImmediately;
+- (nonnull instancetype)init SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE;
++ (nonnull instancetype)new SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE_MSG("-init is unavailable");
+@interface IONPortal (SWIFT_EXTENSION(IonicPortals))
+/// Creates an instance of IONPortal
+/// \param name The name of the portal, must be unique.
+/// \param startDir The starting directory of the Portal
relative to the root of bundle
+/// If nil
, the portal name is used as the starting directory.
+/// \param initialContext Any initial state required by the web application. Defaults to [:]
+- (nonnull instancetype)initWithName:(NSString * _Nonnull)name startDir:(NSString * _Nullable)startDir initialContext:(NSDictionary * _Nullable)initialContext;
+/// Creates an instance of IONPortal
+/// \param name The name of the portal, must be unique.
+/// \param startDir The starting directory of the Portal
relative to the root of the bundle
+/// If nil
, the portal name is used as the starting directory.
+/// \param bundle The Bundle
that contains the web application.
+/// \param initialContext Any initial state required by the web application. Defaults to [:]
+- (nonnull instancetype)initWithName:(NSString * _Nonnull)name startDir:(NSString * _Nullable)startDir bundle:(NSBundle * _Nonnull)bundle initialContext:(NSDictionary * _Nullable)initialContext;
+/// An Objective-C interface that enables marshalling data to and from a Portal
over an event bus. If using Swift, PortalsPubSub
is the perferred interface.
+@interface IONPortalsPubSub : NSObject
+- (nonnull instancetype)init SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE;
++ (nonnull instancetype)new SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE_MSG("-init is unavailable");
+/// Subscribe to a topic and execute the provided callback when the event is received.
+/// Tip: You must retain a reference to the returned to keep the subscription alive. To unsubscribe, set the the reference to nil.
+/// \param topic The topic to listen for events on
+/// \param callback The code to be executed when an event is received for the topic
+/// returns:
+/// A subscription reference to use for unsubscribing
++ (id _Nonnull)subscribeToTopic:(NSString * _Nonnull)topic callback:(void (^ _Nonnull)(NSDictionary * _Nonnull))callback SWIFT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
+/// Publish event to all listeners of a topic
+/// \param message The data to deliver to all subscribers. Must be a valid JSON data type or nil.
+/// \param topic The topic to publish to
++ (void)publishMessage:(id _Nullable)message toTopic:(NSString * _Nonnull)topic;
+@class CapacitorBridge;
+@class NSCoder;
+/// A UIKit UIView to display Portal
+@interface IONPortalUIView : UIView
+@property (nonatomic, readonly, strong) CapacitorBridge * _Nonnull bridge;
+/// Creates an instance of PortalUIView
+/// \param portal The IONPortal
to render.
+- (nonnull instancetype)initWithPortal:(IONPortal * _Nonnull)portal;
+- (nullable instancetype)initWithCoder:(NSCoder * _Nonnull)coder OBJC_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;
+- (nonnull instancetype)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE;
+@interface IONPortalUIView (SWIFT_EXTENSION(IonicPortals))
+/// Reloads the underlying WKWebView
+- (void)reload;
+@class CAPPluginMethod;
+@class CAPPluginCall;
+@protocol CAPBridgeProtocol;
+@interface IONPortalsPlugin : CAPInstancePlugin
+@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) NSString * _Nonnull identifier;
+@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) NSString * _Nonnull jsName;
+@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) NSArray * _Nonnull pluginMethods;
+- (void)addEventListener:(NSString * _Nonnull)eventName listener:(CAPPluginCall * _Nonnull)listener;
+- (nonnull instancetype)initWithBridge:(id _Nonnull)bridge pluginId:(NSString * _Nonnull)pluginId pluginName:(NSString * _Nonnull)pluginName SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE;
+- (nonnull instancetype)init SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE;
++ (nonnull instancetype)new SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE_MSG("-init is unavailable");
+/// Manages the registration lifecycle
+@interface IONPortalsRegistrationManager : NSObject
+- (nonnull instancetype)init SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE;
++ (nonnull instancetype)new SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE_MSG("-init is unavailable");
+/// The default singleton
+SWIFT_CLASS_PROPERTY(@property (nonatomic, class, readonly, strong) IONPortalsRegistrationManager * _Nonnull shared;)
++ (IONPortalsRegistrationManager * _Nonnull)shared SWIFT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
+/// Whether Portals has been registered.
+/// Will be true when register(key:)
has been called with a valid key.
+@property (nonatomic, readonly) BOOL isRegistered;
+/// Validates that a valid registration key has been procured from http://ionic.io/register-portals
+/// \param key The registration key
+- (void)registerWithKey:(NSString * _Nonnull)key;
+/// A plugin to handle web performance metrics reporting from web applications
+/// embedded in a PortalUIView
or PortalView
+@interface WebVitalsPlugin : CAPInstancePlugin
+@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) NSString * _Nonnull jsName;
+@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) NSString * _Nonnull identifier;
+@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) NSArray * _Nonnull pluginMethods;
+- (void)load;
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "value": "[]"
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+ "value": "\"WebVitals\""
+ },
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+ "value": "\"WebVitalsPlugin\""
+ },
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+ "value": "[]"
+ },
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+ "value": "\"(()=>{var m=-1,h=function(e){addEventListener(\"pageshow\",function(t){t.persisted&&(m=t.timeStamp,e(t))},!0)},g=function(){return window.performance&&performance.getEntriesByType&&performance.getEntriesByType(\"navigation\")[0]},y=function(){var e=g();return e&&e.activationStart||0},d=function(e,t){var n=g(),i=\"navigate\";return m>=0?i=\"back-forward-cache\":n&&(i=document.prerendering||y()>0?\"prerender\":document.wasDiscarded?\"restore\":n.type.replace(\/_\/g,\"-\")),{name:e,value:t===void 0?-1:t,rating:\"good\",delta:0,entries:[],id:\"v3-\".concat(Date.now(),\"-\").concat(Math.floor(8999999999999*Math.random())+1e12),navigationType:i}},E=function(e,t,n){try{if(PerformanceObserver.supportedEntryTypes.includes(e)){var i=new PerformanceObserver(function(a){Promise.resolve().then(function(){t(a.getEntries())})});return i.observe(Object.assign({type:e,buffered:!0},n||{})),i}}catch{}};var l=function(e,t,n,i){var a,r;return function(s){t.value>=0&&(s||i)&&((r=t.value-(a||0))||a===void 0)&&(a=t.value,t.delta=r,t.rating=function(c,o){return c>o[1]?\"poor\":c>o[0]?\"needs-improvement\":\"good\"}(t.value,n),e(t))}},C=function(e){requestAnimationFrame(function(){return requestAnimationFrame(function(){return e()})})},L=function(e){document.prerendering?addEventListener(\"prerenderingchange\",function(){return e()},!0):e()},u=-1,v=function(){return document.visibilityState!==\"hidden\"||document.prerendering?1\/0:0},f=function(e){document.visibilityState===\"hidden\"&&u>-1&&(u=e.type===\"visibilitychange\"?e.timeStamp:0,w())},p=function(){addEventListener(\"visibilitychange\",f,!0),addEventListener(\"prerenderingchange\",f,!0)},w=function(){removeEventListener(\"visibilitychange\",f,!0),removeEventListener(\"prerenderingchange\",f,!0)},b=function(){return u<0&&(u=v(),p(),h(function(){setTimeout(function(){u=v(),p()},0)})),{get firstHiddenTime(){return u}}},T=function(e,t){t=t||{},L(function(){var n,i=[1800,3e3],a=b(),r=d(\"FCP\"),s=E(\"paint\",function(c){c.forEach(function(o){o.name===\"first-contentful-paint\"&&(s.disconnect(),o.startTimewindow.webkit.messageHandlers.vitals.postMessage({name:e.name,value:e.value,portalName:window.portalInitialContext?.name}));})();\""
+ }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/IonicPortals.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/IonicPortals.framework/Modules/IonicPortals.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios-simulator.private.swiftinterface b/IonicPortals.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/IonicPortals.framework/Modules/IonicPortals.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios-simulator.private.swiftinterface
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..967b1dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IonicPortals.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/IonicPortals.framework/Modules/IonicPortals.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios-simulator.private.swiftinterface
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+// swift-interface-format-version: 1.0
+// swift-compiler-version: Apple Swift version 6.0.2 effective-5.10 (swiftlang- clang-1600.0.26.4)
+// swift-module-flags: -target arm64-apple-ios13.0-simulator -enable-objc-interop -enable-library-evolution -swift-version 5 -enforce-exclusivity=checked -O -module-name IonicPortals
+// swift-module-flags-ignorable: -no-verify-emitted-module-interface
+import Capacitor
+import Combine
+import Foundation
+import IonicLiveUpdates
+import Swift
+import SwiftUI
+import UIKit
+import WebKit
+import _Concurrency
+import _StringProcessing
+import _SwiftConcurrencyShims
+public struct AssetMap {
+ public var name: Swift.String
+ public var virtualPath: Swift.String
+ public var bundle: Foundation.Bundle
+ public var startDir: Swift.String {
+ get
+ }
+ public init(name: Swift.String, virtualPath: Swift.String? = nil, bundle: Foundation.Bundle = .main, startDir: Swift.String)
+extension Foundation.JSONDecoder {
+ @available(*, deprecated, renamed: "decodeJsObject")
+ public func decodeJSObject(_ type: T.Type, from object: Capacitor.JSObject) throws -> T where T : Swift.Decodable
+ @available(*, deprecated, message: "Use JSValueDecoder from Capacitor. This will be removed in the next release.")
+ public func decodeJsObject(_ type: T.Type, from object: Capacitor.JSObject) throws -> T where T : Swift.Decodable
+extension Foundation.JSONEncoder {
+ @available(*, deprecated, renamed: "encodeJsObject")
+ public func encodeJSObject(_ value: T) throws -> any Capacitor.JSValue where T : Swift.Encodable
+ @available(*, deprecated, message: "Use JSValueEncoder from Capacitor. This will be removed in the next release.")
+ public func encodeJsObject(_ value: T) throws -> Capacitor.JSObject where T : Swift.Encodable
+extension IonicPortals.Portal {
+ public struct LiveUpdateNotConfigured : Swift.Error {
+ }
+ public func sync() async throws -> IonicLiveUpdates.LiveUpdateManager.SyncResult
+ public static func sync(_ portals: [IonicPortals.Portal]) -> IonicPortals.ParallelLiveUpdateSyncGroup
+extension Swift.Array where Element == IonicPortals.Portal {
+ public func sync() -> IonicPortals.ParallelLiveUpdateSyncGroup
+public typealias ParallelLiveUpdateSyncGroup = IonicPortals.ParallelAsyncSequence>
+public struct ParallelAsyncSequence : _Concurrency.AsyncSequence {
+ public typealias Element = IonicPortals.ParallelAsyncSequence.Iterator.Element
+ public func makeAsyncIterator() -> IonicPortals.ParallelAsyncSequence.Iterator
+ public typealias AsyncIterator = IonicPortals.ParallelAsyncSequence.Iterator
+ #if compiler(>=5.3) && $AssociatedTypeImplements
+ @available(iOS 18.0, tvOS 18.0, watchOS 11.0, visionOS 2.0, macOS 15.0, *)
+ @_implements(_Concurrency.AsyncSequence, Failure) public typealias __AsyncSequence_Failure = Swift.Never
+ #else
+ @available(iOS 18.0, tvOS 18.0, watchOS 11.0, visionOS 2.0, macOS 15.0, *)
+ public typealias __AsyncSequence_Failure = Swift.Never
+ #endif
+extension IonicPortals.ParallelAsyncSequence {
+ public struct Iterator : _Concurrency.AsyncIteratorProtocol {
+ public mutating func next() async -> T?
+ public typealias Element = T
+ #if compiler(>=5.3) && $AssociatedTypeImplements
+ @available(iOS 18.0, tvOS 18.0, watchOS 11.0, visionOS 2.0, macOS 15.0, *)
+ @_implements(_Concurrency.AsyncIteratorProtocol, Failure) public typealias __AsyncIteratorProtocol_Failure = Swift.Never
+ #else
+ @available(iOS 18.0, tvOS 18.0, watchOS 11.0, visionOS 2.0, macOS 15.0, *)
+ public typealias __AsyncIteratorProtocol_Failure = Swift.Never
+ #endif
+ }
+public struct Portal {
+ public var name: Swift.String
+ public var startDir: Swift.String
+ public var devModeEnabled: Swift.Bool
+ public var index: Swift.String
+ public var bundle: Foundation.Bundle
+ public var initialContext: Capacitor.JSObject
+ public var plugins: [IonicPortals.Portal.Plugin]
+ public var liveUpdateManager: IonicLiveUpdates.LiveUpdateManager
+ public var liveUpdateConfig: IonicLiveUpdates.LiveUpdate? {
+ get
+ set
+ }
+ public var assetMaps: [IonicPortals.AssetMap]
+ public init(name: Swift.String, startDir: Swift.String? = nil, index: Swift.String = "index.html", devModeEnabled: Swift.Bool = true, bundle: Foundation.Bundle = .main, initialContext: Capacitor.JSObject = [:], assetMaps: [IonicPortals.AssetMap] = [], plugins: [IonicPortals.Portal.Plugin] = [], liveUpdateManager: IonicLiveUpdates.LiveUpdateManager = .shared, liveUpdateConfig: IonicLiveUpdates.LiveUpdate? = nil)
+extension IonicPortals.Portal {
+ public func adding(_ plugins: [IonicPortals.Portal.Plugin]) -> IonicPortals.Portal
+ public func adding(_ plugin: IonicPortals.Portal.Plugin) -> IonicPortals.Portal
+ public func adding(_ plugin: Capacitor.CAPPlugin) -> IonicPortals.Portal
+ public func adding(_ pluginType: Capacitor.CAPPlugin.Type) -> IonicPortals.Portal
+ public func adding(_ plugins: [Capacitor.CAPPlugin]) -> IonicPortals.Portal
+ public func adding(_ pluginTypes: [Capacitor.CAPPlugin.Type]) -> IonicPortals.Portal
+extension IonicPortals.Portal : Swift.ExpressibleByStringLiteral {
+ public init(stringLiteral value: Swift.StringLiteralType)
+ public typealias ExtendedGraphemeClusterLiteralType = Swift.StringLiteralType
+ public typealias StringLiteralType = Swift.StringLiteralType
+ public typealias UnicodeScalarLiteralType = Swift.StringLiteralType
+extension IonicPortals.Portal {
+ public enum Plugin {
+ case type(Capacitor.CAPPlugin.Type)
+ case instance(Capacitor.CAPPlugin)
+ }
+extension IonicPortals.Portal {
+ public func configuring(_ keyPath: Swift.ReferenceWritableKeyPath, _ value: Value) -> IonicPortals.Portal
+ public mutating func configure(_ keyPath: Swift.ReferenceWritableKeyPath, _ value: Value)
+@_hasMissingDesignatedInitializers @objc public class IONPortal : ObjectiveC.NSObject {
+ @objc public var name: Swift.String {
+ @objc get
+ }
+ @objc public var bundle: Foundation.Bundle {
+ @objc get
+ @objc set
+ }
+ @objc public var startDir: Swift.String {
+ @objc get
+ }
+ @objc public var initialContext: [Swift.String : Any] {
+ @objc get
+ @objc set
+ }
+ @objc public func setLiveUpdateConfiguration(appId: Swift.String, channel: Swift.String, syncImmediately: Swift.Bool)
+ @objc deinit
+extension IonicPortals.IONPortal {
+ @objc convenience dynamic public init(name: Swift.String, startDir: Swift.String?, initialContext: [Swift.String : Any]?)
+ @objc convenience dynamic public init(name: Swift.String, startDir: Swift.String?, bundle: Foundation.Bundle, initialContext: [Swift.String : Any]?)
+@objc(IONPortalUIView) @_Concurrency.MainActor @preconcurrency public class PortalUIView : UIKit.UIView {
+ @objc @_Concurrency.MainActor @preconcurrency public var bridge: Capacitor.CapacitorBridge {
+ @objc get
+ }
+ @_Concurrency.MainActor @preconcurrency required public init(portal: IonicPortals.Portal)
+ @objc @_Concurrency.MainActor @preconcurrency convenience public init(portal: IonicPortals.IONPortal)
+ @_Concurrency.MainActor @preconcurrency @objc required dynamic public init?(coder: Foundation.NSCoder)
+ @objc deinit
+extension IonicPortals.PortalUIView {
+ @_Concurrency.MainActor @preconcurrency public func setServerBasePath(path: Swift.String)
+ @objc @_Concurrency.MainActor @preconcurrency dynamic public func reload()
+extension IonicPortals.PortalUIView : Capacitor.CAPBridgeDelegate {
+ @_Concurrency.MainActor @preconcurrency public var bridgedWebView: WebKit.WKWebView? {
+ get
+ }
+ @_Concurrency.MainActor @preconcurrency public var bridgedViewController: UIKit.UIViewController? {
+ get
+ }
+@_Concurrency.MainActor @preconcurrency public struct PortalView : SwiftUI.UIViewRepresentable {
+ @_Concurrency.MainActor @preconcurrency public init(portal: IonicPortals.Portal, onBridgeAvailable: @escaping (Capacitor.CapacitorBridge) -> Swift.Void = { _ in })
+ @_Concurrency.MainActor @preconcurrency public func makeUIView(context: IonicPortals.PortalView.Context) -> IonicPortals.PortalUIView
+ @_Concurrency.MainActor @preconcurrency public func updateUIView(_ uiView: IonicPortals.PortalUIView, context: IonicPortals.PortalView.Context)
+ public typealias Body = Swift.Never
+ public typealias Coordinator = Swift.Void
+ public typealias UIViewType = IonicPortals.PortalUIView
+@objc(IONPortalsPlugin) final public class PortalsPlugin : Capacitor.CAPInstancePlugin, Capacitor.CAPBridgedPlugin {
+ @objc final public let identifier: Swift.String
+ @objc final public let jsName: Swift.String
+ @objc final public let pluginMethods: [Capacitor.CAPPluginMethod]
+ public init(pubsub: IonicPortals.PortalsPubSub = .shared)
+ @objc override final public func addEventListener(_ eventName: Swift.String, listener: Capacitor.CAPPluginCall)
+ @objc deinit
+extension IonicPortals.PortalsPubSub {
+ public struct Publisher : Combine.Publisher {
+ public typealias Output = IonicPortals.SubscriptionResult
+ public typealias Failure = Swift.Never
+ public func receive(subscriber: S) where S : Combine.Subscriber, S.Failure == Swift.Never, S.Input == IonicPortals.SubscriptionResult
+ }
+ public func publisher(for topic: Swift.String) -> IonicPortals.PortalsPubSub.Publisher
+ public static func publisher(for topic: Swift.String) -> IonicPortals.PortalsPubSub.Publisher
+extension IonicPortals.PortalsPubSub.Publisher {
+ public struct CastingError : Swift.Error, Swift.CustomStringConvertible {
+ public let description: Swift.String
+ }
+ public func data() -> Combine.AnyPublisher<(any Capacitor.JSValue)?, Swift.Never>
+ public func data(as type: T.Type = T.self) -> Combine.AnyPublisher where T : Capacitor.JSValue
+ public func tryData(as type: T.Type = T.self) -> Combine.AnyPublisher where T : Capacitor.JSValue
+ public func decodeData(_ type: T.Type = T.self, decoder: Capacitor.JSValueDecoder = JSValueDecoder()) -> Combine.AnyPublisher where T : Swift.Decodable
+extension IonicPortals.PortalsPubSub {
+ public static func subscribe(to topic: Swift.String) -> _Concurrency.AsyncStream
+ public func subscribe(to topic: Swift.String) -> _Concurrency.AsyncStream
+public class PortalsPubSub {
+ public init()
+ public func subscribe(to topic: Swift.String, _ callback: @escaping (IonicPortals.SubscriptionResult) -> Swift.Void) -> Combine.AnyCancellable
+ public func publish(_ message: (any Capacitor.JSValue)? = nil, to topic: Swift.String)
+ public func publish(_ message: Message, to topic: Swift.String) throws where Message : Swift.Encodable
+ public static let shared: IonicPortals.PortalsPubSub
+ public static func subscribe(to topic: Swift.String, _ callback: @escaping (IonicPortals.SubscriptionResult) -> Swift.Void) -> Combine.AnyCancellable
+ public static func publish(_ message: (any Capacitor.JSValue)? = nil, to topic: Swift.String)
+ @objc deinit
+public struct SubscriptionResult {
+ public var topic: Swift.String
+ public var data: (any Capacitor.JSValue)?
+ public func decodeData(as type: T.Type = T.self, with decoder: Capacitor.JSValueDecoder = JSValueDecoder()) throws -> T? where T : Swift.Decodable
+@_inheritsConvenienceInitializers @_hasMissingDesignatedInitializers @objc public class IONPortalsPubSub : ObjectiveC.NSObject {
+ @objc(subscribeToTopic:callback:) public static func subscribe(topic: Swift.String, callback: @escaping ([Swift.String : Any]) -> Swift.Void) -> Any
+ @objc(publishMessage:toTopic:) public static func publish(message: Any?, topic: Swift.String)
+ @objc deinit
+@_inheritsConvenienceInitializers @_hasMissingDesignatedInitializers @objc(IONPortalsRegistrationManager) public class PortalsRegistrationManager : ObjectiveC.NSObject {
+ @objc public static let shared: IonicPortals.PortalsRegistrationManager
+ @objc public var isRegistered: Swift.Bool {
+ @objc get
+ }
+ @objc public func register(key: Swift.String)
+ @objc deinit
+@objc public class WebVitalsPlugin : Capacitor.CAPInstancePlugin, Capacitor.CAPBridgedPlugin {
+ @objc final public let jsName: Swift.String
+ @objc final public let identifier: Swift.String
+ @objc final public let pluginMethods: [Capacitor.CAPPluginMethod]
+ public init(_ onFirstContentfulPaint: @escaping (_ portalName: Swift.String, _ duration: Swift.Double) -> Swift.Void)
+ @objc override dynamic public func load()
+ @objc deinit
+extension IonicPortals.PortalView : Swift.Sendable {}
diff --git a/IonicPortals.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/IonicPortals.framework/Modules/IonicPortals.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios-simulator.swiftdoc b/IonicPortals.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/IonicPortals.framework/Modules/IonicPortals.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios-simulator.swiftdoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58ec61c
Binary files /dev/null and b/IonicPortals.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/IonicPortals.framework/Modules/IonicPortals.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios-simulator.swiftdoc differ
diff --git a/IonicPortals.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/IonicPortals.framework/Modules/IonicPortals.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios-simulator.swiftinterface b/IonicPortals.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/IonicPortals.framework/Modules/IonicPortals.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios-simulator.swiftinterface
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..967b1dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IonicPortals.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/IonicPortals.framework/Modules/IonicPortals.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios-simulator.swiftinterface
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+// swift-interface-format-version: 1.0
+// swift-compiler-version: Apple Swift version 6.0.2 effective-5.10 (swiftlang- clang-1600.0.26.4)
+// swift-module-flags: -target arm64-apple-ios13.0-simulator -enable-objc-interop -enable-library-evolution -swift-version 5 -enforce-exclusivity=checked -O -module-name IonicPortals
+// swift-module-flags-ignorable: -no-verify-emitted-module-interface
+import Capacitor
+import Combine
+import Foundation
+import IonicLiveUpdates
+import Swift
+import SwiftUI
+import UIKit
+import WebKit
+import _Concurrency
+import _StringProcessing
+import _SwiftConcurrencyShims
+public struct AssetMap {
+ public var name: Swift.String
+ public var virtualPath: Swift.String
+ public var bundle: Foundation.Bundle
+ public var startDir: Swift.String {
+ get
+ }
+ public init(name: Swift.String, virtualPath: Swift.String? = nil, bundle: Foundation.Bundle = .main, startDir: Swift.String)
+extension Foundation.JSONDecoder {
+ @available(*, deprecated, renamed: "decodeJsObject")
+ public func decodeJSObject(_ type: T.Type, from object: Capacitor.JSObject) throws -> T where T : Swift.Decodable
+ @available(*, deprecated, message: "Use JSValueDecoder from Capacitor. This will be removed in the next release.")
+ public func decodeJsObject(_ type: T.Type, from object: Capacitor.JSObject) throws -> T where T : Swift.Decodable
+extension Foundation.JSONEncoder {
+ @available(*, deprecated, renamed: "encodeJsObject")
+ public func encodeJSObject(_ value: T) throws -> any Capacitor.JSValue where T : Swift.Encodable
+ @available(*, deprecated, message: "Use JSValueEncoder from Capacitor. This will be removed in the next release.")
+ public func encodeJsObject(_ value: T) throws -> Capacitor.JSObject where T : Swift.Encodable
+extension IonicPortals.Portal {
+ public struct LiveUpdateNotConfigured : Swift.Error {
+ }
+ public func sync() async throws -> IonicLiveUpdates.LiveUpdateManager.SyncResult
+ public static func sync(_ portals: [IonicPortals.Portal]) -> IonicPortals.ParallelLiveUpdateSyncGroup
+extension Swift.Array where Element == IonicPortals.Portal {
+ public func sync() -> IonicPortals.ParallelLiveUpdateSyncGroup
+public typealias ParallelLiveUpdateSyncGroup = IonicPortals.ParallelAsyncSequence>
+public struct ParallelAsyncSequence : _Concurrency.AsyncSequence {
+ public typealias Element = IonicPortals.ParallelAsyncSequence.Iterator.Element
+ public func makeAsyncIterator() -> IonicPortals.ParallelAsyncSequence.Iterator
+ public typealias AsyncIterator = IonicPortals.ParallelAsyncSequence.Iterator
+ #if compiler(>=5.3) && $AssociatedTypeImplements
+ @available(iOS 18.0, tvOS 18.0, watchOS 11.0, visionOS 2.0, macOS 15.0, *)
+ @_implements(_Concurrency.AsyncSequence, Failure) public typealias __AsyncSequence_Failure = Swift.Never
+ #else
+ @available(iOS 18.0, tvOS 18.0, watchOS 11.0, visionOS 2.0, macOS 15.0, *)
+ public typealias __AsyncSequence_Failure = Swift.Never
+ #endif
+extension IonicPortals.ParallelAsyncSequence {
+ public struct Iterator : _Concurrency.AsyncIteratorProtocol {
+ public mutating func next() async -> T?
+ public typealias Element = T
+ #if compiler(>=5.3) && $AssociatedTypeImplements
+ @available(iOS 18.0, tvOS 18.0, watchOS 11.0, visionOS 2.0, macOS 15.0, *)
+ @_implements(_Concurrency.AsyncIteratorProtocol, Failure) public typealias __AsyncIteratorProtocol_Failure = Swift.Never
+ #else
+ @available(iOS 18.0, tvOS 18.0, watchOS 11.0, visionOS 2.0, macOS 15.0, *)
+ public typealias __AsyncIteratorProtocol_Failure = Swift.Never
+ #endif
+ }
+public struct Portal {
+ public var name: Swift.String
+ public var startDir: Swift.String
+ public var devModeEnabled: Swift.Bool
+ public var index: Swift.String
+ public var bundle: Foundation.Bundle
+ public var initialContext: Capacitor.JSObject
+ public var plugins: [IonicPortals.Portal.Plugin]
+ public var liveUpdateManager: IonicLiveUpdates.LiveUpdateManager
+ public var liveUpdateConfig: IonicLiveUpdates.LiveUpdate? {
+ get
+ set
+ }
+ public var assetMaps: [IonicPortals.AssetMap]
+ public init(name: Swift.String, startDir: Swift.String? = nil, index: Swift.String = "index.html", devModeEnabled: Swift.Bool = true, bundle: Foundation.Bundle = .main, initialContext: Capacitor.JSObject = [:], assetMaps: [IonicPortals.AssetMap] = [], plugins: [IonicPortals.Portal.Plugin] = [], liveUpdateManager: IonicLiveUpdates.LiveUpdateManager = .shared, liveUpdateConfig: IonicLiveUpdates.LiveUpdate? = nil)
+extension IonicPortals.Portal {
+ public func adding(_ plugins: [IonicPortals.Portal.Plugin]) -> IonicPortals.Portal
+ public func adding(_ plugin: IonicPortals.Portal.Plugin) -> IonicPortals.Portal
+ public func adding(_ plugin: Capacitor.CAPPlugin) -> IonicPortals.Portal
+ public func adding(_ pluginType: Capacitor.CAPPlugin.Type) -> IonicPortals.Portal
+ public func adding(_ plugins: [Capacitor.CAPPlugin]) -> IonicPortals.Portal
+ public func adding(_ pluginTypes: [Capacitor.CAPPlugin.Type]) -> IonicPortals.Portal
+extension IonicPortals.Portal : Swift.ExpressibleByStringLiteral {
+ public init(stringLiteral value: Swift.StringLiteralType)
+ public typealias ExtendedGraphemeClusterLiteralType = Swift.StringLiteralType
+ public typealias StringLiteralType = Swift.StringLiteralType
+ public typealias UnicodeScalarLiteralType = Swift.StringLiteralType
+extension IonicPortals.Portal {
+ public enum Plugin {
+ case type(Capacitor.CAPPlugin.Type)
+ case instance(Capacitor.CAPPlugin)
+ }
+extension IonicPortals.Portal {
+ public func configuring(_ keyPath: Swift.ReferenceWritableKeyPath, _ value: Value) -> IonicPortals.Portal
+ public mutating func configure(_ keyPath: Swift.ReferenceWritableKeyPath, _ value: Value)
+@_hasMissingDesignatedInitializers @objc public class IONPortal : ObjectiveC.NSObject {
+ @objc public var name: Swift.String {
+ @objc get
+ }
+ @objc public var bundle: Foundation.Bundle {
+ @objc get
+ @objc set
+ }
+ @objc public var startDir: Swift.String {
+ @objc get
+ }
+ @objc public var initialContext: [Swift.String : Any] {
+ @objc get
+ @objc set
+ }
+ @objc public func setLiveUpdateConfiguration(appId: Swift.String, channel: Swift.String, syncImmediately: Swift.Bool)
+ @objc deinit
+extension IonicPortals.IONPortal {
+ @objc convenience dynamic public init(name: Swift.String, startDir: Swift.String?, initialContext: [Swift.String : Any]?)
+ @objc convenience dynamic public init(name: Swift.String, startDir: Swift.String?, bundle: Foundation.Bundle, initialContext: [Swift.String : Any]?)
+@objc(IONPortalUIView) @_Concurrency.MainActor @preconcurrency public class PortalUIView : UIKit.UIView {
+ @objc @_Concurrency.MainActor @preconcurrency public var bridge: Capacitor.CapacitorBridge {
+ @objc get
+ }
+ @_Concurrency.MainActor @preconcurrency required public init(portal: IonicPortals.Portal)
+ @objc @_Concurrency.MainActor @preconcurrency convenience public init(portal: IonicPortals.IONPortal)
+ @_Concurrency.MainActor @preconcurrency @objc required dynamic public init?(coder: Foundation.NSCoder)
+ @objc deinit
+extension IonicPortals.PortalUIView {
+ @_Concurrency.MainActor @preconcurrency public func setServerBasePath(path: Swift.String)
+ @objc @_Concurrency.MainActor @preconcurrency dynamic public func reload()
+extension IonicPortals.PortalUIView : Capacitor.CAPBridgeDelegate {
+ @_Concurrency.MainActor @preconcurrency public var bridgedWebView: WebKit.WKWebView? {
+ get
+ }
+ @_Concurrency.MainActor @preconcurrency public var bridgedViewController: UIKit.UIViewController? {
+ get
+ }
+@_Concurrency.MainActor @preconcurrency public struct PortalView : SwiftUI.UIViewRepresentable {
+ @_Concurrency.MainActor @preconcurrency public init(portal: IonicPortals.Portal, onBridgeAvailable: @escaping (Capacitor.CapacitorBridge) -> Swift.Void = { _ in })
+ @_Concurrency.MainActor @preconcurrency public func makeUIView(context: IonicPortals.PortalView.Context) -> IonicPortals.PortalUIView
+ @_Concurrency.MainActor @preconcurrency public func updateUIView(_ uiView: IonicPortals.PortalUIView, context: IonicPortals.PortalView.Context)
+ public typealias Body = Swift.Never
+ public typealias Coordinator = Swift.Void
+ public typealias UIViewType = IonicPortals.PortalUIView
+@objc(IONPortalsPlugin) final public class PortalsPlugin : Capacitor.CAPInstancePlugin, Capacitor.CAPBridgedPlugin {
+ @objc final public let identifier: Swift.String
+ @objc final public let jsName: Swift.String
+ @objc final public let pluginMethods: [Capacitor.CAPPluginMethod]
+ public init(pubsub: IonicPortals.PortalsPubSub = .shared)
+ @objc override final public func addEventListener(_ eventName: Swift.String, listener: Capacitor.CAPPluginCall)
+ @objc deinit
+extension IonicPortals.PortalsPubSub {
+ public struct Publisher : Combine.Publisher {
+ public typealias Output = IonicPortals.SubscriptionResult
+ public typealias Failure = Swift.Never
+ public func receive(subscriber: S) where S : Combine.Subscriber, S.Failure == Swift.Never, S.Input == IonicPortals.SubscriptionResult
+ }
+ public func publisher(for topic: Swift.String) -> IonicPortals.PortalsPubSub.Publisher
+ public static func publisher(for topic: Swift.String) -> IonicPortals.PortalsPubSub.Publisher
+extension IonicPortals.PortalsPubSub.Publisher {
+ public struct CastingError : Swift.Error, Swift.CustomStringConvertible {
+ public let description: Swift.String
+ }
+ public func data() -> Combine.AnyPublisher<(any Capacitor.JSValue)?, Swift.Never>
+ public func data(as type: T.Type = T.self) -> Combine.AnyPublisher where T : Capacitor.JSValue
+ public func tryData(as type: T.Type = T.self) -> Combine.AnyPublisher where T : Capacitor.JSValue
+ public func decodeData(_ type: T.Type = T.self, decoder: Capacitor.JSValueDecoder = JSValueDecoder()) -> Combine.AnyPublisher where T : Swift.Decodable
+extension IonicPortals.PortalsPubSub {
+ public static func subscribe(to topic: Swift.String) -> _Concurrency.AsyncStream
+ public func subscribe(to topic: Swift.String) -> _Concurrency.AsyncStream
+public class PortalsPubSub {
+ public init()
+ public func subscribe(to topic: Swift.String, _ callback: @escaping (IonicPortals.SubscriptionResult) -> Swift.Void) -> Combine.AnyCancellable
+ public func publish(_ message: (any Capacitor.JSValue)? = nil, to topic: Swift.String)
+ public func publish(_ message: Message, to topic: Swift.String) throws where Message : Swift.Encodable
+ public static let shared: IonicPortals.PortalsPubSub
+ public static func subscribe(to topic: Swift.String, _ callback: @escaping (IonicPortals.SubscriptionResult) -> Swift.Void) -> Combine.AnyCancellable
+ public static func publish(_ message: (any Capacitor.JSValue)? = nil, to topic: Swift.String)
+ @objc deinit
+public struct SubscriptionResult {
+ public var topic: Swift.String
+ public var data: (any Capacitor.JSValue)?
+ public func decodeData(as type: T.Type = T.self, with decoder: Capacitor.JSValueDecoder = JSValueDecoder()) throws -> T? where T : Swift.Decodable
+@_inheritsConvenienceInitializers @_hasMissingDesignatedInitializers @objc public class IONPortalsPubSub : ObjectiveC.NSObject {
+ @objc(subscribeToTopic:callback:) public static func subscribe(topic: Swift.String, callback: @escaping ([Swift.String : Any]) -> Swift.Void) -> Any
+ @objc(publishMessage:toTopic:) public static func publish(message: Any?, topic: Swift.String)
+ @objc deinit
+@_inheritsConvenienceInitializers @_hasMissingDesignatedInitializers @objc(IONPortalsRegistrationManager) public class PortalsRegistrationManager : ObjectiveC.NSObject {
+ @objc public static let shared: IonicPortals.PortalsRegistrationManager
+ @objc public var isRegistered: Swift.Bool {
+ @objc get
+ }
+ @objc public func register(key: Swift.String)
+ @objc deinit
+@objc public class WebVitalsPlugin : Capacitor.CAPInstancePlugin, Capacitor.CAPBridgedPlugin {
+ @objc final public let jsName: Swift.String
+ @objc final public let identifier: Swift.String
+ @objc final public let pluginMethods: [Capacitor.CAPPluginMethod]
+ public init(_ onFirstContentfulPaint: @escaping (_ portalName: Swift.String, _ duration: Swift.Double) -> Swift.Void)
+ @objc override dynamic public func load()
+ @objc deinit
+extension IonicPortals.PortalView : Swift.Sendable {}
diff --git a/IonicPortals.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/IonicPortals.framework/Modules/IonicPortals.swiftmodule/x86_64-apple-ios-simulator.abi.json b/IonicPortals.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/IonicPortals.framework/Modules/IonicPortals.swiftmodule/x86_64-apple-ios-simulator.abi.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e4bfaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IonicPortals.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/IonicPortals.framework/Modules/IonicPortals.swiftmodule/x86_64-apple-ios-simulator.abi.json
@@ -0,0 +1,7690 @@
+ "ABIRoot": {
+ "kind": "Root",
+ "name": "IonicPortals",
+ "printedName": "IonicPortals",
+ "children": [
+ {
+ "kind": "Import",
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+ "printedName": "Foundation",
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+ "RawDocComment"
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+ "printedName": "IonicLiveUpdates",
+ "declKind": "Import",
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+ },
+ {
+ "kind": "TypeDecl",
+ "name": "AssetMap",
+ "printedName": "AssetMap",
+ "children": [
+ {
+ "kind": "Var",
+ "name": "name",
+ "printedName": "name",
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+ {
+ "kind": "TypeNominal",
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+ }
+ ],
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+ "HasStorage",
+ "AccessControl",
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+ ],
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+ "accessors": [
+ {
+ "kind": "Accessor",
+ "name": "Get",
+ "printedName": "Get()",
+ "children": [
+ {
+ "kind": "TypeNominal",
+ "name": "String",
+ "printedName": "Swift.String",
+ "usr": "s:SS"
+ }
+ ],
+ "declKind": "Accessor",
+ "usr": "s:12IonicPortals8AssetMapV4nameSSvg",
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+ "implicit": true,
+ "accessorKind": "get"
+ },
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+ "kind": "Accessor",
+ "name": "Set",
+ "printedName": "Set()",
+ "children": [
+ {
+ "kind": "TypeNominal",
+ "name": "Void",
+ "printedName": "()"
+ },
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+ "name": "String",
+ "printedName": "Swift.String",
+ "usr": "s:SS"
+ }
+ ],
+ "declKind": "Accessor",
+ "usr": "s:12IonicPortals8AssetMapV4nameSSvs",
+ "mangledName": "$s12IonicPortals8AssetMapV4nameSSvs",
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+ "implicit": true,
+ "accessorKind": "set"
+ },
+ {
+ "kind": "Accessor",
+ "name": "Modify",
+ "printedName": "Modify()",
+ "children": [
+ {
+ "kind": "TypeNominal",
+ "name": "Void",
+ "printedName": "()"
+ }
+ ],
+ "declKind": "Accessor",
+ "usr": "s:12IonicPortals8AssetMapV4nameSSvM",
+ "mangledName": "$s12IonicPortals8AssetMapV4nameSSvM",
+ "moduleName": "IonicPortals",
+ "implicit": true,
+ "accessorKind": "_modify"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
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+ "name": "virtualPath",
+ "printedName": "virtualPath",
+ "children": [
+ {
+ "kind": "TypeNominal",
+ "name": "String",
+ "printedName": "Swift.String",
+ "usr": "s:SS"
+ }
+ ],
+ "declKind": "Var",
+ "usr": "s:12IonicPortals8AssetMapV11virtualPathSSvp",
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+ {
+ "kind": "TypeNominal",
+ "name": "String",
+ "printedName": "Swift.String",
+ "usr": "s:SS"
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+ },
+ {
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+ "name": "Set",
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+ "children": [
+ {
+ "kind": "TypeNominal",
+ "name": "Void",
+ "printedName": "()"
+ },
+ {
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+ "name": "String",
+ "printedName": "Swift.String",
+ "usr": "s:SS"
+ }
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+ "declKind": "Accessor",
+ "usr": "s:12IonicPortals8AssetMapV11virtualPathSSvs",
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+ "accessorKind": "set"
+ },
+ {
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+ {
+ "kind": "TypeNominal",
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+ "printedName": "()"
+ }
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+ "mangledName": "$s12IonicPortals8AssetMapV11virtualPathSSvM",
+ "moduleName": "IonicPortals",
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