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Releases: arunsivaramanneo/GPU-Viewer

GPU_VIEWER 1.42 - Release Notes

05 Jul 17:46
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New Changes

  1. Added AMD radeon logo
    Screenshot from 2022-07-05 18-40-14

  2. updated OpenCL Details to fetch data from clinfo -a command
    Screenshot from 2022-07-05 18-41-55

  3. Fixed show GLX framebuffer for latest version of glxinfo (need mesa utils 8.5)

  4. Minor UI changes

  5. Tested with Vulkan Tools 1.3.219, Mesa utils 8.5 and clinfo version

GPU_VIEWER 1.40 - Release Notes

28 Apr 19:32
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New Changes

Vulkan Details in Vulkan Tab shows information from Vulkaninfo --summary Command

Screenshot from 2022-04-15 08-42-23

Groups tab added to Vulkan (This should complete Vulkaninfo report)

Screenshot from 2022-04-24 19-00-29

Meson Support added , users can now install the application by just cloning and following the below command (please ensure meson is installed for performing the below steps)

  • Clone or download the repository
  • Navigate to GPU-VIEWER folder and open terminal
  • Type meson _build and enter
  • Type cd _build and enter
  • Type ninja install and Enter

Thanks to @tinywrkb @TingPing and @gasinvein for the Meson Support

Other Fixes

  1. driverVersion in Vulkan details is fixed , removed hardcoded value
  2. Fixed Surface Tab for MultiGPU
  3. Tested with Vulkan-Tools version 1.3.212

GPU_VIEWER 1.38 - Release Notes

20 Mar 12:18
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Fix for Vulkan Version 1.3.for Queue Tab

Screenshot from 2022-03-20 12-18-02

GPU_VIEWER 1.37 - Release Notes

05 Dec 12:18
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change Log

  1. Drop down in Properties Tab and Features Tab moved to the end of the Search box

v1 37

  1. Fixed Features tab not showing all the Features
  2. LSCPU command will be run in English lanuguage which will resolve any issue with different regional language settings
  3. updated Logo Width and height
  4. Code Clean up
  5. Tested with Vulkan Version 1.2.201

GPU_VIEWER 1.36 - Release Notes

15 Oct 09:26
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Change Log

  1. Message Box will be displayed if user tries to run the application when its already running


  1. OpenGL Extensions will now be displayed in Tabbed view instead of Radio Button View (at last this should fix the ugly layout issue with different themes)


  1. Renamd Memory Types & Memory Heaps to Memory Types & Heaps
  2. Renamed Instance & Layers to Instance Extensions & Layers
  3. Tested with Vulkan Version 1.2.196
  4. Updated Intel logo

GPU_VIEWER 1.35 - Release Notes

26 Sep 09:15
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  1. updated Memory Heaps tab to display the details as list (this will fix the llvmpipe issue)
  2. updated the Extensions tab to display the Extension revision correctly
  3. Removed number of Features displayed as it based on the new Vulkan Tools
  4. Fixed Nvidia Driver Version
  5. Code clean up

GPU_VIEWER 1.33- Release Notes

25 Jun 17:17
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Release Notes

Added Support to Vulkan Video Encode and Decode Flags in Vulkan Queue Tab
Fixed broken Format issue with Latest Vulkan Tools update
Added Windowing System information to Device Tab in Vulkan
Fixed Surface Tab for Wayland
Minor UI Changes
Tested with latest version of Vulkan Tools 1.2.182

GPU_VIEWER 1.32 - Release Notes

13 Dec 17:10
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Change Log

  1. Added CPU Cache information to be displayed in Devices tab of Vulkan
  2. Updated Properties tab and Features Tab to display the fields in proper
  3. Tested with Vulkan Tools 1.2.164 on AMD, Nvidia and Intel graphics


Thanks everyone for the support . Hope you have Merry Xmas and a Wonderful New Year

GPU_VIEWER 1.30 - Release Notes

03 Oct 17:26
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New Features Added

  1. Vdpauinfo frontend added. please install vdpauinfo to get the tab displayed (Vainfo not supported).





Fixes and changes

  1. Display number of Features Supported in Features Tab
  2. Updated Nvidia logo for Nvidia GTX and NVIDIA RTX users
  3. Updated Intel logo to New Intel Vector Logo
  4. Tested with latest Vulkan Tools Version 1.2.155
  5. Tested with Nvidia , AMD and Intel Hardware

GPU_VIEWER 1.27 - Release Notes

30 Aug 10:40
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  1. Fixed Surface Tab in Vulkan to show correctly
  2. Fixed Features Tab not to display duplicate records
  3. Added new Vulkan, OpenGL, OpenCL Logo's
  4. Tested with Vulkan 1.2.152

Screenshot from 2020-08-30 11-30-47