We have prepared seven analyses for you. Ranging from measuring Standard Model particles including a Higgs analysis and a search for a Beyond the Standard Model particle. Let's take a look at these processes.
The $$W$$ and $$Z$$ bosons are together known as the weak or the intermediate vector bosons. These Standard Model elementary particles mediate the weak interaction.
An interesting variable to study would be the ratio $$W^+/W^− $$with respect to the pseudorapidity of the selected lepton.
Many analyses selecting leptons suffer from
It is important to measure well known Standard Model particles, to confirm that we understand properly the detector and software. We are then ready to search for new physics.
This analysis looks for both a
Diboson physics is an important part of the physics programme of ATLAS as it is a probe for electroweak physics. The
Reconstructing the
The production of a
The Higgs boson is an excitation of the quantum field responsible for the breaking of electroweak symmetry.
This field is responsible for giving masses to fundamental particles.
The Higgs boson interacts with all Standard Model elementary particles having mass. Thus, there are different ways to produce a Higgs boson, and different ways for a Higgs boson to decay to other particles.
One of the most likely ways a Higgs boson will decay is into a pair of
This happens about 21% of the time for a Higgs boson with a mass of 125 GeV.
Physicists refer to a particle and its antiparticle collectively by just the particle's name.
So, when we talk about quarks we mean quarks and antiquarks.
It is a shorthand that physicists adopt for brevity.
The Higgs boson decays into two
A signature of this decay process is an isolated high-$$p_T$$ lepton. The term
quark–antiquark annihilation:
$$q\bar q \rightarrow W^+W^-$$ -
diphoton process:
$$\gamma\gamma\rightarrow W^+W^-$$ -
gluon fusion:
$$gg\rightarrow W^+W^-$$
Vector boson pair production is an important process for checks of the gauge structure of the Standard Model and the search for new physics.
It is an irreducible background for many Higgs and new physics searches.
- leptonically: into an electron or muon and neutrino.
- hadronically: into an up-type quark and a down-type quark.
Final states with leptons and missing transverse momentum are typical for many new physics models (supersymmetry is a classic example) but also for many Standard Model processes.
Understanding the Standard Model processes possessing multiple leptons and missing transverse momentum is crucial in the quest to discover or rule out these models.
The top quark is the only quark that can be studied in isolation, due to its high mass and short lifetime.
All other quarks are only accessible as constituents of hadrons.
Top quark processes can be used to optimise simulated data generators, QCD models and parton distribution functions.
In addition, top pair production is an important background in various Higgs boson analyses and beyond the Standard Model searches.
It is therefore crucial to understand this process in detail.
In the Standard Model, the top-quark generally decays into a $$W$$ boson and a
As we said before,
- leptonically: into an electron or muon and neutrino.
- hadronically: into an up-type quark and a down-type quark.
The two
Algorithms are used to identify these jets.
Jets thought to originate from
Additional jets in
Three channels are possible depending on the decays of the
- If both
$$W$$ bosons decay leptonically two jets are seen, originating from the$$b$$ -quarks. - If both
$$W$$ bosons decay hadronically, six jets are seen, two from each$$W$$ and two from the$$b$$ -quarks. - If the decay is semi-leptonic, one
$$W$$ boson decays leptonically and the other hadronically; four jets are seen, two of them are from$$b$$ -quarks.
The ATLAS open data Monte Carlo allows you to search for a Beyond the Standard Model particle and set exclusion limits on new physics.
The purpose of these example analyses is to showcase the abilities and limitations of the measured and
simulated data included in this data release.
Three high statistics Standard Model analyses: a selection of events with
one leptonically decaying
boson, a selection of leptonically decaying
semileptonic top pair production. These analyses are intended to show that the general description
of the data for these important background processes is sound. They also pose the possibility to
study Standard Model observables like the mass of the
Three low statistics Standard Model analyses: these analyses show the limitations of this dataset with respect to rare processes. They are a
objectives. However the statistical limitations prohibit more meaningful analyses. This point is particularly
important as it demonstrates that the proposed datasets are intended for educational purposes only.
A beyond the Standard Model analysis: multiple samples of simulated data containing
This list should not be seen as an exhaustive list of all possible analyses. Further processes that may be explored include
In theoretical physics, Feynman diagrams are pictorial representations of the mathematical expressions describing the behaviour of subatomic particles. Feynman diagrams are a valuable tool for understanding physics processes.
Have a go at drawing / finding the Feynman diagram for each of the above seven analyses.