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Lauren Beck edited this page Nov 23, 2019 · 47 revisions

These instructions explain how to go from raw .lsm images of organoids to morphology measurements.

How is the data organized?

The images must be organized into folders. One folder will contain images of organoids from a single perturbation imaged on a single day. The name of the folder is always wellXX_Y, where XX is 01 - 08 (to represent what well of the 8-well chamber I was imaging) and Y is the name of the perturbation (normal, 1.6uMSU668, day04, etc). These folders are called data folders and the code is built to run on a single folder at a time.

All images in a data folder are named posZZZ.lsm where ZZZ is a unique position number (001, 002, etc).

The code will make the following assumptions about the images:

  • All the images in the data folder have the same order of channels (for example, the first channel is always DAPI, etc).
  • There is only 1 organoid to analyze in each image. There can be more than 1 organoid in the image, but only 1 will be analyzed.

You can track the progress of each data folder through the pipeline here. There is a row for each data folder containing images of organoids from a single perturbation.

I also use this document to record details about each sample. There is a row for each sample, where a sample is an 8-well chamber where each well has a different perturbation.


The organoids2 repository (this repository) and rajlabimagetools repository must be on MATLAB's path.

Prepare Images

Segment Each Structure

Identify Each Cell Type

Collect All Segmentations

Measure Features

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