An ios app that allows you to learn languages by playing games.
- ios 13 +
- xcode 13.2 +
- cocoapods 1.11.2
Please clone the project and open TranslateItApp.xcworkspace to run the project.
Following Third-party dependencies are added via cocoa pods.
- RxSwift (reactive programming)
- RxTests (unit testing)
The MVVM Design pattern is used. It helps us to separate business logic from UI and makes testing easier.
Unit Testing and Basic UI Tests are done
Around 8 hours, 2 hours for Milestone1, 3 for Milestone2 and 3 for Milestone3
Around 30 minutes for understanding projects, around 2 hour for model layer, around 2 hour for game Mechanics, 1 hour for result view and around 2.5 hours for testing
Game Data Provider provides 25 % of the correct pairs where as rest 75% can be either correct or wrong
- Didn't focus on UI part
Increase Test Coverage Improve Game Mechanics
- Improve UI
- More test coverage (UI Tests, Snapshot Tests, Integration Tests)