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Import File of Utility Codes


In this directory, currently one import file that provides utility codes is stored.

Import File



An import file that provides codes to make it easier to build an AST (abstract syntax tree).


The usage procedure is shown below.

  1. Import code/pcc_ast.peg after the last %header section in the PEG file if any.

    %import "code/pcc_ast.peg"
  2. Set the designated data types as follows:

    %value "pcc_ast_node_t *"
    %auxil "pcc_ast_manager_t *"

    If the prefix is set with %prefix, all symbols starting with pcc_ are changed to those with the specified prefix as below.

    %prefix "my"
    %value "my_ast_node_t *"
    %auxil "my_ast_manager_t *"
  3. Create an AST node using either of the following functions in every rule action.

    • pcc_ast_node_t *pcc_ast_node__create_0(void);
      • Returns a newly created nullary node.
    • pcc_ast_node_t *pcc_ast_node__create_0_str(const char *str);
      • Returns a newly created nullary node retaining a copy of the specified string.
      • The string can be accessed using const char *pcc_ast_node__get_string(pcc_ast_node_t *node).
    • pcc_ast_node_t *pcc_ast_node__create_1(pcc_ast_node_t *node);
      • Returns a newly created unary node with one child node specified by the argument node.
    • pcc_ast_node_t *pcc_ast_node__create_2(pcc_ast_node_t *node0, pcc_ast_node_t *node1);
      • Returns a newly created binary node with two child nodes specified by the argument node0 and node1.
    • pcc_ast_node_t *pcc_ast_node__create_3(pcc_ast_node_t *node0, pcc_ast_node_t *node1, pcc_ast_node_t *node2);
      • Returns a newly created ternary node with three child nodes specified by the argument node0, node1, and node2.
    • pcc_ast_node_t *pcc_ast_node__create_v(void);
      • Returns a newly created variadic node initially with no child node.
    • pcc_ast_node_t *pcc_ast_node__add_child(pcc_ast_node_t *obj, pcc_ast_node_t *node);
      • Adds a child node specified by the argument node to the variadic node obj.
      • Can be used for obj as a variadic node only.

    As written above, if the prefix is set with %prefix, all symbols starting with pcc_ are changed to those with the specified prefix.

    There are the variants of the node creation functions that enable setting a label as an int value. The label can be used for specifying node kinds in order to make it easier to analyze the AST in the later parsing steps.

    • pcc_ast_node_t *pcc_ast_node__create_0_ext(int label);
    • pcc_ast_node_t *pcc_ast_node__create_0_ext_str(int label, const char *str);
    • pcc_ast_node_t *pcc_ast_node__create_1_ext(int label, pcc_ast_node_t *node);
    • pcc_ast_node_t *pcc_ast_node__create_2_ext(int label, pcc_ast_node_t *node0, pcc_ast_node_t *node1);
    • pcc_ast_node_t *pcc_ast_node__create_3_ext(int label, pcc_ast_node_t *node0, pcc_ast_node_t *node1, pcc_ast_node_t *node2);
    • pcc_ast_node_t *pcc_ast_node__create_v_ext(int label);

    Every AST node retains the rule pattern matching range in the member variable range. Namely, obj->range.start and obj->range.end memorize $0s and $0e respectively at the time when the node obj was created in a rule action.

    A usage example is shown below.

    rule0 <- l:rule1 '+' r:rule1 { $$ = my_ast_node__create_2(l, r); }
    rule1 <- [0-9]+ { $$ = my_ast_node__create_0(); }
  4. Call the generated parser API functions as follows:

    my_ast_manager_t mgr;
        my_context_t *ctx = my_create(&mgr);
        my_ast_node_t *ast = NULL; /* ast: the root node of the AST */
        while (my_parse(ctx, &ast)) {
            /* ... do something needed here */

    This code can be executed safely with no memory leak (if "do something needed here" does not bring memory leaks).


To build a meaningful AST, customization of the node is needed. By defining the macro PCC_AST_NODE_CUSTOM_DATA_DEFINED in a %header section before %import "code/pcc_ast.peg", the node member variable custom whose data type is pcc_ast_node_custom_data_t is enabled for storing node custom data. If the prefix is set with %prefix, the macro name PCC_AST_NODE_CUSTOM_DATA_DEFINED is changed to those with the uppercased prefix as below.

%prefix "my"

%header {

The concrete usage procedure is shown below.

  1. Define the data type of the node custom data in a PEG file.

    %header {
    #define MY_AST_NODE_CUSTOM_DATA_DEFINED /* <-- enables node custom data */
    typedef struct node_custom_data_tag { /* <-- node custom data type */
        /* ... define member variables as needed */
    } my_ast_node_custom_data_t;

    An example is as follows.

    %header {
    typedef struct text_data_tag {
        char *text;
    } my_ast_node_custom_data_t;

    Make sure that this %header section is located before %import "code/pcc_ast.peg".

  2. Set a node custom data value in every rule action as needed. An example is as follows.

    rule0 <- l:rule1 '+' r:rule1 { $$ = my_ast_node__create_2(l, r); $$->custom.text = strdup("+"); }
    rule1 <- < [0-9]+ > { $$ = my_ast_node__create_0(); $$->custom.text = strdup($1); }
  3. Implement the initialization and finalization functions for the node custom data.

    • void pcc_ast_node_custom_data__initialize(pcc_ast_node_custom_data_t *obj);
      • Initializes the node custom data obj.
    • void pcc_ast_node_custom_data__finalize(pcc_ast_node_custom_data_t *obj);
      • Finalizes the node custom data obj.

    An example is as follows.

    void my_ast_node_custom_data__initialize(my_ast_node_custom_data_t *obj) {
        obj->text = NULL;
    void my_ast_node_custom_data__finalize(my_ast_node_custom_data_t *obj) {


Some macros are prepared to customize the behavior of memory allocation for AST nodes. The macro definition should be in %source section in the PEG source.

The following macros are available. Note that, unlike other symbols, the prefix of these macro names is never changed even when a different prefix is set with %prefix.


The function macro to allocate a memory block. The pointer to the instance of pcc_ast_manager_t that was passed to the API function pcc_create() can be retrieved from the argument auxil. It can be ignored if the instance does not concern memory allocation. The argument size is the number of bytes to allocate. This macro must return a pointer to the allocated memory block, or NULL if no sufficient memory is available.

The default is defined as PCC_MALLOC(mgr, size), which is used in the generated parser.


The function macro to reallocate the existing memory block. The pointer to the instance of pcc_ast_manager_t that was passed to the API function pcc_create() can be retrieved from the argument auxil. It can be ignored if the instance does not concern memory allocation. The argument ptr is the pointer to the previously allocated memory block. The argument size is the new number of bytes to reallocate. This macro must return a pointer to the reallocated memory block, or NULL if no sufficient memory is available. The contents of the memory block should be left unchanged in any case even if the reallocation fails.

The default is defined as PCC_REALLOC(mgr, ptr, size), which is used in the generated parser.


The function macro to free the existing memory block. The pointer to the instance of pcc_ast_manager_t that was passed to the API function pcc_create() can be retrieved from the argument auxil. It can be ignored if the instance does not concern memory allocation. The argument ptr is the pointer to the previously allocated memory block. This macro need not return a value.

The default is defined as PCC_FREE(mgr, ptr), which is used in the generated parser.


The initial size (the number of nods) of the node arrays used in AST nodes. The arrays are expanded as needed. The default is 4.


An example which builds an AST and dumps it is shown here. This example accepts the same inputs as Desktop Calculator.

%prefix "calc"

%value "calc_ast_node_t *"    # <-- must be set

%auxil "calc_ast_manager_t *" # <-- must be set

%header {
#define CALC_AST_NODE_CUSTOM_DATA_DEFINED /* <-- enables node custom data */

typedef struct text_data_tag { /* <-- node custom data type */
    char *text;
} calc_ast_node_custom_data_t;

%source {
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

statement <- _ e:expression _ EOL { $$ = e; }
           / ( !EOL . )* EOL      { $$ = NULL; }

expression <- e:term { $$ = e; }

term <- l:term _ '+' _ r:factor { $$ = calc_ast_node__create_2(l, r); $$->custom.text = strdup("+"); }
      / l:term _ '-' _ r:factor { $$ = calc_ast_node__create_2(l, r); $$->custom.text = strdup("-"); }
      / e:factor                { $$ = e; }

factor <- l:factor _ '*' _ r:unary { $$ = calc_ast_node__create_2(l, r); $$->custom.text = strdup("*"); }
        / l:factor _ '/' _ r:unary { $$ = calc_ast_node__create_2(l, r); $$->custom.text = strdup("/"); }
        / e:unary                  { $$ = e; }

unary <- '+' _ e:unary { $$ = calc_ast_node__create_1(e); $$->custom.text = strdup("+"); }
       / '-' _ e:unary { $$ = calc_ast_node__create_1(e); $$->custom.text = strdup("-"); }
       / e:primary     { $$ = e; }

primary <- < [0-9]+ >               { $$ = calc_ast_node__create_0(); $$->custom.text = strdup($1); }
         / '(' _ e:expression _ ')' { $$ = e; }

_      <- [ \t]*
EOL    <- '\n' / '\r\n' / '\r' / ';'

%import "code/pcc_ast.peg"   # <-- provides AST build functions

void calc_ast_node_custom_data__initialize(calc_ast_node_custom_data_t *obj) { /* <-- must be implemented when enabling node custom data */
    obj->text = NULL;

void calc_ast_node_custom_data__finalize(calc_ast_node_custom_data_t *obj) {   /* <-- must be implemented when enabling node custom data */

static void dump_ast(const calc_ast_node_t *obj, int depth) {
    if (obj) {
        switch (obj->type) {
            printf("%*s%s: \"%s\"\n", 2 * depth, "", "nullary", obj->custom.text);
            printf("%*s%s: \"%s\"\n", 2 * depth, "", "unary", obj->custom.text);
            dump_ast(obj->data.unary.node, depth + 1);
            printf("%*s%s: \"%s\"\n", 2 * depth, "", "binary", obj->custom.text);
            dump_ast(obj->data.binary.node[0], depth + 1);
            dump_ast(obj->data.binary.node[1], depth + 1);
            printf("%*s%s: \"%s\"\n", 2 * depth, "", "ternary", obj->custom.text);
            dump_ast(obj->data.ternary.node[0], depth + 1);
            dump_ast(obj->data.ternary.node[1], depth + 1);
            dump_ast(obj->data.ternary.node[2], depth + 1);
            printf("%*s%s: \"%s\"\n", 2 * depth, "", "variadic", obj->custom.text);
                size_t i;
                for (i = 0; i < obj->data.variadic.len; i++) {
                    dump_ast(obj->data.variadic.node[i], depth + 1);
            printf("%*s%s: \"%s\"\n", 2 * depth, "", "(unknown)", obj->custom.text);
    else {
        printf("%*s(null)\n", 2 * depth, "");

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    calc_ast_manager_t mgr;
        calc_context_t *ctx = calc_create(&mgr);
        calc_ast_node_t *ast = NULL;
        while (calc_parse(ctx, &ast)) {
            dump_ast(ast, 0);
    return 0;

An execution example is as follows.

$ ./ast-calc↵
binary: "+"
  nullary: "1"
  binary: "*"
    nullary: "2"
    binary: "+"
      nullary: "3"
      binary: "*"
        nullary: "4"
        binary: "+"
          nullary: "5"
          nullary: "6"
binary: "/"
  binary: "*"
    binary: "*"
      binary: "*"
        nullary: "5"
        nullary: "6"
      nullary: "7"
    nullary: "8"
  binary: "*"
    binary: "*"
      binary: "*"
        nullary: "1"
        nullary: "2"
      nullary: "3"
    nullary: "4"