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+	url = https://github.com/rust-lang-nursery/nomicon
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-# The Rustonomicon
-#### The Dark Arts of Advanced and Unsafe Rust Programming
-# NOTE: This is a draft document, and may contain serious errors
-> Instead of the programs I had hoped for, there came only a shuddering blackness
-and ineffable loneliness; and I saw at last a fearful truth which no one had
-ever dared to breathe before — the unwhisperable secret of secrets — The fact
-that this language of stone and stridor is not a sentient perpetuation of Rust
-as London is of Old London and Paris of Old Paris, but that it is in fact
-quite unsafe, its sprawling body imperfectly embalmed and infested with queer
-animate things which have nothing to do with it as it was in compilation.
-This book digs into all the awful details that are necessary to understand in
-order to write correct Unsafe Rust programs. Due to the nature of this problem,
-it may lead to unleashing untold horrors that shatter your psyche into a billion
-infinitesimal fragments of despair.
-Should you wish a long and happy career of writing Rust programs, you should
-turn back now and forget you ever saw this book. It is not necessary. However
-if you intend to write unsafe code -- or just want to dig into the guts of the
-language -- this book contains invaluable information.
-Unlike [The Book][trpl] we will be assuming considerable prior knowledge. In
-particular, you should be comfortable with basic systems programming and Rust.
-If you don't feel comfortable with these topics, you should consider [reading
-The Book][trpl] first. Though we will not be assuming that you have, and will
-take care to occasionally give a refresher on the basics where appropriate. You
-can skip straight to this book if you want; just know that we won't be
-explaining everything from the ground up.
-To be clear, this book goes into deep detail. We're going to dig into
-exception-safety, pointer aliasing, memory models, and even some type-theory.
-We will also be spending a lot of time talking about the different kinds
-of safety and guarantees.
-[trpl]: ../book/index.html
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-# Summary
-* [Meet Safe and Unsafe](meet-safe-and-unsafe.md)
-	* [How Safe and Unsafe Interact](safe-unsafe-meaning.md)
-	* [Working with Unsafe](working-with-unsafe.md)
-* [Data Layout](data.md)
-	* [repr(Rust)](repr-rust.md)
-	* [Exotically Sized Types](exotic-sizes.md)
-	* [Other reprs](other-reprs.md)
-* [Ownership](ownership.md)
-	* [References](references.md)
-	* [Lifetimes](lifetimes.md)
-	* [Limits of Lifetimes](lifetime-mismatch.md)
-	* [Lifetime Elision](lifetime-elision.md)
-	* [Unbounded Lifetimes](unbounded-lifetimes.md)
-	* [Higher-Rank Trait Bounds](hrtb.md)
-	* [Subtyping and Variance](subtyping.md)
-	* [Drop Check](dropck.md)
-	* [PhantomData](phantom-data.md)
-	* [Splitting Borrows](borrow-splitting.md)
-* [Type Conversions](conversions.md)
-	* [Coercions](coercions.md)
-	* [The Dot Operator](dot-operator.md)
-	* [Casts](casts.md)
-	* [Transmutes](transmutes.md)
-* [Uninitialized Memory](uninitialized.md)
-	* [Checked](checked-uninit.md)
-	* [Drop Flags](drop-flags.md)
-	* [Unchecked](unchecked-uninit.md)
-* [Ownership Based Resource Management](obrm.md)
-	* [Constructors](constructors.md)
-	* [Destructors](destructors.md)
-	* [Leaking](leaking.md)
-* [Unwinding](unwinding.md)
-	* [Exception Safety](exception-safety.md)
-	* [Poisoning](poisoning.md)
-* [Concurrency](concurrency.md)
-	* [Races](races.md)
-	* [Send and Sync](send-and-sync.md)
-	* [Atomics](atomics.md)
-* [Implementing Vec](vec.md)
-	* [Layout](vec-layout.md)
-	* [Allocating](vec-alloc.md)
-	* [Push and Pop](vec-push-pop.md)
-	* [Deallocating](vec-dealloc.md)
-	* [Deref](vec-deref.md)
-	* [Insert and Remove](vec-insert-remove.md)
-	* [IntoIter](vec-into-iter.md)
-	* [RawVec](vec-raw.md)
-	* [Drain](vec-drain.md)
-	* [Handling Zero-Sized Types](vec-zsts.md)
-	* [Final Code](vec-final.md)
-* [Implementing Arc and Mutex](arc-and-mutex.md)
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-# Implementing Arc and Mutex
-Knowing the theory is all fine and good, but the *best* way to understand
-something is to use it. To better understand atomics and interior mutability,
-we'll be implementing versions of the standard library's Arc and Mutex types.
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-# Atomics
-Rust pretty blatantly just inherits C11's memory model for atomics. This is not
-due to this model being particularly excellent or easy to understand. Indeed,
-this model is quite complex and known to have [several flaws][C11-busted].
-Rather, it is a pragmatic concession to the fact that *everyone* is pretty bad
-at modeling atomics. At very least, we can benefit from existing tooling and
-research around C.
-Trying to fully explain the model in this book is fairly hopeless. It's defined
-in terms of madness-inducing causality graphs that require a full book to
-properly understand in a practical way. If you want all the nitty-gritty
-details, you should check out [C's specification (Section 7.17)][C11-model].
-Still, we'll try to cover the basics and some of the problems Rust developers
-The C11 memory model is fundamentally about trying to bridge the gap between the
-semantics we want, the optimizations compilers want, and the inconsistent chaos
-our hardware wants. *We* would like to just write programs and have them do
-exactly what we said but, you know, fast. Wouldn't that be great?
-# Compiler Reordering
-Compilers fundamentally want to be able to do all sorts of complicated
-transformations to reduce data dependencies and eliminate dead code. In
-particular, they may radically change the actual order of events, or make events
-never occur! If we write something like
-x = 1;
-y = 3;
-x = 2;
-The compiler may conclude that it would be best if your program did
-x = 2;
-y = 3;
-This has inverted the order of events and completely eliminated one event.
-From a single-threaded perspective this is completely unobservable: after all
-the statements have executed we are in exactly the same state. But if our
-program is multi-threaded, we may have been relying on `x` to actually be
-assigned to 1 before `y` was assigned. We would like the compiler to be
-able to make these kinds of optimizations, because they can seriously improve
-performance. On the other hand, we'd also like to be able to depend on our
-program *doing the thing we said*.
-# Hardware Reordering
-On the other hand, even if the compiler totally understood what we wanted and
-respected our wishes, our hardware might instead get us in trouble. Trouble
-comes from CPUs in the form of memory hierarchies. There is indeed a global
-shared memory space somewhere in your hardware, but from the perspective of each
-CPU core it is *so very far away* and *so very slow*. Each CPU would rather work
-with its local cache of the data and only go through all the anguish of
-talking to shared memory only when it doesn't actually have that memory in
-After all, that's the whole point of the cache, right? If every read from the
-cache had to run back to shared memory to double check that it hadn't changed,
-what would the point be? The end result is that the hardware doesn't guarantee
-that events that occur in the same order on *one* thread, occur in the same
-order on *another* thread. To guarantee this, we must issue special instructions
-to the CPU telling it to be a bit less smart.
-For instance, say we convince the compiler to emit this logic:
-initial state: x = 0, y = 1
-THREAD 1        THREAD2
-y = 3;          if x == 1 {
-x = 1;              y *= 2;
-                }
-Ideally this program has 2 possible final states:
-* `y = 3`: (thread 2 did the check before thread 1 completed)
-* `y = 6`: (thread 2 did the check after thread 1 completed)
-However there's a third potential state that the hardware enables:
-* `y = 2`: (thread 2 saw `x = 1`, but not `y = 3`, and then overwrote `y = 3`)
-It's worth noting that different kinds of CPU provide different guarantees. It
-is common to separate hardware into two categories: strongly-ordered and weakly-
-ordered. Most notably x86/64 provides strong ordering guarantees, while ARM
-provides weak ordering guarantees. This has two consequences for concurrent
-* Asking for stronger guarantees on strongly-ordered hardware may be cheap or
-  even free because they already provide strong guarantees unconditionally.
-  Weaker guarantees may only yield performance wins on weakly-ordered hardware.
-* Asking for guarantees that are too weak on strongly-ordered hardware is
-  more likely to *happen* to work, even though your program is strictly
-  incorrect. If possible, concurrent algorithms should be tested on
-  weakly-ordered hardware.
-# Data Accesses
-The C11 memory model attempts to bridge the gap by allowing us to talk about the
-*causality* of our program. Generally, this is by establishing a *happens
-before* relationship between parts of the program and the threads that are
-running them. This gives the hardware and compiler room to optimize the program
-more aggressively where a strict happens-before relationship isn't established,
-but forces them to be more careful where one is established. The way we
-communicate these relationships are through *data accesses* and *atomic
-Data accesses are the bread-and-butter of the programming world. They are
-fundamentally unsynchronized and compilers are free to aggressively optimize
-them. In particular, data accesses are free to be reordered by the compiler on
-the assumption that the program is single-threaded. The hardware is also free to
-propagate the changes made in data accesses to other threads as lazily and
-inconsistently as it wants. Most critically, data accesses are how data races
-happen. Data accesses are very friendly to the hardware and compiler, but as
-we've seen they offer *awful* semantics to try to write synchronized code with.
-Actually, that's too weak.
-**It is literally impossible to write correct synchronized code using only data
-Atomic accesses are how we tell the hardware and compiler that our program is
-multi-threaded. Each atomic access can be marked with an *ordering* that
-specifies what kind of relationship it establishes with other accesses. In
-practice, this boils down to telling the compiler and hardware certain things
-they *can't* do. For the compiler, this largely revolves around re-ordering of
-instructions. For the hardware, this largely revolves around how writes are
-propagated to other threads. The set of orderings Rust exposes are:
-* Sequentially Consistent (SeqCst)
-* Release
-* Acquire
-* Relaxed
-(Note: We explicitly do not expose the C11 *consume* ordering)
-TODO: negative reasoning vs positive reasoning? TODO: "can't forget to
-# Sequentially Consistent
-Sequentially Consistent is the most powerful of all, implying the restrictions
-of all other orderings. Intuitively, a sequentially consistent operation
-cannot be reordered: all accesses on one thread that happen before and after a
-SeqCst access stay before and after it. A data-race-free program that uses
-only sequentially consistent atomics and data accesses has the very nice
-property that there is a single global execution of the program's instructions
-that all threads agree on. This execution is also particularly nice to reason
-about: it's just an interleaving of each thread's individual executions. This
-does not hold if you start using the weaker atomic orderings.
-The relative developer-friendliness of sequential consistency doesn't come for
-free. Even on strongly-ordered platforms sequential consistency involves
-emitting memory fences.
-In practice, sequential consistency is rarely necessary for program correctness.
-However sequential consistency is definitely the right choice if you're not
-confident about the other memory orders. Having your program run a bit slower
-than it needs to is certainly better than it running incorrectly! It's also
-mechanically trivial to downgrade atomic operations to have a weaker
-consistency later on. Just change `SeqCst` to `Relaxed` and you're done! Of
-course, proving that this transformation is *correct* is a whole other matter.
-# Acquire-Release
-Acquire and Release are largely intended to be paired. Their names hint at their
-use case: they're perfectly suited for acquiring and releasing locks, and
-ensuring that critical sections don't overlap.
-Intuitively, an acquire access ensures that every access after it stays after
-it. However operations that occur before an acquire are free to be reordered to
-occur after it. Similarly, a release access ensures that every access before it
-stays before it. However operations that occur after a release are free to be
-reordered to occur before it.
-When thread A releases a location in memory and then thread B subsequently
-acquires *the same* location in memory, causality is established. Every write
-that happened before A's release will be observed by B after its release.
-However no causality is established with any other threads. Similarly, no
-causality is established if A and B access *different* locations in memory.
-Basic use of release-acquire is therefore simple: you acquire a location of
-memory to begin the critical section, and then release that location to end it.
-For instance, a simple spinlock might look like:
-use std::sync::Arc;
-use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering};
-use std::thread;
-fn main() {
-    let lock = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false)); // value answers "am I locked?"
-    // ... distribute lock to threads somehow ...
-    // Try to acquire the lock by setting it to true
-    while lock.compare_and_swap(false, true, Ordering::Acquire) { }
-    // broke out of the loop, so we successfully acquired the lock!
-    // ... scary data accesses ...
-    // ok we're done, release the lock
-    lock.store(false, Ordering::Release);
-On strongly-ordered platforms most accesses have release or acquire semantics,
-making release and acquire often totally free. This is not the case on
-weakly-ordered platforms.
-# Relaxed
-Relaxed accesses are the absolute weakest. They can be freely re-ordered and
-provide no happens-before relationship. Still, relaxed operations are still
-atomic. That is, they don't count as data accesses and any read-modify-write
-operations done to them occur atomically. Relaxed operations are appropriate for
-things that you definitely want to happen, but don't particularly otherwise care
-about. For instance, incrementing a counter can be safely done by multiple
-threads using a relaxed `fetch_add` if you're not using the counter to
-synchronize any other accesses.
-There's rarely a benefit in making an operation relaxed on strongly-ordered
-platforms, since they usually provide release-acquire semantics anyway. However
-relaxed operations can be cheaper on weakly-ordered platforms.
-[C11-busted]: http://plv.mpi-sws.org/c11comp/popl15.pdf
-[C11-model]: http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/www/standards.html#9899
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-# Splitting Borrows
-The mutual exclusion property of mutable references can be very limiting when
-working with a composite structure. The borrow checker understands some basic
-stuff, but will fall over pretty easily. It does understand structs
-sufficiently to know that it's possible to borrow disjoint fields of a struct
-simultaneously. So this works today:
-struct Foo {
-    a: i32,
-    b: i32,
-    c: i32,
-let mut x = Foo {a: 0, b: 0, c: 0};
-let a = &mut x.a;
-let b = &mut x.b;
-let c = &x.c;
-*b += 1;
-let c2 = &x.c;
-*a += 10;
-println!("{} {} {} {}", a, b, c, c2);
-However borrowck doesn't understand arrays or slices in any way, so this doesn't
-let mut x = [1, 2, 3];
-let a = &mut x[0];
-let b = &mut x[1];
-println!("{} {}", a, b);
-<anon>:4:14: 4:18 error: cannot borrow `x[..]` as mutable more than once at a time
-<anon>:4 let b = &mut x[1];
-                      ^~~~
-<anon>:3:14: 3:18 note: previous borrow of `x[..]` occurs here; the mutable borrow prevents subsequent moves, borrows, or modification of `x[..]` until the borrow ends
-<anon>:3 let a = &mut x[0];
-                      ^~~~
-<anon>:6:2: 6:2 note: previous borrow ends here
-<anon>:1 fn main() {
-<anon>:2 let mut x = [1, 2, 3];
-<anon>:3 let a = &mut x[0];
-<anon>:4 let b = &mut x[1];
-<anon>:5 println!("{} {}", a, b);
-<anon>:6 }
-         ^
-error: aborting due to 2 previous errors
-While it was plausible that borrowck could understand this simple case, it's
-pretty clearly hopeless for borrowck to understand disjointness in general
-container types like a tree, especially if distinct keys actually *do* map
-to the same value.
-In order to "teach" borrowck that what we're doing is ok, we need to drop down
-to unsafe code. For instance, mutable slices expose a `split_at_mut` function
-that consumes the slice and returns two mutable slices. One for everything to
-the left of the index, and one for everything to the right. Intuitively we know
-this is safe because the slices don't overlap, and therefore alias. However
-the implementation requires some unsafety:
-fn split_at_mut(&mut self, mid: usize) -> (&mut [T], &mut [T]) {
-    let len = self.len();
-    let ptr = self.as_mut_ptr();
-    assert!(mid <= len);
-    unsafe {
-        (from_raw_parts_mut(ptr, mid),
-         from_raw_parts_mut(ptr.offset(mid as isize), len - mid))
-    }
-This is actually a bit subtle. So as to avoid ever making two `&mut`'s to the
-same value, we explicitly construct brand-new slices through raw pointers.
-However more subtle is how iterators that yield mutable references work.
-The iterator trait is defined as follows:
-trait Iterator {
-    type Item;
-    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item>;
-Given this definition, Self::Item has *no* connection to `self`. This means that
-we can call `next` several times in a row, and hold onto all the results
-*concurrently*. This is perfectly fine for by-value iterators, which have
-exactly these semantics. It's also actually fine for shared references, as they
-admit arbitrarily many references to the same thing (although the iterator needs
-to be a separate object from the thing being shared).
-But mutable references make this a mess. At first glance, they might seem
-completely incompatible with this API, as it would produce multiple mutable
-references to the same object!
-However it actually *does* work, exactly because iterators are one-shot objects.
-Everything an IterMut yields will be yielded at most once, so we don't
-actually ever yield multiple mutable references to the same piece of data.
-Perhaps surprisingly, mutable iterators don't require unsafe code to be
-implemented for many types!
-For instance here's a singly linked list:
-# fn main() {}
-type Link<T> = Option<Box<Node<T>>>;
-struct Node<T> {
-    elem: T,
-    next: Link<T>,
-pub struct LinkedList<T> {
-    head: Link<T>,
-pub struct IterMut<'a, T: 'a>(Option<&'a mut Node<T>>);
-impl<T> LinkedList<T> {
-    fn iter_mut(&mut self) -> IterMut<T> {
-        IterMut(self.head.as_mut().map(|node| &mut **node))
-    }
-impl<'a, T> Iterator for IterMut<'a, T> {
-    type Item = &'a mut T;
-    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
-        self.0.take().map(|node| {
-            self.0 = node.next.as_mut().map(|node| &mut **node);
-            &mut node.elem
-        })
-    }
-Here's a mutable slice:
-# fn main() {}
-use std::mem;
-pub struct IterMut<'a, T: 'a>(&'a mut[T]);
-impl<'a, T> Iterator for IterMut<'a, T> {
-    type Item = &'a mut T;
-    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
-        let slice = mem::replace(&mut self.0, &mut []);
-        if slice.is_empty() { return None; }
-        let (l, r) = slice.split_at_mut(1);
-        self.0 = r;
-        l.get_mut(0)
-    }
-impl<'a, T> DoubleEndedIterator for IterMut<'a, T> {
-    fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
-        let slice = mem::replace(&mut self.0, &mut []);
-        if slice.is_empty() { return None; }
-        let new_len = slice.len() - 1;
-        let (l, r) = slice.split_at_mut(new_len);
-        self.0 = l;
-        r.get_mut(0)
-    }
-And here's a binary tree:
-# fn main() {}
-use std::collections::VecDeque;
-type Link<T> = Option<Box<Node<T>>>;
-struct Node<T> {
-    elem: T,
-    left: Link<T>,
-    right: Link<T>,
-pub struct Tree<T> {
-    root: Link<T>,
-struct NodeIterMut<'a, T: 'a> {
-    elem: Option<&'a mut T>,
-    left: Option<&'a mut Node<T>>,
-    right: Option<&'a mut Node<T>>,
-enum State<'a, T: 'a> {
-    Elem(&'a mut T),
-    Node(&'a mut Node<T>),
-pub struct IterMut<'a, T: 'a>(VecDeque<NodeIterMut<'a, T>>);
-impl<T> Tree<T> {
-    pub fn iter_mut(&mut self) -> IterMut<T> {
-        let mut deque = VecDeque::new();
-        self.root.as_mut().map(|root| deque.push_front(root.iter_mut()));
-        IterMut(deque)
-    }
-impl<T> Node<T> {
-    pub fn iter_mut(&mut self) -> NodeIterMut<T> {
-        NodeIterMut {
-            elem: Some(&mut self.elem),
-            left: self.left.as_mut().map(|node| &mut **node),
-            right: self.right.as_mut().map(|node| &mut **node),
-        }
-    }
-impl<'a, T> Iterator for NodeIterMut<'a, T> {
-    type Item = State<'a, T>;
-    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
-        match self.left.take() {
-            Some(node) => Some(State::Node(node)),
-            None => match self.elem.take() {
-                Some(elem) => Some(State::Elem(elem)),
-                None => match self.right.take() {
-                    Some(node) => Some(State::Node(node)),
-                    None => None,
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-impl<'a, T> DoubleEndedIterator for NodeIterMut<'a, T> {
-    fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
-        match self.right.take() {
-            Some(node) => Some(State::Node(node)),
-            None => match self.elem.take() {
-                Some(elem) => Some(State::Elem(elem)),
-                None => match self.left.take() {
-                    Some(node) => Some(State::Node(node)),
-                    None => None,
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-impl<'a, T> Iterator for IterMut<'a, T> {
-    type Item = &'a mut T;
-    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
-        loop {
-            match self.0.front_mut().and_then(|node_it| node_it.next()) {
-                Some(State::Elem(elem)) => return Some(elem),
-                Some(State::Node(node)) => self.0.push_front(node.iter_mut()),
-                None => if let None = self.0.pop_front() { return None },
-            }
-        }
-    }
-impl<'a, T> DoubleEndedIterator for IterMut<'a, T> {
-    fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
-        loop {
-            match self.0.back_mut().and_then(|node_it| node_it.next_back()) {
-                Some(State::Elem(elem)) => return Some(elem),
-                Some(State::Node(node)) => self.0.push_back(node.iter_mut()),
-                None => if let None = self.0.pop_back() { return None },
-            }
-        }
-    }
-All of these are completely safe and work on stable Rust! This ultimately
-falls out of the simple struct case we saw before: Rust understands that you
-can safely split a mutable reference into subfields. We can then encode
-permanently consuming a reference via Options (or in the case of slices,
-replacing with an empty slice).
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-# Casts
-Casts are a superset of coercions: every coercion can be explicitly
-invoked via a cast. However some conversions require a cast.
-While coercions are pervasive and largely harmless, these "true casts"
-are rare and potentially dangerous. As such, casts must be explicitly invoked
-using the `as` keyword: `expr as Type`.
-True casts generally revolve around raw pointers and the primitive numeric
-types. Even though they're dangerous, these casts are infallible at runtime.
-If a cast triggers some subtle corner case no indication will be given that
-this occurred. The cast will simply succeed. That said, casts must be valid
-at the type level, or else they will be prevented statically. For instance,
-`7u8 as bool` will not compile.
-That said, casts aren't `unsafe` because they generally can't violate memory
-safety *on their own*. For instance, converting an integer to a raw pointer can
-very easily lead to terrible things. However the act of creating the pointer
-itself is safe, because actually using a raw pointer is already marked as
-Here's an exhaustive list of all the true casts. For brevity, we will use `*`
-to denote either a `*const` or `*mut`, and `integer` to denote any integral
- * `*T as *U` where `T, U: Sized`
- * `*T as *U` TODO: explain unsized situation
- * `*T as integer`
- * `integer as *T`
- * `number as number`
- * `C-like-enum as integer`
- * `bool as integer`
- * `char as integer`
- * `u8 as char`
- * `&[T; n] as *const T`
- * `fn as *T` where `T: Sized`
- * `fn as integer`
-Note that lengths are not adjusted when casting raw slices -
-`*const [u16] as *const [u8]` creates a slice that only includes
-half of the original memory.
-Casting is not transitive, that is, even if `e as U1 as U2` is a valid
-expression, `e as U2` is not necessarily so.
-For numeric casts, there are quite a few cases to consider:
-* casting between two integers of the same size (e.g. i32 -> u32) is a no-op
-* casting from a larger integer to a smaller integer (e.g. u32 -> u8) will
-  truncate
-* casting from a smaller integer to a larger integer (e.g. u8 -> u32) will
-    * zero-extend if the source is unsigned
-    * sign-extend if the source is signed
-* casting from a float to an integer will round the float towards zero
-    * **[NOTE: currently this will cause Undefined Behavior if the rounded
-      value cannot be represented by the target integer type][float-int]**.
-      This includes Inf and NaN. This is a bug and will be fixed.
-* casting from an integer to float will produce the floating point
-  representation of the integer, rounded if necessary (rounding strategy
-  unspecified)
-* casting from an f32 to an f64 is perfect and lossless
-* casting from an f64 to an f32 will produce the closest possible value
-  (rounding strategy unspecified)
-    * **[NOTE: currently this will cause Undefined Behavior if the value
-      is finite but larger or smaller than the largest or smallest finite
-      value representable by f32][float-float]**. This is a bug and will
-      be fixed.
-[float-int]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/10184
-[float-float]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/15536
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-# Chapter 1
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-# Checked Uninitialized Memory
-Like C, all stack variables in Rust are uninitialized until a value is
-explicitly assigned to them. Unlike C, Rust statically prevents you from ever
-reading them until you do:
-fn main() {
-    let x: i32;
-    println!("{}", x);
-src/main.rs:3:20: 3:21 error: use of possibly uninitialized variable: `x`
-src/main.rs:3     println!("{}", x);
-                                 ^
-This is based off of a basic branch analysis: every branch must assign a value
-to `x` before it is first used. Interestingly, Rust doesn't require the variable
-to be mutable to perform a delayed initialization if every branch assigns
-exactly once. However the analysis does not take advantage of constant analysis
-or anything like that. So this compiles:
-fn main() {
-    let x: i32;
-    if true {
-        x = 1;
-    } else {
-        x = 2;
-    }
-    println!("{}", x);
-but this doesn't:
-fn main() {
-    let x: i32;
-    if true {
-        x = 1;
-    }
-    println!("{}", x);
-src/main.rs:6:17: 6:18 error: use of possibly uninitialized variable: `x`
-src/main.rs:6   println!("{}", x);
-while this does:
-fn main() {
-    let x: i32;
-    if true {
-        x = 1;
-        println!("{}", x);
-    }
-    // Don't care that there are branches where it's not initialized
-    // since we don't use the value in those branches
-Of course, while the analysis doesn't consider actual values, it does
-have a relatively sophisticated understanding of dependencies and control
-flow. For instance, this works:
-let x: i32;
-loop {
-    // Rust doesn't understand that this branch will be taken unconditionally,
-    // because it relies on actual values.
-    if true {
-        // But it does understand that it will only be taken once because
-        // we unconditionally break out of it. Therefore `x` doesn't
-        // need to be marked as mutable.
-        x = 0;
-        break;
-    }
-// It also knows that it's impossible to get here without reaching the break.
-// And therefore that `x` must be initialized here!
-println!("{}", x);
-If a value is moved out of a variable, that variable becomes logically
-uninitialized if the type of the value isn't Copy. That is:
-fn main() {
-    let x = 0;
-    let y = Box::new(0);
-    let z1 = x; // x is still valid because i32 is Copy
-    let z2 = y; // y is now logically uninitialized because Box isn't Copy
-However reassigning `y` in this example *would* require `y` to be marked as
-mutable, as a Safe Rust program could observe that the value of `y` changed:
-fn main() {
-    let mut y = Box::new(0);
-    let z = y; // y is now logically uninitialized because Box isn't Copy
-    y = Box::new(1); // reinitialize y
-Otherwise it's like `y` is a brand new variable.
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-# Coercions
-Types can implicitly be coerced to change in certain contexts. These changes are
-generally just *weakening* of types, largely focused around pointers and
-lifetimes. They mostly exist to make Rust "just work" in more cases, and are
-largely harmless.
-Here's all the kinds of coercion:
-Coercion is allowed between the following types:
-* Transitivity: `T_1` to `T_3` where `T_1` coerces to `T_2` and `T_2` coerces to
-  `T_3`
-* Pointer Weakening:
-    * `&mut T` to `&T`
-    * `*mut T` to `*const T`
-    * `&T` to `*const T`
-    * `&mut T` to `*mut T`
-* Unsizing: `T` to `U` if `T` implements `CoerceUnsized<U>`
-* Deref coercion: Expression `&x` of type `&T` to `&*x` of type `&U` if `T` derefs to `U` (i.e. `T: Deref<Target=U>`)
-`CoerceUnsized<Pointer<U>> for Pointer<T> where T: Unsize<U>` is implemented
-for all pointer types (including smart pointers like Box and Rc). Unsize is
-only implemented automatically, and enables the following transformations:
-* `[T; n]` => `[T]`
-* `T` => `Trait` where `T: Trait`
-* `Foo<..., T, ...>` => `Foo<..., U, ...>` where:
-    * `T: Unsize<U>`
-    * `Foo` is a struct
-    * Only the last field of `Foo` has type involving `T`
-    * `T` is not part of the type of any other fields
-    * `Bar<T>: Unsize<Bar<U>>`, if the last field of `Foo` has type `Bar<T>`
-Coercions occur at a *coercion site*. Any location that is explicitly typed
-will cause a coercion to its type. If inference is necessary, the coercion will
-not be performed. Exhaustively, the coercion sites for an expression `e` to
-type `U` are:
-* let statements, statics, and consts: `let x: U = e`
-* Arguments to functions: `takes_a_U(e)`
-* Any expression that will be returned: `fn foo() -> U { e }`
-* Struct literals: `Foo { some_u: e }`
-* Array literals: `let x: [U; 10] = [e, ..]`
-* Tuple literals: `let x: (U, ..) = (e, ..)`
-* The last expression in a block: `let x: U = { ..; e }`
-Note that we do not perform coercions when matching traits (except for
-receivers, see below). If there is an impl for some type `U` and `T` coerces to
-`U`, that does not constitute an implementation for `T`. For example, the
-following will not type check, even though it is OK to coerce `t` to `&T` and
-there is an impl for `&T`:
-trait Trait {}
-fn foo<X: Trait>(t: X) {}
-impl<'a> Trait for &'a i32 {}
-fn main() {
-    let t: &mut i32 = &mut 0;
-    foo(t);
-<anon>:10:5: 10:8 error: the trait bound `&mut i32 : Trait` is not satisfied [E0277]
-<anon>:10     foo(t);
-              ^~~
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-# Concurrency and Parallelism
-Rust as a language doesn't *really* have an opinion on how to do concurrency or
-parallelism. The standard library exposes OS threads and blocking sys-calls
-because everyone has those, and they're uniform enough that you can provide
-an abstraction over them in a relatively uncontroversial way. Message passing,
-green threads, and async APIs are all diverse enough that any abstraction over
-them tends to involve trade-offs that we weren't willing to commit to for 1.0.
-However the way Rust models concurrency makes it relatively easy to design your own
-concurrency paradigm as a library and have everyone else's code Just Work
-with yours. Just require the right lifetimes and Send and Sync where appropriate
-and you're off to the races. Or rather, off to the... not... having... races.
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-# Constructors
-There is exactly one way to create an instance of a user-defined type: name it,
-and initialize all its fields at once:
-struct Foo {
-    a: u8,
-    b: u32,
-    c: bool,
-enum Bar {
-    X(u32),
-    Y(bool),
-struct Unit;
-let foo = Foo { a: 0, b: 1, c: false };
-let bar = Bar::X(0);
-let empty = Unit;
-That's it. Every other way you make an instance of a type is just calling a
-totally vanilla function that does some stuff and eventually bottoms out to The
-One True Constructor.
-Unlike C++, Rust does not come with a slew of built-in kinds of constructor.
-There are no Copy, Default, Assignment, Move, or whatever constructors. The
-reasons for this are varied, but it largely boils down to Rust's philosophy of
-*being explicit*.
-Move constructors are meaningless in Rust because we don't enable types to
-"care" about their location in memory. Every type must be ready for it to be
-blindly memcopied to somewhere else in memory. This means pure on-the-stack-but-
-still-movable intrusive linked lists are simply not happening in Rust (safely).
-Assignment and copy constructors similarly don't exist because move semantics
-are the only semantics in Rust. At most `x = y` just moves the bits of y into
-the x variable. Rust does provide two facilities for providing C++'s copy-
-oriented semantics: `Copy` and `Clone`. Clone is our moral equivalent of a copy
-constructor, but it's never implicitly invoked. You have to explicitly call
-`clone` on an element you want to be cloned. Copy is a special case of Clone
-where the implementation is just "copy the bits". Copy types *are* implicitly
-cloned whenever they're moved, but because of the definition of Copy this just
-means not treating the old copy as uninitialized -- a no-op.
-While Rust provides a `Default` trait for specifying the moral equivalent of a
-default constructor, it's incredibly rare for this trait to be used. This is
-because variables [aren't implicitly initialized][uninit]. Default is basically
-only useful for generic programming. In concrete contexts, a type will provide a
-static `new` method for any kind of "default" constructor. This has no relation
-to `new` in other languages and has no special meaning. It's just a naming
-TODO: talk about "placement new"?
-[uninit]: uninitialized.html
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-# Type Conversions
-At the end of the day, everything is just a pile of bits somewhere, and type
-systems are just there to help us use those bits right. There are two common
-problems with typing bits: needing to reinterpret those exact bits as a
-different type, and needing to change the bits to have equivalent meaning for
-a different type. Because Rust encourages encoding important properties in the
-type system, these problems are incredibly pervasive. As such, Rust
-consequently gives you several ways to solve them.
-First we'll look at the ways that Safe Rust gives you to reinterpret values.
-The most trivial way to do this is to just destructure a value into its
-constituent parts and then build a new type out of them. e.g.
-struct Foo {
-    x: u32,
-    y: u16,
-struct Bar {
-    a: u32,
-    b: u16,
-fn reinterpret(foo: Foo) -> Bar {
-    let Foo { x, y } = foo;
-    Bar { a: x, b: y }
-But this is, at best, annoying. For common conversions, Rust provides
-more ergonomic alternatives.
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-# Data Representation in Rust
-Low-level programming cares a lot about data layout. It's a big deal. It also
-pervasively influences the rest of the language, so we're going to start by
-digging into how data is represented in Rust.
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-# Destructors
-What the language *does* provide is full-blown automatic destructors through the
-`Drop` trait, which provides the following method:
-fn drop(&mut self);
-This method gives the type time to somehow finish what it was doing.
-**After `drop` is run, Rust will recursively try to drop all of the fields
-of `self`.**
-This is a convenience feature so that you don't have to write "destructor
-boilerplate" to drop children. If a struct has no special logic for being
-dropped other than dropping its children, then it means `Drop` doesn't need to
-be implemented at all!
-**There is no stable way to prevent this behavior in Rust 1.0.**
-Note that taking `&mut self` means that even if you could suppress recursive
-Drop, Rust will prevent you from e.g. moving fields out of self. For most types,
-this is totally fine.
-For instance, a custom implementation of `Box` might write `Drop` like this:
-#![feature(alloc, heap_api, unique)]
-extern crate alloc;
-use std::ptr::{drop_in_place, Unique};
-use std::mem;
-use alloc::heap;
-struct Box<T>{ ptr: Unique<T> }
-impl<T> Drop for Box<T> {
-    fn drop(&mut self) {
-        unsafe {
-            drop_in_place(*self.ptr);
-            heap::deallocate((*self.ptr) as *mut u8,
-                             mem::size_of::<T>(),
-                             mem::align_of::<T>());
-        }
-    }
-# fn main() {}
-and this works fine because when Rust goes to drop the `ptr` field it just sees
-a [Unique] that has no actual `Drop` implementation. Similarly nothing can
-use-after-free the `ptr` because when drop exits, it becomes inaccessible.
-However this wouldn't work:
-#![feature(alloc, heap_api, unique)]
-extern crate alloc;
-use std::ptr::{drop_in_place, Unique};
-use std::mem;
-use alloc::heap;
-struct Box<T>{ ptr: Unique<T> }
-impl<T> Drop for Box<T> {
-    fn drop(&mut self) {
-        unsafe {
-            drop_in_place(*self.ptr);
-            heap::deallocate((*self.ptr) as *mut u8,
-                             mem::size_of::<T>(),
-                             mem::align_of::<T>());
-        }
-    }
-struct SuperBox<T> { my_box: Box<T> }
-impl<T> Drop for SuperBox<T> {
-    fn drop(&mut self) {
-        unsafe {
-            // Hyper-optimized: deallocate the box's contents for it
-            // without `drop`ing the contents
-            heap::deallocate((*self.my_box.ptr) as *mut u8,
-                             mem::size_of::<T>(),
-                             mem::align_of::<T>());
-        }
-    }
-# fn main() {}
-After we deallocate the `box`'s ptr in SuperBox's destructor, Rust will
-happily proceed to tell the box to Drop itself and everything will blow up with
-use-after-frees and double-frees.
-Note that the recursive drop behavior applies to all structs and enums
-regardless of whether they implement Drop. Therefore something like
-struct Boxy<T> {
-    data1: Box<T>,
-    data2: Box<T>,
-    info: u32,
-will have its data1 and data2's fields destructors whenever it "would" be
-dropped, even though it itself doesn't implement Drop. We say that such a type
-*needs Drop*, even though it is not itself Drop.
-enum Link {
-    Next(Box<Link>),
-    None,
-will have its inner Box field dropped if and only if an instance stores the
-Next variant.
-In general this works really nicely because you don't need to worry about
-adding/removing drops when you refactor your data layout. Still there's
-certainly many valid usecases for needing to do trickier things with
-The classic safe solution to overriding recursive drop and allowing moving out
-of Self during `drop` is to use an Option:
-#![feature(alloc, heap_api, unique)]
-extern crate alloc;
-use std::ptr::{drop_in_place, Unique};
-use std::mem;
-use alloc::heap;
-struct Box<T>{ ptr: Unique<T> }
-impl<T> Drop for Box<T> {
-    fn drop(&mut self) {
-        unsafe {
-            drop_in_place(*self.ptr);
-            heap::deallocate((*self.ptr) as *mut u8,
-                             mem::size_of::<T>(),
-                             mem::align_of::<T>());
-        }
-    }
-struct SuperBox<T> { my_box: Option<Box<T>> }
-impl<T> Drop for SuperBox<T> {
-    fn drop(&mut self) {
-        unsafe {
-            // Hyper-optimized: deallocate the box's contents for it
-            // without `drop`ing the contents. Need to set the `box`
-            // field as `None` to prevent Rust from trying to Drop it.
-            let my_box = self.my_box.take().unwrap();
-            heap::deallocate((*my_box.ptr) as *mut u8,
-                             mem::size_of::<T>(),
-                             mem::align_of::<T>());
-            mem::forget(my_box);
-        }
-    }
-# fn main() {}
-However this has fairly odd semantics: you're saying that a field that *should*
-always be Some *may* be None, just because that happens in the destructor. Of
-course this conversely makes a lot of sense: you can call arbitrary methods on
-self during the destructor, and this should prevent you from ever doing so after
-deinitializing the field. Not that it will prevent you from producing any other
-arbitrarily invalid state in there.
-On balance this is an ok choice. Certainly what you should reach for by default.
-However, in the future we expect there to be a first-class way to announce that
-a field shouldn't be automatically dropped.
-[Unique]: phantom-data.html
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-# The Dot Operator
-The dot operator will perform a lot of magic to convert types. It will perform
-auto-referencing, auto-dereferencing, and coercion until types match.
-TODO: steal information from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/28519997/what-are-rusts-exact-auto-dereferencing-rules/28552082#28552082
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-# Drop Flags
-The examples in the previous section introduce an interesting problem for Rust.
-We have seen that it's possible to conditionally initialize, deinitialize, and
-reinitialize locations of memory totally safely. For Copy types, this isn't
-particularly notable since they're just a random pile of bits. However types
-with destructors are a different story: Rust needs to know whether to call a
-destructor whenever a variable is assigned to, or a variable goes out of scope.
-How can it do this with conditional initialization?
-Note that this is not a problem that all assignments need worry about. In
-particular, assigning through a dereference unconditionally drops, and assigning
-in a `let` unconditionally doesn't drop:
-let mut x = Box::new(0); // let makes a fresh variable, so never need to drop
-let y = &mut x;
-*y = Box::new(1); // Deref assumes the referent is initialized, so always drops
-This is only a problem when overwriting a previously initialized variable or
-one of its subfields.
-It turns out that Rust actually tracks whether a type should be dropped or not
-*at runtime*. As a variable becomes initialized and uninitialized, a *drop flag*
-for that variable is toggled. When a variable might need to be dropped, this
-flag is evaluated to determine if it should be dropped.
-Of course, it is often the case that a value's initialization state can be
-statically known at every point in the program. If this is the case, then the
-compiler can theoretically generate more efficient code! For instance, straight-
-line code has such *static drop semantics*:
-let mut x = Box::new(0); // x was uninit; just overwrite.
-let mut y = x;           // y was uninit; just overwrite and make x uninit.
-x = Box::new(0);         // x was uninit; just overwrite.
-y = x;                   // y was init; Drop y, overwrite it, and make x uninit!
-                         // y goes out of scope; y was init; Drop y!
-                         // x goes out of scope; x was uninit; do nothing.
-Similarly, branched code where all branches have the same behavior with respect
-to initialization has static drop semantics:
-# let condition = true;
-let mut x = Box::new(0);    // x was uninit; just overwrite.
-if condition {
-    drop(x)                 // x gets moved out; make x uninit.
-} else {
-    println!("{}", x);
-    drop(x)                 // x gets moved out; make x uninit.
-x = Box::new(0);            // x was uninit; just overwrite.
-                            // x goes out of scope; x was init; Drop x!
-However code like this *requires* runtime information to correctly Drop:
-# let condition = true;
-let x;
-if condition {
-    x = Box::new(0);        // x was uninit; just overwrite.
-    println!("{}", x);
-                            // x goes out of scope; x might be uninit;
-                            // check the flag!
-Of course, in this case it's trivial to retrieve static drop semantics:
-# let condition = true;
-if condition {
-    let x = Box::new(0);
-    println!("{}", x);
-The drop flags are tracked on the stack and no longer stashed in types that
-implement drop.
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-# Drop Check
-We have seen how lifetimes provide us some fairly simple rules for ensuring
-that we never read dangling references. However up to this point we have only ever
-interacted with the *outlives* relationship in an inclusive manner. That is,
-when we talked about `'a: 'b`, it was ok for `'a` to live *exactly* as long as
-`'b`. At first glance, this seems to be a meaningless distinction. Nothing ever
-gets dropped at the same time as another, right? This is why we used the
-following desugaring of `let` statements:
-let x;
-let y;
-    let x;
-    {
-        let y;
-    }
-Each creates its own scope, clearly establishing that one drops before the
-other. However, what if we do the following?
-let (x, y) = (vec![], vec![]);
-Does either value strictly outlive the other? The answer is in fact *no*,
-neither value strictly outlives the other. Of course, one of x or y will be
-dropped before the other, but the actual order is not specified. Tuples aren't
-special in this regard; composite structures just don't guarantee their
-destruction order as of Rust 1.0.
-We *could* specify this for the fields of built-in composites like tuples and
-structs. However, what about something like Vec? Vec has to manually drop its
-elements via pure-library code. In general, anything that implements Drop has
-a chance to fiddle with its innards during its final death knell. Therefore
-the compiler can't sufficiently reason about the actual destruction order
-of the contents of any type that implements Drop.
-So why do we care? We care because if the type system isn't careful, it could
-accidentally make dangling pointers. Consider the following simple program:
-struct Inspector<'a>(&'a u8);
-fn main() {
-    let (inspector, days);
-    days = Box::new(1);
-    inspector = Inspector(&days);
-This program is totally sound and compiles today. The fact that `days` does
-not *strictly* outlive `inspector` doesn't matter. As long as the `inspector`
-is alive, so is days.
-However if we add a destructor, the program will no longer compile!
-struct Inspector<'a>(&'a u8);
-impl<'a> Drop for Inspector<'a> {
-    fn drop(&mut self) {
-        println!("I was only {} days from retirement!", self.0);
-    }
-fn main() {
-    let (inspector, days);
-    days = Box::new(1);
-    inspector = Inspector(&days);
-    // Let's say `days` happens to get dropped first.
-    // Then when Inspector is dropped, it will try to read free'd memory!
-<anon>:12:28: 12:32 error: `days` does not live long enough
-<anon>:12     inspector = Inspector(&days);
-                                     ^~~~
-<anon>:9:11: 15:2 note: reference must be valid for the block at 9:10...
-<anon>:9 fn main() {
-<anon>:10     let (inspector, days);
-<anon>:11     days = Box::new(1);
-<anon>:12     inspector = Inspector(&days);
-<anon>:13     // Let's say `days` happens to get dropped first.
-<anon>:14     // Then when Inspector is dropped, it will try to read free'd memory!
-          ...
-<anon>:10:27: 15:2 note: ...but borrowed value is only valid for the block suffix following statement 0 at 10:26
-<anon>:10     let (inspector, days);
-<anon>:11     days = Box::new(1);
-<anon>:12     inspector = Inspector(&days);
-<anon>:13     // Let's say `days` happens to get dropped first.
-<anon>:14     // Then when Inspector is dropped, it will try to read free'd memory!
-<anon>:15 }
-Implementing Drop lets the Inspector execute some arbitrary code during its
-death. This means it can potentially observe that types that are supposed to
-live as long as it does actually were destroyed first.
-Interestingly, only generic types need to worry about this. If they aren't
-generic, then the only lifetimes they can harbor are `'static`, which will truly
-live *forever*. This is why this problem is referred to as *sound generic drop*.
-Sound generic drop is enforced by the *drop checker*. As of this writing, some
-of the finer details of how the drop checker validates types is totally up in
-the air. However The Big Rule is the subtlety that we have focused on this whole
-**For a generic type to soundly implement drop, its generics arguments must
-strictly outlive it.**
-Obeying this rule is (usually) necessary to satisfy the borrow
-checker; obeying it is sufficient but not necessary to be
-sound. That is, if your type obeys this rule then it's definitely
-sound to drop.
-The reason that it is not always necessary to satisfy the above rule
-is that some Drop implementations will not access borrowed data even
-though their type gives them the capability for such access.
-For example, this variant of the above `Inspector` example will never
-access borrowed data:
-struct Inspector<'a>(&'a u8, &'static str);
-impl<'a> Drop for Inspector<'a> {
-    fn drop(&mut self) {
-        println!("Inspector(_, {}) knows when *not* to inspect.", self.1);
-    }
-fn main() {
-    let (inspector, days);
-    days = Box::new(1);
-    inspector = Inspector(&days, "gadget");
-    // Let's say `days` happens to get dropped first.
-    // Even when Inspector is dropped, its destructor will not access the
-    // borrowed `days`.
-Likewise, this variant will also never access borrowed data:
-use std::fmt;
-struct Inspector<T: fmt::Display>(T, &'static str);
-impl<T: fmt::Display> Drop for Inspector<T> {
-    fn drop(&mut self) {
-        println!("Inspector(_, {}) knows when *not* to inspect.", self.1);
-    }
-fn main() {
-    let (inspector, days): (Inspector<&u8>, Box<u8>);
-    days = Box::new(1);
-    inspector = Inspector(&days, "gadget");
-    // Let's say `days` happens to get dropped first.
-    // Even when Inspector is dropped, its destructor will not access the
-    // borrowed `days`.
-However, *both* of the above variants are rejected by the borrow
-checker during the analysis of `fn main`, saying that `days` does not
-live long enough.
-The reason is that the borrow checking analysis of `main` does not
-know about the internals of each Inspector's Drop implementation.  As
-far as the borrow checker knows while it is analyzing `main`, the body
-of an inspector's destructor might access that borrowed data.
-Therefore, the drop checker forces all borrowed data in a value to
-strictly outlive that value.
-# An Escape Hatch
-The precise rules that govern drop checking may be less restrictive in
-the future.
-The current analysis is deliberately conservative and trivial; it forces all
-borrowed data in a value to outlive that value, which is certainly sound.
-Future versions of the language may make the analysis more precise, to
-reduce the number of cases where sound code is rejected as unsafe.
-This would help address cases such as the two Inspectors above that
-know not to inspect during destruction.
-In the meantime, there is an unstable attribute that one can use to
-assert (unsafely) that a generic type's destructor is *guaranteed* to
-not access any expired data, even if its type gives it the capability
-to do so.
-That attribute is called `may_dangle` and was introduced in [RFC 1327]
-To deploy it on the Inspector example from above, we would write:
-struct Inspector<'a>(&'a u8, &'static str);
-unsafe impl<#[may_dangle] 'a> Drop for Inspector<'a> {
-    fn drop(&mut self) {
-        println!("Inspector(_, {}) knows when *not* to inspect.", self.1);
-    }
-Use of this attribute requires the `Drop` impl to be marked `unsafe` because the
-compiler is not checking the implicit assertion that no potentially expired data
-(e.g. `self.0` above) is accessed.
-The attribute can be applied to any number of lifetime and type parameters. In
-the following example, we assert that we access no data behind a reference of
-lifetime `'b` and that the only uses of `T` will be moves or drops, but omit
-the attribute from `'a` and `U`, because we do access data with that lifetime
-and that type:
-use std::fmt::Display;
-struct Inspector<'a, 'b, T, U: Display>(&'a u8, &'b u8, T, U);
-unsafe impl<'a, #[may_dangle] 'b, #[may_dangle] T, U: Display> Drop for Inspector<'a, 'b, T, U> {
-    fn drop(&mut self) {
-        println!("Inspector({}, _, _, {})", self.0, self.3);
-    }
-It is sometimes obvious that no such access can occur, like the case above.
-However, when dealing with a generic type parameter, such access can
-occur indirectly. Examples of such indirect access are:
- * invoking a callback,
- * via a trait method call.
-(Future changes to the language, such as impl specialization, may add
-other avenues for such indirect access.)
-Here is an example of invoking a callback:
-struct Inspector<T>(T, &'static str, Box<for <'r> fn(&'r T) -> String>);
-impl<T> Drop for Inspector<T> {
-    fn drop(&mut self) {
-        // The `self.2` call could access a borrow e.g. if `T` is `&'a _`.
-        println!("Inspector({}, {}) unwittingly inspects expired data.",
-                 (self.2)(&self.0), self.1);
-    }
-Here is an example of a trait method call:
-use std::fmt;
-struct Inspector<T: fmt::Display>(T, &'static str);
-impl<T: fmt::Display> Drop for Inspector<T> {
-    fn drop(&mut self) {
-        // There is a hidden call to `<T as Display>::fmt` below, which
-        // could access a borrow e.g. if `T` is `&'a _`
-        println!("Inspector({}, {}) unwittingly inspects expired data.",
-                 self.0, self.1);
-    }
-And of course, all of these accesses could be further hidden within
-some other method invoked by the destructor, rather than being written
-directly within it.
-In all of the above cases where the `&'a u8` is accessed in the
-destructor, adding the `#[may_dangle]`
-attribute makes the type vulnerable to misuse that the borrower
-checker will not catch, inviting havoc. It is better to avoid adding
-the attribute.
-# Is that all about drop checker?
-It turns out that when writing unsafe code, we generally don't need to
-worry at all about doing the right thing for the drop checker. However there
-is one special case that you need to worry about, which we will look at in
-the next section.
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-# Exception Safety
-Although programs should use unwinding sparingly, there's a lot of code that
-*can* panic. If you unwrap a None, index out of bounds, or divide by 0, your
-program will panic. On debug builds, every arithmetic operation can panic
-if it overflows. Unless you are very careful and tightly control what code runs,
-pretty much everything can unwind, and you need to be ready for it.
-Being ready for unwinding is often referred to as *exception safety*
-in the broader programming world. In Rust, there are two levels of exception
-safety that one may concern themselves with:
-* In unsafe code, we *must* be exception safe to the point of not violating
-  memory safety. We'll call this *minimal* exception safety.
-* In safe code, it is *good* to be exception safe to the point of your program
-  doing the right thing. We'll call this *maximal* exception safety.
-As is the case in many places in Rust, Unsafe code must be ready to deal with
-bad Safe code when it comes to unwinding. Code that transiently creates
-unsound states must be careful that a panic does not cause that state to be
-used. Generally this means ensuring that only non-panicking code is run while
-these states exist, or making a guard that cleans up the state in the case of
-a panic. This does not necessarily mean that the state a panic witnesses is a
-fully coherent state. We need only guarantee that it's a *safe* state.
-Most Unsafe code is leaf-like, and therefore fairly easy to make exception-safe.
-It controls all the code that runs, and most of that code can't panic. However
-it is not uncommon for Unsafe code to work with arrays of temporarily
-uninitialized data while repeatedly invoking caller-provided code. Such code
-needs to be careful and consider exception safety.
-## Vec::push_all
-`Vec::push_all` is a temporary hack to get extending a Vec by a slice reliably
-efficient without specialization. Here's a simple implementation:
-impl<T: Clone> Vec<T> {
-    fn push_all(&mut self, to_push: &[T]) {
-        self.reserve(to_push.len());
-        unsafe {
-            // can't overflow because we just reserved this
-            self.set_len(self.len() + to_push.len());
-            for (i, x) in to_push.iter().enumerate() {
-                self.ptr().offset(i as isize).write(x.clone());
-            }
-        }
-    }
-We bypass `push` in order to avoid redundant capacity and `len` checks on the
-Vec that we definitely know has capacity. The logic is totally correct, except
-there's a subtle problem with our code: it's not exception-safe! `set_len`,
-`offset`, and `write` are all fine; `clone` is the panic bomb we over-looked.
-Clone is completely out of our control, and is totally free to panic. If it
-does, our function will exit early with the length of the Vec set too large. If
-the Vec is looked at or dropped, uninitialized memory will be read!
-The fix in this case is fairly simple. If we want to guarantee that the values
-we *did* clone are dropped, we can set the `len` every loop iteration. If we
-just want to guarantee that uninitialized memory can't be observed, we can set
-the `len` after the loop.
-## BinaryHeap::sift_up
-Bubbling an element up a heap is a bit more complicated than extending a Vec.
-The pseudocode is as follows:
-bubble_up(heap, index):
-    while index != 0 && heap[index] < heap[parent(index)]:
-        heap.swap(index, parent(index))
-        index = parent(index)
-A literal transcription of this code to Rust is totally fine, but has an annoying
-performance characteristic: the `self` element is swapped over and over again
-uselessly. We would rather have the following:
-bubble_up(heap, index):
-    let elem = heap[index]
-    while index != 0 && elem < heap[parent(index)]:
-        heap[index] = heap[parent(index)]
-        index = parent(index)
-    heap[index] = elem
-This code ensures that each element is copied as little as possible (it is in
-fact necessary that elem be copied twice in general). However it now exposes
-some exception safety trouble! At all times, there exists two copies of one
-value. If we panic in this function something will be double-dropped.
-Unfortunately, we also don't have full control of the code: that comparison is
-Unlike Vec, the fix isn't as easy here. One option is to break the user-defined
-code and the unsafe code into two separate phases:
-bubble_up(heap, index):
-    let end_index = index;
-    while end_index != 0 && heap[end_index] < heap[parent(end_index)]:
-        end_index = parent(end_index)
-    let elem = heap[index]
-    while index != end_index:
-        heap[index] = heap[parent(index)]
-        index = parent(index)
-    heap[index] = elem
-If the user-defined code blows up, that's no problem anymore, because we haven't
-actually touched the state of the heap yet. Once we do start messing with the
-heap, we're working with only data and functions that we trust, so there's no
-concern of panics.
-Perhaps you're not happy with this design. Surely it's cheating! And we have
-to do the complex heap traversal *twice*! Alright, let's bite the bullet. Let's
-intermix untrusted and unsafe code *for reals*.
-If Rust had `try` and `finally` like in Java, we could do the following:
-bubble_up(heap, index):
-    let elem = heap[index]
-    try:
-        while index != 0 && elem < heap[parent(index)]:
-            heap[index] = heap[parent(index)]
-            index = parent(index)
-    finally:
-        heap[index] = elem
-The basic idea is simple: if the comparison panics, we just toss the loose
-element in the logically uninitialized index and bail out. Anyone who observes
-the heap will see a potentially *inconsistent* heap, but at least it won't
-cause any double-drops! If the algorithm terminates normally, then this
-operation happens to coincide precisely with the how we finish up regardless.
-Sadly, Rust has no such construct, so we're going to need to roll our own! The
-way to do this is to store the algorithm's state in a separate struct with a
-destructor for the "finally" logic. Whether we panic or not, that destructor
-will run and clean up after us.
-struct Hole<'a, T: 'a> {
-    data: &'a mut [T],
-    /// `elt` is always `Some` from new until drop.
-    elt: Option<T>,
-    pos: usize,
-impl<'a, T> Hole<'a, T> {
-    fn new(data: &'a mut [T], pos: usize) -> Self {
-        unsafe {
-            let elt = ptr::read(&data[pos]);
-            Hole {
-                data: data,
-                elt: Some(elt),
-                pos: pos,
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    fn pos(&self) -> usize { self.pos }
-    fn removed(&self) -> &T { self.elt.as_ref().unwrap() }
-    unsafe fn get(&self, index: usize) -> &T { &self.data[index] }
-    unsafe fn move_to(&mut self, index: usize) {
-        let index_ptr: *const _ = &self.data[index];
-        let hole_ptr = &mut self.data[self.pos];
-        ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(index_ptr, hole_ptr, 1);
-        self.pos = index;
-    }
-impl<'a, T> Drop for Hole<'a, T> {
-    fn drop(&mut self) {
-        // fill the hole again
-        unsafe {
-            let pos = self.pos;
-            ptr::write(&mut self.data[pos], self.elt.take().unwrap());
-        }
-    }
-impl<T: Ord> BinaryHeap<T> {
-    fn sift_up(&mut self, pos: usize) {
-        unsafe {
-            // Take out the value at `pos` and create a hole.
-            let mut hole = Hole::new(&mut self.data, pos);
-            while hole.pos() != 0 {
-                let parent = parent(hole.pos());
-                if hole.removed() <= hole.get(parent) { break }
-                hole.move_to(parent);
-            }
-            // Hole will be unconditionally filled here; panic or not!
-        }
-    }
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-# Exotically Sized Types
-Most of the time, we think in terms of types with a fixed, positive size. This
-is not always the case, however.
-# Dynamically Sized Types (DSTs)
-Rust in fact supports Dynamically Sized Types (DSTs): types without a statically
-known size or alignment. On the surface, this is a bit nonsensical: Rust *must*
-know the size and alignment of something in order to correctly work with it! In
-this regard, DSTs are not normal types. Due to their lack of a statically known
-size, these types can only exist behind some kind of pointer. Any pointer to a
-DST consequently becomes a *fat* pointer consisting of the pointer and the
-information that "completes" them (more on this below).
-There are two major DSTs exposed by the language: trait objects, and slices.
-A trait object represents some type that implements the traits it specifies.
-The exact original type is *erased* in favor of runtime reflection
-with a vtable containing all the information necessary to use the type.
-This is the information that completes a trait object: a pointer to its vtable.
-A slice is simply a view into some contiguous storage -- typically an array or
-`Vec`. The information that completes a slice is just the number of elements
-it points to.
-Structs can actually store a single DST directly as their last field, but this
-makes them a DST as well:
-// Can't be stored on the stack directly
-struct Foo {
-    info: u32,
-    data: [u8],
-**NOTE: [As of Rust 1.0 struct DSTs are broken if the last field has
-a variable position based on its alignment][dst-issue].**
-# Zero Sized Types (ZSTs)
-Rust actually allows types to be specified that occupy no space:
-struct Foo; // No fields = no size
-// All fields have no size = no size
-struct Baz {
-    foo: Foo,
-    qux: (),      // empty tuple has no size
-    baz: [u8; 0], // empty array has no size
-On their own, Zero Sized Types (ZSTs) are, for obvious reasons, pretty useless.
-However as with many curious layout choices in Rust, their potential is realized
-in a generic context: Rust largely understands that any operation that  produces
-or stores a ZST can be reduced to a no-op. First off, storing it  doesn't even
-make sense -- it doesn't occupy any space. Also there's only one  value of that
-type, so anything that loads it can just produce it from the  aether -- which is
-also a no-op since it doesn't occupy any space.
-One of the most extreme example's of this is Sets and Maps. Given a
-`Map<Key, Value>`, it is common to implement a `Set<Key>` as just a thin wrapper
-around `Map<Key, UselessJunk>`. In many languages, this would necessitate
-allocating space for UselessJunk and doing work to store and load UselessJunk
-only to discard it. Proving this unnecessary would be a difficult analysis for
-the compiler.
-However in Rust, we can just say that  `Set<Key> = Map<Key, ()>`. Now Rust
-statically knows that every load and store is useless, and no allocation has any
-size. The result is that the monomorphized code is basically a custom
-implementation of a HashSet with none of the overhead that HashMap would have to
-support values.
-Safe code need not worry about ZSTs, but *unsafe* code must be careful about the
-consequence of types with no size. In particular, pointer offsets are no-ops,
-and standard allocators (including jemalloc, the one used by default in Rust)
-may return `nullptr` when a zero-sized allocation is requested, which is
-indistinguishable from out of memory.
-# Empty Types
-Rust also enables types to be declared that *cannot even be instantiated*. These
-types can only be talked about at the type level, and never at the value level.
-Empty types can be declared by specifying an enum with no variants:
-enum Void {} // No variants = EMPTY
-Empty types are even more marginal than ZSTs. The primary motivating example for
-Void types is type-level unreachability. For instance, suppose an API needs to
-return a Result in general, but a specific case actually is infallible. It's
-actually possible to communicate this at the type level by returning a
-`Result<T, Void>`. Consumers of the API can confidently unwrap such a Result
-knowing that it's *statically impossible* for this value to be an `Err`, as
-this would require providing a value of type `Void`.
-In principle, Rust can do some interesting analyses and optimizations based
-on this fact. For instance, `Result<T, Void>` could be represented as just `T`,
-because the `Err` case doesn't actually exist. The following *could* also
-enum Void {}
-let res: Result<u32, Void> = Ok(0);
-// Err doesn't exist anymore, so Ok is actually irrefutable.
-let Ok(num) = res;
-But neither of these tricks work today, so all Void types get you is
-the ability to be confident that certain situations are statically impossible.
-One final subtle detail about empty types is that raw pointers to them are
-actually valid to construct, but dereferencing them is Undefined Behavior
-because that doesn't actually make sense. That is, you could model C's `void *`
-type with `*const Void`, but this doesn't necessarily gain anything over using
-e.g. `*const ()`, which *is* safe to randomly dereference.
-[dst-issue]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/26403
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-# Higher-Rank Trait Bounds (HRTBs)
-Rust's `Fn` traits are a little bit magic. For instance, we can write the
-following code:
-struct Closure<F> {
-    data: (u8, u16),
-    func: F,
-impl<F> Closure<F>
-    where F: Fn(&(u8, u16)) -> &u8,
-    fn call(&self) -> &u8 {
-        (self.func)(&self.data)
-    }
-fn do_it(data: &(u8, u16)) -> &u8 { &data.0 }
-fn main() {
-    let clo = Closure { data: (0, 1), func: do_it };
-    println!("{}", clo.call());
-If we try to naively desugar this code in the same way that we did in the
-lifetimes section, we run into some trouble:
-struct Closure<F> {
-    data: (u8, u16),
-    func: F,
-impl<F> Closure<F>
-    // where F: Fn(&'??? (u8, u16)) -> &'??? u8,
-    fn call<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a u8 {
-        (self.func)(&self.data)
-    }
-fn do_it<'b>(data: &'b (u8, u16)) -> &'b u8 { &'b data.0 }
-fn main() {
-    'x: {
-        let clo = Closure { data: (0, 1), func: do_it };
-        println!("{}", clo.call());
-    }
-How on earth are we supposed to express the lifetimes on `F`'s trait bound? We
-need to provide some lifetime there, but the lifetime we care about can't be
-named until we enter the body of `call`! Also, that isn't some fixed lifetime;
-`call` works with *any* lifetime `&self` happens to have at that point.
-This job requires The Magic of Higher-Rank Trait Bounds (HRTBs). The way we
-desugar this is as follows:
-where for<'a> F: Fn(&'a (u8, u16)) -> &'a u8,
-(Where `Fn(a, b, c) -> d` is itself just sugar for the unstable *real* `Fn`
-`for<'a>` can be read as "for all choices of `'a`", and basically produces an
-*infinite list* of trait bounds that F must satisfy. Intense. There aren't many
-places outside of the `Fn` traits where we encounter HRTBs, and even for
-those we have a nice magic sugar for the common cases.
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-# Leaking
-Ownership-based resource management is intended to simplify composition. You
-acquire resources when you create the object, and you release the resources when
-it gets destroyed. Since destruction is handled for you, it means you can't
-forget to release the resources, and it happens as soon as possible! Surely this
-is perfect and all of our problems are solved.
-Everything is terrible and we have new and exotic problems to try to solve.
-Many people like to believe that Rust eliminates resource leaks. In practice,
-this is basically true. You would be surprised to see a Safe Rust program
-leak resources in an uncontrolled way.
-However from a theoretical perspective this is absolutely not the case, no
-matter how you look at it. In the strictest sense, "leaking" is so abstract as
-to be unpreventable. It's quite trivial to initialize a collection at the start
-of a program, fill it with tons of objects with destructors, and then enter an
-infinite event loop that never refers to it. The collection will sit around
-uselessly, holding on to its precious resources until the program terminates (at
-which point all those resources would have been reclaimed by the OS anyway).
-We may consider a more restricted form of leak: failing to drop a value that is
-unreachable. Rust also doesn't prevent this. In fact Rust *has a function for
-doing this*: `mem::forget`. This function consumes the value it is passed *and
-then doesn't run its destructor*.
-In the past `mem::forget` was marked as unsafe as a sort of lint against using
-it, since failing to call a destructor is generally not a well-behaved thing to
-do (though useful for some special unsafe code). However this was generally
-determined to be an untenable stance to take: there are many ways to fail to
-call a destructor in safe code. The most famous example is creating a cycle of
-reference-counted pointers using interior mutability.
-It is reasonable for safe code to assume that destructor leaks do not happen, as
-any program that leaks destructors is probably wrong. However *unsafe* code
-cannot rely on destructors to be run in order to be safe. For most types this
-doesn't matter: if you leak the destructor then the type is by definition
-inaccessible, so it doesn't matter, right? For instance, if you leak a `Box<u8>`
-then you waste some memory but that's hardly going to violate memory-safety.
-However where we must be careful with destructor leaks are *proxy* types. These
-are types which manage access to a distinct object, but don't actually own it.
-Proxy objects are quite rare. Proxy objects you'll need to care about are even
-rarer. However we'll focus on three interesting examples in the standard
-* `vec::Drain`
-* `Rc`
-* `thread::scoped::JoinGuard`
-## Drain
-`drain` is a collections API that moves data out of the container without
-consuming the container. This enables us to reuse the allocation of a `Vec`
-after claiming ownership over all of its contents. It produces an iterator
-(Drain) that returns the contents of the Vec by-value.
-Now, consider Drain in the middle of iteration: some values have been moved out,
-and others haven't. This means that part of the Vec is now full of logically
-uninitialized data! We could backshift all the elements in the Vec every time we
-remove a value, but this would have pretty catastrophic performance
-Instead, we would like Drain to fix the Vec's backing storage when it is
-dropped. It should run itself to completion, backshift any elements that weren't
-removed (drain supports subranges), and then fix Vec's `len`. It's even
-unwinding-safe! Easy!
-Now consider the following:
-let mut vec = vec![Box::new(0); 4];
-    // start draining, vec can no longer be accessed
-    let mut drainer = vec.drain(..);
-    // pull out two elements and immediately drop them
-    drainer.next();
-    drainer.next();
-    // get rid of drainer, but don't call its destructor
-    mem::forget(drainer);
-// Oops, vec[0] was dropped, we're reading a pointer into free'd memory!
-println!("{}", vec[0]);
-This is pretty clearly Not Good. Unfortunately, we're kind of stuck between a
-rock and a hard place: maintaining consistent state at every step has an
-enormous cost (and would negate any benefits of the API). Failing to maintain
-consistent state gives us Undefined Behavior in safe code (making the API
-So what can we do? Well, we can pick a trivially consistent state: set the Vec's
-len to be 0 when we start the iteration, and fix it up if necessary in the
-destructor. That way, if everything executes like normal we get the desired
-behavior with minimal overhead. But if someone has the *audacity* to
-mem::forget us in the middle of the iteration, all that does is *leak even more*
-(and possibly leave the Vec in an unexpected but otherwise consistent state).
-Since we've accepted that mem::forget is safe, this is definitely safe. We call
-leaks causing more leaks a *leak amplification*.
-## Rc
-Rc is an interesting case because at first glance it doesn't appear to be a
-proxy value at all. After all, it manages the data it points to, and dropping
-all the Rcs for a value will drop that value. Leaking an Rc doesn't seem like it
-would be particularly dangerous. It will leave the refcount permanently
-incremented and prevent the data from being freed or dropped, but that seems
-just like Box, right?
-Let's consider a simplified implementation of Rc:
-struct Rc<T> {
-    ptr: *mut RcBox<T>,
-struct RcBox<T> {
-    data: T,
-    ref_count: usize,
-impl<T> Rc<T> {
-    fn new(data: T) -> Self {
-        unsafe {
-            // Wouldn't it be nice if heap::allocate worked like this?
-            let ptr = heap::allocate::<RcBox<T>>();
-            ptr::write(ptr, RcBox {
-                data: data,
-                ref_count: 1,
-            });
-            Rc { ptr: ptr }
-        }
-    }
-    fn clone(&self) -> Self {
-        unsafe {
-            (*self.ptr).ref_count += 1;
-        }
-        Rc { ptr: self.ptr }
-    }
-impl<T> Drop for Rc<T> {
-    fn drop(&mut self) {
-        unsafe {
-            (*self.ptr).ref_count -= 1;
-            if (*self.ptr).ref_count == 0 {
-                // drop the data and then free it
-                ptr::read(self.ptr);
-                heap::deallocate(self.ptr);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-This code contains an implicit and subtle assumption: `ref_count` can fit in a
-`usize`, because there can't be more than `usize::MAX` Rcs in memory. However
-this itself assumes that the `ref_count` accurately reflects the number of Rcs
-in memory, which we know is false with `mem::forget`. Using `mem::forget` we can
-overflow the `ref_count`, and then get it down to 0 with outstanding Rcs. Then
-we can happily use-after-free the inner data. Bad Bad Not Good.
-This can be solved by just checking the `ref_count` and doing *something*. The
-standard library's stance is to just abort, because your program has become
-horribly degenerate. Also *oh my gosh* it's such a ridiculous corner case.
-## thread::scoped::JoinGuard
-The thread::scoped API intends to allow threads to be spawned that reference
-data on their parent's stack without any synchronization over that data by
-ensuring the parent joins the thread before any of the shared data goes out
-of scope.
-pub fn scoped<'a, F>(f: F) -> JoinGuard<'a>
-    where F: FnOnce() + Send + 'a
-Here `f` is some closure for the other thread to execute. Saying that
-`F: Send +'a` is saying that it closes over data that lives for `'a`, and it
-either owns that data or the data was Sync (implying `&data` is Send).
-Because JoinGuard has a lifetime, it keeps all the data it closes over
-borrowed in the parent thread. This means the JoinGuard can't outlive
-the data that the other thread is working on. When the JoinGuard *does* get
-dropped it blocks the parent thread, ensuring the child terminates before any
-of the closed-over data goes out of scope in the parent.
-Usage looked like:
-let mut data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];
-    let guards = vec![];
-    for x in &mut data {
-        // Move the mutable reference into the closure, and execute
-        // it on a different thread. The closure has a lifetime bound
-        // by the lifetime of the mutable reference `x` we store in it.
-        // The guard that is returned is in turn assigned the lifetime
-        // of the closure, so it also mutably borrows `data` as `x` did.
-        // This means we cannot access `data` until the guard goes away.
-        let guard = thread::scoped(move || {
-            *x *= 2;
-        });
-        // store the thread's guard for later
-        guards.push(guard);
-    }
-    // All guards are dropped here, forcing the threads to join
-    // (this thread blocks here until the others terminate).
-    // Once the threads join, the borrow expires and the data becomes
-    // accessible again in this thread.
-// data is definitely mutated here.
-In principle, this totally works! Rust's ownership system perfectly ensures it!
-...except it relies on a destructor being called to be safe.
-let mut data = Box::new(0);
-    let guard = thread::scoped(|| {
-        // This is at best a data race. At worst, it's also a use-after-free.
-        *data += 1;
-    });
-    // Because the guard is forgotten, expiring the loan without blocking this
-    // thread.
-    mem::forget(guard);
-// So the Box is dropped here while the scoped thread may or may not be trying
-// to access it.
-Dang. Here the destructor running was pretty fundamental to the API, and it had
-to be scrapped in favor of a completely different design.
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-# Lifetime Elision
-In order to make common patterns more ergonomic, Rust allows lifetimes to be
-*elided* in function signatures.
-A *lifetime position* is anywhere you can write a lifetime in a type:
-&'a T
-&'a mut T
-Lifetime positions can appear as either "input" or "output":
-* For `fn` definitions, input refers to the types of the formal arguments
-  in the `fn` definition, while output refers to
-  result types. So `fn foo(s: &str) -> (&str, &str)` has elided one lifetime in
-  input position and two lifetimes in output position.
-  Note that the input positions of a `fn` method definition do not
-  include the lifetimes that occur in the method's `impl` header
-  (nor lifetimes that occur in the trait header, for a default method).
-* In the future, it should be possible to elide `impl` headers in the same manner.
-Elision rules are as follows:
-* Each elided lifetime in input position becomes a distinct lifetime
-  parameter.
-* If there is exactly one input lifetime position (elided or not), that lifetime
-  is assigned to *all* elided output lifetimes.
-* If there are multiple input lifetime positions, but one of them is `&self` or
-  `&mut self`, the lifetime of `self` is assigned to *all* elided output lifetimes.
-* Otherwise, it is an error to elide an output lifetime.
-fn print(s: &str);                                      // elided
-fn print<'a>(s: &'a str);                               // expanded
-fn debug(lvl: uint, s: &str);                           // elided
-fn debug<'a>(lvl: uint, s: &'a str);                    // expanded
-fn substr(s: &str, until: uint) -> &str;                // elided
-fn substr<'a>(s: &'a str, until: uint) -> &'a str;      // expanded
-fn get_str() -> &str;                                   // ILLEGAL
-fn frob(s: &str, t: &str) -> &str;                      // ILLEGAL
-fn get_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T;                        // elided
-fn get_mut<'a>(&'a mut self) -> &'a mut T;              // expanded
-fn args<T: ToCStr>(&mut self, args: &[T]) -> &mut Command                  // elided
-fn args<'a, 'b, T: ToCStr>(&'a mut self, args: &'b [T]) -> &'a mut Command // expanded
-fn new(buf: &mut [u8]) -> BufWriter;                    // elided
-fn new<'a>(buf: &'a mut [u8]) -> BufWriter<'a>          // expanded
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-# Limits of Lifetimes
-Given the following code:
-struct Foo;
-impl Foo {
-    fn mutate_and_share(&mut self) -> &Self { &*self }
-    fn share(&self) {}
-fn main() {
-    let mut foo = Foo;
-    let loan = foo.mutate_and_share();
-    foo.share();
-One might expect it to compile. We call `mutate_and_share`, which mutably borrows
-`foo` temporarily, but then returns only a shared reference. Therefore we
-would expect `foo.share()` to succeed as `foo` shouldn't be mutably borrowed.
-However when we try to compile it:
-<anon>:11:5: 11:8 error: cannot borrow `foo` as immutable because it is also borrowed as mutable
-<anon>:11     foo.share();
-              ^~~
-<anon>:10:16: 10:19 note: previous borrow of `foo` occurs here; the mutable borrow prevents subsequent moves, borrows, or modification of `foo` until the borrow ends
-<anon>:10     let loan = foo.mutate_and_share();
-                         ^~~
-<anon>:12:2: 12:2 note: previous borrow ends here
-<anon>:8 fn main() {
-<anon>:9     let mut foo = Foo;
-<anon>:10     let loan = foo.mutate_and_share();
-<anon>:11     foo.share();
-<anon>:12 }
-          ^
-What happened? Well, we got the exact same reasoning as we did for
-[Example 2 in the previous section][ex2]. We desugar the program and we get
-the following:
-struct Foo;
-impl Foo {
-    fn mutate_and_share<'a>(&'a mut self) -> &'a Self { &'a *self }
-    fn share<'a>(&'a self) {}
-fn main() {
-	'b: {
-    	let mut foo: Foo = Foo;
-    	'c: {
-    		let loan: &'c Foo = Foo::mutate_and_share::<'c>(&'c mut foo);
-    		'd: {
-    			Foo::share::<'d>(&'d foo);
-    		}
-    	}
-    }
-The lifetime system is forced to extend the `&mut foo` to have lifetime `'c`,
-due to the lifetime of `loan` and mutate_and_share's signature. Then when we
-try to call `share`, and it sees we're trying to alias that `&'c mut foo` and
-blows up in our face!
-This program is clearly correct according to the reference semantics we actually
-care about, but the lifetime system is too coarse-grained to handle that.
-TODO: other common problems? SEME regions stuff, mostly?
-[ex2]: lifetimes.html#example-aliasing-a-mutable-reference
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-# Lifetimes
-Rust enforces these rules through *lifetimes*. Lifetimes are effectively
-just names for scopes somewhere in the program. Each reference,
-and anything that contains a reference, is tagged with a lifetime specifying
-the scope it's valid for.
-Within a function body, Rust generally doesn't let you explicitly name the
-lifetimes involved. This is because it's generally not really necessary
-to talk about lifetimes in a local context; Rust has all the information and
-can work out everything as optimally as possible. Many anonymous scopes and
-temporaries that you would otherwise have to write are often introduced to
-make your code Just Work.
-However once you cross the function boundary, you need to start talking about
-lifetimes. Lifetimes are denoted with an apostrophe: `'a`, `'static`. To dip
-our toes with lifetimes, we're going to pretend that we're actually allowed
-to label scopes with lifetimes, and desugar the examples from the start of
-this chapter.
-Originally, our examples made use of *aggressive* sugar -- high fructose corn
-syrup even -- around scopes and lifetimes, because writing everything out
-explicitly is *extremely noisy*. All Rust code relies on aggressive inference
-and elision of "obvious" things.
-One particularly interesting piece of sugar is that each `let` statement implicitly
-introduces a scope. For the most part, this doesn't really matter. However it
-does matter for variables that refer to each other. As a simple example, let's
-completely desugar this simple piece of Rust code:
-let x = 0;
-let y = &x;
-let z = &y;
-The borrow checker always tries to minimize the extent of a lifetime, so it will
-likely desugar to the following:
-// NOTE: `'a: {` and `&'b x` is not valid syntax!
-'a: {
-    let x: i32 = 0;
-    'b: {
-        // lifetime used is 'b because that's good enough.
-        let y: &'b i32 = &'b x;
-        'c: {
-            // ditto on 'c
-            let z: &'c &'b i32 = &'c y;
-        }
-    }
-Wow. That's... awful. Let's all take a moment to thank Rust for making this easier.
-Actually passing references to outer scopes will cause Rust to infer
-a larger lifetime:
-let x = 0;
-let z;
-let y = &x;
-z = y;
-'a: {
-    let x: i32 = 0;
-    'b: {
-        let z: &'b i32;
-        'c: {
-            // Must use 'b here because this reference is
-            // being passed to that scope.
-            let y: &'b i32 = &'b x;
-            z = y;
-        }
-    }
-# Example: references that outlive referents
-Alright, let's look at some of those examples from before:
-fn as_str(data: &u32) -> &str {
-    let s = format!("{}", data);
-    &s
-desugars to:
-fn as_str<'a>(data: &'a u32) -> &'a str {
-    'b: {
-        let s = format!("{}", data);
-        return &'a s;
-    }
-This signature of `as_str` takes a reference to a u32 with *some* lifetime, and
-promises that it can produce a reference to a str that can live *just as long*.
-Already we can see why this signature might be trouble. That basically implies
-that we're going to find a str somewhere in the scope the reference
-to the u32 originated in, or somewhere *even earlier*. That's a bit of a tall
-We then proceed to compute the string `s`, and return a reference to it. Since
-the contract of our function says the reference must outlive `'a`, that's the
-lifetime we infer for the reference. Unfortunately, `s` was defined in the
-scope `'b`, so the only way this is sound is if `'b` contains `'a` -- which is
-clearly false since `'a` must contain the function call itself. We have therefore
-created a reference whose lifetime outlives its referent, which is *literally*
-the first thing we said that references can't do. The compiler rightfully blows
-up in our face.
-To make this more clear, we can expand the example:
-fn as_str<'a>(data: &'a u32) -> &'a str {
-    'b: {
-        let s = format!("{}", data);
-        return &'a s
-    }
-fn main() {
-    'c: {
-        let x: u32 = 0;
-        'd: {
-            // An anonymous scope is introduced because the borrow does not
-            // need to last for the whole scope x is valid for. The return
-            // of as_str must find a str somewhere before this function
-            // call. Obviously not happening.
-            println!("{}", as_str::<'d>(&'d x));
-        }
-    }
-Of course, the right way to write this function is as follows:
-fn to_string(data: &u32) -> String {
-    format!("{}", data)
-We must produce an owned value inside the function to return it! The only way
-we could have returned an `&'a str` would have been if it was in a field of the
-`&'a u32`, which is obviously not the case.
-(Actually we could have also just returned a string literal, which as a global
-can be considered to reside at the bottom of the stack; though this limits
-our implementation *just a bit*.)
-# Example: aliasing a mutable reference
-How about the other example:
-let mut data = vec![1, 2, 3];
-let x = &data[0];
-println!("{}", x);
-'a: {
-    let mut data: Vec<i32> = vec![1, 2, 3];
-    'b: {
-        // 'b is as big as we need this borrow to be
-        // (just need to get to `println!`)
-        let x: &'b i32 = Index::index::<'b>(&'b data, 0);
-        'c: {
-            // Temporary scope because we don't need the
-            // &mut to last any longer.
-            Vec::push(&'c mut data, 4);
-        }
-        println!("{}", x);
-    }
-The problem here is a bit more subtle and interesting. We want Rust to
-reject this program for the following reason: We have a live shared reference `x`
-to a descendant of `data` when we try to take a mutable reference to `data`
-to `push`. This would create an aliased mutable reference, which would
-violate the *second* rule of references.
-However this is *not at all* how Rust reasons that this program is bad. Rust
-doesn't understand that `x` is a reference to a subpath of `data`. It doesn't
-understand Vec at all. What it *does* see is that `x` has to live for `'b` to
-be printed. The signature of `Index::index` subsequently demands that the
-reference we take to `data` has to survive for `'b`. When we try to call `push`,
-it then sees us try to make an `&'c mut data`. Rust knows that `'c` is contained
-within `'b`, and rejects our program because the `&'b data` must still be live!
-Here we see that the lifetime system is much more coarse than the reference
-semantics we're actually interested in preserving. For the most part, *that's
-totally ok*, because it keeps us from spending all day explaining our program
-to the compiler. However it does mean that several programs that are totally
-correct with respect to Rust's *true* semantics are rejected because lifetimes
-are too dumb.
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-# Meet Safe and Unsafe
-Programmers in safe "high-level" languages face a fundamental dilemma. On one
-hand, it would be *really* great to just say what you want and not worry about
-how it's done. On the other hand, that can lead to unacceptably poor
-performance. It may be necessary to drop down to less clear or idiomatic
-practices to get the performance characteristics you want. Or maybe you just
-throw up your hands in disgust and decide to shell out to an implementation in
-a less sugary-wonderful *unsafe* language.
-Worse, when you want to talk directly to the operating system, you *have* to
-talk to an unsafe language: *C*. C is ever-present and unavoidable. It's the
-lingua-franca of the programming world.
-Even other safe languages generally expose C interfaces for the world at large!
-Regardless of why you're doing it, as soon as your program starts talking to
-C it stops being safe.
-With that said, Rust is *totally* a safe programming language.
-Well, Rust *has* a safe programming language. Let's step back a bit.
-Rust can be thought of as being composed of two programming languages: *Safe
-Rust* and *Unsafe Rust*. Safe Rust is For Reals  Totally Safe. Unsafe Rust,
-unsurprisingly, is *not* For Reals Totally Safe.  In fact, Unsafe Rust lets you
-do some really, *really* unsafe things.
-Safe Rust is the *true* Rust programming language. If all you do is write Safe
-Rust, you will never have to worry about type-safety or memory-safety. You will
-never endure a null or dangling pointer, or any of that Undefined Behavior
-*That's totally awesome.*
-The standard library also gives you enough utilities out-of-the-box that you'll
-be able to write awesome high-performance applications and libraries in pure
-idiomatic Safe Rust.
-But maybe you want to talk to another language. Maybe you're writing a
-low-level abstraction not exposed by the standard library. Maybe you're
-*writing* the standard library (which is written entirely in Rust). Maybe you
-need to do something the type-system doesn't understand and just *frob some dang
-bits*. Maybe you need Unsafe Rust.
-Unsafe Rust is exactly like Safe Rust with all the same rules and semantics.
-However Unsafe Rust lets you do some *extra* things that are Definitely Not Safe.
-The only things that are different in Unsafe Rust are that you can:
-* Dereference raw pointers
-* Call `unsafe` functions (including C functions, intrinsics, and the raw allocator)
-* Implement `unsafe` traits
-* Mutate statics
-That's it. The reason these operations are relegated to Unsafe is that misusing
-any of these things will cause the ever dreaded Undefined Behavior. Invoking
-Undefined Behavior gives the compiler full rights to do arbitrarily bad things
-to your program. You definitely *should not* invoke Undefined Behavior.
-Unlike C, Undefined Behavior is pretty limited in scope in Rust. All the core
-language cares about is preventing the following things:
-* Dereferencing null or dangling pointers
-* Reading [uninitialized memory]
-* Breaking the [pointer aliasing rules]
-* Producing invalid primitive values:
-    * dangling/null references
-    * a `bool` that isn't 0 or 1
-    * an undefined `enum` discriminant
-    * a `char` outside the ranges [0x0, 0xD7FF] and [0xE000, 0x10FFFF]
-    * A non-utf8 `str`
-* Unwinding into another language
-* Causing a [data race][race]
-That's it. That's all the causes of Undefined Behavior baked into Rust. Of
-course, unsafe functions and traits are free to declare arbitrary other
-constraints that a program must maintain to avoid Undefined Behavior. However,
-generally violations of these constraints will just transitively lead to one of
-the above problems. Some additional constraints may also derive from compiler
-intrinsics that make special assumptions about how code can be optimized.
-Rust is otherwise quite permissive with respect to other dubious operations.
-Rust considers it "safe" to:
-* Deadlock
-* Have a [race condition][race]
-* Leak memory
-* Fail to call destructors
-* Overflow integers
-* Abort the program
-* Delete the production database
-However any program that actually manages to do such a thing is *probably*
-incorrect. Rust provides lots of tools to make these things rare, but
-these problems are considered impractical to categorically prevent.
-[pointer aliasing rules]: references.html
-[uninitialized memory]: uninitialized.html
-[race]: races.html
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-# The Perils Of Ownership Based Resource Management (OBRM)
-OBRM (AKA RAII: Resource Acquisition Is Initialization) is something you'll
-interact with a lot in Rust. Especially if you use the standard library.
-Roughly speaking the pattern is as follows: to acquire a resource, you create an
-object that manages it. To release the resource, you simply destroy the object,
-and it cleans up the resource for you. The most common "resource" this pattern
-manages is simply *memory*. `Box`, `Rc`, and basically everything in
-`std::collections` is a convenience to enable correctly managing memory. This is
-particularly important in Rust because we have no pervasive GC to rely on for
-memory management. Which is the point, really: Rust is about control. However we
-are not limited to just memory. Pretty much every other system resource like a
-thread, file, or socket is exposed through this kind of API.
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-# Alternative representations
-Rust allows you to specify alternative data layout strategies from the default.
-# repr(C)
-This is the most important `repr`. It has fairly simple intent: do what C does.
-The order, size, and alignment of fields is exactly what you would expect from C
-or C++. Any type you expect to pass through an FFI boundary should have
-`repr(C)`, as C is the lingua-franca of the programming world. This is also
-necessary to soundly do more elaborate tricks with data layout such as
-reinterpreting values as a different type.
-However, the interaction with Rust's more exotic data layout features must be
-kept in mind. Due to its dual purpose as "for FFI" and "for layout control",
-`repr(C)` can be applied to types that will be nonsensical or problematic if
-passed through the FFI boundary.
-* ZSTs are still zero-sized, even though this is not a standard behavior in
-C, and is explicitly contrary to the behavior of an empty type in C++, which
-still consumes a byte of space.
-* DSTs, tuples, and tagged unions are not a concept in C and as such are never
-FFI safe.
-* Tuple structs are like structs with regards to `repr(C)`, as the only
-  difference from a struct is that the fields aren’t named.
-* **If the type would have any [drop flags], they will still be added**
-* This is equivalent to one of `repr(u*)` (see the next section) for enums. The
-chosen size is the default enum size for the target platform's C ABI. Note that
-enum representation in C is implementation defined, so this is really a "best
-guess". In particular, this may be incorrect when the C code of interest is
-compiled with certain flags.
-# repr(u8), repr(u16), repr(u32), repr(u64)
-These specify the size to make a C-like enum. If the discriminant overflows the
-integer it has to fit in, it will produce a compile-time error. You can manually
-ask Rust to allow this by setting the overflowing element to explicitly be 0.
-However Rust will not allow you to create an enum where two variants have the
-same discriminant.
-On non-C-like enums, this will inhibit certain optimizations like the null-
-pointer optimization.
-These reprs have no effect on a struct.
-# repr(packed)
-`repr(packed)` forces Rust to strip any padding, and only align the type to a
-byte. This may improve the memory footprint, but will likely have other negative
-In particular, most architectures *strongly* prefer values to be aligned. This
-may mean the unaligned loads are penalized (x86), or even fault (some ARM
-chips). For simple cases like directly loading or storing a packed field, the
-compiler might be able to paper over alignment issues with shifts and masks.
-However if you take a reference to a packed field, it's unlikely that the
-compiler will be able to emit code to avoid an unaligned load.
-**[As of Rust 1.0 this can cause undefined behavior.][ub loads]**
-`repr(packed)` is not to be used lightly. Unless you have extreme requirements,
-this should not be used.
-This repr is a modifier on `repr(C)` and `repr(rust)`.
-[drop flags]: drop-flags.html
-[ub loads]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/27060
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-# Ownership and Lifetimes
-Ownership is the breakout feature of Rust. It allows Rust to be completely
-memory-safe and efficient, while avoiding garbage collection. Before getting
-into the ownership system in detail, we will consider the motivation of this
-We will assume that you accept that garbage collection (GC) is not always an
-optimal solution, and that it is desirable to manually manage memory in some
-contexts. If you do not accept this, might I interest you in a different
-Regardless of your feelings on GC, it is pretty clearly a *massive* boon to
-making code safe. You never have to worry about things going away *too soon*
-(although whether you still wanted to be pointing at that thing is a different
-issue...). This is a pervasive problem that C and C++ programs need to deal
-with. Consider this simple mistake that all of us who have used a non-GC'd
-language have made at one point:
-fn as_str(data: &u32) -> &str {
-    // compute the string
-    let s = format!("{}", data);
-    // OH NO! We returned a reference to something that
-    // exists only in this function!
-    // Dangling pointer! Use after free! Alas!
-    // (this does not compile in Rust)
-    &s
-This is exactly what Rust's ownership system was built to solve.
-Rust knows the scope in which the `&s` lives, and as such can prevent it from
-escaping. However this is a simple case that even a C compiler could plausibly
-catch. Things get more complicated as code gets bigger and pointers get fed through
-various functions. Eventually, a C compiler will fall down and won't be able to
-perform sufficient escape analysis to prove your code unsound. It will consequently
-be forced to accept your program on the assumption that it is correct.
-This will never happen to Rust. It's up to the programmer to prove to the
-compiler that everything is sound.
-Of course, Rust's story around ownership is much more complicated than just
-verifying that references don't escape the scope of their referent. That's
-because ensuring pointers are always valid is much more complicated than this.
-For instance in this code,
-let mut data = vec![1, 2, 3];
-// get an internal reference
-let x = &data[0];
-// OH NO! `push` causes the backing storage of `data` to be reallocated.
-// Dangling pointer! Use after free! Alas!
-// (this does not compile in Rust)
-println!("{}", x);
-naive scope analysis would be insufficient to prevent this bug, because `data`
-does in fact live as long as we needed. However it was *changed* while we had
-a reference into it. This is why Rust requires any references to freeze the
-referent and its owners.
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-# PhantomData
-When working with unsafe code, we can often end up in a situation where
-types or lifetimes are logically associated with a struct, but not actually
-part of a field. This most commonly occurs with lifetimes. For instance, the
-`Iter` for `&'a [T]` is (approximately) defined as follows:
-struct Iter<'a, T: 'a> {
-    ptr: *const T,
-    end: *const T,
-However because `'a` is unused within the struct's body, it's *unbounded*.
-Because of the troubles this has historically caused, unbounded lifetimes and
-types are *forbidden* in struct definitions. Therefore we must somehow refer
-to these types in the body. Correctly doing this is necessary to have
-correct variance and drop checking.
-We do this using `PhantomData`, which is a special marker type. `PhantomData`
-consumes no space, but simulates a field of the given type for the purpose of
-static analysis. This was deemed to be less error-prone than explicitly telling
-the type-system the kind of variance that you want, while also providing other
-useful such as the information needed by drop check.
-Iter logically contains a bunch of `&'a T`s, so this is exactly what we tell
-the PhantomData to simulate:
-use std::marker;
-struct Iter<'a, T: 'a> {
-    ptr: *const T,
-    end: *const T,
-    _marker: marker::PhantomData<&'a T>,
-and that's it. The lifetime will be bounded, and your iterator will be variant
-over `'a` and `T`. Everything Just Works.
-Another important example is Vec, which is (approximately) defined as follows:
-struct Vec<T> {
-    data: *const T, // *const for variance!
-    len: usize,
-    cap: usize,
-Unlike the previous example, it *appears* that everything is exactly as we
-want. Every generic argument to Vec shows up in at least one field.
-Good to go!
-The drop checker will generously determine that `Vec<T>` does not own any values
-of type T. This will in turn make it conclude that it doesn't need to worry
-about Vec dropping any T's in its destructor for determining drop check
-soundness. This will in turn allow people to create unsoundness using
-Vec's destructor.
-In order to tell dropck that we *do* own values of type T, and therefore may
-drop some T's when *we* drop, we must add an extra PhantomData saying exactly
-use std::marker;
-struct Vec<T> {
-    data: *const T, // *const for covariance!
-    len: usize,
-    cap: usize,
-    _marker: marker::PhantomData<T>,
-Raw pointers that own an allocation is such a pervasive pattern that the
-standard library made a utility for itself called `Unique<T>` which:
-* wraps a `*const T` for variance
-* includes a `PhantomData<T>`
-* auto-derives `Send`/`Sync` as if T was contained
-* marks the pointer as `NonZero` for the null-pointer optimization
-## Table of `PhantomData` patterns
-Here’s a table of all the wonderful ways `PhantomData` could be used:
-| Phantom type                | `'a`      | `T`                       |
-| `PhantomData<T>`            | -         | variant (with drop check) |
-| `PhantomData<&'a T>`        | variant   | variant                   |
-| `PhantomData<&'a mut T>`    | variant   | invariant                 |
-| `PhantomData<*const T>`     | -         | variant                   |
-| `PhantomData<*mut T>`       | -         | invariant                 |
-| `PhantomData<fn(T)>`        | -         | contravariant (*)         |
-| `PhantomData<fn() -> T>`    | -         | variant                   |
-| `PhantomData<fn(T) -> T>`   | -         | invariant                 |
-| `PhantomData<Cell<&'a ()>>` | invariant | -                         |
-(*) If contravariance gets scrapped, this would be invariant.
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-# Poisoning
-Although all unsafe code *must* ensure it has minimal exception safety, not all
-types ensure *maximal* exception safety. Even if the type does, your code may
-ascribe additional meaning to it. For instance, an integer is certainly
-exception-safe, but has no semantics on its own. It's possible that code that
-panics could fail to correctly update the integer, producing an inconsistent
-program state.
-This is *usually* fine, because anything that witnesses an exception is about
-to get destroyed. For instance, if you send a Vec to another thread and that
-thread panics, it doesn't matter if the Vec is in a weird state. It will be
-dropped and go away forever. However some types are especially good at smuggling
-values across the panic boundary.
-These types may choose to explicitly *poison* themselves if they witness a panic.
-Poisoning doesn't entail anything in particular. Generally it just means
-preventing normal usage from proceeding. The most notable example of this is the
-standard library's Mutex type. A Mutex will poison itself if one of its
-MutexGuards (the thing it returns when a lock is obtained) is dropped during a
-panic. Any future attempts to lock the Mutex will return an `Err` or panic.
-Mutex poisons not for true safety in the sense that Rust normally cares about. It
-poisons as a safety-guard against blindly using the data that comes out of a Mutex
-that has witnessed a panic while locked. The data in such a Mutex was likely in the
-middle of being modified, and as such may be in an inconsistent or incomplete state.
-It is important to note that one cannot violate memory safety with such a type
-if it is correctly written. After all, it must be minimally exception-safe!
-However if the Mutex contained, say, a BinaryHeap that does not actually have the
-heap property, it's unlikely that any code that uses it will do
-what the author intended. As such, the program should not proceed normally.
-Still, if you're double-plus-sure that you can do *something* with the value,
-the Mutex exposes a method to get the lock anyway. It *is* safe, after all.
-Just maybe nonsense.
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-# Data Races and Race Conditions
-Safe Rust guarantees an absence of data races, which are defined as:
-* two or more threads concurrently accessing a location of memory
-* one of them is a write
-* one of them is unsynchronized
-A data race has Undefined Behavior, and is therefore impossible to perform
-in Safe Rust. Data races are *mostly* prevented through rust's ownership system:
-it's impossible to alias a mutable reference, so it's impossible to perform a
-data race. Interior mutability makes this more complicated, which is largely why
-we have the Send and Sync traits (see below).
-**However Rust does not prevent general race conditions.**
-This is pretty fundamentally impossible, and probably honestly undesirable. Your
-hardware is racy, your OS is racy, the other programs on your computer are racy,
-and the world this all runs in is racy. Any system that could genuinely claim to
-prevent *all* race conditions would be pretty awful to use, if not just
-So it's perfectly "fine" for a Safe Rust program to get deadlocked or do
-something nonsensical with incorrect synchronization. Obviously such a program
-isn't very good, but Rust can only hold your hand so far. Still, a race
-condition can't violate memory safety in a Rust program on its own. Only in
-conjunction with some other unsafe code can a race condition actually violate
-memory safety. For instance:
-use std::thread;
-use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
-use std::sync::Arc;
-let data = vec![1, 2, 3, 4];
-// Arc so that the memory the AtomicUsize is stored in still exists for
-// the other thread to increment, even if we completely finish executing
-// before it. Rust won't compile the program without it, because of the
-// lifetime requirements of thread::spawn!
-let idx = Arc::new(AtomicUsize::new(0));
-let other_idx = idx.clone();
-// `move` captures other_idx by-value, moving it into this thread
-thread::spawn(move || {
-    // It's ok to mutate idx because this value
-    // is an atomic, so it can't cause a Data Race.
-    other_idx.fetch_add(10, Ordering::SeqCst);
-// Index with the value loaded from the atomic. This is safe because we
-// read the atomic memory only once, and then pass a copy of that value
-// to the Vec's indexing implementation. This indexing will be correctly
-// bounds checked, and there's no chance of the value getting changed
-// in the middle. However our program may panic if the thread we spawned
-// managed to increment before this ran. A race condition because correct
-// program execution (panicking is rarely correct) depends on order of
-// thread execution.
-println!("{}", data[idx.load(Ordering::SeqCst)]);
-use std::thread;
-use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
-use std::sync::Arc;
-let data = vec![1, 2, 3, 4];
-let idx = Arc::new(AtomicUsize::new(0));
-let other_idx = idx.clone();
-// `move` captures other_idx by-value, moving it into this thread
-thread::spawn(move || {
-    // It's ok to mutate idx because this value
-    // is an atomic, so it can't cause a Data Race.
-    other_idx.fetch_add(10, Ordering::SeqCst);
-if idx.load(Ordering::SeqCst) < data.len() {
-    unsafe {
-        // Incorrectly loading the idx after we did the bounds check.
-        // It could have changed. This is a race condition, *and dangerous*
-        // because we decided to do `get_unchecked`, which is `unsafe`.
-        println!("{}", data.get_unchecked(idx.load(Ordering::SeqCst)));
-    }
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-# References
-This section gives a high-level view of the memory model that *all* Rust
-programs must satisfy to be correct. Safe code is statically verified
-to obey this model by the borrow checker. Unsafe code may go above
-and beyond the borrow checker while still satisfying this model. The borrow
-checker may also be extended to allow more programs to compile, as long as
-this more fundamental model is satisfied.
-There are two kinds of reference:
-* Shared reference: `&`
-* Mutable reference: `&mut`
-Which obey the following rules:
-* A reference cannot outlive its referent
-* A mutable reference cannot be aliased
-That's it. That's the whole model. Of course, we should probably define
-what *aliased* means. To define aliasing, we must define the notion of
-*paths* and *liveness*.
-**NOTE: The model that follows is generally agreed to be dubious and have
-issues. It's ok-ish as an intuitive model, but fails to capture the desired
-semantics. We leave this here to be able to use notions introduced here in later
-sections. This will be significantly changed in the future. TODO: do that.**
-# Paths
-If all Rust had were values (no pointers), then every value would be uniquely
-owned by a variable or composite structure. From this we naturally derive a
-*tree* of ownership. The stack itself is the root of the tree, with every
-variable as its direct children. Each variable's direct children would be their
-fields (if any), and so on.
-From this view, every value in Rust has a unique *path* in the tree of
-ownership. Of particular interest are *ancestors* and *descendants*: if `x` owns
-`y`, then `x` is an ancestor of `y`, and `y` is a descendant of `x`. Note
-that this is an inclusive relationship: `x` is a descendant and ancestor of
-We can then define references as simply *names* for paths. When you create a
-reference, you're declaring that an ownership path exists to this address
-of memory.
-Tragically, plenty of data doesn't reside on the stack, and we must also
-accommodate this. Globals and thread-locals are simple enough to model as
-residing at the bottom of the stack (though we must be careful with mutable
-globals). Data on the heap poses a different problem.
-If all Rust had on the heap was data uniquely owned by a pointer on the stack,
-then we could just treat such a pointer as a struct that owns the value on the
-heap. Box, Vec, String, and HashMap, are examples of types which uniquely
-own data on the heap.
-Unfortunately, data on the heap is not *always* uniquely owned. Rc for instance
-introduces a notion of *shared* ownership. Shared ownership of a value means
-there is no unique path to it. A value with no unique path limits what we can do
-with it.
-In general, only shared references can be created to non-unique paths. However
-mechanisms which ensure mutual exclusion may establish One True Owner
-temporarily, establishing a unique path to that value (and therefore all
-its children). If this is done, the value may be mutated. In particular, a
-mutable reference can be taken.
-The most common way to establish such a path is through *interior mutability*,
-in contrast to the *inherited mutability* that everything in Rust normally uses.
-Cell, RefCell, Mutex, and RWLock are all examples of interior mutability types.
-These types provide exclusive access through runtime restrictions.
-An interesting case of this effect is Rc itself: if an Rc has refcount 1,
-then it is safe to mutate or even move its internals. Note however that the
-refcount itself uses interior mutability.
-In order to correctly communicate to the type system that a variable or field of
-a struct can have interior mutability, it must be wrapped in an UnsafeCell. This
-does not in itself make it safe to perform interior mutability operations on
-that value. You still must yourself ensure that mutual exclusion is upheld.
-# Liveness
-Note: Liveness is not the same thing as a *lifetime*, which will be explained
-in detail in the next section of this chapter.
-Roughly, a reference is *live* at some point in a program if it can be
-dereferenced. Shared references are always live unless they are literally
-unreachable (for instance, they reside in freed or leaked memory). Mutable
-references can be reachable but *not* live through the process of *reborrowing*.
-A mutable reference can be reborrowed to either a shared or mutable reference to
-one of its descendants. A reborrowed reference will only be live again once all
-reborrows derived from it expire. For instance, a mutable reference can be
-reborrowed to point to a field of its referent:
-let x = &mut (1, 2);
-    // reborrow x to a subfield
-    let y = &mut x.0;
-    // y is now live, but x isn't
-    *y = 3;
-// y goes out of scope, so x is live again
-*x = (5, 7);
-It is also possible to reborrow into *multiple* mutable references, as long as
-they are *disjoint*: no reference is an ancestor of another. Rust
-explicitly enables this to be done with disjoint struct fields, because
-disjointness can be statically proven:
-let x = &mut (1, 2);
-    // reborrow x to two disjoint subfields
-    let y = &mut x.0;
-    let z = &mut x.1;
-    // y and z are now live, but x isn't
-    *y = 3;
-    *z = 4;
-// y and z go out of scope, so x is live again
-*x = (5, 7);
-However it's often the case that Rust isn't sufficiently smart to prove that
-multiple borrows are disjoint. *This does not mean it is fundamentally illegal
-to make such a borrow*, just that Rust isn't as smart as you want.
-To simplify things, we can model variables as a fake type of reference: *owned*
-references. Owned references have much the same semantics as mutable references:
-they can be re-borrowed in a mutable or shared manner, which makes them no
-longer live. Live owned references have the unique property that they can be
-moved out of (though mutable references *can* be swapped out of). This power is
-only given to *live* owned references because moving its referent would of
-course invalidate all outstanding references prematurely.
-As a local lint against inappropriate mutation, only variables that are marked
-as `mut` can be borrowed mutably.
-It is interesting to note that Box behaves exactly like an owned reference. It
-can be moved out of, and Rust understands it sufficiently to reason about its
-paths like a normal variable.
-# Aliasing
-With liveness and paths defined, we can now properly define *aliasing*:
-**A mutable reference is aliased if there exists another live reference to one
-of its ancestors or descendants.**
-(If you prefer, you may also say the two live references alias *each other*.
-This has no semantic consequences, but is probably a more useful notion when
-verifying the soundness of a construct.)
-That's it. Super simple right? Except for the fact that it took us two pages to
-define all of the terms in that definition. You know: Super. Simple.
-Actually it's a bit more complicated than that. In addition to references, Rust
-has *raw pointers*: `*const T` and `*mut T`. Raw pointers have no inherent
-ownership or aliasing semantics. As a result, Rust makes absolutely no effort to
-track that they are used correctly, and they are wildly unsafe.
-**It is an open question to what degree raw pointers have alias semantics.
-However it is important for these definitions to be sound that the existence of
-a raw pointer does not imply some kind of live path.**
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-# repr(Rust)
-First and foremost, all types have an alignment specified in bytes. The
-alignment of a type specifies what addresses are valid to store the value at. A
-value of alignment `n` must only be stored at an address that is a multiple of
-`n`. So alignment 2 means you must be stored at an even address, and 1 means
-that you can be stored anywhere. Alignment is at least 1, and always a power of
-2. Most primitives are generally aligned to their size, although this is
-platform-specific behavior. In particular, on x86 `u64` and `f64` may be only
-aligned to 32 bits.
-A type's size must always be a multiple of its alignment. This ensures that an
-array of that type may always be indexed by offsetting by a multiple of its
-size. Note that the size and alignment of a type may not be known
-statically in the case of [dynamically sized types][dst].
-Rust gives you the following ways to lay out composite data:
-* structs (named product types)
-* tuples (anonymous product types)
-* arrays (homogeneous product types)
-* enums (named sum types -- tagged unions)
-An enum is said to be *C-like* if none of its variants have associated data.
-Composite structures will have an alignment equal to the maximum
-of their fields' alignment. Rust will consequently insert padding where
-necessary to ensure that all fields are properly aligned and that the overall
-type's size is a multiple of its alignment. For instance:
-struct A {
-    a: u8,
-    b: u32,
-    c: u16,
-will be 32-bit aligned on an architecture that aligns these primitives to their
-respective sizes. The whole struct will therefore have a size that is a multiple
-of 32-bits. It will potentially become:
-struct A {
-    a: u8,
-    _pad1: [u8; 3], // to align `b`
-    b: u32,
-    c: u16,
-    _pad2: [u8; 2], // to make overall size multiple of 4
-There is *no indirection* for these types; all data is stored within the struct,
-as you would expect in C. However with the exception of arrays (which are
-densely packed and in-order), the layout of data is not by default specified in
-Rust. Given the two following struct definitions:
-struct A {
-    a: i32,
-    b: u64,
-struct B {
-    a: i32,
-    b: u64,
-Rust *does* guarantee that two instances of A have their data laid out in
-exactly the same way. However Rust *does not* currently guarantee that an
-instance of A has the same field ordering or padding as an instance of B, though
-in practice there's no reason why they wouldn't.
-With A and B as written, this point would seem to be pedantic, but several other
-features of Rust make it desirable for the language to play with data layout in
-complex ways.
-For instance, consider this struct:
-struct Foo<T, U> {
-    count: u16,
-    data1: T,
-    data2: U,
-Now consider the monomorphizations of `Foo<u32, u16>` and `Foo<u16, u32>`. If
-Rust lays out the fields in the order specified, we expect it to pad the
-values in the struct to satisfy their alignment requirements. So if Rust
-didn't reorder fields, we would expect it to produce the following:
-struct Foo<u16, u32> {
-    count: u16,
-    data1: u16,
-    data2: u32,
-struct Foo<u32, u16> {
-    count: u16,
-    _pad1: u16,
-    data1: u32,
-    data2: u16,
-    _pad2: u16,
-The latter case quite simply wastes space. An optimal use of space therefore
-requires different monomorphizations to have *different field orderings*.
-**Note: this is a hypothetical optimization that is not yet implemented in Rust
-Enums make this consideration even more complicated. Naively, an enum such as:
-enum Foo {
-    A(u32),
-    B(u64),
-    C(u8),
-would be laid out as:
-struct FooRepr {
-    data: u64, // this is either a u64, u32, or u8 based on `tag`
-    tag: u8,   // 0 = A, 1 = B, 2 = C
-And indeed this is approximately how it would be laid out in general (modulo the
-size and position of `tag`).
-However there are several cases where such a representation is inefficient. The
-classic case of this is Rust's "null pointer optimization": an enum consisting
-of a single outer unit variant (e.g. `None`) and a (potentially nested) non-
-nullable pointer variant (e.g. `&T`) makes the tag unnecessary, because a null
-pointer value can safely be interpreted to mean that the unit variant is chosen
-instead. The net result is that, for example, `size_of::<Option<&T>>() ==
-There are many types in Rust that are, or contain, non-nullable pointers such as
-`Box<T>`, `Vec<T>`, `String`, `&T`, and `&mut T`. Similarly, one can imagine
-nested enums pooling their tags into a single discriminant, as they are by
-definition known to have a limited range of valid values. In principle enums could
-use fairly elaborate algorithms to cache bits throughout nested types with
-special constrained representations. As such it is *especially* desirable that
-we leave enum layout unspecified today.
-[dst]: exotic-sizes.html#dynamically-sized-types-dsts
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-# How Safe and Unsafe Interact
-What's the relationship between Safe Rust and Unsafe Rust? How do they
-The separation between Safe Rust and Unsafe Rust is controlled with the
-`unsafe` keyword, which acts as an interface from one to the other. This is
-why we can say Safe Rust is a safe language: all the unsafe parts are kept
-exclusively behind the boundary.
-The `unsafe` keyword has two uses: to declare the existence of contracts the
-compiler can't check, and to declare that the adherence of some code to
-those contracts has been checked by the programmer.
-You can use `unsafe` to indicate the existence of unchecked contracts on
-_functions_ and on _trait declarations_. On functions, `unsafe` means that
-users of the function must check that function's documentation to ensure
-they are using it in a way that maintains the contracts the function
-requires. On trait declarations, `unsafe` means that implementors of the
-trait must check the trait documentation to ensure their implementation
-maintains the contracts the trait requires.
-You can use `unsafe` on a block to declare that all constraints required
-by an unsafe function within the block have been adhered to, and the code
-can therefore be trusted. You can use `unsafe` on a trait implementation
-to declare that the implementation of that trait has adhered to whatever
-contracts the trait's documentation requires.
-The standard library has a number of unsafe functions, including:
-* `slice::get_unchecked`, which performs unchecked indexing, allowing
-  memory safety to be freely violated.
-* `mem::transmute` reinterprets some value as having a given type, bypassing
-  type safety in arbitrary ways (see [conversions] for details).
-* Every raw pointer to a sized type has an intrinstic `offset` method that
-  invokes Undefined Behavior if the passed offset is not "in bounds" as
-  defined by LLVM.
-* All FFI functions are `unsafe` because the other language can do arbitrary
-  operations that the Rust compiler can't check.
-As of Rust 1.0 there are exactly two unsafe traits:
-* `Send` is a marker trait (a trait with no API) that promises implementors are
-  safe to send (move) to another thread.
-* `Sync` is a marker trait that promises threads can safely share implementors
-  through a shared reference.
-Much of the Rust standard library also uses Unsafe Rust internally, although
-these implementations are rigorously manually checked, and the Safe Rust
-interfaces provided on top of these implementations can be assumed to be safe.
-The need for all of this separation boils down a single fundamental property
-of Safe Rust:
-**No matter what, Safe Rust can't cause Undefined Behavior.**
-The design of the safe/unsafe split means that Safe Rust inherently has to
-trust that any Unsafe Rust it touches has been written correctly (meaning
-the Unsafe Rust actually maintains whatever contracts it is supposed to
-maintain). On the other hand, Unsafe Rust has to be very careful about
-trusting Safe Rust.
-As an example, Rust has the `PartialOrd` and `Ord` traits to differentiate
-between types which can "just" be compared, and those that provide a total
-ordering (where every value of the type is either equal to, greater than,
-or less than any other value of the same type). The sorted map type
-`BTreeMap` doesn't make sense for partially-ordered types, and so it
-requires that any key type for it implements the `Ord` trait. However,
-`BTreeMap` has Unsafe Rust code inside of its implementation, and this
-Unsafe Rust code cannot assume that any `Ord` implementation it gets makes
-sense. The unsafe portions of `BTreeMap`'s internals have to be careful to
-maintain all necessary contracts, even if a key type's `Ord` implementation
-does not implement a total ordering.
-Unsafe Rust cannot automatically trust Safe Rust. When writing Unsafe Rust,
-you must be careful to only rely on specific Safe Rust code, and not make
-assumptions about potential future Safe Rust code providing the same
-This is the problem that `unsafe` traits exist to resolve. The `BTreeMap`
-type could theoretically require that keys implement a new trait called
-`UnsafeOrd`, rather than `Ord`, that might look like this:
-use std::cmp::Ordering;
-unsafe trait UnsafeOrd {
-    fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering;
-Then, a type would use `unsafe` to implement `UnsafeOrd`, indicating that
-they've ensured their implementation maintains whatever contracts the
-trait expects. In this situation, the Unsafe Rust in the internals of
-`BTreeMap` could trust that the key type's `UnsafeOrd` implementation is
-correct. If it isn't, it's the fault of the unsafe trait implementation
-code, which is consistent with Rust's safety guarantees.
-The decision of whether to mark a trait `unsafe` is an API design choice.
-Rust has traditionally avoided marking traits unsafe because it makes Unsafe
-Rust pervasive, which is not desirable. `Send` and `Sync` are marked unsafe
-because thread safety is a *fundamental property* that unsafe code can't
-possibly hope to defend against in the way it could defend against a bad
-`Ord` implementation. The decision of whether to mark your own traits `unsafe`
-depends on the same sort of consideration. If `unsafe` code cannot reasonably
-expect to defend against a bad implementation of the trait, then marking the
-trait `unsafe` is a reasonable choice.
-As an aside, while `Send` and `Sync` are `unsafe` traits, they are
-automatically implemented for types when such derivations are provably safe
-to do. `Send` is automatically derived for all types composed only of values
-whose types also implement `Send`. `Sync` is automatically derived for all
-types composed only of values whose types also implement `Sync`.
-This is the dance of Safe Rust and Unsafe Rust. It is designed to make using
-Safe Rust as ergonomic as possible, but requires extra effort and care when
-writing Unsafe Rust. The rest of the book is largely a discussion of the sort
-of care that must be taken, and what contracts it is expected of Unsafe Rust
-to uphold.
-[drop flags]: drop-flags.html
-[conversions]: conversions.html
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-# Send and Sync
-Not everything obeys inherited mutability, though. Some types allow you to
-multiply alias a location in memory while mutating it. Unless these types use
-synchronization to manage this access, they are absolutely not thread safe. Rust
-captures this through the `Send` and `Sync` traits.
-* A type is Send if it is safe to send it to another thread.
-* A type is Sync if it is safe to share between threads (`&T` is Send).
-Send and Sync are fundamental to Rust's concurrency story. As such, a
-substantial amount of special tooling exists to make them work right. First and
-foremost, they're [unsafe traits]. This means that they are unsafe to
-implement, and other unsafe code can assume that they are correctly
-implemented. Since they're *marker traits* (they have no associated items like
-methods), correctly implemented simply means that they have the intrinsic
-properties an implementor should have. Incorrectly implementing Send or Sync can
-cause Undefined Behavior.
-Send and Sync are also automatically derived traits. This means that, unlike
-every other trait, if a type is composed entirely of Send or Sync types, then it
-is Send or Sync. Almost all primitives are Send and Sync, and as a consequence
-pretty much all types you'll ever interact with are Send and Sync.
-Major exceptions include:
-* raw pointers are neither Send nor Sync (because they have no safety guards).
-* `UnsafeCell` isn't Sync (and therefore `Cell` and `RefCell` aren't).
-* `Rc` isn't Send or Sync (because the refcount is shared and unsynchronized).
-`Rc` and `UnsafeCell` are very fundamentally not thread-safe: they enable
-unsynchronized shared mutable state. However raw pointers are, strictly
-speaking, marked as thread-unsafe as more of a *lint*. Doing anything useful
-with a raw pointer requires dereferencing it, which is already unsafe. In that
-sense, one could argue that it would be "fine" for them to be marked as thread
-However it's important that they aren't thread safe to prevent types that
-contain them from being automatically marked as thread safe. These types have
-non-trivial untracked ownership, and it's unlikely that their author was
-necessarily thinking hard about thread safety. In the case of Rc, we have a nice
-example of a type that contains a `*mut` that is definitely not thread safe.
-Types that aren't automatically derived can simply implement them if desired:
-struct MyBox(*mut u8);
-unsafe impl Send for MyBox {}
-unsafe impl Sync for MyBox {}
-In the *incredibly rare* case that a type is inappropriately automatically
-derived to be Send or Sync, then one can also unimplement Send and Sync:
-// I have some magic semantics for some synchronization primitive!
-struct SpecialThreadToken(u8);
-impl !Send for SpecialThreadToken {}
-impl !Sync for SpecialThreadToken {}
-Note that *in and of itself* it is impossible to incorrectly derive Send and
-Sync. Only types that are ascribed special meaning by other unsafe code can
-possible cause trouble by being incorrectly Send or Sync.
-Most uses of raw pointers should be encapsulated behind a sufficient abstraction
-that Send and Sync can be derived. For instance all of Rust's standard
-collections are Send and Sync (when they contain Send and Sync types) in spite
-of their pervasive use of raw pointers to manage allocations and complex ownership.
-Similarly, most iterators into these collections are Send and Sync because they
-largely behave like an `&` or `&mut` into the collection.
-TODO: better explain what can or can't be Send or Sync. Sufficient to appeal
-only to data races?
-[unsafe traits]: safe-unsafe-meaning.html
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-# Subtyping and Variance
-Although Rust doesn't have any notion of structural inheritance, it *does*
-include subtyping. In Rust, subtyping derives entirely from lifetimes. Since
-lifetimes are scopes, we can partially order them based on the *contains*
-(outlives) relationship. We can even express this as a generic bound.
-Subtyping on lifetimes is in terms of that relationship: if `'a: 'b` ("a contains
-b" or "a outlives b"), then `'a` is a subtype of `'b`. This is a large source of
-confusion, because it seems intuitively backwards to many: the bigger scope is a
-*subtype* of the smaller scope.
-This does in fact make sense, though. The intuitive reason for this is that if
-you expect an `&'a u8`, then it's totally fine for me to hand you an `&'static
-u8`, in the same way that if you expect an Animal in Java, it's totally fine for
-me to hand you a Cat. Cats are just Animals *and more*, just as `'static` is
-just `'a` *and more*.
-(Note, the subtyping relationship and typed-ness of lifetimes is a fairly
-arbitrary construct that some disagree with. However it simplifies our analysis
-to treat lifetimes and types uniformly.)
-Higher-ranked lifetimes are also subtypes of every concrete lifetime. This is
-because taking an arbitrary lifetime is strictly more general than taking a
-specific one.
-# Variance
-Variance is where things get a bit complicated.
-Variance is a property that *type constructors* have with respect to their
-arguments. A type constructor in Rust is a generic type with unbound arguments.
-For instance `Vec` is a type constructor that takes a `T` and returns a
-`Vec<T>`. `&` and `&mut` are type constructors that take two inputs: a
-lifetime, and a type to point to.
-A type constructor's *variance* is how the subtyping of its inputs affects the
-subtyping of its outputs. There are two kinds of variance in Rust:
-* F is *variant* over `T` if `T` being a subtype of `U` implies
-  `F<T>` is a subtype of `F<U>` (subtyping "passes through")
-* F is *invariant* over `T` otherwise (no subtyping relation can be derived)
-(For those of you who are familiar with variance from other languages, what we
-refer to as "just" variance is in fact *covariance*. Rust has *contravariance*
-for functions. The future of contravariance is uncertain and it may be
-scrapped. For now, `fn(T)` is contravariant in `T`, which is used in matching
-methods in trait implementations to the trait definition. Traits don't have
-inferred variance, so `Fn(T)` is invariant in `T`).
-Some important variances:
-* `&'a T` is variant over `'a` and `T` (as is `*const T` by metaphor)
-* `&'a mut T` is variant over `'a` but invariant over `T`
-* `Fn(T) -> U` is invariant over `T`, but variant over `U`
-* `Box`, `Vec`, and all other collections are variant over the types of
-  their contents
-* `UnsafeCell<T>`, `Cell<T>`, `RefCell<T>`, `Mutex<T>` and all other
-  interior mutability types are invariant over T (as is `*mut T` by metaphor)
-To understand why these variances are correct and desirable, we will consider
-several examples.
-We have already covered why `&'a T` should be variant over `'a` when
-introducing subtyping: it's desirable to be able to pass longer-lived things
-where shorter-lived things are needed.
-Similar reasoning applies to why it should be variant over T. It is reasonable
-to be able to pass `&&'static str` where an `&&'a str` is expected. The
-additional level of indirection does not change the desire to be able to pass
-longer lived things where shorted lived things are expected.
-However this logic doesn't apply to `&mut`. To see why `&mut` should
-be invariant over T, consider the following code:
-fn overwrite<T: Copy>(input: &mut T, new: &mut T) {
-    *input = *new;
-fn main() {
-    let mut forever_str: &'static str = "hello";
-    {
-        let string = String::from("world");
-        overwrite(&mut forever_str, &mut &*string);
-    }
-    // Oops, printing free'd memory
-    println!("{}", forever_str);
-The signature of `overwrite` is clearly valid: it takes mutable references to
-two values of the same type, and overwrites one with the other. If `&mut T` was
-variant over T, then `&mut &'static str` would be a subtype of `&mut &'a str`,
-since `&'static str` is a subtype of `&'a str`. Therefore the lifetime of
-`forever_str` would successfully be "shrunk" down to the shorter lifetime of
-`string`, and `overwrite` would be called successfully. `string` would
-subsequently be dropped, and `forever_str` would point to freed memory when we
-print it! Therefore `&mut` should be invariant.
-This is the general theme of variance vs invariance: if variance would allow you
-to store a short-lived value into a longer-lived slot, then you must be
-However it *is* sound for `&'a mut T` to be variant over `'a`. The key difference
-between `'a` and T is that `'a` is a property of the reference itself,
-while T is something the reference is borrowing. If you change T's type, then
-the source still remembers the original type. However if you change the
-lifetime's type, no one but the reference knows this information, so it's fine.
-Put another way: `&'a mut T` owns `'a`, but only *borrows* T.
-`Box` and `Vec` are interesting cases because they're variant, but you can
-definitely store values in them! This is where Rust gets really clever: it's
-fine for them to be variant because you can only store values
-in them *via a mutable reference*! The mutable reference makes the whole type
-invariant, and therefore prevents you from smuggling a short-lived type into
-Being variant allows `Box` and `Vec` to be weakened when shared
-immutably. So you can pass a `&Box<&'static str>` where a `&Box<&'a str>` is
-However what should happen when passing *by-value* is less obvious. It turns out
-that, yes, you can use subtyping when passing by-value. That is, this works:
-fn get_box<'a>(str: &'a str) -> Box<&'a str> {
-    // string literals are `&'static str`s
-    Box::new("hello")
-Weakening when you pass by-value is fine because there's no one else who
-"remembers" the old lifetime in the Box. The reason a variant `&mut` was
-trouble was because there's always someone else who remembers the original
-subtype: the actual owner.
-The invariance of the cell types can be seen as follows: `&` is like an `&mut`
-for a cell, because you can still store values in them through an `&`. Therefore
-cells must be invariant to avoid lifetime smuggling.
-`Fn` is the most subtle case because it has mixed variance. To see why
-`Fn(T) -> U` should be invariant over T, consider the following function
-// 'a is derived from some parent scope
-fn foo(&'a str) -> usize;
-This signature claims that it can handle any `&str` that lives at least as
-long as `'a`. Now if this signature was variant over `&'a str`, that
-would mean
-fn foo(&'static str) -> usize;
-could be provided in its place, as it would be a subtype. However this function
-has a stronger requirement: it says that it can only handle `&'static str`s,
-and nothing else. Giving `&'a str`s to it would be unsound, as it's free to
-assume that what it's given lives forever. Therefore functions are not variant
-over their arguments.
-To see why `Fn(T) -> U` should be variant over U, consider the following
-function signature:
-// 'a is derived from some parent scope
-fn foo(usize) -> &'a str;
-This signature claims that it will return something that outlives `'a`. It is
-therefore completely reasonable to provide
-fn foo(usize) -> &'static str;
-in its place. Therefore functions are variant over their return type.
-`*const` has the exact same semantics as `&`, so variance follows. `*mut` on the
-other hand can dereference to an `&mut` whether shared or not, so it is marked
-as invariant just like cells.
-This is all well and good for the types the standard library provides, but
-how is variance determined for type that *you* define? A struct, informally
-speaking, inherits the variance of its fields. If a struct `Foo`
-has a generic argument `A` that is used in a field `a`, then Foo's variance
-over `A` is exactly `a`'s variance. However this is complicated if `A` is used
-in multiple fields.
-* If all uses of A are variant, then Foo is variant over A
-* Otherwise, Foo is invariant over A
-use std::cell::Cell;
-struct Foo<'a, 'b, A: 'a, B: 'b, C, D, E, F, G, H> {
-    a: &'a A,     // variant over 'a and A
-    b: &'b mut B, // variant over 'b and invariant over B
-    c: *const C,  // variant over C
-    d: *mut D,    // invariant over D
-    e: Vec<E>,    // variant over E
-    f: Cell<F>,   // invariant over F
-    g: G,         // variant over G
-    h1: H,        // would also be variant over H except...
-    h2: Cell<H>,  // invariant over H, because invariance wins
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-# Transmutes
-Get out of our way type system! We're going to reinterpret these bits or die
-trying! Even though this book is all about doing things that are unsafe, I
-really can't emphasize that you should deeply think about finding Another Way
-than the operations covered in this section. This is really, truly, the most
-horribly unsafe thing you can do in Rust. The railguards here are dental floss.
-`mem::transmute<T, U>` takes a value of type `T` and reinterprets it to have
-type `U`. The only restriction is that the `T` and `U` are verified to have the
-same size. The ways to cause Undefined Behavior with this are mind boggling.
-* First and foremost, creating an instance of *any* type with an invalid state
-  is going to cause arbitrary chaos that can't really be predicted.
-* Transmute has an overloaded return type. If you do not specify the return type
-  it may produce a surprising type to satisfy inference.
-* Making a primitive with an invalid value is UB
-* Transmuting between non-repr(C) types is UB
-* Transmuting an & to &mut is UB
-    * Transmuting an & to &mut is *always* UB
-    * No you can't do it
-    * No you're not special
-* Transmuting to a reference without an explicitly provided lifetime
-  produces an [unbounded lifetime]
-`mem::transmute_copy<T, U>` somehow manages to be *even more* wildly unsafe than
-this. It copies `size_of<U>` bytes out of an `&T` and interprets them as a `U`.
-The size check that `mem::transmute` has is gone (as it may be valid to copy
-out a prefix), though it is Undefined Behavior for `U` to be larger than `T`.
-Also of course you can get most of the functionality of these functions using
-pointer casts.
-[unbounded lifetime]: unbounded-lifetimes.html
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-# Unbounded Lifetimes
-Unsafe code can often end up producing references or lifetimes out of thin air.
-Such lifetimes come into the world as *unbounded*. The most common source of this
-is dereferencing a raw pointer, which produces a reference with an unbounded lifetime.
-Such a lifetime becomes as big as context demands. This is in fact more powerful
-than simply becoming `'static`, because for instance `&'static &'a T`
-will fail to typecheck, but the unbound lifetime will perfectly mold into
-`&'a &'a T` as needed. However for most intents and purposes, such an unbounded
-lifetime can be regarded as `'static`.
-Almost no reference is `'static`, so this is probably wrong. `transmute` and
-`transmute_copy` are the two other primary offenders. One should endeavor to
-bound an unbounded lifetime as quickly as possible, especially across function
-Given a function, any output lifetimes that don't derive from inputs are
-unbounded. For instance:
-fn get_str<'a>() -> &'a str;
-will produce an `&str` with an unbounded lifetime. The easiest way to avoid
-unbounded lifetimes is to use lifetime elision at the function boundary.
-If an output lifetime is elided, then it *must* be bounded by an input lifetime.
-Of course it might be bounded by the *wrong* lifetime, but this will usually
-just cause a compiler error, rather than allow memory safety to be trivially
-Within a function, bounding lifetimes is more error-prone. The safest and easiest
-way to bound a lifetime is to return it from a function with a bound lifetime.
-However if this is unacceptable, the reference can be placed in a location with
-a specific lifetime. Unfortunately it's impossible to name all lifetimes involved
-in a function.
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-# Unchecked Uninitialized Memory
-One interesting exception to this rule is working with arrays. Safe Rust doesn't
-permit you to partially initialize an array. When you initialize an array, you
-can either set every value to the same thing with `let x = [val; N]`, or you can
-specify each member individually with `let x = [val1, val2, val3]`.
-Unfortunately this is pretty rigid, especially if you need to initialize your
-array in a more incremental or dynamic way.
-Unsafe Rust gives us a powerful tool to handle this problem:
-`mem::uninitialized`. This function pretends to return a value when really
-it does nothing at all. Using it, we can convince Rust that we have initialized
-a variable, allowing us to do trickier things with conditional and incremental
-Unfortunately, this opens us up to all kinds of problems. Assignment has a
-different meaning to Rust based on whether it believes that a variable is
-initialized or not. If it's believed uninitialized, then Rust will semantically
-just memcopy the bits over the uninitialized ones, and do nothing else. However
-if Rust believes a value to be initialized, it will try to `Drop` the old value!
-Since we've tricked Rust into believing that the value is initialized, we can no
-longer safely use normal assignment.
-This is also a problem if you're working with a raw system allocator, which
-returns a pointer to uninitialized memory.
-To handle this, we must use the `ptr` module. In particular, it provides
-three functions that allow us to assign bytes to a location in memory without
-dropping the old value: `write`, `copy`, and `copy_nonoverlapping`.
-* `ptr::write(ptr, val)` takes a `val` and moves it into the address pointed
-  to by `ptr`.
-* `ptr::copy(src, dest, count)` copies the bits that `count` T's would occupy
-  from src to dest. (this is equivalent to memmove -- note that the argument
-  order is reversed!)
-* `ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(src, dest, count)` does what `copy` does, but a
-  little faster on the assumption that the two ranges of memory don't overlap.
-  (this is equivalent to memcpy -- note that the argument order is reversed!)
-It should go without saying that these functions, if misused, will cause serious
-havoc or just straight up Undefined Behavior. The only things that these
-functions *themselves* require is that the locations you want to read and write
-are allocated. However the ways writing arbitrary bits to arbitrary
-locations of memory can break things are basically uncountable!
-Putting this all together, we get the following:
-use std::mem;
-use std::ptr;
-// size of the array is hard-coded but easy to change. This means we can't
-// use [a, b, c] syntax to initialize the array, though!
-const SIZE: usize = 10;
-let mut x: [Box<u32>; SIZE];
-unsafe {
-	// convince Rust that x is Totally Initialized
-	x = mem::uninitialized();
-	for i in 0..SIZE {
-		// very carefully overwrite each index without reading it
-		// NOTE: exception safety is not a concern; Box can't panic
-		ptr::write(&mut x[i], Box::new(i as u32));
-	}
-println!("{:?}", x);
-It's worth noting that you don't need to worry about `ptr::write`-style
-shenanigans with types which don't implement `Drop` or contain `Drop` types,
-because Rust knows not to try to drop them. Similarly you should be able to
-assign to fields of partially initialized structs directly if those fields don't
-contain any `Drop` types.
-However when working with uninitialized memory you need to be ever-vigilant for
-Rust trying to drop values you make like this before they're fully initialized.
-Every control path through that variable's scope must initialize the value
-before it ends, if it has a destructor.
-*[This includes code panicking](unwinding.html)*.
-And that's about it for working with uninitialized memory! Basically nothing
-anywhere expects to be handed uninitialized memory, so if you're going to pass
-it around at all, be sure to be *really* careful.
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-# Working With Uninitialized Memory
-All runtime-allocated memory in a Rust program begins its life as
-*uninitialized*. In this state the value of the memory is an indeterminate pile
-of bits that may or may not even reflect a valid state for the type that is
-supposed to inhabit that location of memory. Attempting to interpret this memory
-as a value of *any* type will cause Undefined Behavior. Do Not Do This.
-Rust provides mechanisms to work with uninitialized memory in checked (safe) and
-unchecked (unsafe) ways.
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-# Unwinding
-Rust has a *tiered* error-handling scheme:
-* If something might reasonably be absent, Option is used.
-* If something goes wrong and can reasonably be handled, Result is used.
-* If something goes wrong and cannot reasonably be handled, the thread panics.
-* If something catastrophic happens, the program aborts.
-Option and Result are overwhelmingly preferred in most situations, especially
-since they can be promoted into a panic or abort at the API user's discretion.
-Panics cause the thread to halt normal execution and unwind its stack, calling
-destructors as if every function instantly returned.
-As of 1.0, Rust is of two minds when it comes to panics. In the long-long-ago,
-Rust was much more like Erlang. Like Erlang, Rust had lightweight tasks,
-and tasks were intended to kill themselves with a panic when they reached an
-untenable state. Unlike an exception in Java or C++, a panic could not be
-caught at any time. Panics could only be caught by the owner of the task, at which
-point they had to be handled or *that* task would itself panic.
-Unwinding was important to this story because if a task's
-destructors weren't called, it would cause memory and other system resources to
-leak. Since tasks were expected to die during normal execution, this would make
-Rust very poor for long-running systems!
-As the Rust we know today came to be, this style of programming grew out of
-fashion in the push for less-and-less abstraction. Light-weight tasks were
-killed in the name of heavy-weight OS threads. Still, on stable Rust as of 1.0
-panics can only be caught by the parent thread. This means catching a panic
-requires spinning up an entire OS thread! This unfortunately stands in conflict
-to Rust's philosophy of zero-cost abstractions.
-There is an unstable API called `catch_panic` that enables catching a panic
-without spawning a thread. Still, we would encourage you to only do this
-sparingly. In particular, Rust's current unwinding implementation is heavily
-optimized for the "doesn't unwind" case. If a program doesn't unwind, there
-should be no runtime cost for the program being *ready* to unwind. As a
-consequence, actually unwinding will be more expensive than in e.g. Java.
-Don't build your programs to unwind under normal circumstances. Ideally, you
-should only panic for programming errors or *extreme* problems.
-Rust's unwinding strategy is not specified to be fundamentally compatible
-with any other language's unwinding. As such, unwinding into Rust from another
-language, or unwinding into another language from Rust is Undefined Behavior.
-You must *absolutely* catch any panics at the FFI boundary! What you do at that
-point is up to you, but *something* must be done. If you fail to do this,
-at best, your application will crash and burn. At worst, your application *won't*
-crash and burn, and will proceed with completely clobbered state.
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-# Allocating Memory
-Using Unique throws a wrench in an important feature of Vec (and indeed all of
-the std collections): an empty Vec doesn't actually allocate at all. So if we
-can't allocate, but also can't put a null pointer in `ptr`, what do we do in
-`Vec::new`? Well, we just put some other garbage in there!
-This is perfectly fine because we already have `cap == 0` as our sentinel for no
-allocation. We don't even need to handle it specially in almost any code because
-we usually need to check if `cap > len` or `len > 0` anyway. The traditional
-Rust value to put here is `0x01`. The standard library actually exposes this
-as `alloc::heap::EMPTY`. There are quite a few places where we'll
-want to use `heap::EMPTY` because there's no real allocation to talk about but
-`null` would make the compiler do bad things.
-All of the `heap` API is totally unstable under the `heap_api` feature, though.
-We could trivially define `heap::EMPTY` ourselves, but we'll want the rest of
-the `heap` API anyway, so let's just get that dependency over with.
-#![feature(alloc, heap_api)]
-use std::mem;
-use alloc::heap::EMPTY;
-impl<T> Vec<T> {
-    fn new() -> Self {
-        assert!(mem::size_of::<T>() != 0, "We're not ready to handle ZSTs");
-        unsafe {
-            // need to cast EMPTY to the actual ptr type we want, let
-            // inference handle it.
-            Vec { ptr: Unique::new(heap::EMPTY as *mut _), len: 0, cap: 0 }
-        }
-    }
-I slipped in that assert there because zero-sized types will require some
-special handling throughout our code, and I want to defer the issue for now.
-Without this assert, some of our early drafts will do some Very Bad Things.
-Next we need to figure out what to actually do when we *do* want space. For
-that, we'll need to use the rest of the heap APIs. These basically allow us to
-talk directly to Rust's allocator (jemalloc by default).
-We'll also need a way to handle out-of-memory (OOM) conditions. The standard
-library calls the `abort` intrinsic, which just calls an illegal instruction to
-crash the whole program. The reason we abort and don't panic is because
-unwinding can cause allocations to happen, and that seems like a bad thing to do
-when your allocator just came back with "hey I don't have any more memory".
-Of course, this is a bit silly since most platforms don't actually run out of
-memory in a conventional way. Your operating system will probably kill the
-application by another means if you legitimately start using up all the memory.
-The most likely way we'll trigger OOM is by just asking for ludicrous quantities
-of memory at once (e.g. half the theoretical address space). As such it's
-*probably* fine to panic and nothing bad will happen. Still, we're trying to be
-like the standard library as much as possible, so we'll just kill the whole
-We said we don't want to use intrinsics, so doing exactly what `std` does is
-out. Instead, we'll call `std::process::exit` with some random number.
-fn oom() {
-    ::std::process::exit(-9999);
-Okay, now we can write growing. Roughly, we want to have this logic:
-if cap == 0:
-    allocate()
-    cap = 1
-    reallocate()
-    cap *= 2
-But Rust's only supported allocator API is so low level that we'll need to do a
-fair bit of extra work. We also need to guard against some special
-conditions that can occur with really large allocations or empty allocations.
-In particular, `ptr::offset` will cause us a lot of trouble, because it has
-the semantics of LLVM's GEP inbounds instruction. If you're fortunate enough to
-not have dealt with this instruction, here's the basic story with GEP: alias
-analysis, alias analysis, alias analysis. It's super important to an optimizing
-compiler to be able to reason about data dependencies and aliasing.
-As a simple example, consider the following fragment of code:
-# let x = &mut 0;
-# let y = &mut 0;
-*x *= 7;
-*y *= 3;
-If the compiler can prove that `x` and `y` point to different locations in
-memory, the two operations can in theory be executed in parallel (by e.g.
-loading them into different registers and working on them independently).
-However the compiler can't do this in general because if x and y point to
-the same location in memory, the operations need to be done to the same value,
-and they can't just be merged afterwards.
-When you use GEP inbounds, you are specifically telling LLVM that the offsets
-you're about to do are within the bounds of a single "allocated" entity. The
-ultimate payoff being that LLVM can assume that if two pointers are known to
-point to two disjoint objects, all the offsets of those pointers are *also*
-known to not alias (because you won't just end up in some random place in
-memory). LLVM is heavily optimized to work with GEP offsets, and inbounds
-offsets are the best of all, so it's important that we use them as much as
-So that's what GEP's about, how can it cause us trouble?
-The first problem is that we index into arrays with unsigned integers, but
-GEP (and as a consequence `ptr::offset`) takes a signed integer. This means
-that half of the seemingly valid indices into an array will overflow GEP and
-actually go in the wrong direction! As such we must limit all allocations to
-`isize::MAX` elements. This actually means we only need to worry about
-byte-sized objects, because e.g. `> isize::MAX` `u16`s will truly exhaust all of
-the system's memory. However in order to avoid subtle corner cases where someone
-reinterprets some array of `< isize::MAX` objects as bytes, std limits all
-allocations to `isize::MAX` bytes.
-On all 64-bit targets that Rust currently supports we're artificially limited
-to significantly less than all 64 bits of the address space (modern x64
-platforms only expose 48-bit addressing), so we can rely on just running out of
-memory first. However on 32-bit targets, particularly those with extensions to
-use more of the address space (PAE x86 or x32), it's theoretically possible to
-successfully allocate more than `isize::MAX` bytes of memory.
-However since this is a tutorial, we're not going to be particularly optimal
-here, and just unconditionally check, rather than use clever platform-specific
-The other corner-case we need to worry about is empty allocations. There will
-be two kinds of empty allocations we need to worry about: `cap = 0` for all T,
-and `cap > 0` for zero-sized types.
-These cases are tricky because they come
-down to what LLVM means by "allocated". LLVM's notion of an
-allocation is significantly more abstract than how we usually use it. Because
-LLVM needs to work with different languages' semantics and custom allocators,
-it can't really intimately understand allocation. Instead, the main idea behind
-allocation is "doesn't overlap with other stuff". That is, heap allocations,
-stack allocations, and globals don't randomly overlap. Yep, it's about alias
-analysis. As such, Rust can technically play a bit fast and loose with the notion of
-an allocation as long as it's *consistent*.
-Getting back to the empty allocation case, there are a couple of places where
-we want to offset by 0 as a consequence of generic code. The question is then:
-is it consistent to do so? For zero-sized types, we have concluded that it is
-indeed consistent to do a GEP inbounds offset by an arbitrary number of
-elements. This is a runtime no-op because every element takes up no space,
-and it's fine to pretend that there's infinite zero-sized types allocated
-at `0x01`. No allocator will ever allocate that address, because they won't
-allocate `0x00` and they generally allocate to some minimal alignment higher
-than a byte. Also generally the whole first page of memory is
-protected from being allocated anyway (a whole 4k, on many platforms).
-However what about for positive-sized types? That one's a bit trickier. In
-principle, you can argue that offsetting by 0 gives LLVM no information: either
-there's an element before the address or after it, but it can't know which.
-However we've chosen to conservatively assume that it may do bad things. As
-such we will guard against this case explicitly.
-Ok with all the nonsense out of the way, let's actually allocate some memory:
-fn grow(&mut self) {
-    // this is all pretty delicate, so let's say it's all unsafe
-    unsafe {
-        // current API requires us to specify size and alignment manually.
-        let align = mem::align_of::<T>();
-        let elem_size = mem::size_of::<T>();
-        let (new_cap, ptr) = if self.cap == 0 {
-            let ptr = heap::allocate(elem_size, align);
-            (1, ptr)
-        } else {
-            // as an invariant, we can assume that `self.cap < isize::MAX`,
-            // so this doesn't need to be checked.
-            let new_cap = self.cap * 2;
-            // Similarly this can't overflow due to previously allocating this
-            let old_num_bytes = self.cap * elem_size;
-            // check that the new allocation doesn't exceed `isize::MAX` at all
-            // regardless of the actual size of the capacity. This combines the
-            // `new_cap <= isize::MAX` and `new_num_bytes <= usize::MAX` checks
-            // we need to make. We lose the ability to allocate e.g. 2/3rds of
-            // the address space with a single Vec of i16's on 32-bit though.
-            // Alas, poor Yorick -- I knew him, Horatio.
-            assert!(old_num_bytes <= (::std::isize::MAX as usize) / 2,
-                    "capacity overflow");
-            let new_num_bytes = old_num_bytes * 2;
-            let ptr = heap::reallocate(*self.ptr as *mut _,
-                                        old_num_bytes,
-                                        new_num_bytes,
-                                        align);
-            (new_cap, ptr)
-        };
-        // If allocate or reallocate fail, we'll get `null` back
-        if ptr.is_null() { oom(); }
-        self.ptr = Unique::new(ptr as *mut _);
-        self.cap = new_cap;
-    }
-Nothing particularly tricky here. Just computing sizes and alignments and doing
-some careful multiplication checks.
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-# Deallocating
-Next we should implement Drop so that we don't massively leak tons of resources.
-The easiest way is to just call `pop` until it yields None, and then deallocate
-our buffer. Note that calling `pop` is unneeded if `T: !Drop`. In theory we can
-ask Rust if `T` `needs_drop` and omit the calls to `pop`. However in practice
-LLVM is *really* good at removing simple side-effect free code like this, so I
-wouldn't bother unless you notice it's not being stripped (in this case it is).
-We must not call `heap::deallocate` when `self.cap == 0`, as in this case we
-haven't actually allocated any memory.
-impl<T> Drop for Vec<T> {
-    fn drop(&mut self) {
-        if self.cap != 0 {
-            while let Some(_) = self.pop() { }
-            let align = mem::align_of::<T>();
-            let elem_size = mem::size_of::<T>();
-            let num_bytes = elem_size * self.cap;
-            unsafe {
-                heap::deallocate(*self.ptr as *mut _, num_bytes, align);
-            }
-        }
-    }
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-# Deref
-Alright! We've got a decent minimal stack implemented. We can push, we can
-pop, and we can clean up after ourselves. However there's a whole mess of
-functionality we'd reasonably want. In particular, we have a proper array, but
-none of the slice functionality. That's actually pretty easy to solve: we can
-implement `Deref<Target=[T]>`. This will magically make our Vec coerce to, and
-behave like, a slice in all sorts of conditions.
-All we need is `slice::from_raw_parts`. It will correctly handle empty slices
-for us. Later once we set up zero-sized type support it will also Just Work
-for those too.
-use std::ops::Deref;
-impl<T> Deref for Vec<T> {
-    type Target = [T];
-    fn deref(&self) -> &[T] {
-        unsafe {
-            ::std::slice::from_raw_parts(*self.ptr, self.len)
-        }
-    }
-And let's do DerefMut too:
-use std::ops::DerefMut;
-impl<T> DerefMut for Vec<T> {
-    fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [T] {
-        unsafe {
-            ::std::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(*self.ptr, self.len)
-        }
-    }
-Now we have `len`, `first`, `last`, indexing, slicing, sorting, `iter`,
-`iter_mut`, and all other sorts of bells and whistles provided by slice. Sweet!
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-# Drain
-Let's move on to Drain. Drain is largely the same as IntoIter, except that
-instead of consuming the Vec, it borrows the Vec and leaves its allocation
-untouched. For now we'll only implement the "basic" full-range version.
-use std::marker::PhantomData;
-struct Drain<'a, T: 'a> {
-    // Need to bound the lifetime here, so we do it with `&'a mut Vec<T>`
-    // because that's semantically what we contain. We're "just" calling
-    // `pop()` and `remove(0)`.
-    vec: PhantomData<&'a mut Vec<T>>
-    start: *const T,
-    end: *const T,
-impl<'a, T> Iterator for Drain<'a, T> {
-    type Item = T;
-    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<T> {
-        if self.start == self.end {
-            None
--- wait, this is seeming familiar. Let's do some more compression. Both
-IntoIter and Drain have the exact same structure, let's just factor it out.
-struct RawValIter<T> {
-    start: *const T,
-    end: *const T,
-impl<T> RawValIter<T> {
-    // unsafe to construct because it has no associated lifetimes.
-    // This is necessary to store a RawValIter in the same struct as
-    // its actual allocation. OK since it's a private implementation
-    // detail.
-    unsafe fn new(slice: &[T]) -> Self {
-        RawValIter {
-            start: slice.as_ptr(),
-            end: if slice.len() == 0 {
-                // if `len = 0`, then this is not actually allocated memory.
-                // Need to avoid offsetting because that will give wrong
-                // information to LLVM via GEP.
-                slice.as_ptr()
-            } else {
-                slice.as_ptr().offset(slice.len() as isize)
-            }
-        }
-    }
-// Iterator and DoubleEndedIterator impls identical to IntoIter.
-And IntoIter becomes the following:
-pub struct IntoIter<T> {
-    _buf: RawVec<T>, // we don't actually care about this. Just need it to live.
-    iter: RawValIter<T>,
-impl<T> Iterator for IntoIter<T> {
-    type Item = T;
-    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<T> { self.iter.next() }
-    fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) { self.iter.size_hint() }
-impl<T> DoubleEndedIterator for IntoIter<T> {
-    fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<T> { self.iter.next_back() }
-impl<T> Drop for IntoIter<T> {
-    fn drop(&mut self) {
-        for _ in &mut self.iter {}
-    }
-impl<T> Vec<T> {
-    pub fn into_iter(self) -> IntoIter<T> {
-        unsafe {
-            let iter = RawValIter::new(&self);
-            let buf = ptr::read(&self.buf);
-            mem::forget(self);
-            IntoIter {
-                iter: iter,
-                _buf: buf,
-            }
-        }
-    }
-Note that I've left a few quirks in this design to make upgrading Drain to work
-with arbitrary subranges a bit easier. In particular we *could* have RawValIter
-drain itself on drop, but that won't work right for a more complex Drain.
-We also take a slice to simplify Drain initialization.
-Alright, now Drain is really easy:
-use std::marker::PhantomData;
-pub struct Drain<'a, T: 'a> {
-    vec: PhantomData<&'a mut Vec<T>>,
-    iter: RawValIter<T>,
-impl<'a, T> Iterator for Drain<'a, T> {
-    type Item = T;
-    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<T> { self.iter.next() }
-    fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) { self.iter.size_hint() }
-impl<'a, T> DoubleEndedIterator for Drain<'a, T> {
-    fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<T> { self.iter.next_back() }
-impl<'a, T> Drop for Drain<'a, T> {
-    fn drop(&mut self) {
-        for _ in &mut self.iter {}
-    }
-impl<T> Vec<T> {
-    pub fn drain(&mut self) -> Drain<T> {
-        unsafe {
-            let iter = RawValIter::new(&self);
-            // this is a mem::forget safety thing. If Drain is forgotten, we just
-            // leak the whole Vec's contents. Also we need to do this *eventually*
-            // anyway, so why not do it now?
-            self.len = 0;
-            Drain {
-                iter: iter,
-                vec: PhantomData,
-            }
-        }
-    }
-For more details on the `mem::forget` problem, see the
-[section on leaks][leaks].
-[leaks]: leaking.html
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-# The Final Code
-#![feature(alloc, heap_api)]
-extern crate alloc;
-use std::ptr::{Unique, self};
-use std::mem;
-use std::ops::{Deref, DerefMut};
-use std::marker::PhantomData;
-use alloc::heap;
-struct RawVec<T> {
-    ptr: Unique<T>,
-    cap: usize,
-impl<T> RawVec<T> {
-    fn new() -> Self {
-        unsafe {
-            // !0 is usize::MAX. This branch should be stripped at compile time.
-            let cap = if mem::size_of::<T>() == 0 { !0 } else { 0 };
-            // heap::EMPTY doubles as "unallocated" and "zero-sized allocation"
-            RawVec { ptr: Unique::new(heap::EMPTY as *mut T), cap: cap }
-        }
-    }
-    fn grow(&mut self) {
-        unsafe {
-            let elem_size = mem::size_of::<T>();
-            // since we set the capacity to usize::MAX when elem_size is
-            // 0, getting to here necessarily means the Vec is overfull.
-            assert!(elem_size != 0, "capacity overflow");
-            let align = mem::align_of::<T>();
-            let (new_cap, ptr) = if self.cap == 0 {
-                let ptr = heap::allocate(elem_size, align);
-                (1, ptr)
-            } else {
-                let new_cap = 2 * self.cap;
-                let ptr = heap::reallocate(*self.ptr as *mut _,
-                                            self.cap * elem_size,
-                                            new_cap * elem_size,
-                                            align);
-                (new_cap, ptr)
-            };
-            // If allocate or reallocate fail, we'll get `null` back
-            if ptr.is_null() { oom() }
-            self.ptr = Unique::new(ptr as *mut _);
-            self.cap = new_cap;
-        }
-    }
-impl<T> Drop for RawVec<T> {
-    fn drop(&mut self) {
-        let elem_size = mem::size_of::<T>();
-        if self.cap != 0 && elem_size != 0 {
-            let align = mem::align_of::<T>();
-            let num_bytes = elem_size * self.cap;
-            unsafe {
-                heap::deallocate(*self.ptr as *mut _, num_bytes, align);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-pub struct Vec<T> {
-    buf: RawVec<T>,
-    len: usize,
-impl<T> Vec<T> {
-    fn ptr(&self) -> *mut T { *self.buf.ptr }
-    fn cap(&self) -> usize { self.buf.cap }
-    pub fn new() -> Self {
-        Vec { buf: RawVec::new(), len: 0 }
-    }
-    pub fn push(&mut self, elem: T) {
-        if self.len == self.cap() { self.buf.grow(); }
-        unsafe {
-            ptr::write(self.ptr().offset(self.len as isize), elem);
-        }
-        // Can't fail, we'll OOM first.
-        self.len += 1;
-    }
-    pub fn pop(&mut self) -> Option<T> {
-        if self.len == 0 {
-            None
-        } else {
-            self.len -= 1;
-            unsafe {
-                Some(ptr::read(self.ptr().offset(self.len as isize)))
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    pub fn insert(&mut self, index: usize, elem: T) {
-        assert!(index <= self.len, "index out of bounds");
-        if self.cap() == self.len { self.buf.grow(); }
-        unsafe {
-            if index < self.len {
-                ptr::copy(self.ptr().offset(index as isize),
-                          self.ptr().offset(index as isize + 1),
-                          self.len - index);
-            }
-            ptr::write(self.ptr().offset(index as isize), elem);
-            self.len += 1;
-        }
-    }
-    pub fn remove(&mut self, index: usize) -> T {
-        assert!(index < self.len, "index out of bounds");
-        unsafe {
-            self.len -= 1;
-            let result = ptr::read(self.ptr().offset(index as isize));
-            ptr::copy(self.ptr().offset(index as isize + 1),
-                      self.ptr().offset(index as isize),
-                      self.len - index);
-            result
-        }
-    }
-    pub fn into_iter(self) -> IntoIter<T> {
-        unsafe {
-            let iter = RawValIter::new(&self);
-            let buf = ptr::read(&self.buf);
-            mem::forget(self);
-            IntoIter {
-                iter: iter,
-                _buf: buf,
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    pub fn drain(&mut self) -> Drain<T> {
-        unsafe {
-            let iter = RawValIter::new(&self);
-            // this is a mem::forget safety thing. If Drain is forgotten, we just
-            // leak the whole Vec's contents. Also we need to do this *eventually*
-            // anyway, so why not do it now?
-            self.len = 0;
-            Drain {
-                iter: iter,
-                vec: PhantomData,
-            }
-        }
-    }
-impl<T> Drop for Vec<T> {
-    fn drop(&mut self) {
-        while let Some(_) = self.pop() {}
-        // allocation is handled by RawVec
-    }
-impl<T> Deref for Vec<T> {
-    type Target = [T];
-    fn deref(&self) -> &[T] {
-        unsafe {
-            ::std::slice::from_raw_parts(self.ptr(), self.len)
-        }
-    }
-impl<T> DerefMut for Vec<T> {
-    fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [T] {
-        unsafe {
-            ::std::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(self.ptr(), self.len)
-        }
-    }
-struct RawValIter<T> {
-    start: *const T,
-    end: *const T,
-impl<T> RawValIter<T> {
-    unsafe fn new(slice: &[T]) -> Self {
-        RawValIter {
-            start: slice.as_ptr(),
-            end: if mem::size_of::<T>() == 0 {
-                ((slice.as_ptr() as usize) + slice.len()) as *const _
-            } else if slice.len() == 0 {
-                slice.as_ptr()
-            } else {
-                slice.as_ptr().offset(slice.len() as isize)
-            }
-        }
-    }
-impl<T> Iterator for RawValIter<T> {
-    type Item = T;
-    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<T> {
-        if self.start == self.end {
-            None
-        } else {
-            unsafe {
-                let result = ptr::read(self.start);
-                self.start = if mem::size_of::<T>() == 0 {
-                    (self.start as usize + 1) as *const _
-                } else {
-                    self.start.offset(1)
-                };
-                Some(result)
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
-        let elem_size = mem::size_of::<T>();
-        let len = (self.end as usize - self.start as usize)
-                  / if elem_size == 0 { 1 } else { elem_size };
-        (len, Some(len))
-    }
-impl<T> DoubleEndedIterator for RawValIter<T> {
-    fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<T> {
-        if self.start == self.end {
-            None
-        } else {
-            unsafe {
-                self.end = if mem::size_of::<T>() == 0 {
-                    (self.end as usize - 1) as *const _
-                } else {
-                    self.end.offset(-1)
-                };
-                Some(ptr::read(self.end))
-            }
-        }
-    }
-pub struct IntoIter<T> {
-    _buf: RawVec<T>, // we don't actually care about this. Just need it to live.
-    iter: RawValIter<T>,
-impl<T> Iterator for IntoIter<T> {
-    type Item = T;
-    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<T> { self.iter.next() }
-    fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) { self.iter.size_hint() }
-impl<T> DoubleEndedIterator for IntoIter<T> {
-    fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<T> { self.iter.next_back() }
-impl<T> Drop for IntoIter<T> {
-    fn drop(&mut self) {
-        for _ in &mut *self {}
-    }
-pub struct Drain<'a, T: 'a> {
-    vec: PhantomData<&'a mut Vec<T>>,
-    iter: RawValIter<T>,
-impl<'a, T> Iterator for Drain<'a, T> {
-    type Item = T;
-    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<T> { self.iter.next_back() }
-    fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) { self.iter.size_hint() }
-impl<'a, T> DoubleEndedIterator for Drain<'a, T> {
-    fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<T> { self.iter.next_back() }
-impl<'a, T> Drop for Drain<'a, T> {
-    fn drop(&mut self) {
-        // pre-drain the iter
-        for _ in &mut self.iter {}
-    }
-/// Abort the process, we're out of memory!
-/// In practice this is probably dead code on most OSes
-fn oom() {
-    ::std::process::exit(-9999);
-# fn main() {}
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-# Insert and Remove
-Something *not* provided by slice is `insert` and `remove`, so let's do those
-Insert needs to shift all the elements at the target index to the right by one.
-To do this we need to use `ptr::copy`, which is our version of C's `memmove`.
-This copies some chunk of memory from one location to another, correctly
-handling the case where the source and destination overlap (which will
-definitely happen here).
-If we insert at index `i`, we want to shift the `[i .. len]` to `[i+1 .. len+1]`
-using the old len.
-pub fn insert(&mut self, index: usize, elem: T) {
-    // Note: `<=` because it's valid to insert after everything
-    // which would be equivalent to push.
-    assert!(index <= self.len, "index out of bounds");
-    if self.cap == self.len { self.grow(); }
-    unsafe {
-        if index < self.len {
-            // ptr::copy(src, dest, len): "copy from source to dest len elems"
-            ptr::copy(self.ptr.offset(index as isize),
-                      self.ptr.offset(index as isize + 1),
-                      self.len - index);
-        }
-        ptr::write(self.ptr.offset(index as isize), elem);
-        self.len += 1;
-    }
-Remove behaves in the opposite manner. We need to shift all the elements from
-`[i+1 .. len + 1]` to `[i .. len]` using the *new* len.
-pub fn remove(&mut self, index: usize) -> T {
-    // Note: `<` because it's *not* valid to remove after everything
-    assert!(index < self.len, "index out of bounds");
-    unsafe {
-        self.len -= 1;
-        let result = ptr::read(self.ptr.offset(index as isize));
-        ptr::copy(self.ptr.offset(index as isize + 1),
-                  self.ptr.offset(index as isize),
-                  self.len - index);
-        result
-    }
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-# IntoIter
-Let's move on to writing iterators. `iter` and `iter_mut` have already been
-written for us thanks to The Magic of Deref. However there's two interesting
-iterators that Vec provides that slices can't: `into_iter` and `drain`.
-IntoIter consumes the Vec by-value, and can consequently yield its elements
-by-value. In order to enable this, IntoIter needs to take control of Vec's
-IntoIter needs to be DoubleEnded as well, to enable reading from both ends.
-Reading from the back could just be implemented as calling `pop`, but reading
-from the front is harder. We could call `remove(0)` but that would be insanely
-expensive. Instead we're going to just use ptr::read to copy values out of
-either end of the Vec without mutating the buffer at all.
-To do this we're going to use a very common C idiom for array iteration. We'll
-make two pointers; one that points to the start of the array, and one that
-points to one-element past the end. When we want an element from one end, we'll
-read out the value pointed to at that end and move the pointer over by one. When
-the two pointers are equal, we know we're done.
-Note that the order of read and offset are reversed for `next` and `next_back`
-For `next_back` the pointer is always after the element it wants to read next,
-while for `next` the pointer is always at the element it wants to read next.
-To see why this is, consider the case where every element but one has been
-The array looks like this:
-          S  E
-[X, X, X, O, X, X, X]
-If E pointed directly at the element it wanted to yield next, it would be
-indistinguishable from the case where there are no more elements to yield.
-Although we don't actually care about it during iteration, we also need to hold
-onto the Vec's allocation information in order to free it once IntoIter is
-So we're going to use the following struct:
-struct IntoIter<T> {
-    buf: Unique<T>,
-    cap: usize,
-    start: *const T,
-    end: *const T,
-And this is what we end up with for initialization:
-impl<T> Vec<T> {
-    fn into_iter(self) -> IntoIter<T> {
-        // Can't destructure Vec since it's Drop
-        let ptr = self.ptr;
-        let cap = self.cap;
-        let len = self.len;
-        // Make sure not to drop Vec since that will free the buffer
-        mem::forget(self);
-        unsafe {
-            IntoIter {
-                buf: ptr,
-                cap: cap,
-                start: *ptr,
-                end: if cap == 0 {
-                    // can't offset off this pointer, it's not allocated!
-                    *ptr
-                } else {
-                    ptr.offset(len as isize)
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-Here's iterating forward:
-impl<T> Iterator for IntoIter<T> {
-    type Item = T;
-    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<T> {
-        if self.start == self.end {
-            None
-        } else {
-            unsafe {
-                let result = ptr::read(self.start);
-                self.start = self.start.offset(1);
-                Some(result)
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
-        let len = (self.end as usize - self.start as usize)
-                  / mem::size_of::<T>();
-        (len, Some(len))
-    }
-And here's iterating backwards.
-impl<T> DoubleEndedIterator for IntoIter<T> {
-    fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<T> {
-        if self.start == self.end {
-            None
-        } else {
-            unsafe {
-                self.end = self.end.offset(-1);
-                Some(ptr::read(self.end))
-            }
-        }
-    }
-Because IntoIter takes ownership of its allocation, it needs to implement Drop
-to free it. However it also wants to implement Drop to drop any elements it
-contains that weren't yielded.
-impl<T> Drop for IntoIter<T> {
-    fn drop(&mut self) {
-        if self.cap != 0 {
-            // drop any remaining elements
-            for _ in &mut *self {}
-            let align = mem::align_of::<T>();
-            let elem_size = mem::size_of::<T>();
-            let num_bytes = elem_size * self.cap;
-            unsafe {
-                heap::deallocate(*self.buf as *mut _, num_bytes, align);
-            }
-        }
-    }
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-# Layout
-First off, we need to come up with the struct layout. A Vec has three parts:
-a pointer to the allocation, the size of the allocation, and the number of
-elements that have been initialized.
-Naively, this means we just want this design:
-pub struct Vec<T> {
-    ptr: *mut T,
-    cap: usize,
-    len: usize,
-# fn main() {}
-And indeed this would compile. Unfortunately, it would be incorrect. First, the
-compiler will give us too strict variance. So a `&Vec<&'static str>`
-couldn't be used where an `&Vec<&'a str>` was expected. More importantly, it
-will give incorrect ownership information to the drop checker, as it will
-conservatively assume we don't own any values of type `T`. See [the chapter
-on ownership and lifetimes][ownership] for all the details on variance and
-drop check.
-As we saw in the ownership chapter, we should use `Unique<T>` in place of
-`*mut T` when we have a raw pointer to an allocation we own. Unique is unstable,
-so we'd like to not use it if possible, though.
-As a recap, Unique is a wrapper around a raw pointer that declares that:
-* We are variant over `T`
-* We may own a value of type `T` (for drop check)
-* We are Send/Sync if `T` is Send/Sync
-* We deref to `*mut T` (so it largely acts like a `*mut` in our code)
-* Our pointer is never null (so `Option<Vec<T>>` is null-pointer-optimized)
-We can implement all of the above requirements except for the last
-one in stable Rust:
-use std::marker::PhantomData;
-use std::ops::Deref;
-use std::mem;
-struct Unique<T> {
-    ptr: *const T,              // *const for variance
-    _marker: PhantomData<T>,    // For the drop checker
-// Deriving Send and Sync is safe because we are the Unique owners
-// of this data. It's like Unique<T> is "just" T.
-unsafe impl<T: Send> Send for Unique<T> {}
-unsafe impl<T: Sync> Sync for Unique<T> {}
-impl<T> Unique<T> {
-    pub fn new(ptr: *mut T) -> Self {
-        Unique { ptr: ptr, _marker: PhantomData }
-    }
-impl<T> Deref for Unique<T> {
-    type Target = *mut T;
-    fn deref(&self) -> &*mut T {
-        // There's no way to cast the *const to a *mut
-        // while also taking a reference. So we just
-        // transmute it since it's all "just pointers".
-        unsafe { mem::transmute(&self.ptr) }
-    }
-# fn main() {}
-Unfortunately the mechanism for stating that your value is non-zero is
-unstable and unlikely to be stabilized soon. As such we're just going to
-take the hit and use std's Unique:
-use std::ptr::{Unique, self};
-pub struct Vec<T> {
-    ptr: Unique<T>,
-    cap: usize,
-    len: usize,
-# fn main() {}
-If you don't care about the null-pointer optimization, then you can use the
-stable code. However we will be designing the rest of the code around enabling
-the optimization. In particular, `Unique::new` is unsafe to call, because
-putting `null` inside of it is Undefined Behavior. Our stable Unique doesn't
-need `new` to be unsafe because it doesn't make any interesting guarantees about
-its contents.
-[ownership]: ownership.html
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-# Push and Pop
-Alright. We can initialize. We can allocate. Let's actually implement some
-functionality! Let's start with `push`. All it needs to do is check if we're
-full to grow, unconditionally write to the next index, and then increment our
-To do the write we have to be careful not to evaluate the memory we want to write
-to. At worst, it's truly uninitialized memory from the allocator. At best it's the
-bits of some old value we popped off. Either way, we can't just index to the memory
-and dereference it, because that will evaluate the memory as a valid instance of
-T. Worse, `foo[idx] = x` will try to call `drop` on the old value of `foo[idx]`!
-The correct way to do this is with `ptr::write`, which just blindly overwrites the
-target address with the bits of the value we provide. No evaluation involved.
-For `push`, if the old len (before push was called) is 0, then we want to write
-to the 0th index. So we should offset by the old len.
-pub fn push(&mut self, elem: T) {
-    if self.len == self.cap { self.grow(); }
-    unsafe {
-        ptr::write(self.ptr.offset(self.len as isize), elem);
-    }
-    // Can't fail, we'll OOM first.
-    self.len += 1;
-Easy! How about `pop`? Although this time the index we want to access is
-initialized, Rust won't just let us dereference the location of memory to move
-the value out, because that would leave the memory uninitialized! For this we
-need `ptr::read`, which just copies out the bits from the target address and
-interprets it as a value of type T. This will leave the memory at this address
-logically uninitialized, even though there is in fact a perfectly good instance
-of T there.
-For `pop`, if the old len is 1, we want to read out of the 0th index. So we
-should offset by the new len.
-pub fn pop(&mut self) -> Option<T> {
-    if self.len == 0 {
-        None
-    } else {
-        self.len -= 1;
-        unsafe {
-            Some(ptr::read(self.ptr.offset(self.len as isize)))
-        }
-    }
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-# RawVec
-We've actually reached an interesting situation here: we've duplicated the logic
-for specifying a buffer and freeing its memory in Vec and IntoIter. Now that
-we've implemented it and identified *actual* logic duplication, this is a good
-time to perform some logic compression.
-We're going to abstract out the `(ptr, cap)` pair and give them the logic for
-allocating, growing, and freeing:
-struct RawVec<T> {
-    ptr: Unique<T>,
-    cap: usize,
-impl<T> RawVec<T> {
-    fn new() -> Self {
-        assert!(mem::size_of::<T>() != 0, "TODO: implement ZST support");
-        unsafe {
-            RawVec { ptr: Unique::new(heap::EMPTY as *mut T), cap: 0 }
-        }
-    }
-    // unchanged from Vec
-    fn grow(&mut self) {
-        unsafe {
-            let align = mem::align_of::<T>();
-            let elem_size = mem::size_of::<T>();
-            let (new_cap, ptr) = if self.cap == 0 {
-                let ptr = heap::allocate(elem_size, align);
-                (1, ptr)
-            } else {
-                let new_cap = 2 * self.cap;
-                let ptr = heap::reallocate(*self.ptr as *mut _,
-                                            self.cap * elem_size,
-                                            new_cap * elem_size,
-                                            align);
-                (new_cap, ptr)
-            };
-            // If allocate or reallocate fail, we'll get `null` back
-            if ptr.is_null() { oom() }
-            self.ptr = Unique::new(ptr as *mut _);
-            self.cap = new_cap;
-        }
-    }
-impl<T> Drop for RawVec<T> {
-    fn drop(&mut self) {
-        if self.cap != 0 {
-            let align = mem::align_of::<T>();
-            let elem_size = mem::size_of::<T>();
-            let num_bytes = elem_size * self.cap;
-            unsafe {
-                heap::deallocate(*self.ptr as *mut _, num_bytes, align);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-And change Vec as follows:
-pub struct Vec<T> {
-    buf: RawVec<T>,
-    len: usize,
-impl<T> Vec<T> {
-    fn ptr(&self) -> *mut T { *self.buf.ptr }
-    fn cap(&self) -> usize { self.buf.cap }
-    pub fn new() -> Self {
-        Vec { buf: RawVec::new(), len: 0 }
-    }
-    // push/pop/insert/remove largely unchanged:
-    // * `self.ptr -> self.ptr()`
-    // * `self.cap -> self.cap()`
-    // * `self.grow -> self.buf.grow()`
-impl<T> Drop for Vec<T> {
-    fn drop(&mut self) {
-        while let Some(_) = self.pop() {}
-        // deallocation is handled by RawVec
-    }
-And finally we can really simplify IntoIter:
-struct IntoIter<T> {
-    _buf: RawVec<T>, // we don't actually care about this. Just need it to live.
-    start: *const T,
-    end: *const T,
-// next and next_back literally unchanged since they never referred to the buf
-impl<T> Drop for IntoIter<T> {
-    fn drop(&mut self) {
-        // only need to ensure all our elements are read;
-        // buffer will clean itself up afterwards.
-        for _ in &mut *self {}
-    }
-impl<T> Vec<T> {
-    pub fn into_iter(self) -> IntoIter<T> {
-        unsafe {
-            // need to use ptr::read to unsafely move the buf out since it's
-            // not Copy, and Vec implements Drop (so we can't destructure it).
-            let buf = ptr::read(&self.buf);
-            let len = self.len;
-            mem::forget(self);
-            IntoIter {
-                start: *buf.ptr,
-                end: buf.ptr.offset(len as isize),
-                _buf: buf,
-            }
-        }
-    }
-Much better.
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-# Handling Zero-Sized Types
-It's time. We're going to fight the specter that is zero-sized types. Safe Rust
-*never* needs to care about this, but Vec is very intensive on raw pointers and
-raw allocations, which are exactly the two things that care about
-zero-sized types. We need to be careful of two things:
-* The raw allocator API has undefined behavior if you pass in 0 for an
-  allocation size.
-* raw pointer offsets are no-ops for zero-sized types, which will break our
-  C-style pointer iterator.
-Thankfully we abstracted out pointer-iterators and allocating handling into
-RawValIter and RawVec respectively. How mysteriously convenient.
-## Allocating Zero-Sized Types
-So if the allocator API doesn't support zero-sized allocations, what on earth
-do we store as our allocation? Why, `heap::EMPTY` of course! Almost every operation
-with a ZST is a no-op since ZSTs have exactly one value, and therefore no state needs
-to be considered to store or load them. This actually extends to `ptr::read` and
-`ptr::write`: they won't actually look at the pointer at all. As such we never need
-to change the pointer.
-Note however that our previous reliance on running out of memory before overflow is
-no longer valid with zero-sized types. We must explicitly guard against capacity
-overflow for zero-sized types.
-Due to our current architecture, all this means is writing 3 guards, one in each
-method of RawVec.
-impl<T> RawVec<T> {
-    fn new() -> Self {
-        unsafe {
-            // !0 is usize::MAX. This branch should be stripped at compile time.
-            let cap = if mem::size_of::<T>() == 0 { !0 } else { 0 };
-            // heap::EMPTY doubles as "unallocated" and "zero-sized allocation"
-            RawVec { ptr: Unique::new(heap::EMPTY as *mut T), cap: cap }
-        }
-    }
-    fn grow(&mut self) {
-        unsafe {
-            let elem_size = mem::size_of::<T>();
-            // since we set the capacity to usize::MAX when elem_size is
-            // 0, getting to here necessarily means the Vec is overfull.
-            assert!(elem_size != 0, "capacity overflow");
-            let align = mem::align_of::<T>();
-            let (new_cap, ptr) = if self.cap == 0 {
-                let ptr = heap::allocate(elem_size, align);
-                (1, ptr)
-            } else {
-                let new_cap = 2 * self.cap;
-                let ptr = heap::reallocate(*self.ptr as *mut _,
-                                            self.cap * elem_size,
-                                            new_cap * elem_size,
-                                            align);
-                (new_cap, ptr)
-            };
-            // If allocate or reallocate fail, we'll get `null` back
-            if ptr.is_null() { oom() }
-            self.ptr = Unique::new(ptr as *mut _);
-            self.cap = new_cap;
-        }
-    }
-impl<T> Drop for RawVec<T> {
-    fn drop(&mut self) {
-        let elem_size = mem::size_of::<T>();
-        // don't free zero-sized allocations, as they were never allocated.
-        if self.cap != 0 && elem_size != 0 {
-            let align = mem::align_of::<T>();
-            let num_bytes = elem_size * self.cap;
-            unsafe {
-                heap::deallocate(*self.ptr as *mut _, num_bytes, align);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-That's it. We support pushing and popping zero-sized types now. Our iterators
-(that aren't provided by slice Deref) are still busted, though.
-## Iterating Zero-Sized Types
-Zero-sized offsets are no-ops. This means that our current design will always
-initialize `start` and `end` as the same value, and our iterators will yield
-nothing. The current solution to this is to cast the pointers to integers,
-increment, and then cast them back:
-impl<T> RawValIter<T> {
-    unsafe fn new(slice: &[T]) -> Self {
-        RawValIter {
-            start: slice.as_ptr(),
-            end: if mem::size_of::<T>() == 0 {
-                ((slice.as_ptr() as usize) + slice.len()) as *const _
-            } else if slice.len() == 0 {
-                slice.as_ptr()
-            } else {
-                slice.as_ptr().offset(slice.len() as isize)
-            }
-        }
-    }
-Now we have a different bug. Instead of our iterators not running at all, our
-iterators now run *forever*. We need to do the same trick in our iterator impls.
-Also, our size_hint computation code will divide by 0 for ZSTs. Since we'll
-basically be treating the two pointers as if they point to bytes, we'll just
-map size 0 to divide by 1.
-impl<T> Iterator for RawValIter<T> {
-    type Item = T;
-    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<T> {
-        if self.start == self.end {
-            None
-        } else {
-            unsafe {
-                let result = ptr::read(self.start);
-                self.start = if mem::size_of::<T>() == 0 {
-                    (self.start as usize + 1) as *const _
-                } else {
-                    self.start.offset(1)
-                };
-                Some(result)
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
-        let elem_size = mem::size_of::<T>();
-        let len = (self.end as usize - self.start as usize)
-                  / if elem_size == 0 { 1 } else { elem_size };
-        (len, Some(len))
-    }
-impl<T> DoubleEndedIterator for RawValIter<T> {
-    fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<T> {
-        if self.start == self.end {
-            None
-        } else {
-            unsafe {
-                self.end = if mem::size_of::<T>() == 0 {
-                    (self.end as usize - 1) as *const _
-                } else {
-                    self.end.offset(-1)
-                };
-                Some(ptr::read(self.end))
-            }
-        }
-    }
-And that's it. Iteration works!
diff --git a/src/doc/nomicon/src/vec.md b/src/doc/nomicon/src/vec.md
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index ad98e45f197b3..0000000000000
--- a/src/doc/nomicon/src/vec.md
+++ /dev/null
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-# Example: Implementing Vec
-To bring everything together, we're going to write `std::Vec` from scratch.
-Because all the best tools for writing unsafe code are unstable, this
-project will only work on nightly (as of Rust 1.9.0). With the exception of the
-allocator API, much of the unstable code we'll use is expected to be stabilized
-in a similar form as it is today.
-However we will generally try to avoid unstable code where possible. In
-particular we won't use any intrinsics that could make a code a little
-bit nicer or efficient because intrinsics are permanently unstable. Although
-many intrinsics *do* become stabilized elsewhere (`std::ptr` and `str::mem`
-consist of many intrinsics).
-Ultimately this means our implementation may not take advantage of all
-possible optimizations, though it will be by no means *naive*. We will
-definitely get into the weeds over nitty-gritty details, even
-when the problem doesn't *really* merit it.
-You wanted advanced. We're gonna go advanced.
diff --git a/src/doc/nomicon/src/working-with-unsafe.md b/src/doc/nomicon/src/working-with-unsafe.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 5724f3d09a302..0000000000000
--- a/src/doc/nomicon/src/working-with-unsafe.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-# Working with Unsafe
-Rust generally only gives us the tools to talk about Unsafe Rust in a scoped and
-binary manner. Unfortunately, reality is significantly more complicated than
-that. For instance, consider the following toy function:
-fn index(idx: usize, arr: &[u8]) -> Option<u8> {
-    if idx < arr.len() {
-        unsafe {
-            Some(*arr.get_unchecked(idx))
-        }
-    } else {
-        None
-    }
-Clearly, this function is safe. We check that the index is in bounds, and if it
-is, index into the array in an unchecked manner. But even in such a trivial
-function, the scope of the unsafe block is questionable. Consider changing the
-`<` to a `<=`:
-fn index(idx: usize, arr: &[u8]) -> Option<u8> {
-    if idx <= arr.len() {
-        unsafe {
-            Some(*arr.get_unchecked(idx))
-        }
-    } else {
-        None
-    }
-This program is now unsound, and yet *we only modified safe code*. This is the
-fundamental problem of safety: it's non-local. The soundness of our unsafe
-operations necessarily depends on the state established by otherwise
-"safe" operations.
-Safety is modular in the sense that opting into unsafety doesn't require you
-to consider arbitrary other kinds of badness. For instance, doing an unchecked
-index into a slice doesn't mean you suddenly need to worry about the slice being
-null or containing uninitialized memory. Nothing fundamentally changes. However
-safety *isn't* modular in the sense that programs are inherently stateful and
-your unsafe operations may depend on arbitrary other state.
-Trickier than that is when we get into actual statefulness. Consider a simple
-implementation of `Vec`:
-use std::ptr;
-// Note this definition is insufficient. See the section on implementing Vec.
-pub struct Vec<T> {
-    ptr: *mut T,
-    len: usize,
-    cap: usize,
-// Note this implementation does not correctly handle zero-sized types.
-// We currently live in a nice imaginary world of only positive fixed-size
-// types.
-impl<T> Vec<T> {
-    pub fn push(&mut self, elem: T) {
-        if self.len == self.cap {
-            // not important for this example
-            self.reallocate();
-        }
-        unsafe {
-            ptr::write(self.ptr.offset(self.len as isize), elem);
-            self.len += 1;
-        }
-    }
-    # fn reallocate(&mut self) { }
-# fn main() {}
-This code is simple enough to reasonably audit and verify. Now consider
-adding the following method:
-fn make_room(&mut self) {
-    // grow the capacity
-    self.cap += 1;
-This code is 100% Safe Rust but it is also completely unsound. Changing the
-capacity violates the invariants of Vec (that `cap` reflects the allocated space
-in the Vec). This is not something the rest of Vec can guard against. It *has*
-to trust the capacity field because there's no way to verify it.
-`unsafe` does more than pollute a whole function: it pollutes a whole *module*.
-Generally, the only bullet-proof way to limit the scope of unsafe code is at the
-module boundary with privacy.
-However this works *perfectly*. The existence of `make_room` is *not* a
-problem for the soundness of Vec because we didn't mark it as public. Only the
-module that defines this function can call it. Also, `make_room` directly
-accesses the private fields of Vec, so it can only be written in the same module
-as Vec.
-It is therefore possible for us to write a completely safe abstraction that
-relies on complex invariants. This is *critical* to the relationship between
-Safe Rust and Unsafe Rust. We have already seen that Unsafe code must trust
-*some* Safe code, but can't trust *generic* Safe code. It can't trust an
-arbitrary implementor of a trait or any function that was passed to it to be
-well-behaved in a way that safe code doesn't care about.
-However if unsafe code couldn't prevent client safe code from messing with its
-state in arbitrary ways, safety would be a lost cause. Thankfully, it *can*
-prevent arbitrary code from messing with critical state due to privacy.
-Safety lives!