22 Reader 22.2 A new beginning link:ch22_22.2_1.hs[role=include] Short Exercise link:ch22_22.2_2.hs[role=include] 22.5 But uh, Reader? Exercise It is correct, but cannot make it compile. Even after installing mtl package, I get Not in scope: data constructor 'Reader'. So i added the newtype Reader definition by hand. I tought this is generally available link:ch22_22.5_1.hs[role=include] 22.6 Functions have an Applicative too Exercise myLiftA2, I feel like I am cheating. link:ch22_22.6_1.hs[role=include] asks link:ch22_22.6_2.hs[role=include] Applicative, had to also make Functor for it :| link:ch22_22.6_3.hs[role=include] I would explain it as implementation of Reader. link:ch22_22.6_4.hs[role=include] 22.7 The Monad of functions Exercise Reader Monad link:ch22_22.7_1.hs[role=include] Is this right? It compiles and looks similar to Applicative. link:ch22_22.7_2.hs[role=include] 22.11 Chapter Exercises A warm-up stretch ok….. link:ch22_22.11_1.hs[role=include] Rewriting Shawty use ReaderT, I will come back later link:ch22_22.11_2.hs[role=include]