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alpha5 does not see boards from 3rd party core packages #215

joysfera opened this issue Feb 26, 2020 · 25 comments

alpha5 does not see boards from 3rd party core packages #215

joysfera opened this issue Feb 26, 2020 · 25 comments
type: imperfection Something isn't working


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Describe the bug
alpha5 cannot see any of the preinstalled boards that are visible in alpha4

To Reproduce

  1. run alpha5
  2. check installed boards

Expected behavior
All preinstalled boards are visible and usable.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • Ubuntu
  • 18.04
@joysfera joysfera added the type: imperfection Something isn't working label Feb 26, 2020
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joysfera commented Feb 26, 2020

It's actually messed even more, somehow. The standard Arduino boards are preinstalled but don't work. Installing AVR board support (v1.8.2) worked but then again program couldn't be compiled for AVR. So even reinstalling boards doesn't seem to help.

EDIT: cannot reproduce the issue with Arduino Uno anymore, so please ignore.

Going back to 0.0.4alpha fixes everything - installed boards re-appear and software can be compiled.

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Master811129 commented Feb 27, 2020

OS: Windows 10
i have same problem the IDE doesn't show any custom board.😠

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Master811129 commented Feb 27, 2020

i can see my boards in "arduino: daemon" when i search some boards.

[INFO] current best: MightyCore:[email protected] [bundle: false, managed: true, version: 2.0.3]
[INFO] current best: esp32:[email protected] [bundle: false, managed: true, version: 1.0.4]
[INFO] current best: esp32:[email protected] [bundle: false, managed: true, version: 1.0.4]
[INFO] current best: ATTinyCore:[email protected] [bundle: false, managed: true, version: 1.3.3]
[INFO] current best: MightyCore:[email protected] [bundle: false, managed: true, version: 2.0.3]
[INFO] current best: arduino:[email protected] [bundle: false, managed: true, version: 1.0.2]
[INFO] current best: arduino:[email protected] [bundle: false, managed: true, version: 1.8.2]
[INFO] current best: arduino:[email protected] [bundle: false, managed: true, version: 1.8.5]
[INFO] current best: MiniCore:[email protected] [bundle: false, managed: true, version: 2.0.3]
[INFO] current best: diy_attiny:[email protected] [bundle: false, managed: true, version: 2018.9.9]

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Master811129 commented Feb 27, 2020

yup! It's a cli bug. I could fix this issue by downgrading arduino-cli in path of the IDE.

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Tuzi07 commented Feb 29, 2020

Hey Master811129, can you share how you solved it?
Bug persists after going back do 0.0.4
[INFO] current best: esp32:[email protected] [bundle: false, managed: true, version: 1.0.4]

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Master811129 commented Mar 1, 2020

Hey Master811129, can you share how you solved it?
Bug persists after going back do 0.0.4
[INFO] current best: esp32:[email protected] [bundle: false, managed: true, version: 1.0.4]

I just replaced an older version of arduino-cli (0.7.0) to this path (it will disable debug feature because the "debug" command has added since 0.9.0):
[Installed folder]\resources\app\node_modules\arduino-ide-extension\build
@kittaakos @spoenemann @ubidefeo do you have any idea?

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Thanks for naming me, @Master811129. I am checking what is going on...

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kittaakos commented Mar 2, 2020

Please help me out a bit. I did the followings:

  • Downloaded the 0.0.5 Pro IDE and wiped the user and data folders (rm -rf ~/Library/Arduino15/ && rm -rf ~/Documents/Arduino/).
  • I started the app, copy-pasted the Blink example, attached my Uno (replica) board; I could verify and upload.
  • Then I created a new sketch, copy-pasted the Blink example again, installed the Arduino SAMD Boards (32-bits ARM Cortex-M0+) core package, attached my MKR1000 board; I could verify and upload.

I think there two separate issues here:

The standard Arduino boards are preinstalled but don't work. Installing AVR board support (v1.8.2) worked but then again program couldn't be compiled for AVR.

@joysfera, what do you mean by it does not work?

i have same problem the IDE doesn't show any custom board.😠

@Master811129, #177 was not part of 0.0.5.

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Tuzi07 commented Mar 2, 2020

Replaced arduino-cli to 0.7.0, bug persists

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joysfera commented Mar 2, 2020

@kittaakos please ignore my comment about issues with compiling for AVR (Arduino Uno). I cannot reproduce it right now. I admit I currently have a newer AVR core installed than I had originally so that might have an effect. Anyway, just forget that, seems like the AVR target is OK out-of-the-box now (in 0.0.5alpha).

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seems like the AVR target is OK out of the box.

Thank you, @joysfera

@Tuzi07, can you please give us some details about what did you try, what is wrong and what would you expect? Thanks!

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joysfera commented Mar 2, 2020

@kittaakos and @Tuzi07 , you wanted to see how to fix the 0.0.5alpha by downgrading arduino-cli? Look here:

joy@amd:/tmp/005$ find . -name arduino-cli
joy@amd:/tmp/005$ cd ./resources/app/node_modules/arduino-ide-extension/build/
joy@amd:/tmp/005/resources/app/node_modules/arduino-ide-extension/build$ rm arduino-cli 
joy@amd:/tmp/005/resources/app/node_modules/arduino-ide-extension/build$ ln -s /home/joy/bin/arduino-cli 

This fixes the issue. Unfortunately I don't remember which version of arduino-cli I've got installed and it does not print its own version so all I can do to help you identify it is to show you its file length:

joy@amd:~$ l bin/arduino-cli 
-rwxr-xr-x 1 joy joy 16015360 Dec 31 12:23 bin/arduino-cli*

Perhaps it is 0.7.1 given its date - Dec 31.

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@kittaakos and
, you wanted to see how to fix the 0.0.5alpha by downgrading arduino-cli?

No, I wanted to understand what the problem is 😊

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Tuzi07 commented Mar 2, 2020

  1. Installed Arduino IDE beta, arduino-1.9.0-beta-linux64
  2. Went to preferences and added in additional boards managers URLs to enable esp32 in Boards Manager
  3. Installed esp32 in Boards Manager
  4. Everything working in Arduino IDE as expected
  5. Installed arduino-cli
    brew update
    brew install arduino-cli
  6. arduino-cli file is in home/.local/bin (Ubuntu 18.04)
  7. Downloaded arduino-pro-ide-0.0.5-alpha.preview-linux64, extracted and ran arduino-pro-ide in terminal
  8. Arduino Pro IDE opens and there is the following output:
    [INFO] current best: esp32:[email protected] [bundle: false, managed: true, version: 1.0.4]
  9. Clicked in no board selected and typed esp32 in SEARCH BOARD, nothing shows up.

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Tuzi07 commented Mar 2, 2020

@joysfera I tried doing what you said, but when I open Arduino Pro I get <no output yet>, maybe arduino-cli was not installed properly, how do I confirm this?

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joysfera commented Mar 2, 2020

@Tuzi07 follow the instructions for arduino-cli to install it properly first. You want the arduino-cli board listall to list all installed cores - only then it makes sense to continue with arduino-pro-ide.

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Tuzi07 commented Mar 3, 2020

Result for arduino-cli board listall:

Board Name                      FQBN                                                                                          
AI Thinker ESP32-CAM            esp32:esp32:esp32cam                       
ALKS ESP32                      esp32:esp32:alksesp32                      
Adafruit ESP32 Feather          esp32:esp32:featheresp32                   
BPI-BIT                         esp32:esp32:bpi-bit                        
D-duino-32                      esp32:esp32:d-duino-32                     
DOIT ESP32 DEVKIT V1            esp32:esp32:esp32doit-devkit-v1            
Dongsen Tech Pocket 32          esp32:esp32:pocket_32                      
ESP32 Dev Module                esp32:esp32:esp32                          
ESP32 FM DevKit                 esp32:esp32:fm-devkit                      
ESP32 Pico Kit                  esp32:esp32:pico32                         
ESP32 Wrover Module             esp32:esp32:esp32wrover                    
ESP32vn IoT Uno                 esp32:esp32:esp32vn-iot-uno                
ESPea32                         esp32:esp32:espea32                        
ESPectro32                      esp32:esp32:espectro32                     
Electronic SweetPeas - ESP320   esp32:esp32:esp320                         
FireBeetle-ESP32                esp32:esp32:firebeetle32                   
Frog Board ESP32                esp32:esp32:frogboard                      
Heltec WiFi Kit 32              esp32:esp32:heltec_wifi_kit_32             
Heltec WiFi LoRa 32             esp32:esp32:heltec_wifi_lora_32            
Heltec WiFi LoRa 32(V2)         esp32:esp32:heltec_wifi_lora_32_V2         
Heltec Wireless Stick           esp32:esp32:heltec_wireless_stick          
Hornbill ESP32 Dev              esp32:esp32:hornbill32dev                  
Hornbill ESP32 Minima           esp32:esp32:hornbill32minima               
IntoRobot Fig                   esp32:esp32:intorobot-fig                  
LOLIN D32                       esp32:esp32:d32                            
LOLIN D32 PRO                   esp32:esp32:d32_pro                        
LoPy                            esp32:esp32:lopy                           
LoPy4                           esp32:esp32:lopy4                          
M5Stack-Core-ESP32              esp32:esp32:m5stack-core-esp32             
M5Stack-FIRE                    esp32:esp32:m5stack-fire                   
M5Stick-C                       esp32:esp32:m5stick-c                      
MH ET LIVE ESP32DevKIT          esp32:esp32:mhetesp32devkit                
MH ET LIVE ESP32MiniKit         esp32:esp32:mhetesp32minikit               
MagicBit                        esp32:esp32:magicbit                       
Microduino-CoreESP32            esp32:esp32:CoreESP32                      
Nano32                          esp32:esp32:nano32                         
Node32s                         esp32:esp32:node32s                        
NodeMCU-32S                     esp32:esp32:nodemcu-32s                    
Noduino Quantum                 esp32:esp32:quantum                        
ODROID ESP32                    esp32:esp32:odroid_esp32                   
OLIMEX ESP32-DevKit-LiPo        esp32:esp32:esp32-DevKitLipo               
OLIMEX ESP32-EVB                esp32:esp32:esp32-evb                      
OLIMEX ESP32-GATEWAY            esp32:esp32:esp32-gateway                  
OLIMEX ESP32-PoE                esp32:esp32:esp32-poe                      
OLIMEX ESP32-PoE-ISO            esp32:esp32:esp32-poe-iso                  
OROCA EduBot                    esp32:esp32:oroca_edubot                   
Onehorse ESP32 Dev Module       esp32:esp32:onehorse32dev                  
Pycom GPy                       esp32:esp32:gpy                            
Silicognition wESP32            esp32:esp32:wesp32                         
SparkFun ESP32 Thing            esp32:esp32:esp32thing                     
SparkFun LoRa Gateway 1-Channel esp32:esp32:sparkfun_lora_gateway_1-channel
T-Beam                          esp32:esp32:t-beam                         
TTGO LoRa32-OLED V1             esp32:esp32:ttgo-lora32-v1                 
TTGO T-Watch                    esp32:esp32:ttgo-t-watch                   
TTGO T1                         esp32:esp32:ttgo-t1                        
ThaiEasyElec's ESPino32         esp32:esp32:espino32                       
TinyPICO                        esp32:esp32:tinypico                       
Turta IoT Node                  esp32:esp32:turta_iot_node                 
VintLabs ESP32 Devkit           esp32:esp32:vintlabs-devkit-v1             
WEMOS D1 MINI ESP32             esp32:esp32:d1_mini32                      
WEMOS LOLIN32                   esp32:esp32:lolin32                        
WeMos WiFi&Bluetooth Battery    esp32:esp32:WeMosBat                       
WiPy 3.0                        esp32:esp32:wipy3                          
Widora AIR                      esp32:esp32:widora-air                     
XinaBox CW02                    esp32:esp32:cw02               
u-blox NINA-W10 series (ESP32)  esp32:esp32:nina_w10

Isn't it installed properly?

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  1. Installed Arduino IDE beta, arduino-1.9.0-beta-linux64

You do not need this. The Arduino IDE and the Pro IDE are different things.

2. Went to preferences and added in additional boards managers URLs to enable esp32 in Boards Manager

This is work in progress (#177)

5. Installed arduino-cli
brew update
brew install arduino-cli

You do not have to. The Pro IDE contains the CLI.

I tried doing what you said, but when I open Arduino Pro I get <no output yet>, maybe arduino-cli was not installed properly, how do I confirm this?

You can confirm it by starting ./arduino-pro-ide from the terminal. Do you see errors? Do you see the arduino-cli running as a process? You can also try to reset the layout in the Pro IDE: Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+P or F1 and type Reset Workbench Layout.

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but when I open Arduino Pro I get <no output yet>, maybe arduino-cli was not installed properly

Do you see an arduino-cli process running when the Pro IDE does not run?

@kittaakos kittaakos changed the title alpha5 does not see preinstalled boards alpha5 does not see boards from 3rd party core packages Mar 3, 2020
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Please help me out a bit. I did the followings:

  • Downloaded the 0.0.5 Pro IDE and wiped the user and data folders (rm -rf ~/Library/Arduino15/ && rm -rf ~/Documents/Arduino/).
  • I started the app, copy-pasted the Blink example, attached my Uno (replica) board; I could verify and upload.
  • Then I created a new sketch, copy-pasted the Blink example again, installed the Arduino SAMD Boards (32-bits ARM Cortex-M0+) core package, attached my MKR1000 board; I could verify and upload.

umm i think "MKR1000 board" is an official board I have problem with 3RD PARTY (non-official) cores:
To Reproduce:
1.Install some 3RD PARTY core like :ESP32 ,Mighty Core, Mini Core ,Micro Core using JAVA IDE. Arduino Pro IDE 0.0.5 alpha (it must be 0.0.5 we don't have this problem in 0.0.4). can't see them in the boards and ports menu (you cannot see them in boards manager.)

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umm i think "MKR1000 board" is an official board I have problem with 3RD PARTY (non-official) cores:

@Master811129, the original title was: alpha5 does not see preinstalled boards

please ignore my comment about issues with compiling for AVR (Arduino Uno). I cannot reproduce it right now. I admit I currently have a newer AVR core installed than I had originally so that might have an effect. Anyway, just forget that, seems like the AVR target is OK out-of-the-box now (in 0.0.5alpha).

We figured out, it is about the 3rd party cores.

You have opened #177, you know exactly, it is not yet supported with the current release (v0.0.5).

I am going to write down a short step by step instruction and add it to this thread, so you can force the v0.0.5 version to make the 3rd party core packages work. Be prepared, this is very much insider, but as I see you are eagerly looking for the 3rd party boards support 😊

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joysfera commented Mar 3, 2020

@kittaakos thanks.

BTW, until #10 is implemented the Arduino Pro IDE cannot be used most of the time (unless you are lucky to be OK with the default parameters).

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until #10 is implemented

I started to work on that feature today 😊 I do my best to make sure you get all these much-requested features ASAP.

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Tuzi07 commented Mar 13, 2020

Tried things out on Windows, 0.0.4 works

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thank you @kittaakos. 😉

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