Name | Type | Description | Notes |
sld | object | Domain name without the Top-Level Domain. | |
tld | object | TLD without the leading period. | |
registrant_first_name | object | First name of the domain name registrant contact. | |
registrant_last_name | object | Last name of the domain name registrant contact. | |
registrant_email | object | Email address of the domain name registrant contact. | |
registrant_company_name | object | Name of company or organization for which the registrant contact is registering the domain name. Can be empty if it is for personal use. | [optional] |
registrant_address1 | object | Civic number and street name of company or registrant contact's primary residence. | |
registrant_address2 | object | Civic number and street name of registrant contact's secondary residence. Can be empty. | [optional] |
registrant_city | object | Name of the city in which registrant contact resides. | |
registrant_postal_code | object | Postal code or ZIP code of registrant contact's residence. | |
registrant_state | object | State or province of registrant contact's residence. | |
registrant_country_code | object | Two letters code of registrant contact's residence country. <a href="\" target="_blank">See country code list</a> | |
registrant_phone | object | Phone number, including area code: '+1.' for Canada or '+33.' for France. With international calling code at the beginning. |