The following Homekit accessory types are supported by MQTT-Thing:
- Air Pressure Sensor
- Air Purifier
- Air Quality Sensor
- Carbon Dioxide Sensor
- Carbon Monoxide Sensor
- Contact Sensor
- Dehumidifier
- Door
- Doorbell
- Fan
- Fanv2
- Garage door opener
- Heater Cooler
- Humidity Sensor
- Irrigation System
- Leak Sensor
- Light bulb
- Light Sensor
- Lock Mechanism
- Microphone
- Motion Sensor
- Occupancy Sensor
- Outlet
- Security System
- Speaker
- StatelessProgrammableSwitch
- Switch
- Television
- Temperature Sensor
- Thermostat
- Valve (Sprinkler, Shower, Faucet)
- Weather Station
- Window
- Window Covering (Blinds)
For general details on configuration, please see
Tested and working configurations for devices are available on the Wiki. Please add your working configurations for others.
Air Pressure must be in the range 700 to 1100 hPa.
Air Pressure Sensor is only supported in Eve-App
"accessory": "mqttthing",
"type": "airPressureSensor",
"name": "<name of sensor>",
"url": "<url of MQTT server (optional)>",
"username": "<username for MQTT (optional)>",
"password": "<password for MQTT (optional)>",
"caption": "<label (optional)>",
"getAirPressure": "<topic used to provide 'air pressure'>",
"getStatusActive": "<topic used to provide 'active' status (optional)>",
"getStatusFault": "<topic used to provide 'fault' status (optional)>",
"getStatusTampered": "<topic used to provide 'tampered' status (optional)>",
"getStatusLowBattery": "<topic used to provide 'low battery' status (optional)>"
"history": "<true to enable History service for Eve App (optional)>"
Active state is set with a boolean value (see Boolean Value Settings).
Target air purifier state can be MANUAL or AUTO. To use different values, specify an array of strings in targetAirPurifierStateValues. (Note: Apple's Home App will apparently set the target air purifier state to AUTO when the device is activated.)
Current air purifier state can be INACTIVE, IDLE or PURIFYING. To use different values, specify an array of strings in currentAirPurifierStateValues. INACTIVE should be used in response if "Active" is set to false. IDLE or PURIFYING should be used in response if "Active" is set to true.
Lock physical controls state may be DISABLED or ENABLED. To use different values, specify an array of strings in lockPhysicalControlsValues.
Swing mode state may be DISABLED or ENABLED. To use different values, specify an array of strings in swingModeValues.
The filter life level is used to indicate remaining filter life level in percent. The value should be a integer between 0 and 100 with no decimal places. Related to this is the filter change indication which is used to indicate if it is time to replace the filter. It is a boolean value and true indicates that a replacement is needed. After a filter replacement this should be set to false. If the hardware device does not have a way to indicate that the filter has been replaced, the reset filter indication can be used. It is currently only supported in the Eve app. When triggered (by the user after a filter change), the MQTT device should reset FilterChangeIndication to false and FilterLifeTime to 100.
"accessory": "mqttthing",
"type": "airPurifier",
"name": "<name of device>",
"url": "<url of MQTT server (optional)>",
"username": "<username for MQTT (optional)>",
"password": "<password for MQTT (optional)>",
"logMqtt": true | false,
"topics": {
"setActive": "<topic used to control 'active' state>",
"getActive": "<topic used to report 'active' state>",
"getCurrentAirPurifierState": "<topic used to report 'current air purifier state'>",
"setTargetAirPurifierState": "<topic used to control 'target air purifier state'>",
"getTargetAirPurifierState": "<topic used to report 'target air purifier state'>",
"setRotationSpeed": "<topic used to control 'rotation speed' (optional)>",
"getRotationSpeed": "<topic used to report 'rotation speed' (optional)>"
"setSwingMode": "<topic used to control 'swing mode' (optional)>",
"getSwingMode": "<topic used to report 'swing mode' (optional)>",
"setLockPhysicalControls": "<topic used to control 'lock physical controls' (optional)>",
"getLockPhysicalControls": "<topic used to report 'lock physical controls' (optional)>",
"getFilterChangeIndication": "<topic used to report 'filter change indication' (optional)'>",
"getFilterLifeLevel": "<topic used to report 'filter life level' (optional)>",
"setResetFilterIndication": "<topic used to control 'reset filter indication (optional)'>"
"integerValue": "true to use 1|0 instead of true|false default onValue and offValue",
"onValue": "<value representing on (optional)>",
"offValue": "<value representing off (optional)>",
"targetAirPurifierStateValues": "<array of values to be used to represent MANUAL, AUTO respectively (optional)>",
"currentAirPurifierStateValues": "<array of values to be used to represent INACTIVE, IDLE, PURIFYING respectively (optional)>",
"swingModeValues": "<array of values to be used to represent DISABLED and ENABLED respectively (optional)>",
"lockPhysicalControlsValues": "<array of values to be used to represent DISABLED and ENABLED respectively (optional)>"
Air quality state can be UNKNOWN
. To use different values, specify them in airQualityValues in that order.
For Air Quality History (in the Eve-App) you have to use getVOCDensity
(Eve Room 2) or getAirQualityPPM
(Eve Room 1).
History records need to be cleared when Migrating from Room 1 to Room 2 because they are not compatible.
"accessory": "mqttthing",
"type": "airQualitySensor",
"name": "<name of device>",
"serviceNames": {
"temperature": "<name for temperature service (optional)>",
"humidity": "<name for humidity service (optional)>"
"getAirQuality": "<topic used to report air quality",
"getCarbonDioxideLevel": "<topic used to report carbon dioxide level (optional)>",
"getPM10Density": "<topic used to report PM10 Density (optional)>",
"getPM2_5Density": "<topic used to report PM2.5 Density (optional)>",
"getOzoneDensity": "<topic used to report Ozone Density (optional)>",
"getNitrogenDioxideDensity": "<topic used to report NitrogenDioxide Density (optional)>",
"getSulphurDioxideDensity": "<topic used to report Sulphur Dioxide Density (optional)>",
"getVOCDensity": "<topic used to report VOC Density (optional)>",
"getCarbonMonoxideLevel": "<topic used to report Carbon Monoxide level (optional)>",
"getAirQualityPPM": "<topic used to report air quality voc in ppm (optional, Eve-only)>",
"getStatusActive": "<topic used to provide 'active' status (optional)>",
"getStatusFault": "<topic used to provide 'fault' status (optional)>",
"getStatusTampered": "<topic used to provide 'tampered' status (optional)>",
"getStatusLowBattery": "<topic used to provide 'low battery' status (optional)>",
"getCurrentTemperature": "<topic used to provide 'current temperature' (optional)>",
"getCurrentRelativeHumidity": "<topic used to provide 'current relative humidity' (optional)>"
"airQualityValues": [ "unknown-value", "excellent-value", "good-value", "fair-value", "inferior-value", "poor-value" ],
"history": "<true to enable History service for Eve App (optional)>",
"room2": "<true to enable Room 2 support for Eve App (optional)>"
Carbon dioxide detected state can be NORMAL
. To use different values, specify them in carbonDioxideDetectedValues in that order.
"accessory": "mqttthing",
"type": "carbonDioxideSensor",
"name": "<name of device>",
"getCarbonDioxideDetected": "<topic used to report carbon dioxide detected",
"getCarbonDioxideLevel": "<topic used to report carbon dioxide level (optional)>",
"getCarbonDioxidePeakLevel": "<topic used to report carbon dioxide level (optional)>",
"getStatusActive": "<topic used to provide 'active' status (optional)>",
"getStatusFault": "<topic used to provide 'fault' status (optional)>",
"getStatusTampered": "<topic used to provide 'tampered' status (optional)>",
"getStatusLowBattery": "<topic used to provide 'low battery' status (optional)>"
"carbonDioxideDetectedValues": [ "normal-value", "abnormal-value" ]
Carbon Monoxide detected state can be NORMAL
. To use different values, specify them in carbonMonoxideDetectedValues in that order.
"accessory": "mqttthing",
"type": "carbonMonoxideSensor",
"name": "<name of device>",
"getCarbonMonoxideDetected": "<topic used to report carbon Monoxide detected",
"getCarbonMonoxideLevel": "<topic used to report carbon Monoxide level (optional)>",
"getCarbonMonoxidePeakLevel": "<topic used to report carbon Monoxide level (optional)>",
"getStatusActive": "<topic used to provide 'active' status (optional)>",
"getStatusFault": "<topic used to provide 'fault' status (optional)>",
"getStatusTampered": "<topic used to provide 'tampered' status (optional)>",
"getStatusLowBattery": "<topic used to provide 'low battery' status (optional)>"
"carbonMonoxideDetectedValues": [ "normal-value", "abnormal-value" ]
Contact sensor state is exposed as a Boolean. True (or 1 with integer values) maps to CONTACT_NOT_DETECTED
(sensor triggered)
and False (or 0) maps to CONTACT_DETECTED
(not triggered). To use different MQTT values, configure onValue
and offValue
If history
is enabled, this plugin will count the number of openings and offers the possibility to reset the counter from the Eve app.
"accessory": "mqttthing",
"type": "contactSensor",
"name": "<name of sensor>",
"url": "<url of MQTT server (optional)>",
"username": "<username for MQTT (optional)>",
"password": "<password for MQTT (optional)>",
"caption": "<label (optional)>",
"getContactSensorState": "<topic used to provide 'contact sensor' state>",
"getStatusActive": "<topic used to provide 'active' status (optional)>",
"getStatusFault": "<topic used to provide 'fault' status (optional)>",
"getStatusTampered": "<topic used to provide 'tampered' status (optional)>",
"getStatusLowBattery": "<topic used to provide 'low battery' status (optional)>"
"integerValue": "true to use 1|0 instead of true|false default onValue and offValue",
"onValue": "<value representing on (optional)>",
"offValue": "<value representing off (optional)>",
"resetStateAfterms": "<milliseconds after which to reset state automatically (optional)>",
"history": "<true to enable History service for Eve App (optional)>"
Active state is set with a boolean value (see Boolean Value Settings).
Current dehumidifier state can be INACTIVE, IDLE, HUMIDIFYING or DEHUMIDIFYING.
The water level is used to indicate the amount of water in the bucket.
"accessory": "mqttthing",
"type": "dehumidifier",
"name": "<name of sensor>",
"url": "<url of MQTT server (optional)>",
"username": "<username for MQTT (optional)>",
"password": "<password for MQTT (optional)>",
"caption": "<label (optional)>",
"topics": {
"setActive": "<topic used to control 'active' state>",
"getActive": "<topic used to report 'active' state>",
"getWaterLevel": "<topic used to report the water level>",
"setWaterLevel": "<topic used to control the water level>",
"getRelativeHumidityDehumidifierThreshold": "<topic used to report the the humidity threshold>",
"setRelativeHumidityDehumidifierThreshold": "<topic used to control the the humidity threshold>",
"getTargetHumidifierDehumidifierState": "<topic used to report the target state>",
"setTargetHumidifierDehumidifierState": "<topic used to control the target state>",
"getCurrentHumidifierDehumidifierState": "<topic used to report the current state>",
"getCurrentRelativeHumidity": "<topic used to report the the humidity threshold>"
Door position state can be DECREASING, INCREASING or STOPPED. By default, these use values of DECREASING
respectively; these defaults can be changed using the positionStateValues setting.
"accessory": "mqttthing",
"type": "door",
"name": "<name of device>",
"getCurrentPosition": "<topic used to report current position (integer 0-100)>",
"setTargetPosition": "<topic used to control target position (integer 0-100)>",
"getTargetPosition": "<topic used to report target position (optional)>",
"getPositionState": "<topic used to report position state>",
"setHoldPosition": "<topic used to control hold position (Boolean)>",
"getObstructionDetected": "<topic used to report whether an obstruction is detected (Boolean)>"
"positionStateValues": [ "decreasing-value", "increasing-value", "stopped-value" ],
"minPosition": 0,
"maxPosition": 100
The optional minPosition
and maxPosition
allow the minimum and maximum position values to be changed from their defaults of 0 and 100 respectively.
Doorbell ring switch state can be be SINGLE_PRESS
. By default, these events are raised when values of 1
, 2
and L
respectively are published to the getSwitch topic. However, these values may be overridden by specifying an alternative array in the switchValues setting.
"accessory": "mqttthing",
"type": "doorbell",
"name": "<name of sensor>",
"url": "<url of MQTT server (optional)>",
"username": "<username for MQTT (optional)>",
"password": "<password for MQTT (optional)>",
"caption": "<label (optional)>",
"getSwitch": "<topic used to provide doorbell switch state>"
"getBrightness": "<topic used to get brightness (optional)>",
"setBrightness": "<topic used to set brightness (optional)>",
"getVolume": "<topic used to get volume (optional)>",
"setVolume": "<topic used to set volume (optional)>",
"getMotionDetected": "<topic used to provide 'motion detected' status (optional, if exposing motion sensor)>"
"switchValues": "<array of 3 switch values corresponding to single-press, double-press and long-press respectively (optional)>"
Fan running state ('on') is true or false, or 1 or 0 if integerValue: true
Fan rotation direction is 0 for clockwise or 1 for anticlockwise.
Fan rotation speed is an integer between 0 (off) and 100 (full speed).
Set confirmationPeriodms
to enable publishing confirmation for setOn
. The accessory must echo messages it receives through the setOn
subject to the getOn
subject, otherwise homebridge-mqttthing will mark it as unresponsive and republish on the setOn
"accessory": "mqttthing",
"type": "fan",
"name": "<name of sensor>",
"url": "<url of MQTT server (optional)>",
"username": "<username for MQTT (optional)>",
"password": "<password for MQTT (optional)>",
"caption": "<label (optional)>",
"getOn": "<topic to notify homebridge of 'fan on' status>",
"setOn": "<topic published by homebridge to set 'fan on' status>",
"getRotationDirection": "<topic to notify homebridge of rotation direction (optional)>",
"setRotationDirection": "<topic published by homebridge to set rotation direction (optional)>",
"getRotationSpeed": "<topic to notify homebridge of rotation speed (optional)",
"setRotationSpeed": "<topic published by homebridge to set rotation speed (optional)"
"integerValue": "true to use 1|0 instead of true|false default onValue and offValue",
"onValue": "<value representing on (optional)>",
"offValue": "<value representing off (optional)>",
"turnOffAfterms": "<milliseconds after which to turn off automatically (optional)>"
Active state is set with a boolean value (see Boolean Value Settings).
Target fan state can be MANUAL or AUTO. To use different values, specify an array of strings in targetFanValues.
Current fan state can be INACTIVE, IDLE or BLOWING_AIR. To use different values, specify an array of strings in currentFanStateValues. INACTIVE should be used in response if "Active" is set to false. IDLE or BLOWING_AIR should be used in response if "Active" is set to true.
Lock physical controls state may be DISABLED or ENABLED. To use different values, specify an array of strings in lockPhysicalControlsValues.
Swing mode state may be DISABLED or ENABLED. To use different values, specify an array of strings in swingModeValues.
Fan rotation direction is 0 for clockwise or 1 for anticlockwise.
"accessory": "mqttthing",
"type": "fanv2",
"name": "<name of device>",
"url": "<url of MQTT server (optional)>",
"username": "<username for MQTT (optional)>",
"password": "<password for MQTT (optional)>",
"logMqtt": true | false,
"topics": {
"setActive": "<topic used to control 'active' state>",
"getActive": "<topic used to report 'active' state>",
"getCurrentFanState": "<topic used to report 'current fan state' (optional)> ",
"setTargetFanState": "<topic used to control 'target fan state' (optional)>",
"getTargetFanState": "<topic used to report 'target fan state'(optional)>",
"setRotationSpeed": "<topic used to control 'rotation speed' (optional)>",
"getRotationSpeed": "<topic used to report 'rotation speed' (optional)>"
"getRotationDirection": "<topic used to report 'rotation direction' (optional)>",
"setRotationDirection": "<topic used to control 'rotation direction' (optional)>",
"setSwingMode": "<topic used to control 'swing mode' (optional)>",
"getSwingMode": "<topic used to report 'swing mode' (optional)>",
"setLockPhysicalControls": "<topic used to control 'lock physical controls' (optional)>",
"getLockPhysicalControls": "<topic used to report 'lock physical controls' (optional)>",
"integerValue": "true to use 1|0 instead of true|false default onValue and offValue",
"onValue": "<value representing on (optional)>",
"offValue": "<value representing off (optional)>",
"targetFanStateValues": "<array of values to be used to represent MANUAL, AUTO respectively (optional)>",
"currentFanStateValues": "<array of values to be used to represent INACTIVE, IDLE, BLOWING_AIR respectively (optional)>",
"swingModeValues": "<array of values to be used to represent DISABLED and ENABLED respectively (optional)>",
"lockPhysicalControlsValues": "<array of values to be used to represent DISABLED and ENABLED respectively (optional)>"
Garage door opener target state can be OPEN or CLOSED. By default, values of O
and C
are used respectively (unless changed through doorTargetValues). Homekit always assumes that the door is moving towards is target state, so to control it externally you must publish the getTargetDoorState topic to notify Homekit of the new target state. (You may also wish to publish the setTargetDoorState topic to notify your accessory of the new target state.) The same topic may be used for both to simplify this.
Garage door opener current door state can be OPEN, CLOSED, OPENING, CLOSING, STOPPED. By default, these use values of O
, C
, o
, c
and S
respectively; these defaults can be changed using the doorCurrentValues setting. As a simpler alternative, getDoorMoving
may be used to specify a Boolean topic indicating whether or not the garage door is currently moving. Mqttthing will generate an appropriate current state automatically, assuming that the door is moving towards its target state or stopped at its target state.
If the current and target state values are the same (but non-default), these can be changed together by using the doorValues setting.
Lock current state can be UNSECURED, SECURED, JAMMED or UNKNOWN. By default, these use values of U
, S
, J
, ?
respectively; these can be changed using the lockValues setting.
Lock target state can be UNSECURED or SECURED. By default, these use values of U
and S
respectively (unless changed through lockValues).
"accessory": "mqttthing",
"type": "garageDoorOpener",
"name": "<name of sensor>",
"url": "<url of MQTT server (optional)>",
"username": "<username for MQTT (optional)>",
"password": "<password for MQTT (optional)>",
"caption": "<label (optional)>",
"setTargetDoorState": "<topic used to set 'target door state'>",
"getTargetDoorState": "<topic used to report 'target door state'>",
"getCurrentDoorState": "<topic used to report 'current door state'>",
"setLockTargetState": "<topic used to set 'lock target state' (optional)>",
"getLockTargetState": "<topic used to report 'lock target state' (optional)>",
"getLockCurrentState": "<topic used to report 'lock current state' (optional)>",
"getObstructionDetected": "<topic used to report 'obstruction detected' (optional)>"
"doorCurrentValues": [ "Open", "Closed", "Opening", "Closing", "Stopped" ],
"doorTargetValues": ["open", "close"],
"lockValues": [ "Unsecured", "Secured", "Jammed", "Unknown" ]
- Topic published when the target door state is changed in HomeKit. Values are final doorValues
(not opening/closing).
- Topic that may be published to notify HomeKit that the target door state has been changed externally. Values are final doorValues
(not opening/closing). May use same topic as getCurrentDoorState
as above. Omit if all control is through HomeKit.
- Topic published to notify HomeKit that a door state has been achieved. HomeKit will expect current door state to end up matching target door state. Values are doorValues
- Topic published when the target lock state is changed in HomeKit. Values are lockValues
- Topic that may be published to notify HomeKit that the target lock state has been changed externally. Values are lockValues
. May use same topic as getLockCurrentState
as above. Omit if all control is through HomeKit.
- Topic published to notify HomeKit that a lock state has been achieved. Values are lockValues
- Topic published to notify HomeKit whether an obstruction has been detected (Boolean value).
- Array of 5 door values corresponding to open, closed, opening, closing and stopped respectively. If not specified, defaults to [ 'O', 'C', 'o', 'c', 'S' ]
- Array of 5 door values corresponding to open, closed, opening, closing and stopped respectively. If not specified, defaults to [ 'O', 'C', 'o', 'c', 'S' ]
- Array of 2 door values corresponding to the door target values of open or closed, respectively. If not specified, defaults to [ 'O', 'C' ]
- Array of 4 lock values corresponding to unsecured, secured, jammed and unknown respectively. if not specified, defaults to [ 'U', 'S', 'J', '?' ]
- Set to true to use values 1 and 0 instead of "true" and "false" respectively for obstruction detected value.
Active state is set with a boolean value (see Boolean Value Settings).
Current heater/cooler state can be INACTIVE, IDLE, HEATING or COOLING. To use different values, specify an array of strings in currentHeaterCoolerValues. INACTIVE should be used in response if "Active" is set to false. IDLE, HEATING or COOLING should be used in response if "Active" is set to true.
Target heater/cooler state can be AUTO, HEAT or COOL. To use different values, specify an array of strings in targetHeaterCoolerValues.
Lock physical controls state may be DISABLED or ENABLED. To use different values, specify an array of strings in lockPhysicalControlsValues.
Swing mode state may be DISABLED or ENABLED. To use different values, specify an array of strings in swingModeValues.
Temperature display units can be CELSIUS or FAHRENHEIT. To use different values, specify an array of strings in temperatureDisplayUnitsValues
and maxTemperature
may optionally be used to change the minimum and maximum heating and cooling target and temperatures that can be set from Homekit (and also affect current temperature range).
Configure restrictHeaterCoolerState
to an array of integers to restrict the target heating/cooling states made available by Homekit, where 0 represents AUTO, 1 HEAT and 2 COOL, for example:
"restrictHeaterCoolerState": [0, 1]
- for AUTO or HEAT (but no COOL)."restrictHeaterCoolerState": [1, 2]
- for HEAT or COOL (but no AUTO).
Configure cooling threshold temperature unless target heater/cooler states exclude COOL, and/or heating threshold temperature unless target heater/cooler states exclude HEAT.
"accessory": "mqttthing",
"type": "heaterCooler",
"name": "<name of device>",
"url": "<url of MQTT server (optional)>",
"username": "<username for MQTT (optional)>",
"password": "<password for MQTT (optional)>",
"logMqtt": true | false,
"topics": {
"setActive": "<topic used to control 'active' state>",
"getActive": "<topic used to report 'active' state>",
"getCurrentHeaterCoolerState": "<topic used to report 'current heater/cooler state'>",
"setTargetHeaterCoolerState": "<topic used to control 'target heater/cooler state'>",
"getTargetHeaterCoolerState": "<topic used to report 'target heater/cooler state'>",
"getCurrentTemperature": "<topic used to report 'current temperature'>",
"setCoolingThresholdTemperature": "<topic used to control 'cooling threshold temperature'>",
"getCoolingThresholdTemperature": "<topic used to report 'cooling threshold temperature'>",
"setHeatingThresholdTemperature": "<topic used to control 'heating threshold temperature'>",
"getHeatingThresholdTemperature": "<topic used to report 'heating threshold temperature'>",
"setTemperatureDisplayUnits": "<topic used to control 'temperature display units'>",
"getTemperatureDisplayUnits": "<topic used to report 'temperature display units'>",
"setRotationMode": "<topic used to control 'rotation mode' (optional)>",
"getRotationMode": "<topic used to report 'rotation mode' (optional)>",
"setSwingMode": "<topic used to control 'swing mode' (optional)>",
"getSwingMode": "<topic used to report 'swing mode' (optional)>",
"setRotationSpeed": "<topic used to control 'rotation speed' (optional)>",
"getRotationSpeed": "<topic used to report 'rotation speed' (optional)>",
"getStatusFault": "<topic used to provide 'fault' status (optional)>"
"currentHeaterCoolerValues": "<array of values to be used to represent INACTIVE, IDLE, HEATING, COOLING respectively (optional)>",
"targetHeaterCoolerValues": "<array of values to be used to represent AUTO, HEAT, COOL respectively (optional)>",
"lockPhysicalControlsValues": "<array of values to be used to represent DISABLED and ENABLED respectively (optional)>",
"swingModeValues": "<array of values to be used to represent DISABLED and ENABLED respectively (optional)>",
"temperatureDisplayUnitsValues": "<array of values to be used to represent CELSIUS and FAHRENHEIT respectively (optional)>",
"minTemperature": minimum_target_temperature,
"maxTemperature": maximum_target_temperature,
"restrictHeaterCoolerState": "<array of allowed values - see notes above (optional)>"
Current relative humidity must be in the range 0 to 100 percent with no decimal places.
"accessory": "mqttthing",
"type": "humiditySensor",
"name": "<name of sensor>",
"url": "<url of MQTT server (optional)>",
"username": "<username for MQTT (optional)>",
"password": "<password for MQTT (optional)>",
"caption": "<label (optional)>",
"getCurrentRelativeHumidity": "<topic used to provide 'current relative humidity'>",
"getStatusActive": "<topic used to provide 'active' status (optional)>",
"getStatusFault": "<topic used to provide 'fault' status (optional)>",
"getStatusTampered": "<topic used to provide 'tampered' status (optional)>",
"getStatusLowBattery": "<topic used to provide 'low battery' status (optional)>"
"history": "<true to enable History service for Eve App (optional)>"
Multi-zone sprinkler accessory. See also Valve (Sprinkler, Shower, Faucet) for a single valve accessory.
If durationTimer
is set to true (recommended), this plugin will handle the duration timer for each zone and will automatically send a stop command after the configured time.
If the device itself provides duration timing via MQTT or if you want to query or set the duration via MQTT, you can make use of setDuration
. The remaining time is shown in HomeKit even if no getRemainingDuration
is configured. getRemainingDuration
can be used to update the remaining time, if the duration is changed at the device itself in some way.
The topics under "topics"
are optional. They describe the main topics for the entire system and are derived from the states of the individual zones. So "topics"
might be empty ("topics": {}
). Topics for the individual zones must be defined under "zones" / "topics"
The default run time defaults to between 5 minutes and 1 hour (in 5 minute increments). This can be changed with minDuration
and maxDuration
. Note however that the Home App in iOS 12 doesn't like to show durations below 5 minutes. (This appears to have been improved in the iOS 13 Beta.)
"accessory": "mqttthing",
"type": "irrigationSystem",
"name": "<name of system>",
"url": "<url of MQTT server (optional)>",
"username": "<username for MQTT (optional)>",
"password": "<password for MQTT (optional)>",
"getActive": "<topic to report the target state (optional)>",
"setActive": "<topic to control the target state (optional)>",
"getStatusFault": "<topic used to provide 'fault' status (optional)>"
"zones": [
"name": "First Zone",
"topics": {
"getActive": "<topic to report the target state of the first zone>",
"setActive": "<topic to control the target state of the first zone>",
"getInUse": "<topic to report the current state feedback of the first zone>",
"setDuration": "<topic used to set default duration (seconds) (optional, with external timer)>",
"getDuration": "<topic used to get default duration (seconds) (optional, with external timer)>",
"getRemainingDuration": "<topic used to get remaining duration (seconds) (optional, with external timer)>",
"getStatusFault": "<topic used to provide 'fault' status (optional)>"
"name": "Last Zone",
"topics": {
"getActive": "<topic to report the target state of the last zone>",
"setActive": "<topic to control the target state of the last zone>",
"getInUse": "<topic to report the current state feedback of the last zone>",
"setDuration": "<topic used to set default duration (seconds) (optional, with external timer)>",
"getDuration": "<topic used to get default duration (seconds) (optional, with external timer)>",
"getRemainingDuration": "<topic used to get remaining duration (seconds) (optional, with external timer)>",
"getStatusFault": "<topic used to provide 'fault' status (optional)>"
"integerValue": "true to use 1|0 instead of true|false default onValue and offValue",
"onValue": "<value representing on (optional)>",
"offValue": "<value representing off (optional)>",
"durationTimer": "<true to enable duration timer (recommended)>",
"minDuration": "<minimum duration (in seconds) (optional)>",
"maxDuration": "<maximum duration (in seconds) (optional)>"
Leak sensor state is exposed as a Boolean. True (or 1 with integer values) maps to LEAK_DETECTED
and False (or 0) maps to LEAK_NOT_DETECTED
. To use different MQTT values, configure onValue
and offValue
"accessory": "mqttthing",
"type": "leakSensor",
"name": "<name of sensor>",
"getLeakDetected": "<topic used to provide 'leak detected' state (Boolean)>",
"resetStateAfterms": "<milliseconds after which to reset state automatically (optional)>"
Light bulb can either use separate topics (for on, brightness, hue and saturation), or it can be configured to use a combined value holding comma-separated hue,sat,val or red,green,blue. Using a topic with combined values disables most of the other topics according to this line.
Hue is 0-360. Saturation is 0-100. Brightness is 0-100. Red, green and blue are 0-255. Colour temperature ranges from 140 (cold white) to 500 (warm white), centred at about 151.
If topics.setHSV
is populated, a combined value is used and any individual brightness, hue, saturation and color temperature topics are ignored. On/off is sent with setOn
if configured, or by setting V to 0 when off.
If topics.setRGB
is populated, a combined value is used in the format red,green,blue (ranging from 0-255). On/off may be sent with setOn
; brightness, hue and saturation topics are ignored. If topics.setWhite
is also populated, the white level is extracted and sent separately to the combined RGB value.
Configuring topics.setWhite
without topics.setRGB
will give a dimmable white light with a range from 0 (off) to 255 (full brightness) using the setWhite
topic only (i.e. with no separate on/off state through setOn
If topics.setRGBW
is populated, a combined value is used in the format red,green,blue,white (ranging from 0-255). The minimum of red, green and blue is subtracted from all three colour channels and sent to the white channel instead. On/off may be set with setOn
(otherwise "0,0,0,0" indicates off); brightness, hue, saturation and temperature topics are ignored.
If topics.setRGBWW
is populated, a combined value is used in the format red,green,blue,warm_white,cold_white (each component ranging from 0-255). Warm and cold white components are set based on the colour values published by Homekit from the Temperature control, and after warm and cold white are extracted any remaining white level in the RGB values is sent equally to both white channels. The RGB values used for warm white and cold white extraction can be configured with warmWhite
and coldWhite
, allowing calibration to RGBWW LED colours. (Homekit's warm white and cold white colours are used by default.) On/off may be set with setOn
(otherwise "0,0,0,0,0" indicates off); brightness, hue, saturation and temperature topics are ignored. (Homekit's behaviour when a coloured (hue/saturation-supporting) light also attempts to support temperature can be unpredictable - so the RGBWW implementation does not use Homekit colour temperature.) RGBWW lights support a noWhiteMix
option which when set to true disables extraction of white components from colours - i.e. powering only RGB channels or WW,CW channels. When noWhiteMix
is true, redThreshold
, greenThreshold
and blueThreshold
may optionally be configured with the colour offsets above which RGB is used instead of WW; their default value is 15. To order by cold_white,warm_white, set switchWhites
to true.
Set confirmationPeriodms
to enable publishing confirmation for setOn
. The accessory must echo messages it receives through the setOn
subject to the getOn
subject, otherwise homebridge-mqttthing will mark it as unresponsive and republish on the setOn
When using colour temperature directly (through the setColorTemperature
topic), minColorTemperature
and maxColorTemperature
may be configured to change Homekits default range of 140-500.
"accessory": "mqttthing",
"type": "lightbulb",
"name": "<name of lightbulb>",
"url": "<url of MQTT server (optional)>",
"username": "<username for MQTT (optional)>",
"password": "<password for MQTT (optional)>",
"caption": "<label (optional)>",
"getOn": "<topic to get the status>",
"setOn": "<topic to set the status>",
"getBrightness": "<topic to get the brightness (optional)>",
"setBrightness": "<topic to set the brightness (optional - if dimmable)>",
"getHue": "<topic to get the hue (optional)>",
"setHue": "<topic to set the hue (optional - if coloured)>",
"getSaturation": "<topic to get the saturation (optional)>",
"setSaturation": "<topic to set the saturation (optional - if coloured)>",
"getHSV": "<in HSV mode, topic to get comma-separated hue, saturation and value>",
"setHSV": "<in HSV mode, topic to set comma-separated hue, saturation and value>",
"getRGB": "<in RGB mode, topic to get comma-separated red, green, blue>",
"setRGB": "<in RGB mode, topic to set comma-separated red, green, blue>",
"getRGBW": "<in RGBW mode, topic to get comma-separated red, green, blue, white>",
"setRGBW": "<in RGBW mode, topic to set comma-separated red, green, blue, white>",
"getRGBWW": "<in RWGWW mode, topic to get comma-separated red, green, blue, warm_white, cold_white>",
"setRGBWW": "<in RWGWW mode, topic to set comma-separated red, green, blue, warm_white, cold_white>",
"getWhite": "<topic to get white level (0-255)> - used with getRGB for RGBW with separately-published white level",
"setWhite": "<topic to set white level (0-255)> - used with setRGB for RGBW with separately-published white level",
"getColorTemperature": "<topic to report color temperature (140-500) (optional)>",
"setColorTemperature": "<topic to control color temperature (140-500) (optional)>"
"integerValue": "true to use 1|0 instead of true|false default onValue and offValue",
"onValue": "<value representing on (optional)>",
"offValue": "<value representing off (optional)>",
"hex": "true to format combined RGB/RGBW in hexadecimal instead of as comma-separated decimals",
"hexPrefix": "format combined RGB/RGBW in hexadecimal with specified prefix (typically '#') instead of as comma-separated decimals",
"turnOffAfterms": "<milliseconds after which to turn off automatically (optional)>",
"warmWhite": "in RGBWW mode, RGB value of warm white in format red,green,blue (optional)",
"coldWhite": "in RGBWW mode, RGB value of cold white in format red,green,blue (optional)",
"minColorTemperature": 140,
"maxColorTemperature": 500
Coloured lights and lights with a setColorTemperature topic support adaptive lighting by default. This may change behaviour when setting colour temperature manually on a bulb without a setColorTemperature topic, as calculation of appropriate hue and saturation values must be done within Homebridge instead of by Homekit. Adaptive lighting support can be disabled by setting adaptiveLighting
to false
When using config-ui-x, multiple lightbulb types are available. The generic 'lightbulb' allows all possible settings to be entered. Serveral sub-types ('lightbulb-OnOff', 'lightbulb-Dimmable' etc.) show the configuration settings relevant for specific light types only. This can greatly simplify the configuration process.
Current ambient light level must be in the range 0.0001 Lux to 100000 Lux to a maximum of 4dp.
"accessory": "mqttthing",
"type": "lightSensor",
"name": "<name of sensor>",
"url": "<url of MQTT server (optional)>",
"username": "<username for MQTT (optional)>",
"password": "<password for MQTT (optional)>",
"caption": "<label (optional)>",
"getCurrentAmbientLightLevel": "<topic used to provide 'current ambient light level'>",
"getStatusActive": "<topic used to provide 'active' status (optional)>",
"getStatusFault": "<topic used to provide 'fault' status (optional)>",
"getStatusTampered": "<topic used to provide 'tampered' status (optional)>",
"getStatusLowBattery": "<topic used to provide 'low battery' status (optional)>"
"integerValue": "true to use 1|0 instead of true|false default onValue and offValue",
"onValue": "<value representing on (optional)>",
"offValue": "<value representing off (optional)>"
Lock current state can be UNSECURED, SECURED, JAMMED or UNKNOWN. By default, these use values of U
, S
, J
, ?
respectively; these can be changed using the lockValues setting.
Lock target state can be UNSECURED or SECURED. By default, these use values of U
and S
respectively (unless changed through lockValues).
"accessory": "mqttthing",
"type": "lockMechanism",
"name": "<name of sensor>",
"setLockTargetState": "<topic used to set 'lock target state'>",
"getLockTargetState": "<topic used to provide 'lock target state'>",
"getLockCurrentState": "<topic used to provide 'lock current state'>"
"lockValues": [ "Unsecured", "Secured", "Jammed", "Unknown" ]
- Topic published when the target lock state is changed in HomeKit. Values are lockValues
- Topic that may be published to notify HomeKit that the target lock state has been changed externally. Values are lockValues
. May use same topic as getLockCurrentState
as above. Omit if all control is through HomeKit.
- Topic published to notify HomeKit that a lock state has been achieved. Values are lockValues
- Array of 4 lock values corresponding to unsecured, secured, jammed and unknown respectively. if not specified, defaults to [ 'U', 'S', 'J', '?' ]
"accessory": "mqttthing",
"type": "microphone",
"name": "<name of sensor>",
"getMute": "<topic used to indicate whether microphone is muted (Boolean)>",
"setMute": "<topic used to set whether microphone is muted (Boolean)>",
"getVolume": "<topic used to report current volume (0-100)>",
"setVolume": "<topic used to set volume (0-100)>"
"accessory": "mqttthing",
"type": "motionSensor",
"name": "<name of sensor>",
"url": "<url of MQTT server (optional)>",
"username": "<username for MQTT (optional)>",
"password": "<password for MQTT (optional)>",
"caption": "<label (optional)>",
"getMotionDetected": "<topic used to provide 'motion detected' status>",
"getStatusActive": "<topic used to provide 'active' status (optional)>",
"getStatusFault": "<topic used to provide 'fault' status (optional)>",
"getStatusTampered": "<topic used to provide 'tampered' status (optional)>",
"getStatusLowBattery": "<topic used to provide 'low battery' status (optional)>"
"integerValue": "true to use 1|0 instead of true|false default onValue and offValue",
"onValue": "<value representing on (optional)>",
"offValue": "<value representing off (optional)>",
"turnOffAfterms": "<milliseconds after which to reset motion sensor state automatically (optional) - allowing a motion sensor just to publish its onValue>",
"history": "<true to enable History service for Eve App (optional)>"
Occupancy sensor state is exposed as a Boolean. True (or 1 with integer values) maps to OCCUPANCY_DETECTED
(sensor triggered)
and False (or 0) maps to OCCUPANCY_NOT_DETECTED
(not triggered). To use different MQTT values, configure onValue
and offValue
"accessory": "mqttthing",
"type": "occupancySensor",
"name": "<name of sensor>",
"url": "<url of MQTT server (optional)>",
"username": "<username for MQTT (optional)>",
"password": "<password for MQTT (optional)>",
"caption": "<label (optional)>",
"getOccupancyDetected": "<topic used to provide 'occupancy detected' status>",
"getStatusActive": "<topic used to provide 'active' status (optional)>",
"getStatusFault": "<topic used to provide 'fault' status (optional)>",
"getStatusTampered": "<topic used to provide 'tampered' status (optional)>",
"getStatusLowBattery": "<topic used to provide 'low battery' status (optional)>"
"integerValue": "true to use 1|0 instead of true|false default onValue and offValue",
"onValue": "<value representing on (optional)>",
"offValue": "<value representing off (optional)>"
An outlet can be configured as a light or as a fan in the Home app.
If history
is enabled and no getTotalConsumption
topic is defined, this plugin will count the total consumption (kWh) by itself and offers the possibility to reset the counter from the Eve app.
The interval of getWatts
data updates should be less then 10min and at best periodic, in order to avoid averaging errors for the history entries.
Set confirmationPeriodms
to enable publishing confirmation for setOn
. The accessory must echo messages it receives through the setOn
subject to the getOn
subject, otherwise homebridge-mqttthing will mark it as unresponsive and republish on the setOn
"accessory": "mqttthing",
"type": "outlet",
"name": "<name of outlet>",
"url": "<url of MQTT server (optional)>",
"username": "<username for MQTT (optional)>",
"password": "<password for MQTT (optional)>",
"caption": "<label (optional)>",
"getOn": "<topic to get the status>",
"setOn": "<topic to set the status>",
"getInUse": "<topic used to provide 'outlet is in use' feedback>",
"getWatts": "<topic used to provide 'current consumption' [Watts] (optional, Eve-App-only)>",
"getVolts": "<topic used to provide 'voltage' [Volts] (optional, Eve-App-only)>",
"getAmperes": "<topic used to provide 'electricCurrent' [Amperes] (optional, Eve-App-only)>",
"getTotalConsumption": "<topic used to provide 'totalConsumption' [kWh] (optional, Eve-App-only)>"
"integerValue": "true to use 1|0 instead of true|false default onValue and offValue",
"onValue": "<value representing on (optional)>",
"offValue": "<value representing off (optional)>",
"turnOffAfterms": "<milliseconds after which to turn off automatically (optional)>",
"history": "<true to enable History service for Eve App (optional)>",
"minVolts": "<minumum voltage (optional)>",
"maxVolts": "<maximum voltage (optional)>"
Security System current state can be STAY_ARM, AWAY_ARM, NIGHT_ARM, DISARMED or ALARM_TRIGGERED. By default, these events are raised when values of SA
, AA
, NA
, D
and T
respectively are published to the getCurrentState topic. However, these values may be overriden by specifying an alternative array in the currentStateValues setting.
Security System target state can be STAY_ARM, AWAY_ARM, NIGHT_ARM or DISARM. By default, these states correspond to values of SA
, AA
, NA
and D
. Homebridge expects to control the target state (causing one of these values to be published to the setTargetState topic), and to receive confirmation from the security system that the state has been achieved through a change in the current state (received through the getCurrentState topic). The values used for target state can be specified as an an array in the targetStateValues setting.
Homebridge publishes a value to the setTargetState topic to indicate the state that the HomeKit user wishes the alarm to be in. The alarm system must echo this state back to the getCurrentState topic to confirm that it has set the alarm state appropriately. The alarm system may also publish the ALARM_TRIGGERED value (T
by default) to the getCurrentState topic in order to indicate that the alarm has been triggered. While homekit is waiting for the state change to be confirmed, it will display 'Arming...' or 'Disarming...'.
Additionally, the alarm system may change its own target state by publishing to getTargetState. As with a homekit-controlled state change, this must be followed by a publish to getCurrentState to confirm that the change is complete. It is possible to set getTargetState and getCurrentState to the same MQTT topic, allowing the alarm system to change the target state and confirm that it has been achieved with a single MQTT message.
If your system need an aditionnal sensor to detect the current states, you could set the getAltSensorState to the required sensor, and make your own rules in a codec.
Configure restrictTargetState
to an array of integers to restrict the target states made available by Homekit, where 0 represents STAY_ARM, 1 AWAY_ARM, 2 NIGHT_ARM and 3 DISARM, for example:
"restrictTargetState": [0, 1, 3]
"accessory": "mqttthing",
"type": "securitySystem",
"name": "<name of sensor>",
"url": "<url of MQTT server (optional)>",
"username": "<username for MQTT (optional)>",
"password": "<password for MQTT (optional)>",
"caption": "<label (optional)>",
"topics": {
"setTargetState": "<topic used to set 'target state'>",
"getTargetState": "<topic used to get 'target state'>",
"getCurrentState": "<topic used to get 'current state'>",
"getStatusFault": "<topic used to provide 'fault' status (optional)>",
"getStatusTampered": "<topic used to provide 'tampered' status (optional)>"
"targetStateValues": [ "StayArm", "AwayArm", "NightArm", "Disarmed" ],
"currentStateValues": [ "StayArm", "AwayArm", "NightArm", "Disarmed", "Triggered" ],
"restrictTargetState": [ 1, 3 ]
- Topic published when the target alarm state is changed in HomeKit. Values are targetStateValues
- Topic that may be published to notify HomeKit that the target alarm state has been changed externally. Values are targetStateValues
. May use same topic as getCurrentState
as above. Omit if all control is through HomeKit.
- Topic published to notify HomeKit that an alarm state has been achieved. HomeKit will expect current state to end up matching target state. Values are currentStateValues
- Topic published to help discovery alarm states. Values are the alternate sensor values see the ShellyAMAX codec to know how to use it.
- Array of 4 values for target state corresponding to STAY_ARM, AWAY_ARM, NIGHT_ARM and DISARMED respectively. If not specified, defaults to [ 'SA', 'AA', 'NA', 'D' ]
- Array of 5 values for current state corresponding to STAY_ARM, AWAY_ARM, NIGHT_ARM, DISARMED and ALARM_TRIGGERED respectively. If not specified, defaults to [ 'SA', 'AA', 'NA', 'D', 'T' ]
Smoke sensor state is exposed as a Boolean. True (or 1 with integer values) maps to SMOKE_DETECTED
and False (or 0) maps to SMOKE_NOT_DETECTED
. To use different MQTT values, configure onValue
and offValue
"accessory": "mqttthing",
"type": "smokeSensor",
"name": "<name of sensor>",
"url": "<url of MQTT server (optional)>",
"username": "<username for MQTT (optional)>",
"password": "<password for MQTT (optional)>",
"caption": "<label (optional)>",
"getSmokeDetected": "<topic used to provide smoke sensor state>"
"getStatusActive": "<topic used to provide 'active' status (optional)>",
"getStatusFault": "<topic used to provide 'fault' status (optional)>",
"getStatusTampered": "<topic used to provide 'tampered' status (optional)>",
"getStatusLowBattery": "<topic used to provide 'low battery' status (optional)>"
"integerValue": "true to use 1|0 instead of true|false default onValue and offValue",
"onValue": "<value representing on (optional)>",
"offValue": "<value representing off (optional)>",
"resetStateAfterms": "<milliseconds after which to reset state automatically (optional)>"
"accessory": "mqttthing",
"type": "speaker",
"name": "<name of sensor>",
"getMute": "<topic used to indicate whether speaker is muted (Boolean)>",
"setMute": "<topic used to set whether speaker is muted (Boolean)>",
"getVolume": "<topic used to report current volume (0-100)>",
"setVolume": "<topic used to set volume (0-100)>"
Like a doorbell (which is based on it), the state of a stateless programmable switch can be be SINGLE_PRESS
. By default, these events are raised when values of 1
, 2
and L
respectively are published to the getSwitch topic. However, these values may be overridden by specifying an alternative array in the switchValues setting.
The states can be restricted to a subset of these three values available in HomeKit by the restrictSwitchValues setting, where 0 represents SINGLE_PRESS
, and 2 LONG_PRESS
, for example:
"restrictSwitchValues": [0, 2]
Additionally, multiple buttons (each potentially with a single, double, and long press action) may be added to a single statelessProgrammableSwitch. This is accomplished by setting the getSwitch topic to an array of topics. The number of elements in this array equals the number of buttons on the switch. For example:
"getSwitch": ["<button topic 1>", "<button topic 2>", "<button topic 3>"]
- for a 3 button switch
The switchValues and restrictSwitchValues options also support an array of values such that each switch may different switch values and different allowed button press sequences. A single array of values (like that used for a single) will result in that value being applied to all buttons.
"accessory": "mqttthing",
"type": "statelessProgrammableSwitch",
"name": "<name of sensor>",
"url": "<url of MQTT server (optional)>",
"username": "<username for MQTT (optional)>",
"password": "<password for MQTT (optional)>",
"caption": "<label (optional)>",
"getSwitch": "<topic used to provide switch state>"
"switchValues": "<array of 3 switch values corresponding to single-press, double-press and long-press respectively (optional)>"
"restrictSwitchValues": [ 0, 1 ] // optional
// Multi-button switch
"accessory": "mqttthing",
"type": "statelessProgrammableSwitch",
"name": "<name of sensor>",
"url": "<url of MQTT server (optional)>",
"username": "<username for MQTT (optional)>",
"password": "<password for MQTT (optional)>",
"caption": "<label (optional)>",
"<topic used to provide switch 1 state>",
"<topic used to provide switch 2 state>",
"<topic used to provide switch 3 state>"
"<array of 3 switch values corresponding to single-press, double-press and long-press respectively for switch 1 (optional)>",
"<array of 3 switch values corresponding to single-press, double-press and long-press respectively for switch 2 (optional)>",
"<array of 3 switch values corresponding to single-press, double-press and long-press respectively for switch 3 (optional)>"
"switchValues": "<array of 3 switch values corresponding to single-press, double-press and long-press respectively (optional)>",
"restrictSwitchValues": [ 0, 2 ] // optional and applied to all buttons
On/off switch.
Configuring turnOffAfter
causes the switch to turn off automatically the specified number of milliseconds after it is turned on by homekit.
Configuring resetStateAfterms
causes the switch state as reported through the getOn
topic to be reset to off after the specified number of milliseconds. Use when there is no setOn
Set confirmationPeriodms
to enable publishing confirmation for setOn
. The accessory must echo messages it receives through the setOn
subject to the getOn
subject, otherwise homebridge-mqttthing will mark it as unresponsive and republish on the setOn
"accessory": "mqttthing",
"type": "switch",
"name": "<name of switch>",
"url": "<url of MQTT server (optional)>",
"username": "<username for MQTT (optional)>",
"password": "<password for MQTT (optional)>",
"caption": "<label (optional)>",
"getOn": "<topic to get the status>",
"setOn": "<topic to set the status>"
"integerValue": "true to use 1|0 instead of true|false default onValue and offValue",
"onValue": "<value representing on (optional)>",
"offValue": "<value representing off (optional)>",
"turnOffAfterms": "<milliseconds after which to turn off automatically (optional)>",
"resetStateAfterms": "<milliseconds after which to reset state automatically (optional)>",
"history": "<true to enable History service for Eve App (optional)>"
Different input sources (Live TV, HDMI1, HDMI2, ...) can be defined within the array inputs
(optional). If this is not used, setActiveInput
and getActiveInput
have no effect.
To send remote key commands (setRemoteKey
), you can use the remote control within the (iOS) control center.
"accessory": "mqttthing",
"type": "television",
"name": "<name of TV>",
"url": "<url of MQTT server (optional)>",
"username": "<username for MQTT (optional)>",
"password": "<password for MQTT (optional)>",
"caption": "<label (optional)>",
"setActive": "<topic to set the status>",
"getActive": "<topic to get the status>",
"setActiveInput": "<topic to set the active input source (optional)>",
"getActiveInput": "<topic to get the active input source (optional)>",
"setRemoteKey": "<topic for publishing remote key actions (optional)>"
"inputs": [
"name": "<name for first input source>",
"value": "<MQTT value for first input source>"
"name": "<name for second input source>",
"value": "<MQTT value for second input source>"
"integerValue": "<true to use 1|0 instead of true|false default onValue and offValue>",
"onValue": "<value representing on (optional)>",
"offValue": "<value representing off (optional)>",
Current temperature is specified in degrees Celsius, to a maximum of 1dp.
"accessory": "mqttthing",
"type": "temperatureSensor",
"name": "<name of sensor>",
"url": "<url of MQTT server (optional)>",
"username": "<username for MQTT (optional)>",
"password": "<password for MQTT (optional)>",
"caption": "<label (optional)>",
"getCurrentTemperature": "<topic used to provide 'current temperature'>",
"getStatusActive": "<topic used to provide 'active' status (optional)>",
"getStatusFault": "<topic used to provide 'fault' status (optional)>",
"getStatusTampered": "<topic used to provide 'tampered' status (optional)>",
"getStatusLowBattery": "<topic used to provide 'low battery' status (optional)>"
"history": "<true to enable History service for Eve App (optional)>",
"minTemperature": minimum_target_temperature,
"maxTemperature": maximum_taret_temperature
and maxTemperature
may optionally be used to change the minimum and maximum temperature allowed by Homekit from its default range of 0-100 C. If neither option is specified, mqttthing lowers the minimum temperature to -100 C (for compatibility with earlier versions of mqttthing).
Current heating/cooling state can be OFF, HEAT or COOL. Target heating/cooling state can be OFF, HEAT, COOL or AUTO. To use different values, specify an array of strings in heatingCoolingStateValues
Temperature display units can be CELSIUS or FAHRENHEIT. To use different values, specify an array of strings in temperatureDisplayUnitsValues
and maxTemperature
may optionally be used to change the minimum and maximum target temperatures that can be set from Homekit (defaulting to 10 and 38 respectively).
Configure restrictHeatingCoolingState
to an array of integers to restrict the target heating/cooling states made available by Homekit, where 0 represents OFF, 1 HEAT, 2 COOL and 3 AUTO, for example:
"restrictHeatingCoolingState": [0, 1, 2]
- for OFF, HEAT and COOL (but no AUTO)"restrictHeatingCoolingState": [0, 1]
- for OFF or HEAT only
"accessory": "mqttthing",
"type": "thermostat",
"name": "<name of device>",
"url": "<url of MQTT server (optional)>",
"username": "<username for MQTT (optional)>",
"password": "<password for MQTT (optional)>",
"getCurrentHeatingCoolingState": "<topic used to report 'current heating/cooling state'>",
"setTargetHeatingCoolingState": "<topic used to control 'target heating/cooling state'>",
"getTargetHeatingCoolingState": "<topic used to report 'target heating/cooling state'>",
"getCurrentTemperature": "<topic used to report 'current temperature'>",
"setTargetTemperature": "<topic used to control 'target temperature'>",
"getTargetTemperature": "<topic used to report 'target temperature'>",
"setTemperatureDisplayUnits": "<topic used to control 'temperature display units'>",
"getTemperatureDisplayUnits": "<topic used to report 'temperature display units'>",
"getCurrentRelativeHumidity": "<topic used to report 'current relative humidity' (optional)>",
"setTargetRelativeHumidity": "<topic used to control 'target relative humidity' (optional)>",
"getTargetRelativeHumidity": "<topic used to report 'target relative humidity' (optional)>",
"setCoolingThresholdTemperature": "<topic used to control 'cooling threshold temperature' (optional)>",
"getCoolingThresholdTemperature": "<topic used to report 'cooling threshold temperature' (optional)>",
"setHeatingThresholdTemperature": "<topic used to control 'heating threshold temperature' (optional)>",
"getHeatingThresholdTemperature": "<topic used to report 'heating threshold temperature' (optional)>",
"getStatusFault": "<topic used to provide 'fault' status (optional)>"
"heatingCoolingStateValues": "<array of values to be used to represent Off, Heat, Cool and Auto respectively (optional)>",
"temperatureDisplayUnitsValues": "<array of values to be used to represent Celsius and Fahrenheit respectively (optional)>",
"minTemperature": minimum_target_temperature,
"maxTemperature": maximum_taret_temperature,
"restrictHeatingCoolingState": "<array of allowed values - see notes above (optional)>"
Single valve accessory. valveType
can be "sprinkler"
, "shower"
or "faucet"
. See also Irrigation System for multi-zone sprinkler accessories.
If durationTimer
is set to true, this plugin will provide additional characteristics to set the standard duration for the valve and will stop the water flow after this time.
If the device itself provides duration timing via MQTT or if you want to query or set the duration via MQTT, you can make use of setDuration
. The remaining time is shown in HomeKit even if no getRemainingDuration
is configured. getRemainingDuration
can be used to update the remaining time, if the duration is changed at the device itself in some way.
The default run time defaults to between 5 minutes and 1 hour (in 5 minute increments). This can be changed with minDuration
and maxDuration
. Note however that the Home App in iOS 12 doesn't like to show durations below 5 minutes. (This appears to have been improved in the iOS 13 Beta.)
Configuring turnOffAfterms
causes the valve to turn off automatically the specified (fixed!) number of milliseconds after it is turned on by homekit. It can be used instead of durationTimer
or setDuration
"accessory": "mqttthing",
"type": "valve",
"valveType": "<valve type>",
"name": "<name of valve>",
"url": "<url of MQTT server (optional)>",
"username": "<username for MQTT (optional)>",
"password": "<password for MQTT (optional)>",
"caption": "<label (optional)>",
"setActive": "<topic to set the target status>",
"getActive": "<topic to get the target status>",
"getInUse": "<topic to get the current status>",
"setDuration": "<topic used to set default duration (seconds) (optional, with external timer)>",
"getDuration": "<topic used to get default duration (seconds) (optional, with external timer)>",
"getRemainingDuration": "<topic used to get remaining duration (seconds) (optional, with external timer)>",
"getStatusActive": "<topic used to provide 'active' status (optional)>",
"getStatusFault": "<topic used to provide 'fault' status (optional)>",
"getStatusTampered": "<topic used to provide 'tampered' status (optional)>",
"getStatusLowBattery": "<topic used to provide 'low battery' status (optional)>"
"integerValue": "<true to use 1|0 instead of true|false default onValue and offValue>",
"onValue": "<value representing on (optional)>",
"offValue": "<value representing off (optional)>",
"durationTimer": "<true to enable duration timer (optional, recommended)>",
"turnOffAfterms": "<milliseconds after which to turn off automatically (optional, fix duration)>",
"minDuration": "<minimum duration (in seconds)>",
"maxDuration": "<maximum duration (in seconds)>"
Current temperature must be in the range 0 to 100 degrees Celsius to a maximum of 1dp.
Current relative humidity must be in the range 0 to 100 percent with no decimal places.
Air Pressure must be in the range 700 to 1100 hPa.
Air Pressure and the special weather characteristics (rain, wind, ...) are only supported in Eve-App
Weather condition and wind direction are custom string values.
"accessory": "mqttthing",
"type": "weatherStation",
"name": "<name of sensor>",
"serviceNames": {
"temperature": "<name for temperature service (optional)>",
"humidity": "<name for humidity service (optional)>",
"airPressure": "<name for air pressure service (optional)>",
"weather": "<name for weather service (optional)>"
"url": "<url of MQTT server (optional)>",
"username": "<username for MQTT (optional)>",
"password": "<password for MQTT (optional)>",
"caption": "<label (optional)>",
"getCurrentTemperature": "<topic used to provide 'current temperature'>",
"getCurrentRelativeHumidity": "<topic used to provide 'current relative humidity (optional)'>",
"getCurrentAmbientLightLevel": "<topic used to provide 'current ambient light level (optional)'>",
"getAirPressure": "<topic used to provide 'air pressure' (optional, Eve-only)>",
"getWeatherCondition": "<topic used to provide 'weather condition' (optional, Eve-only)>",
"getRain1h": "<topic used to provide 'rain [mm] in last 1h' (optional, Eve-only)>",
"getRain24h": "<topic used to provide 'rain [mm] in last 24h' (optional, Eve-only)>",
"getUVIndex": "<topic used to provide 'UV index' (optional, Eve-only)>",
"getVisibility": "<topic used to provide 'visibility [km]' (optional, Eve-only)>",
"getWindDirection": "<topic used to provide 'wind direction' (optional, Eve-only)>",
"getWindSpeed": "<topic used to provide 'wind speed [km/h]' (optional, Eve-only)>",
"getStatusActive": "<topic used to provide 'active' status (optional)>",
"getStatusFault": "<topic used to provide 'fault' status (optional)>",
"getStatusTampered": "<topic used to provide 'tampered' status (optional)>",
"getStatusLowBattery": "<topic used to provide 'low battery' status (optional)>"
"history": "<true to enable History service for Eve App (optional)>"
Window position state can be DECREASING, INCREASING or STOPPED. By default, these use values of DECREASING
respectively; these defaults can be changed using the positionStateValues setting.
"accessory": "mqttthing",
"type": "window",
"name": "<name of device>",
"getCurrentPosition": "<topic used to report current position (integer 0-100)>",
"setTargetPosition": "<topic used to control target position (integer 0-100)>",
"getTargetPosition": "<topic used to report target position (optional)>",
"getPositionState": "<topic used to report position state>",
"setHoldPosition": "<topic used to control hold position (Boolean)>",
"getObstructionDetected": "<topic used to report whether an obstruction is detected (Boolean)>"
"positionStateValues": [ "decreasing-value", "increasing-value", "stopped-value" ],
"minPosition": 0,
"maxPosition": 100
The optional minPosition
and maxPosition
allow the minimum and maximum position values to be changed from their defaults of 0 and 100 respectively.
Window covering position state can be DECREASING, INCREASING or STOPPED. By default, these use values of DECREASING
respectively; these defaults can be changed using the positionStateValues setting.
"accessory": "mqttthing",
"type": "windowCovering",
"name": "<name of device>",
"getCurrentPosition": "<topic used to report current position (integer 0-100)>",
"setTargetPosition": "<topic used to control target position (integer 0-100)>",
"getTargetPosition": "<topic used to report target position (optional)>",
"getPositionState": "<topic used to report position state>",
"setHoldPosition": "<topic used to control hold position (Boolean)>",
"setTargetHorizontalTiltAngle": "<topic used to control target horizontal tilt angle (-90 to 90)>",
"getTargetHorizontalTiltAngle": "<topic used to report target horizontal tilt angle (optional)>",
"getCurrentHorizontalTiltAngle": "<topic used to report current horizontal tilt angle>",
"setTargetVerticalTiltAngle": "<topic used to control target vertical tilt angle (-90 to 90)>",
"getTargetVerticalTiltAngle": "<topic used to report target vertical tilt angle (optional)>",
"getCurrentVerticalTiltAngle": "<topic used to report current vertical tilt angle>",
"getObstructionDetected": "<topic used to report whether an obstruction is detected (Boolean)>"
"positionStateValues": [ "decreasing-value", "increasing-value", "stopped-value" ],
"minPosition": 0,
"maxPosition": 100
The optional minPosition
and maxPosition
allow the minimum and maximum position values to be changed from their defaults of 0 and 100 respectively.