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Enable interoperability for Federated Keyless Accounts for the same issuer (user-pool/tenant)
Oliver He ([email protected])
<mm/dd/yyyy the last date to leave feedbacks and reviews>
<Standard (Core, Networking, Interface, Application, Framework) | Informational | Process>

AIP-108 - Enable interoperability for Federated Keyless Accounts for the same issuer (user-pool/tenant)


This AIP proposes enabling Aptos Federated Keyless to be interoperable with dApps from the same issuer (user-pool/tenant).

For IAM providers like Auth0 and Cognito, JWT tokens are scoped to a user-pool/tenant via the iss field, and they are also scoped to a specific application via the aud field. This means that JWTs from the same issuer but with different aud values are from different applications and cannot be used to derive the same Aptos Federated Keyless Account even though they represent the same user identity within the same user-pool/tenant.

Many customers of Auth0 and Cognito have applications with different branding within the same user-pool/tenant ecosystem. Thus it is natural for such customers to use different application identifiers for their applications for organizational purposes. This AIP will enable Aptos Federated Keyless Accounts to be interoperable across such applications.


  • The relaxation of the aud field will allow for broader interoperability across applications within the same user-pool/tenant. This allows for broader adoption of Aptos Federated Keyless Accounts in such user ecosystems.


  • Developers need to not use aud-less accounts when they want their keyless accounts to scoped to their own application. This can be mitigated by the Aptos SDK default behavior so that developers must explicitly enable using aud-less accounts.
  • This introduces an additional proving path, one where the aud is not checked. It is important that such proofs are rejected by the validator during transaction submission if the sending account requires aud to be present, as encoded in the KeylessPublicKey inside the IdCommitment. Note that no changes to the validator authentication path are needed to support this, the work is done in the ZK relation in the circuit. Validators will verify proofs same as before.
  • As circuit changes are needed to support aud-less accounts, a new ceremony will be needed to generate the proving key and verification key.
  • We want such accounts to be limited to Federated Keyless Accounts, as constructing Keyless Accounts without aud checks is unsafe. This can be mitigated by the Aptos SDK disallowing aud-less accounts from being used as Keyless Accounts. The prover will also reject proof requests for Keyless providers (as of now Google and Apple). However, in a world where 3rd party provers are permitted, we cannot prevent developers from using aud-less accounts as Keyless Accounts, but developers would not have any incentive to construct such accounts for their users (these accounts would be accessable by any other dApp, regardless of trust).
  • The verification key will need an update, which will invalidate all existing proofs that are cached client side by dApps using Keyless. dApps will need to re-fetch a new proof to submit transactions with Keyless accounts. Additionally the prover will need to start proving with the new proving key right away after the update. The prover has already been updated to support the proving key rotations and the SDK also supports state checks to invalidate old proofs.

The updated keyless ZK relation $$\mathcal{R}$$

$$\mathcal{R}\begin{pmatrix} \mathsf{pih};\\\ \textbf{w} = [ \textbf{w}_\mathsf{pub} = ( \mathsf{epk}, \mathsf{addr\_idc}, \mathsf{exp\_date}, \mathsf{exp\_horizon}, \mathsf{iss\_val}, \mathsf{extra\_field}, \mathsf{header}, \mathsf{jwk}, \mathsf{override\_aud\_val} ),\\\ \textbf{w}_\mathsf{priv} = ( \mathsf{\textcolor{red}{skip\_aud\_check}}, \mathsf{aud\_key}, \mathsf{uid\_key}, \mathsf{uid\_val}, r, \sigma_\mathsf{oidc}, \mathsf{jwt}, \rho ) ] \end{pmatrix}$$

The ZK relation $\mathcal{R}$ simply performs the privacy-sensitive part of the verification from the leaky mode above:

  1. Verify that the public inputs hash $\mathsf{pih}$ is correctly derived by hashing the inputs in $\textbf{w}_\mathsf{pub}$ with $H_\mathsf{zk}$ (as explained above).
  2. Check the OIDC provider ID in the JWT:
    • Assert $\mathsf{iss\_val}\stackrel{?}{=}\mathsf{jwt}[\texttt{"iss"}]$
  3. If using email-based IDs, ensure the email has been verified:
    • If $\mathsf{uid\_key}\stackrel{?}{=}\texttt{"email"}$, assert $\mathsf{jwt}[\texttt{"email\_verified"}] \stackrel{?}{=} \texttt{"true"}$
  4. Check the user’s ID in the JWT:
    • Assert $\mathsf{uid\_val}\stackrel{?}{=}\mathsf{jwt}[\mathsf{uid\_key}]$
  5. Check the address IDC uses the correct values:
    • Assert $\mathsf{addr\_idc} \stackrel{?}{=} H'(\mathsf{uid\_key}, \mathsf{uid\_val}, \mathsf{aud\_val}; r)$
  6. If we are doing aud checks (i.e., $\mathsf{skip\_aud\_check} = \bot$)
    • Then: Are we in normal mode (i.e., we are not in recovery mode $\Leftrightarrow \mathsf{override\_aud\_val} = \bot$)
      • Then: check the managing application’s ID in the JWT: assert $\mathsf{aud\_val}\stackrel{?}{=}\mathsf{jwt}[\texttt{"aud"}]$
      • Else: check that the recovery service’s ID is in the JWT: assert $\mathsf{override\_aud\_val}\stackrel{?}{=}\mathsf{jwt}[\texttt{"aud"}]$
    • Else: assert $\mathsf{aud\_val}\stackrel{?}{=}\texttt{""}$ (i.e. $\mathsf{aud\_val}$ should equal the empty string).

    Old version:

    Are we in normal mode (i.e., we are not in recovery mode $\Leftrightarrow \mathsf{override\_aud\_val} = \bot$)

    • Then: check the managing application’s ID in the JWT: assert $\mathsf{aud\_val}\stackrel{?}{=}\mathsf{jwt}[\texttt{"aud"}]$
    • Else: check that the recovery service’s ID is in the JWT: assert $\mathsf{override\_aud\_val}\stackrel{?}{=}\mathsf{jwt}[\texttt{"aud"}]$
  7. Check the EPK is committed in the JWT’s nonce field:
    • Assert $\mathsf{jwt}[\texttt{"nonce"}] \stackrel{?}{=} H’(\mathsf{epk},\mathsf{exp\_date};\rho)$
  8. Check the EPK expiration date is not too far off into the future:
    • Assert $\mathsf{exp\_date} &lt; \mathsf{jwt}[\texttt{"iat"}] + \mathsf{exp\_horizon}$
  9. Parse $\mathsf{extra\_field}$ as $\mathsf{extra\_field\_key}$ and $\mathsf{extra\_field\_val}$ and assert $\mathsf{extra\_field\_val}\stackrel{?}{=}\mathsf{jwt}[\mathsf{extra\_field\_key}]$
  10. Verify the OIDC signature $\sigma_\mathsf{oidc}$ under $\mathsf{jwk}$ over the JWT $\mathsf{header}$ and payload $\mathsf{jwt}$.

Alternative solutions

The alternative is to add an additional keyless public key type where the formula to compute the IdCommitment does not contain the aud at all.

This is the advantage of explicit type safety as a completely new validation path would be implemented. There would be no risk of such proofs being accepted for accounts that require aud to be present due to explicit differences in how the proof would be gated on the type of public key.

However the drawbacks include:

  • We need to add a new keyless public key type, which may not be needed if we can leverage the existing design. And avoiding proliferation of keyless public key types is desirable.
  • Requiring implementation of a new authentication path in the authenticator, which may be error prone and takes additional engineering effort.
  • Requires more complex changes to the prover as it would need to support a different public inputs hash calculation in order to differentiate between accounts with and without aud. Or it would need to use a different circuit version entirely and there would be a need to maintain two different circuit versions at the same time.

Thus if we can leverage the existing design, it would be preferable to do so.

Specification and Implementation Details

This AIP's implementation has three parts -

  1. We add an additional private input, skip_aud_check, into the circuit. This value will indicate whether the aud check is enabled.

    • If it is disabled, the circuit will do the status quo set of verifications.
    • If it is enabled, the circuit will use an empty string for the aud private input (as provided by the prover), which will be used as the aud value committed in the IdCommitment. The circuit will skip matching the value of the JWT's aud claim with the aud private input (which is the empty string).

    Since the aud value is committed to in the IdCommitment, a proof generated with skip_aud_check will be rejected by the validator if the account is not aud-less, as the IdCommitment will be different, resulting in proof verification failing due to the public inputs hash computed by the validator (which includes the IdCommitment) not being able to satisfy the ZK relation in order to verify the proof.

    Similarly, a proof generated without skip_aud_check will be rejected by the validator if the account is aud-less, since the ZK relation will not be able to match the empty aud in the IdCommitment with the non-empty aud in the JWT.

  2. The prover API will also require an update to allow for indiciating whether the aud check is enabled. This will be done by adding a new boolean argument skip_aud_check to the prove API.

    #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
    pub struct RequestInput {
       pub jwt_b64: String,
       pub epk: EphemeralPublicKey,
       #[serde(with = "hex")]
       pub epk_blinder: EphemeralPublicKeyBlinder,
       pub exp_date_secs: u64,
       pub exp_horizon_secs: u64,
       pub pepper: Pepper,
       pub uid_key: String,
       pub extra_field: Option<String>,
       pub aud_override: Option<String>,
       pub skip_aud_check: bool, // New argument
  3. The pepper API will also require an update to allow for indicating whether the aud check is enabled. This is because the pepper is derived using the aud value as one of the inputs, and for audless accounts the aud value needs to be the empty string in order for the account to be used across applications (which will differ by the value of the aud claim in the JWT). Thus the pepper API needs to know whether the account is aud-less to construct the pepper appropriately. This will be done by adding a new boolean argument skip_aud_check to the fetch_pepper API.

    #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)]
    pub struct PepperRequest {
       pub jwt: String,
       pub epk: EphemeralPublicKey,
       pub exp_date_secs: u64,
       pub epk_blinder: Vec<u8>,
       pub uid_key: Option<String>,
       pub derivation_path: Option<String>,
       pub skip_aud_check: bool, // New argument

    Additionally, the pepper service will limit skip_aud_check to only be true for OIDC providers that support aud-less accounts (currently only Auth0 and Cognito).

  4. The SDK will also need to be updated to support instantiating of aud-less accounts. This will require adding a new boolean argument to the KeylessAccount constructor and constructing the KeylessPublicKey and AccountAddress appropriately.

Testing (Optional)

  1. Write unit tests for the circuit to verify that it correctly handles the aud check.
  2. Write unit tests for the SDK to verify that it correctly instantiates accounts with and without aud checks.
  3. Do a manual end-to-end test in devnet/testnet via the SDK once the verification key is updated.
  4. Write smoke tests ensuring that aud-less accounts are rejected if the account requires aud to be present.
  5. Make sure pepper service and prover service only allows skip_aud_check = true for OIDC providers that support aud-less accounts.

Security Considerations

The core security considerations are:

  • Making sure the the circuit can securely support aud-less accounts.
  • Making sure that such proofs are rejected if the account requires aud to be present (as encoded in the KeylessPublicKeys IdCommitment).

Future Potential

This will allow onboarding more users into the Aptos blockchain via keyless accounts1 and its extensions.


-Circuit changes: End of October 2024. -Ceremony completion: End of November 2024. -SDK update: by ceremony completion. -Prover service update: by ceremony completion. -Devnet verification key update: After ceremony completion. -Devnet testing: After verification key update. Should take a few hours. -Testnet verification key update: After devnet testing. -Testnet testing: After testnet verification key update. -Mainnet verification key update proposal: End of November 2024. -Mainnet verification key update: A week after proposal submission. Estimated early December 2024.

Suggested implementation timeline

See above.

Suggested developer platform support timeline

Already supported via telegram.

Suggested deployment timeline

See above.


