* [Printable wrappers](#printable-wrappers)
* [Wrap a individual object](#wrap-a-individual-object)
* [Label](#label)
* [Alternative `toString()` Function](#alternative-tostring-function)
* [Wrap an array of objects](#wrap-an-array-of-objects)
* [Named objects](#named-objects)<!-- endToc -->
Sometimes an object's toString()
is not suitable for a given situation. This is particularly true with the parameter names used with CombinationApprovals
Printable wrappers gives you a way to control this.
If you just wanted to wrap a single object. You can create a printable wrapper by:
Printable<Integer> one = new Printable(1, "one");
assertEquals("one", one.toString());
to access the value, simply call
Integer value = one.get();
assertEquals(1, value);
You can also write a different function(lambda) to create the toString()
and then apply it to the object.
Printable<Integer> two = new Printable(2, i -> "#" + i + ")");
assertEquals("#2)", two.toString());
For convenience, if you want to do this to a whole list of items we have
Printable<Integer>[] numbers = Printable.create(n -> "#" + n, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
Approvals.verifyAll("Custom toString method", numbers, p -> String.format("%s -> %s", p, p.get()));
would produce
Custom toString method
#1 -> 1
#2 -> 2
#3 -> 3
#4 -> 4
#5 -> 5
We also has a convenience builder if you want each object to have it's own label.
Printable<Integer>[] labeled = Printable.with().label(1, "first").label(2, "second").label(3, "third")
.label(4, "forth").label(5, "fifth").toArray();
Approvals.verifyAll("Labeled", labeled, p -> String.format("%s -> %s", p, p.get()));
would produce:
first -> 1
second -> 2
third -> 3
forth -> 4
fifth -> 5