- Proposal: SE-0202
- Author: Alejandro Alonso
- Review Manager: Ben Cohen
- Status: Implemented (Swift 4.2)
- Implementation: apple/swift#12772
- Decision Notes: Rationale
This proposal's main focus is to create a unified random API, and a secure random API for all platforms.
This idea has been floating around swift-evolution for a while now, but this is the thread that started this proposal: https://forums.swift.org/t/proposal-random-unification/6626
The current random functionality that Swift provides is through imported C APIs. This of course is dependent on what system is running the code. This means that a different random implementation is provided on a per system basis. Swift relies on Darwin to provide developers the arc4random(3)
approach. While on Linux, many developers tend to use random(3)
, from the POSIX standard, or rand(3)
, from the C standard library, for a quick and dirty solution for Linux systems. A very common implementation that developers tend to use for quick random functionality is here:
// This is confusing because some may look at this and think Foundation provides these functions,
// when in reality Foundation imports Darwin and Glibc from which these are defined and implemented.
// You get the same behavior when you import UIKit, or AppKit.
import Foundation
// We can't forget to seed the Linux implementation.
// This is unsecure as time is a very predictable seed.
// This raises more questions to whether or not Foundation, UIKit, or AppKit provided these functions.
#if os(Linux)
// We name this randomNumber because random() interferes with Glibc's random()'s namespace
func randomNumber() -> Int {
#if !os(Linux)
return Int(arc4random()) // This is inefficient as it doesn't utilize all of Int's range
return random() // or Int(rand())
// Many tend to opt in for ranges here, but for this example I opt for a start and end argument
func random(from start: Int, to end: Int) -> Int {
#if !os(Linux)
var random = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(end - start)))
// Not recommended as it introduces modulo bias
var random = random() % (end - start)
random += start
return random
// Alternatively, an easier solution would be:
func random(from start: Int, to end: Int) -> Int {
var random = randomNumber() % (end - start)
random += start
return random
// However this approach introduces modulo bias for all systems rather than just Linux.
While although this does work, it just provides a quick workaround to a much larger outstanding problem. Below is a list outlining the problems the example contains, and the problems the example introduces.
In order to define these workarounds, developers must utilize a few platform checks. Developers should not be forced to define platform checks for such trivial requests like this one.
Unexperienced developers who rely on workarounds like these, may be pushing unsecure code that is used by tens of hundreds or thousands of users. Starting with Darwin's
, pre macOS 10.12 (Sierra) and iOS 10, the implementation ofarc4random(3)
utilized the RC4 algorithm. This algorithm is now considered non-cryptographically secure due to RC4 weakness. Post macOS 10.12 (Sierra) and iOS 10, "...it was replaced with the NIST-approved AES cipher", as stated from the man pages in terminal (man arc4random
). Moving on to Linux we see that usingrandom()
to generate numbers make it completely predictable as these weren't designed to be at a crypto level. -
In the example, it uses modulo to generate the number within the upper bound. Many developers may not realize it, but for a quick workaround, it introduces modulo bias in which modulo does not correctly distribute the probability in dividing the upper bound equally within the range.
Highly inefficient as creating a new
from aUInt32
doesn't utilize the full extent ofInt
's range. -
Could confuse some users as Foundation, AppKit, or UIKit don't provide these random functionalities.
Considering all of this, I believe it is very important that Swift provides developers a simple, easy to use, and powerful random API. Although this is out of focus for Swift 5, this proposal solves a huge pain point for many Swift developers.
To kick this off, the standard library will provide a default RNG. Each platform vendor will have the freedom to decide the specific implementation for this RNG for their platform. The standard library should document what specific RNG implementation is used on a specific platform. The aspiration is that this RNG should be cryptographically secure, provide reasonable performance, and should be thread safe. If a vendor is unable to provide these goals, they should document it clearly. It is also worth mentioning, that if an RNG on a platform has the possibility of failing, then it must fail when it is unable to complete its operation. An example of this is reading from /dev/urandom
. If an error is to occur during reading, then it should produce a fatal error and abort the application. Reasons why I went with this approach in Alternatives Considered at the bottom of this proposal.
For the core API, introduce a new protocol named RandomNumberGenerator
. This type is used to define RNGs that can be used within the stdlib. Developers can conform to this type and use their own custom RNG throughout their whole application.
Then for the stdlib's default RNG implementation, introduce a new struct named SystemRandomNumberGenerator
Next, we will make extension methods for FixedWidthInteger
, BinaryFloatingPoint
and Bool
. For numeric types, this allows developers to select a value within a range and swap out the RNG used to select a value within the range.
// Utilizes the standard library's default random
// Alias to:
// var rng = SystemRandomNumberGenerator()
// Int.random(in: 0 ..< 10, using: &rng)
let randomIntFrom0To10 = Int.random(in: 0 ..< 10)
let randomUIntFrom10Through100 = UInt.random(in: 10 ... 100, using: &myCustomRandomNumberGenerator)
// The following are examples on how to get full width integers
let randomInt = Int.random(in: .min ... .max)
let randomUInt = UInt.random(in: .min ... .max, using: &myCustomRandomNumberGenerator)
// Utilizes the standard library's default random
// Alias to:
// var rng = SystemRandomNumberGenerator()
// Float.random(in: 0 ..< 1, using: &rng)
let randomFloat = Float.random(in: 0 ..< 1)
let randomDouble = Double.random(in: 0 ... .pi, using: &myCustomRandomNumberGenerator)
// Utilizes the standard library's default random
// Alias to:
// var rng = SystemRandomNumberGenerator()
// Bool.random(using: &rng)
let randomBool1 = Bool.random()
let randomBool2 = Bool.random(using: &myCustomRandomNumberGenerator)
For Collection
we add an extension method for collections to get a random element.
let greetings = ["hey", "hi", "hello", "hola"]
// Utilizes the standard library's default random
// Alias to:
// var rng = SystemRandomNumberGenerator()
// greetings.randomElement(using: &rng)!
print(greetings.randomElement()!) // This returns an Optional
print(greetings.randomElement(using: &myCustomRandomNumberGenerator)!) // This returns an Optional
Note that some types make it easy to form collections with more elements than
can be represented as an Int
, such as the range Int.min...Int.max
, and
will likely trap on such collections. However, such ranges
are likely to trap when used with almost any collection API, and the
method on FixedWidthInteger
can be used for this purpose
As a result of adding the random API, it only makes sense to utilize that power to fuel the shuffle methods. We extend MutableCollection
to add a method to shuffle the collection itself, and extend Sequence
to add a method to return a shuffled version of itself in a new array. Example:
var greetings = ["hey", "hi", "hello", "hola"]
// Utilizes the standard library's default random
// Alias to:
// var rng = SystemRandomNumberGenerator()
// greetings.shuffle(using: &rng)
print(greetings) // A possible output could be ["hola", "hello", "hey", "hi"]
let numbers = 0 ..< 5
print(numbers.shuffled(using: &myCustomRandomNumberGenerator)) // A possible output could be [1, 3, 0, 4, 2]
The actual implementation can be found here: apple/swift#12772
public protocol RandomNumberGenerator {
// This determines the functionality for producing a random number.
// Required to implement by all RNGs.
mutating func next() -> UInt64
// These sets of functions are not required and are provided by the stdlib by default
extension RandomNumberGenerator {
// This function provides generators a way of generating other unsigned integer types
public mutating func next<T : FixedWidthInteger & UnsignedInteger>() -> T
// This function provides generators a mechanism for uniformly generating a number from 0 to upperBound
// Developers can extend this function themselves and create different behaviors for different distributions
public mutating func next<T : FixedWidthInteger & UnsignedInteger>(upperBound: T) -> T
// The stdlib RNG.
public struct SystemRandomNumberGenerator : RandomNumberGenerator {
public init() {}
// Conformance for `RandomNumberGenerator`, calls one of the crypto functions.
public mutating func next() -> UInt64
// We override the protocol defined one to prevent unnecessary work in generating an
// unsigned integer that isn't a UInt64
public mutating func next<T: FixedWidthInteger & UnsignedInteger>() -> T
extension Collection {
// Returns a random element from the collection
// Can return nil if isEmpty is true
public func randomElement<T: RandomNumberGenerator>(
using generator: inout T
) -> Element?
/// Uses the standard library's default RNG
public func randomElement() -> Element? {
var g = SystemRandomNumberGenerator()
return randomElement(using: &g)
// Enables developers to use things like Int.random(in: 5 ..< 12) which does not use modulo bias.
// It is worth noting that any empty range entered here will abort the program.
// We do this to preserve a general use case design that the core team expressed.
// For those that are that unsure whether or not their range is empty or not,
// they can if/guard check whether or not the range is empty beforehand, then
// use these functions.
extension FixedWidthInteger {
public static func random<T: RandomNumberGenerator>(
in range: Range<Self>,
using generator: inout T
) -> Self
/// Uses the standard library's default RNG
public static func random(in range: Range<Self>) -> Self {
var g = SystemRandomNumberGenerator()
return Self.random(in: range, using: &g)
public static func random<T: RandomNumberGenerator>(
in range: ClosedRange<Self>,
using generator: inout T
) -> Self
/// Uses the standard library's default RNG
public static func random(in range: ClosedRange<Self>) -> Self {
var g = SystemRandomNumberGenerator()
return Self.random(in: range, using: &g)
// Enables developers to use things like Double.random(in: 5 ..< 12) which does not use modulo bias.
// It is worth noting that any empty range entered here will abort the program.
// We do this to preserve a general use case design that the core team expressed.
// For those that are that unsure whether or not their range is empty or not,
// they can simply if/guard check the bounds to make sure they can correctly form
// ranges which a random number can be formed from.
extension BinaryFloatingPoint where Self.RawSignificand : FixedWidthInteger {
public static func random<T: RandomNumberGenerator>(
in range: Range<Self>,
using generator: inout T
) -> Self
/// Uses the standard library's default RNG
public static func random(in range: Range<Self>) -> Self {
var g = SystemRandomNumberGenerator()
return Self.random(in: range, using: &g)
public static func random<T: RandomNumberGenerator>(
in range: ClosedRange<Self>,
using generator: inout T
) -> Self
/// Uses the standard library's default RNG
public static func random(in range: ClosedRange<Self>) -> Self {
var g = SystemRandomNumberGenerator()
return Self.random(in: range, using: &g)
// We add this as a convenience to something like:
// Int.random(in: 0 ... 1) == 1
// To the unexperienced developer they might have to look at this a few times to
// understand what is going on. This extension methods helps bring clarity to
// operations like these.
extension Bool {
public static func random<T: RandomNumberGenerator>(
using generator: inout T
) -> Bool
/// Uses the standard library's default RNG
public static func random() -> Bool {
var g = SystemRandomNumberGenerator()
return Bool.random(using: &g)
// Shuffle API
// The shuffle API will utilize the Fisher Yates algorithm
extension Sequence {
public func shuffled<T: RandomNumberGenerator>(
using generator: inout T
) -> [Element]
/// Uses the standard library's default RNG
public func shuffled() -> [Element] {
var g = SystemRandomNumberGenerator()
return shuffled(using: &g)
extension MutableCollection {
public mutating func shuffle<T: RandomNumberGenerator>(
using generator: inout T
/// Uses the standard library's default RNG
public mutating func shuffle() {
var g = SystemRandomNumberGenerator()
shuffle(using: &g)
This change is purely additive, thus source compatibility is not affected.
This change is purely additive, thus ABI stability is not affected.
This change is purely additive, thus API resilience is not affected.
There were very many alternatives to be considered in this proposal.
I spent a lot of time deciding what to do if it failed. Ultimately it came down to the fact that many RNGs for platforms will almost never fail. In the cases where this can fail is where an RNG like /dev/urandom
doesn't exist, or there were too many file descriptors open at once. In the case where /dev/urandom
doesn't exist, either the kernel is too old to generate that file by itself on a fresh install, or a privileged user deleted it. Both of which are way out of scope for Swift in my opinion. In the case where there are too many file descriptors, with modern technology this should almost never happen. If the process has opened too many descriptors then it should be up to the developer to optimize opening and closing descriptors.
In a world where this did return an error to Swift, it would require types like Int
to return an optional on its static function. This would defeat the purpose of those static functions as it creates a double spelling for the same operation.
let randomDice = Int.random(in: 1 ... 6)!
"I just want a random dice roll, what is this ! the compiler is telling me to add?"
This syntax wouldn't make sense for a custom RNG that deterministically generates numbers with no fail. This also goes against the "general use" design that the core team and much of the community expressed.
Looking at Rust, we can observe that they also abort when an unexpected error occurs with any of the forms of randomness. source
It would be silly to account for these edge cases that would only happen to those who need to update their os, optimize their file descriptors, or deleted their /dev/urandom
. Accounting for these edge cases for specific platforms sacrifices the clean API for everyone else.
Thomas Hühn explains it very well here. There is also a deeper discussion here talking about python's implementation. Both articles discuss that even though /dev/urandom
may not have enough entropy at a fresh install, "It doesn't matter. The underlying cryptographic building blocks are designed such that an attacker cannot predict the outcome." Using getrandom(2)
on linux systems where the kernel version is >= 3.17, will block if it decides that the entropy pool is too small. In python's implementation, they fallback to reading /dev/urandom
if getrandom(2)
decides there is not enough entropy.
Swift is a safe language which means that it shouldn't be encouraging non-experienced developers to be pushing unsecure code. Making the default secure removes this issue and gives developers a feeling of comfort knowing their code is ready to go out of the box.
It has been discussed to give this a name such as RNG
. I went with RandomNumberGenerator
because it is clear, whereas RNG
has a level of obscurity to those who don't know the acronym.
There were a bit of discussion for and against this. Initially I was on board with adding this as it provided a rather simple approach to getting full width integers/floating points within the range of [0, 1)
. However, discussion came up that Int.random()
encourages the misuse of modulo to get a number within x and y. This is bad because of modulo bias as I discussed in Motivation. For unexperienced developers, they might not know what values are going to be produced from those functions. It would require documentation reading to understand the range at which those functions pick from. They would also have inconsistent ranges that they choose from ([.min, .max]
for FixedWidthInteger
s and [0, 1)
for BinaryFloatingPoint
s). I thought about this for a very long time and I came to the conclusion that I would rather have a few extra characters than to have the potential for abuse with modulo bias and confusion around the ranges that these functions use.
This was a very heavily discussed topic that we can't skip over.
I think we came into agreement that range.randomElement()
should be possible, however the discussion was around whether or not this is the primary spelling for getting random numbers. Having a range as the primary spelling makes it fairly simple to get a random number from. Ranges are also very desirable because it doesn't encourage modulo bias. Also, since we decided pretty early on that we're going to trap if for whatever reason we can't get a random number, this gave range.randomElement()
the excuse to return a non optional.
On the other end of the spectrum, we came into early agreement that Collection.randomElement()
needs to return an optional in the case of an empty collection. If ranges were the primary spelling, then we would need to create exceptions for them to return non optionals. This would satisfy the general use design, but as we agreed that .randomElement()
behaves more like .first
, .last
, .min()
, and .max()
. Because of this, .randomElement()
has to return an optional to keep the consistent semantics. This justifies the static functions on the numeric types as the primary spelling as they can be the ones to return non optionals. These static functions are also the spelling for how developers think about going about random numbers. "Ok, I need a random integer from x and y." This helps give these functions the upper hand in terms of discoverability.