Reliability. Acquired Items are stored on the app store side and can be retrieved by an application at any time using mHelper.queryInventory(). If the application is stopped by the system or crashed during item purchasing and cannot retrieve result you will find all purchased items next time when requesting inventory from the app store
RSA Verification. In addition to the server side API for receipt verification, public and private RSA keys are used in the OpenIAB protocol to sign receipt data. It allows to verify purchase in the application code without any server-to-server interaction.
To support OpenIAB in your app store, you need to to following steps:
- Step 1. Native Client. Add bindable services to your native client to integrate with third-party applications.
- Step 2. Support on Backend. Your backend must be able to provide necessary information to services defined on step 1.
- Step 3. Server API for purchases and subscription verification. To provide developers ability verify purchases with their security server.
To support OpenIAB in your native application two bindable services must be implemented with the following AIDL interfaces:
IOpenAppstore.aidl - the interface to discover your store application by OpenIAB and connect developer’s application to your store.
IOpenInAppBillingService.aidl - the interface for in-app billing requests and managing in-app billing transactions.
These interfaces can be found int the Library project(org.onepf.oms package) in OpenIAB repository on GitHub
Store application must provide a bindable service that handles org.onepf.oms.openappstore.BIND
intent and implement API described in IOpenAppstore.aidl file.
Following methods must be implemented to work with OpenIAB correctly:
Every Open Store implementation must provide its unique name. It is required for OpenId to map developer’s In-App items (SKU) to specific market.
Uniqueness. It is strictly required to have unique name here to OpenIAB works properly, so it is recommended to use name like com.companyname.storename
Must return true
if Open Store is the installer of the package described by packageName. By the installer means that package was installed or updated by a store application.
Must return true
if an application with the packageName is listed on the Open Store backend and In-App items for app are published and ready for use.
Must return the version of an application with the packageName is listed on the Open Store backend for current device.
####Intent getBillingServiceIntent(); Should return intent to be used for binding IOpenInAppBillingService.
Null Intent. This method returns null
means that store doesn’t support In-App billing. In that case any call of isBillingAvailable()
must return false
Should return intent to show the application page in the store application. This method is optional, return null
if you don’t need to implement this feature.
should return intent to show rate application UI in the store application. This method is optional, return null
if you don’t need to implement this feature.
should return intent to show the developer’s page UI in the store application. This method is optional, return null
if you don’t need to implement this feature.
Store application must provide a bindable service that binded by intent returned by getBillingServiceIntent()
and implement API described in IOpenAppBillingService.aidl file.
Following methods must be implemented to work with the OpenIAB correctly:
Checks support for the requested API version, package and in-app type (could be "inapp" for one-time purchases or "subs" for subscriptions).
name | value | description |
apiVersion | int | billing API version that the app is using. |
packageName | string | package name of the calling app |
type | string | the type of the in-app items being requested ("inapp" or "subs"). |
Must return RESULT_OK(0) if billing is supported, or corresponding result code on failure (described in AIDL file)
Provide details of a list of SKUs available on OpenStore backend for current package.
name | value | description |
apiVersion | int | billing API version that the app is using. |
packageName | string | package name of the calling app |
type | string | the type of the in-app items being requested ("inapp" or "subs"). |
skusBunde | string | bundle containing a StringArrayList of SKUs with key "ITEM_ID_LIST" |
Must return Bundle containing the following key-value pairs
- "RESPONSE_CODE" with int value, RESULT_OK(0) if success, other response codes on failure
- "DETAILS_LIST" with a StringArrayList containing purchase information in JSON format with following fields: productId, type, price, title, description. See JSON sample of sku details below.
"productId" : "exampleSku",
"type" : "inapp",
"price" : "$5.00",
"title : "Example Title",
"description" : "This is an example description"
Bundle getBuyIntent(int apiVersion, String packageName, String sku, String type, String developerPayload);
Returns a pending intent to launch the purchase flow for an in-app item by providing a SKU, the type, a unique purchase token and an optional developer payload.
name | value | description |
apiVersion | int | billing API version that the app is using. |
packageName | string | package name of the calling app |
sku | string | the SKU of the in-app item as published in the developer console |
type | string | the type of the in-app items being requested ("inapp" or "subs"). |
developerPayload | string | optional argument to be sent back with the purchase information. |
Must return Bundle containing the following key-value pairs
- "RESPONSE_CODE" with int value, RESULT_OK(0) if success, other response codes on failure as listed above.
- "BUY_INTENT" - PendingIntent to start the purchase flow.
Purchase Flow. UI flow must be implemented in Native Client to handle in-app purchase. The Pending intent should be launched by developer with startIntentSenderForResult
. When purchase flow has completed, the onActivityResult()
will give a resultCode of OK or CANCELED. If the purchase is successful, the result data will contain the following key-value pairs
- "RESPONSE_CODE" with int value, RESULT_OK(0) if success, other response codes on failure as listed above.
- "INAPP_PURCHASE_DATA" - Purchase receipt. String in JSON format with following fields: orderId, packageName, productId, purchaseTime, purchaseToken, developerPayload. See JSON sample of purchase receipt below.
- "INAPP_DATA_SIGNATURE" - String containing the signature of the purchase data that was signed with app-specific keys.
"purchaseToken" : "122333444455555",
"developerPayload":"example developer payload"
Returns the current SKUs owned by the user of the type and package name specified along with purchase information and a signature of the data to be validated.
name | value | description |
apiVersion | int | billing API version that the app is using. |
packageName | string | package name of the calling app |
type | string | the type of the in-app items being requested ("inapp" or "subs"). |
continuationToken | string | to be set as null for the first call, if the number of owned skus are too many, a continuationToken is returned in the response bundle. This method can be called again with the continuation token to get the next set of owned skus. |
Must return Bundle containing the following key-value pairs
- "RESPONSE_CODE" - int value, RESULT_OK(0) if success, other response codes on failure.
- "INAPP_PURCHASE_ITEM_LIST" - StringArrayList containing the list of SKUs
- "INAPP_PURCHASE_DATA_LIST" - StringArrayList containing the purchase information
- "INAPP_DATA_SIGNATURE_LIST"- StringArrayList containing the signatures of the purchase information
- "INAPP_CONTINUATION_TOKEN" - String containing a continuation token for the next set of in-app purchases. Only set if the user has more owned skus than the current list.
Consume the last purchase of the given SKU. This will result in this item being removed from all subsequent responses to getPurchases() and allow re-purchase of this item.
name | value | description |
apiVersion | int | billing API version that the app is using. |
packageName | string | package name of the calling app |
purchaseToken | string | token in the purchase information JSON that identifies the purchase to be consumed |
Must return 0 if consumption succeeded. Appropriate error values for failures.
Offline mode. It’s better to cache all inventory of user for every app in Native Client cache, so applications with in-app purchases can start and provide all purchased features when device has no internet connection
When a developer registers new application, private and public RSA keys need to be generated. Every purchase needs to be signed with a private key. Public key should be provided to the developer of the application to verify purchase.
App store backend should provide enough information to the native client to implement services defined on Step 1.
To provide developers ability verify purchases with their security server, OpenStore should provide following REST API methods:
Provide developer the purchase and consumption status of an inapp item
GET https://<Your API server address>/{packageName}/inapp/{productId}/purchases/{token}
name | value | description |
packageName | string | The package name of the application the inapp product was sold in (for example, 'com.some.thing'). |
productId | string | The inapp product SKU (for example, 'com.some.thing.inapp1'). |
token | string | The token provided to the user's device when the inapp product was purchased. |
If successful, this method should return response as JSON string in the following format
"kind": "androidpublisher#inappPurchase",
"purchaseTime": {long},
"purchaseState": {integer},
"consumptionState": {integer},
"developerPayload": {string}
name | value | description |
kind | string | This kind represents a inappPurchase object in the app store |
purchaseTime | long | The time the product was purchased, in millis since the epoch (Jan 1, 1970). |
purchaseState | int | Purchase state. Possible values: 0 - Purchases, 1 - Canceled |
consuptionState | int | Consumption state. Possible values: 0 - Consumed, 1 - to be consumed |
developerPayload | string | A developer-specified string that contains supplemental information about an order. |
Provide developer a user's subscription purchase status and returns its expiry time.
GET https://<Your API server address>/{packageName}/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/purchases/{token}
name | value | description |
packageName | string | The package name of the application wich this subscription was purchased (for example, 'com.some.thing'). |
subscriptionId | string | The purchased subscription ID (for example, 'monthly001'). |
token | string | The token provided to the user's device when the subscription was purchased. |
If successful, this method should return response as JSON string in the following format
"kind": "androidpublisher#inappPurchase",
"initiationTimestampMsec": {long},
"validUntilTimestampMsec": {long},
"autoRenewing": {boolean},
name | value | description |
kind | string | This kind represents a subscriptionPurchase object in the app store |
initiationTimestampMsec | long | Time at which the subscription was granted, in milliseconds since Epoch. |
validUntilTimestampMsec | long | Time at which the subscription will expire, in milliseconds since Epoch. |
autoRenewing | boolean | Whether the subscription will automatically be renewed when it reaches its current expiry time. |
Provide developer a user's subscription purchase status and returns its expiry time.
POST https://<Your API server address>/{packageName}/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/purchases/{token}/cancel
name | value | description |
packageName | string | The package name of the application wich this subscription was purchased (for example, 'com.some.thing'). |
subscriptionId | string | The purchased subscription ID (for example, 'monthly001'). |
token | string | The token provided to the user's device when the subscription was purchased. |
If successful, this method should returns an empty response body.
Methods are desribed above must require authorization. App store should provide developer token to use as authorization token.
Two possible ways of using token must be supported:
- As query parameter
https://<Your API server address>/...?access_token=...
- As
header of the request