buildah-info - Display Buildah system information.
buildah info [options]
The information displayed pertains to the host and current storage statistics which is useful when reporting issues.
--debug, -D Show additional information.
--format template
Use template as a Go template when formatting the output.
Run buildah info response:
$ buildah info
"host": {
"Distribution": {
"distribution": "ubuntu",
"version": "18.04"
"MemTotal": 16702980096,
"MemFree": 309428224,
"SwapFree": 2146693120,
"SwapTotal": 2147479552,
"arch": "amd64",
"cpus": 4,
"hostname": "localhost.localdomain",
"kernel": "4.15.0-36-generic",
"os": "linux",
"rootless": false,
"uptime": "91h 30m 59.9s (Approximately 3.79 days)"
"store": {
"ContainerStore": {
"number": 2
"GraphDriverName": "overlay",
"GraphOptions": [
"GraphRoot": "/var/lib/containers/storage",
"GraphStatus": {
"Backing Filesystem": "extfs",
"Native Overlay Diff": "true",
"Supports d_type": "true"
"ImageStore": {
"number": 1
"RunRoot": "/var/run/containers/storage"
Run buildah info and retrieve only the store information:
$ buildah info --format={{".store"}}
map[GraphOptions:[overlay.override_kernel_check=true] GraphStatus:map[Backing Filesystem:extfs Supports d_type:true Native Overlay Diff:true] ImageStore:map[number:1] ContainerStore:map[number:2] GraphRoot:/var/lib/containers/storage RunRoot:/var/run/containers/storage GraphDriverName:overlay]