Releases: apache/rocketmq-streams
Releases · apache/rocketmq-streams
What's Changed
- [ISSUE #253]Adjust RSQLDB by @ni-ze in #252
- [ISSUE #255] keep state topic consistent with source topic by @ni-ze in #254
- [ISSUE #257]Use thread name as rocksdb path by @ni-ze in #256
- move log by @ni-ze in #258
- [ISSUE #261]Modify the configure of ObjectMapper by @ni-ze in #260
- [ISSUE #263]The idle window does not trigger by @ni-ze in #262
- [ISSUE #265]store watermark by @ni-ze in #264
- [ISSUE #267]Add watermark in session window by @ni-ze in #266
- [ISSUE #251]Support avg function in WindowStream by @Jargon9 in #259
- [ISSUE #270]polish double stream join by @ni-ze in #269
- [ISSUE #268]modify the return type of flatmap by @ni-ze in #271
New Contributors
Full Changelog: rocketmq-streams-all-1.1.0...rocketmq-streams-all-1.1.1
- A new stream processing task construction process.
- Removes the configurable module and makes code more clear.
- Support custom serialization and deserialization.
- A new stream processing process, unify the source and shuffle.
What's Changed
- add kafka module by @j-ching in #137
- bugfix list by @speak2me in #125
- Bump logback-core from 1.2.3 to 1.2.9 by @dependabot in #145
- Bump quartz from 2.2.1 to 2.3.2 by @dependabot in #139
- Bump junit from 4.12 to 4.13.1 by @dependabot in #141
- Bump commons-collections from 3.2.1 to 3.2.2 by @dependabot in #142
- fix example code 404 in by @rocklau in #147
- Bump commons-io from 2.5 to 2.7 by @dependabot in #146
- Bump httpclient from 4.5.2 to 4.5.13 by @dependabot in #140
- Snapshot 1.0.2 by @j-ching in #148
- Snapshot 1.0.3 by @j-ching in #157
- [ISSUE #161] fix(example) add can_clear_resource in sql by @ni-ze in #160
- Bump gson from 2.8.5 to 2.8.9 by @dependabot in #158
- Bump fastjson from 1.2.9 to 1.2.25.sec10 by @dependabot in #143
- Bump fastjson from 1.2.25.sec10 to 1.2.83 by @dependabot in #166
- modify quick start by @ni-ze in #169
- [ISSUE #170] An example of real-time score statistics by @123liuziming in #171
- [ISSUE #184]fix(commons) type inconsistency by @ni-ze in #185
- [ISSUE #175] Corrects a spelling error in the word "stream" by @tongfs in #176
- [ISSUE #172][ISSUE #174]Modify the File Source Example; Update README; Fix incompatible types bug by @hyl-xidian in #173
- [RIP-35] Use rocketmq instead of mysql as state store by @ni-ze in #132
- [ISSUE #187]Merge from Snapshot 1.0.4 by @ni-ze in #186
- Add dependency in serviceLoad module by @ni-ze in #191
- Use Pair class of apache.commons.lang3 instead of javafx by @linfan in #193
- [ISSUE #196]fix(ChannelBuilder) add ChannelBuilder by @ni-ze in #195
- Use shade plugin to hide dependencies by @totalo in #194
- support join sql in rsqldb by @ni-ze in #197
- fix(left join) fix left join by @ni-ze in #198
- [ISSUE #199]Support rsqldb by @ni-ze in #200
- [ISSUE #202] adapt jdk11 by @MatrixHB in #204
- Resolve bug of concurrent modification by @ni-ze in #201
- [ISSue #208]Support rsqldb by @ni-ze in #207
- [ISSUE #210]support session and hop window by @ni-ze in #209
- [ISSUE #205] support message body converted into UserDefinedMessage with schema by @MatrixHB in #206
- support emit and watermark by @ni-ze in #211
- [ISSUE #213]fix(custom function) support utf by @ni-ze in #212
- [ISSUE #214] duplicate unit test by @selectbook in #215
- fix(common) modify name by @ni-ze in #217
- Add string schema and word-count example by @MatrixHB in #216
- feature(configuable) support store configuration in db by @ni-ze in #218
- fix(common) remove dipper by @ni-ze in #219
- maintain(doc) design by @ni-ze in #222
- support customized deserializer for dataStream from RocketMQ by @MatrixHB in #221
- fix(window) remove isSplitsReceiver by @ni-ze in #223
- modify email by @ni-ze in #226
- fix(common) remove slf4j-log4j12 by @ni-ze in #227
- [ISSUE #230][RIP-58]RocketMQ Streams improvement by @ni-ze in #229
- [ISSUE #232]add operator in groupByStream by @ni-ze in #231
- [ISSUE #234]Add quick start by @ni-ze in #233
- [doc] modify quick start by @ni-ze in #235
- [doc] modify quick start by @ni-ze in #236
- [doc] modify quick start by @ni-ze in #237
- modify version to 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT by @ni-ze in #238
- [doc] modify quick start by @ni-ze in #239
- [doc] modify quick start by @ni-ze in #240
- remove useless class by @ni-ze in #241
- add exception by @ni-ze in #242
- [ISSUE #244]Add flatmap, add tostring, modify the key of sink topic by @ni-ze in #243
- add example by @ni-ze in #245
New Contributors
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #145
- @rocklau made their first contribution in #147
- @123liuziming made their first contribution in #171
- @tongfs made their first contribution in #176
- @hyl-xidian made their first contribution in #173
- @linfan made their first contribution in #193
- @totalo made their first contribution in #194
- @MatrixHB made their first contribution in #204
- @selectbook made their first contribution in #215
Full Changelog: rocketmq-streams-1.0.1-preview...rocketmq-streams-all-1.1.0
What's Changed
- fix #127 by @WesleyOne in #128
- [ISSUES #129]feat(doc) add design documentation directory by @ni-ze in #130
- [ISSUES #133] Add design doc into by @ni-ze in #134
- [ISSUES 135] App can not start up with RocketMQ-streams by @ni-ze in #136
- add the RocketMQ word Hyperlink in readme file by @tianliuliu in #138
New Contributors
- @WesleyOne made their first contribution in #128
- @tianliuliu made their first contribution in #138
Full Changelog: rocketmq-streams-1.0.0-preview...rocketmq-streams-1.0.1-preview
What's Changed
- [ISSUE #29]added english descriptions of by @Laura-monkey in #28
- [ISSUE 31] Change Chinese doc file path by @duhenglucky in #30
- AbstractChannel with two redundant method can not compile. by @ni-ze in #26
- [ISSUE #33]Exclude CI files in apache rat check by @duhenglucky in #32
- add license header by @duhenglucky in #36
- fix RocketMQ Source has no namesrv set error by @francisoliverlee in #35
- [ISSUE #37]Add Apache license and fix some naming problems by @caigy in #38
- fix some error and make a code style. by @ni-ze in #39
- test window exactly once success and fixed bugs by @yuanxiaodong in #43
- make a runnable example. by @ni-ze in #44
- [ISSUE #48]add bitset cache to optimize regex by @yuanxiaodong in #46
- add cache filter to excute quickly for script by @yuanxiaodong in #49
- some file lack of apace license. by @ni-ze in #52
- make a runnable example of window operator. by @ni-ze in #54
- add update logic for the DBSinker 、 upgrade the concat_ws function by @program-0 in #57
- Joinwindow bug fix by @xstorm1 in #61
- Add Sqlmode by @program-0 in #63
- support hyperscan and fixed bugs by @yuanxiaodong in #67
- [ISSUE #65]Polish RocketMQ topic create process and sink settings by @duhenglucky in #64
- add checkpoint storage by @cyril68 in #69
- Add a quick start which contain some examples. by @ni-ze in #68
- Add fingerprinting to the client by @program-0 in #77
- #73 #74 session window and count(distinct) implementation by @speak2me in #70
- #73 #74 session window and count(distinct) implementation by @speak2me in #71
- [ISSUE #76]Verify horizontal expansion capabilities of rocketmq-streams client. by @ni-ze in #75
- [ISSUE #73 #74] session window and count(distinct) implementation by @speak2me in #79
- [ISSUE #85] Recorrect example. by @ni-ze in #84
- add batch stream features and cycle schedule by @cyril68 in #81
- add 'synchronized', fix joinwindow firewindow issue by @xstorm1 in #83
- Window by @yuanxiaodong in #87
- fix(window) fix queuelist null pointer exception by @duhenglucky in #89
- changes by @speak2me in #91
- add dim&script&filter&kafka by @cyril68 in #93
- [ISSUE #95]Remove by @ni-ze in #94
- [ISSUE #97]Fix file source example by @ni-ze in #96
- [ISSUE #99] Add default rebalance strategy by @duhenglucky in #98
- [ISSUE #101]Fix example RocketMQSourceExample1 by @ni-ze in #100
- fix check failed issue by @duhenglucky in #102
- add example log4j config by @lizhiboo in #111
- Fix npe two streams & fix joinwindow's production donot be conducted by mainpipeline's following stages by @lizhiboo in #104
- add multi rocketmq source example by @lizhiboo in #106
- Fix join and Window issues, add the mqtt source and sink by @program-0 in #112
- [ISSUE #113]Multi rocketmq source example by @lizhiboo in #113
- [ISSUE #116] Fix bug and add join window example by @ni-ze in #115
- Release 1.0.0 by @program-0 in #119
- The year should be updated to 2022 in NOTICE file by @JacekJanur in #124
- bugfix_20220105 by @speak2me in #122
New Contributors
- @Laura-monkey made their first contribution in #28
- @ni-ze made their first contribution in #26
- @francisoliverlee made their first contribution in #35
- @caigy made their first contribution in #38
- @JacekJanur made their first contribution in #124
Full Changelog: