Releases: apache/incubator-kie-kogito-operator
Kogito Operator and CLI Version 0.16.0
Kogito Operator is an OpenShift based operator for deployment of Kogito Runtimes from source. Additionally, to facilitate interactions with the operator we also offer a CLI (Command Line Interface) that can deploy Kogito applications for you.
In this release we reviewed the way infrastructure is handled. We took a more Dependency Injection approach.
Now, in your Kogito runtimes or services, if you need some persistence, messaging and/or security, you will need to create first a KogitoInfra CR, which would contain information about the infrastructure you want to use (infinispan, kafka, ...), one for each.
Then in your runtimes/services, you will need to reference those KogitoInfra CR(s) which should apply.
Check the kogito-examples for more information.
- KOGITO-3270 - Operator should support ConfigMap injecting in KogitoServices
- KOGITO-2905 - Change in image definition in the CRDs
- KOGITO-3039 - Agnostic infrastructure layer configuration on Operator
- KOGITO-2113 - Simplify binary build deployment
Bug Fixes
- KOGITO-3382 - Transitive dependency of Keycloak operator module missing
Known Issues
- OptaPlanner applications are not compatible with native builds duo to an incompatibility with Graalvm version 20.2.0 included in Kogito Images. Please see PLANNER-2084 PLANNER-2084 for more details.
Kogito Operator and CLI Version 0.15.0
Kogito Operator is an OpenShift based operator for deployment of Kogito Runtimes from source. Additionally, to facilitate interactions with the operator we also offer a CLI (Command Line Interface) that can deploy Kogito applications for you.
In this release we fixed bugs related to the Infinispan integration and Kogito CLI usage with Kubernetes. Kogito Operator is not dependant on Infinispan, Strimzi and Keycloak anymore, from this version onwards we will work to remove completely the ability to create these resources automatically. Users would have to provision their desired infrastructure before deploying Kogito applications. More details in the upcoming releases.
For now, if you would need to have persistence or eventing, please manually install Infinispan or Strimzi operators before deploying any custom resource with useKogitoInfra: true
We also introduce the Trusty UI and Explainability services, please take a look in the documentation for more information on how to use theses services.
Bug Fixes:
- KOGITO-3304 Review Image parsing in kogito cli
- KOGITO-3300 Review kogito-cli for ensuring projects in kubernetes
- KOGITO-3296 Custom infinispan credential does not work with the operator
- KOGITO-3104 Missing Resources for Operator CRs
- KOGITO-3177 Deploy trusty UI with the operator
- KOGITO-3142 Remove third party dependencies from Kogito Operator
- KOGITO-2812 Add explainability service to kogito images and operator
- KOGITO-2707 Support the provisioning of trusty services in the kogito operator
Kogito Operator and CLI Version 0.14.0
Kogito Operator is an OpenShift based operator for deployment of Kogito Runtimes from source. Additionally, to facilitate interactions with the operator we also offer a CLI (Command Line Interface) that can deploy Kogito applications for you.
In this release we added a small feature in the Kogito Operator for custom Kogito services to be able to integrate with Knative Eventing. When creating a SinkBinding object, the Knative Operator injects environment variables in the target Deployment. We make the Kogito Operator aware of Knative modifications in the resources managed by the Kogito Operator.
The major change is the KogitoApp
custom resource (CR) deprecation. From this version onwards, you won't be able to deploy a custom Kogito service with this CR any more. Use KogitoRuntime
and KogitoBuild
if you need to build and deploy a custom Kogito service. Please check the Kogito Operator documentation for more information.
Bug Fixes:
- KOGITO-3050 KogitoBuild sometimes is not launched whereas BuildConfig is created
- KOGITO-3032 Ignore $K_CE_OVERRIDES env variable on Knative environments
- KOGITO-3024 Cannot build from dmn source file in springboot project
- KOGITO-3005 Windows kogito CLI Not Executable
- KOGITO-2957 Kogito Operator should not reconcile when K_SINK env variable is added to the KogitoRuntime
- KOGITO-2871 Remove deprecated properties from kogito-cloud-operator
- KOGITO-1998 Deprecate KogitoApp CR
Kogito Operator, Images and CLI Version 0.13.0
Kogito Operator is a Kubernetes based operator for deployment of Kogito Runtimes from source. Additionally, to facilitate interactions with the operator we also offer a CLI (Command Line Interface) that can deploy Kogito applications for you.
In this release we focused mostly on bugs fixing.
A new feature that we would like to highlight is the integration with kogito
CLI and the new CRs KogitoRuntime
and KogitoBuild
, that will replace KogitoApp
Please note that KogitoApp
is deprecated and we plan to remove it completely. We recommend using a combination of KogitoBuild
with KogitoRuntime
instead. For more information please see the JIRA KOGITO-1998
- KOGITO-2119 - Kogito CLI support for setting variable values from secret
- KOGITO-2064 - Review Kogito CLI deploy command to deploy a Runtime and a Build CR
Bug Fixes:
- KOGITO-2872 - Cannot deploy source files
- KOGITO-2827 - Management console cannot be provisioned on Kubernetes
- KOGITO-2813 - Kogito Service displayName is duplicated at CSVs
- KOGITO-2797 - Infinite Data index redeployments when KogitoRuntimes are deployed
- KOGITO-2522 - Webhooks seems not working when deploying a Kogito Build
A more detailed information about the list of issues on the Kogito 0.13.0 release, please visit this link.
Note for Windows users: please rename the downloaded binary to kogito.exe
. This is a known issue that will be fixed for 0.14.0.
Kogito Operator and CLI Version 0.11.0
Kogito Operator is an OpenShift based operator for deployment of Kogito Runtimes from source. Additionally, to facilitate interactions with the operator we also offer a CLI (Command Line Interface) that can deploy Kogito applications for you.
One of the most notable changes on this release is the Kubernetes support for deploying Kogito Applications. At this time we will not support source to image builds on Kubernetes. The option is to build the image locally and reference it on the KogitoRuntime
CR.his is a huge step towards community support. For more information about Kogito service deployment on Kubernetes, see Deploying Kogito services on Kubernetes.
Another notable feature added is the option to upload single Kogito assets like a DMN or BPMN files to an OpenShift cluster using Kogito CLI allowing building from a local filesystem or even a remote file.
KOGITO-2015 - CLI: project creation: add --enable-persistence
and --enable-events
to --install-XXX
KOGITO-2012 - Impossible to configure external Kafka for Data index using kafka-instance CLI parameter.
KOGITO-1861 - Make possible to turn the Maven downloading process output off during s2i builds.
KOGITO-1784 - Openshift 4.4 support.
KOGITO-911 - CLI: project creation: add possibilities to install all Kogito service (Data Index, Jobs Service ...).
KOGITO-910 - Deploy Kogito Jobs Service when creating a new project on Kogito CLI.
KOGITO-865 - Reuse code base on installing Data Index via CLI (direct X flags).
KOGITO-833 - Operator CLI: Add option to change channel and/or operator source when installing operator via CLI.
KOGITO-256 - Kogito CLI to upload source files from local machine to build s2i runtimes.
KOGITO-128 - Operator support on Kubernetes for deploying Kogito Runtimes.
Bug Fixes:
KOGITO-2405 - Fix logs in Main.go.
KOGITO-2162 - Rollout is being triggered when deploying KogitoApp.
KOGITO-2108 - Also check group versions when checking if desired groups are available.
KOGITO-1771 - Several Builds are triggered when deploying a Kogito Application using S2i.
KOGITO-1729 - Consolidate HTTP Request parameters into one struct type.
KOGITO-615 - Operator error report "Status: True" when error on kogitoapp.
A more detailed information about all the Kogito Operator and CLI issues fixed on this release can be found on this link and for a complete list of issues on the Kogito 0.11.0 release, please visit this link.
Kogito Operator and CLI Version 0.10.0
Kogito Operator is an OpenShift based operator for deployment of Kogito Runtimes from source. Additionally, to facilitate interactions with the operator we also offer a CLI (Command Line Interface) that can deploy Kogito applications for you.
One of the most notable changes on this release is the ability to reuse the kubeconfig while interacting with a Kubernetes cluster with Kogito CLI. so we can share the kubectl and oc client session with Kogito CLI. Another good improvement is the idea to have the “Operator everywhere”, so Custom Resources (CRs), have been added to every (Kogito Example)[]. Each example now has an operator’s file directory with the corresponding CR that can be used to easily deploy the given example with the Kogito Operator.
KOGITO-1770 - Updated runtimes/apps/images/operator documentations with new examples's names.
KOGITO-1706 - Write internal Kogito Operator development documentation.
KOGITO-1705 - Create YAML files to deploy each kogito-example with the Operator.
KOGITO-1688 - Consistency in Kogito services naming.
KOGITO-1663 - Operator should not take care of which micro version of images to deploy.
KOGITO-1365 - Update Kogito CLI distro name.
KOGITO-897 - CLI: Reuse kubeconfig for project.
KOGITO-675 - kogito-cloud: Setup namespace env variable automatically if not present.
Bug Fixes:
KOGITO-1900 - Data index Infinispan usernameKey and passwordKey were not applied.
KOGITO-1703 - Wrong build resource description in KogitoApp CRD.
A more detailed information about all the Kogito Operator and CLI issues fixed on this release can be found on this link and for a complete list of issues on the Kogito 0.10.0 release, please visit this link
Kogito Operator and CLI Version 0.9.1
Kogito Operator is an OpenShift based operator for deployment of Kogito Runtimes from source. Additionally, to facilitate interactions with the operator we also offer a CLI (Command Line Interface) that can deploy Kogito applications for you.
In this Micro release we improved the way that Operator will handle the Images version, in the prior versions, the Operator is deploying automatically the images with the same full version, e.g. X.Y.z, in this way, if a new micro release of the Images is done, a new micro release of operator would be needed as well even if nothing has been changed on Operator, however, now the Operator will always point to the latest Major version not taking care which is the current Micro version since this Image tag will be always point to the latest version.
KOGITO-1771 - Updated runtimes/apps/images/operator documentations with new examples's names
KOGITO-1688 - Consistency in Kogito services naming
KOGITO-1663 - Operator should not take care of which micro version of images to deploy
KOGITO-1365 - Update Kogito CLI distro name
KOGITO-678 - Operator CLI: Provide command to delete data-index
Bug Fixes:
KOGITO-1715 - S2I build failure if Kogito runner is packed as uberjar
KOGITO-1703 - Wrong build resource description in KogitoApp CRD
KOGITO-1258 - CLI "remove" command must be in-sync with "install" command
A more detailed information about all the issues fixed on this release can be found on this link.
Kogito Operator and CLI Version 0.9.0
Kogito Operator is an OpenShift based operator for deployment of Kogito Runtimes from source. Additionally, to facilitate interactions with the operator we also offer a CLI (Command Line Interface) that can deploy Kogito applications for you.
In this release we changed the KogitoApp
CR interface to be more aligned with other CRs offered by the Kogito Operator, now instead of using installInfinispan: Always
or installKafka: Always
use enablePersistence: true
and enableEvents: true
. Therefore you must update any deployed instance of KogitoApp
that relies on this feature to match the new API changes.
We are now supporting installation of the Management Console. Check the documentation to learn how to properly use it.
Another notable change is the support for binary builds, meaning that you won't need to wait for the s2i to build your project from source to be able to deploy it on OpenShift. Make sure to take a look in the documentation to understand how to use it.
- KOGITO-1578 - Proposal: change "installInfinispan" and "installKafka" to "enablePersistence" and "enableEvents" respectively
- KOGITO-1569 - Operator: Display error message if created imagestream is trying to access a non existing image
- KOGITO-1548 - Upgrade Kogito Images to JDK 11
- KOGITO-1445 - Provide to the CLI user a link to access the Management Console
- KOGITO-1294 - Support Binary Builds with Kogito Operator
- KOGITO-1193 - Mount Config Maps for Kogito Services and Runtimes
- KOGITO-1116 - Review KogitoApp interface types like Resources and Env
- KOGITO-1005 - Add support to install Management Console to CLI
- KOGITO-851 - Jobs Service and Data Index integration through messaging
- KOGITO-755 - Operator provisioning for Management Console
- KOGITO-586 - Change default Data Index and Jobs Services readiness and liveness probes to the health check endpoint
Bug Fixes:
- KOGITO-1474 - Kogito service cannot be scaled to 0
- KOGITO-1431 - CLI: Problem when giving an environment value with a comma in it
- KOGITO-1376 - Kogito operator cannot start if dependent crds (kafka, keycloak and maybe infinispan) are not present into the cluster
- KOGITO-1277 - S2I image is not rebuilt when imageVersion is modified
- KOGITO-1163 - Call to Jobs service fails on OpenShift
Kogito Operator, Images and CLI Version 0.8.0
Kogito Operator is an OpenShift based operator for deployment of Kogito Runtimes from source. Additionally, to facilitate interactions with the operator we also offer a CLI (Command Line Interface) that can deploy Kogito applications for you.
In this release we did a major refactoring in the Data Index (KogitoDataIndex
) and Jobs Service (KogitoJobsService
) deployment (breaking the CR interface). Therefore you must update any deployed instance of those services.
- KOGITO-1256 - Add json output format to the Kogito CLI
- KOGITO-1240 - Add command line completion to the Kogito CLI
- KOGITO-993 - Get rid of symlinks on Data Index configMap proto mount
- KOGITO-921 - Operator CLI: Provide commands to create/delete keycloak instance
- KOGITO-909 - Operator CLI: Provide command to create/delete kafka instance
- KOGITO-904 - Follow up with the new topic added to Data Index: "kogito-jobs-events"
- KOGITO-857 - Upgrade Operator SDK to 0.15.1 and Go to 1.13
- KOGITO-853 - Data index CR improvements
- KOGITO-839 - [Istio] Allow configuring annotations via Kogito CLI
- KOGITO-829 - Change Data index StatefulSet to Deployment
- KOGITO-771 - Upgrade GraalVM to 19.3.1
- KOGITO-511 - Kogito Data Index image - allow quarkus.http.port to be defined via env variable
- KOGITO-492 - CLI: Provide option to force operator installation even if present in OperatorHub
- KOGITO-305 - Add an option to add a maven mirror URL through CLI/CR
Bug Fixes:
- KOGITO-1255 - Operator: 2 replicaSet created on first creation of Deployment of Jobs service
- KOGITO-842 - Operator: jbpm-quarkus-example not starting after native build due to missing protobuf files
- KOGITO-692 - Operator allow to define different versions in KogitoApp CR but does not allow them to be different when executing
Known issues:
- KOGITO-615 - Operator error report "Status: True" when error on kogitoapp
- KOGITO-995 - KogitoInfra should have default status definition
- KOGITO-1258 - CLI "remove" command must be in-sync with "install" command
- KOGITO-1277 - S2I image is not rebuilt when imageVersion is modified
- KOGITO-1376 - Kogito operator cannot start if dependent crds (kafka, keycloak and maybe infinspan) are not present into the cluster
- KOGITO-1397 - S2I build with quarkus.native.enable-server is crashing
Kogito Operator, Images and CLI Version 0.8.0-rc1
This is a preview for the upcoming 0.8.0 version. The new features and bug fixes will be detailed once we release the final 0.8.0 version. The operator can be found in the alpha channel.