diff --git a/Codigo/ModAreas.bas b/Codigo/ModAreas.bas
index 83b7ba6f..505d0d62 100644
--- a/Codigo/ModAreas.bas
+++ b/Codigo/ModAreas.bas
@@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ Private Sub NotifyUser(ByVal UserNotificado As Integer, ByVal UserIngresante As
If sendChar Then
Call MakeUserChar(False, UserNotificado, UserIngresante, UserList(UserIngresante).Pos.map, UserList(UserIngresante).Pos.X, UserList(UserIngresante).Pos.y, 0)
If UserList(UserIngresante).flags.invisible Or UserList(UserIngresante).flags.Oculto Then
- Call WriteSetInvisible(UserNotificado, UserList(UserIngresante).Char.charindex, True)
+ Call WriteSetInvisible(UserNotificado, UserIngresante, True)
End If
End If
End With
diff --git a/Codigo/Protocol_Writes.bas b/Codigo/Protocol_Writes.bas
index 08f837e5..63b14da9 100644
--- a/Codigo/Protocol_Writes.bas
+++ b/Codigo/Protocol_Writes.bas
@@ -2861,17 +2861,17 @@ End Sub
' Writes the "SetInvisible" message to the given user's outgoing data .incomingData.
' @param UserIndex User to which the message is intended.
-' @param CharIndex The char turning visible / invisible.
+' @param TargetIndex The user turning visible / invisible.
' @param invisible True if the char is no longer visible, False otherwise.
' @remarks The data is not actually sent until the buffer is properly flushed.
Public Sub WriteSetInvisible(ByVal UserIndex As Integer, _
- ByVal CharIndex As Integer, _
+ ByVal TargetIndex As Integer, _
ByVal invisible As Boolean)
On Error GoTo WriteSetInvisible_Err
-100 Call modSendData.SendData(ToIndex, UserIndex, PrepareMessageSetInvisible(CharIndex, _
- invisible, UserList(UserIndex).Pos.X, UserList(UserIndex).Pos.y))
+100 Call modSendData.SendData(ToIndex, UserIndex, PrepareMessageSetInvisible(UserList(TargetIndex).Char.charindex, _
+ invisible, UserList(TargetIndex).pos.x, UserList(TargetIndex).pos.y))
Exit Sub