From 5fa21da0fe71c5cd656999f573eeaff40fc25673 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Takafumi Arakaki Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2021 12:28:21 -0700 Subject: [PATCH] Check issimpleenoughtype before stripping off type parameters in tmerge (#39980) * Check issimpleenoughtype before stripping off type parameters * Avoid finalizer to be compiled during test_jl_dump_compiles_toplevel_thunks --- base/compiler/typelimits.jl | 4 ++++ test/broadcast.jl | 8 ++++---- test/compiler/codegen.jl | 2 ++ test/compiler/inference.jl | 18 +++++++++++++++++- test/worlds.jl | 4 ++-- 5 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) diff --git a/base/compiler/typelimits.jl b/base/compiler/typelimits.jl index 3de2627f425695..788063c302bafb 100644 --- a/base/compiler/typelimits.jl +++ b/base/compiler/typelimits.jl @@ -432,6 +432,10 @@ function tmerge(@nospecialize(typea), @nospecialize(typeb)) (uw isa DataType && ti <: || return Any typenames[i] = end + u = Union{types...} + if issimpleenoughtype(u) + return u + end # see if any of the union elements have the same TypeName # in which case, simplify this tmerge by replacing it with # the widest possible version of itself (the wrapper) diff --git a/test/broadcast.jl b/test/broadcast.jl index bebb072c5732ce..6e97d609a42b0d 100644 --- a/test/broadcast.jl +++ b/test/broadcast.jl @@ -955,18 +955,18 @@ p0 = copy(p) @test isequal([1, 2] .+ [3.0, missing], [4.0, missing]) @test Core.Compiler.return_type(broadcast, Tuple{typeof(+), Vector{Int}, Vector{Union{Float64, Missing}}}) == - Vector{<:Union{Float64, Missing}} + Union{Vector{Missing}, Vector{Union{Missing, Float64}}, Vector{Float64}} @test isequal([1, 2] + [3.0, missing], [4.0, missing]) @test Core.Compiler.return_type(+, Tuple{Vector{Int}, Vector{Union{Float64, Missing}}}) == - Vector{<:Union{Float64, Missing}} + Union{Vector{Missing}, Vector{Union{Missing, Float64}}, Vector{Float64}} @test Core.Compiler.return_type(+, Tuple{Vector{Int}, Vector{Union{Float64, Missing}}}) == - Vector{<:Union{Float64, Missing}} + Union{Vector{Missing}, Vector{Union{Missing, Float64}}, Vector{Float64}} @test isequal(tuple.([1, 2], [3.0, missing]), [(1, 3.0), (2, missing)]) @test Core.Compiler.return_type(broadcast, Tuple{typeof(tuple), Vector{Int}, Vector{Union{Float64, Missing}}}) == - Vector{<:Tuple{Int, Any}} + Union{Vector{Tuple{Int, Missing}}, Vector{Tuple{Int, Any}}, Vector{Tuple{Int, Float64}}} # Check that corner cases do not throw an error @test isequal(broadcast(x -> x === 1 ? nothing : x, [1, 2, missing]), [nothing, 2, missing]) diff --git a/test/compiler/codegen.jl b/test/compiler/codegen.jl index 2b7b266751a087..47f419d9937a21 100644 --- a/test/compiler/codegen.jl +++ b/test/compiler/codegen.jl @@ -73,11 +73,13 @@ function test_jl_dump_compiles_toplevel_thunks() # Make sure to cause compilation of the eval function # before calling it below. Core.eval(Main, Any[:(nothing)][1]) + GC.enable(false) # avoid finalizers to be compiled topthunk = Meta.lower(Main, :(for i in 1:10; end)) ccall(:jl_dump_compiles, Cvoid, (Ptr{Cvoid},), io.handle) Core.eval(Main, topthunk) ccall(:jl_dump_compiles, Cvoid, (Ptr{Cvoid},), C_NULL) close(io) + GC.enable(true) tstats = stat(tfile) tempty = tstats.size == 0 rm(tfile) diff --git a/test/compiler/inference.jl b/test/compiler/inference.jl index 3ac749afaf9369..754fd7a3f5ce8c 100644 --- a/test/compiler/inference.jl +++ b/test/compiler/inference.jl @@ -103,10 +103,16 @@ tmerge_test(Tuple{ComplexF64, ComplexF64, ComplexF32}, Tuple{Vararg{Union{Comple tmerge_test(Tuple{}, Tuple{Complex, Vararg{Union{ComplexF32, ComplexF64}}}, Tuple{Vararg{Complex}}) @test Core.Compiler.tmerge(Tuple{}, Union{Nothing, Tuple{ComplexF32, ComplexF32}}) == + Union{Nothing, Tuple{}, Tuple{ComplexF32, ComplexF32}} +@test Core.Compiler.tmerge(Tuple{}, Union{Nothing, Tuple{ComplexF32}, Tuple{ComplexF32, ComplexF32}}) == Union{Nothing, Tuple{Vararg{ComplexF32}}} @test Core.Compiler.tmerge(Union{Nothing, Tuple{ComplexF32}}, Union{Nothing, Tuple{ComplexF32, ComplexF32}}) == + Union{Nothing, Tuple{ComplexF32}, Tuple{ComplexF32, ComplexF32}} +@test Core.Compiler.tmerge(Union{Nothing, Tuple{}, Tuple{ComplexF32}}, Union{Nothing, Tuple{ComplexF32, ComplexF32}}) == Union{Nothing, Tuple{Vararg{ComplexF32}}} -@test Core.Compiler.tmerge(Vector{Int}, Core.Compiler.tmerge(Vector{String}, Vector{Bool})) == Vector +@test Core.Compiler.tmerge(Vector{Int}, Core.Compiler.tmerge(Vector{String}, Vector{Bool})) == + Union{Vector{Bool}, Vector{Int}, Vector{String}} +@test Core.Compiler.tmerge(Vector{Int}, Core.Compiler.tmerge(Vector{String}, Union{Vector{Bool}, Vector{Symbol}})) == Vector @test Core.Compiler.tmerge(Base.BitIntegerType, Union{}) === Base.BitIntegerType @test Core.Compiler.tmerge(Union{}, Base.BitIntegerType) === Base.BitIntegerType @test Core.Compiler.tmerge(Core.Compiler.InterConditional(1, Int, Union{}), Core.Compiler.InterConditional(2, String, Union{})) === Core.Compiler.Const(true) @@ -3227,3 +3233,13 @@ end return y end == Any[Union{Nothing, Tuple{String, Union{Nothing, String}}}] end + +@test Base.return_types((Int,)) do x + if x === 0 + Some(0.0) + elseif x == 1 + Some(1) + else + Some(0x2) + end +end == [Union{Some{Float64}, Some{Int}, Some{UInt8}}] diff --git a/test/worlds.jl b/test/worlds.jl index deec2489de11c2..692f4febd91cdc 100644 --- a/test/worlds.jl +++ b/test/worlds.jl @@ -89,8 +89,8 @@ B265(x::Any, dummy::Nothing) = B265{UInt8}(x, dummy) @test (B265_(2)::B265{Float64}).field1 === 2.0e0 @test (B265_(3)::B265{UInt8}).field1 === 0x03 -@test Base.return_types(B265_, (Int,)) == Any[B265] -@test Core.Compiler.return_type(B265_, (Int,)) == B265 +@test B265{UInt8} <: only(Base.return_types(B265_, (Int,))) <: B265 +@test B265{UInt8} <: Core.Compiler.return_type(B265_, (Int,)) <: B265 # test oldworld call / inference