This small script is able to resolve cross property reference.
Into the data folder there are three json files:
- customers.json contains a set of customers
- products.json contains a set of products
- orders contains a set of orders
The orders.json has some properties (product and customer) needs to be calculated by evaluate a reference expression:
// orders.json
"notes":"this is a note"
"notes":"this is a note2"
The function Expand-JsonFile evaluates the reference expressions into orders.json file and produce a new file:
import-module -name .\ADMjson.psm1 -Force
Expand-JsonFile -SourceFile data/orders.json -TargetFile data/orders_expanded.json
The result json file contains property values:
// orders_expanded.json
"created": "2022-10-15T09:00:00",
"product": "xbox",
"quantity": 1,
"customer": "Paperino",
"notes": "this is a note"
"created": "2022-10-15T10:00:00",
"product": "playstation",
"quantity": 2,
"customer": "Paperino",
"notes": "this is a note2"