diff --git a/site/.dumirc.ts b/site/.dumirc.ts
index 48684485f..8ec052c89 100644
--- a/site/.dumirc.ts
+++ b/site/.dumirc.ts
@@ -148,14 +148,6 @@ export default defineConfig({
order: 10,
- {
- slug: 'options/graphs-concepts',
- title: {
- zh: '关系图概念',
- en: 'Relation Graph Concepts',
- },
- order: 1,
- },
slug: 'options/graphs',
title: {
diff --git a/site/docs/options/graphs-common/option-data.zh.md b/site/docs/options/graphs-common/graph-data.zh.md
similarity index 100%
rename from site/docs/options/graphs-common/option-data.zh.md
rename to site/docs/options/graphs-common/graph-data.zh.md
diff --git a/site/docs/options/graphs-common/option-behaviors.zh.md b/site/docs/options/graphs-common/option-behaviors.zh.md
deleted file mode 100644
index bd8657ef6..000000000
--- a/site/docs/options/graphs-common/option-behaviors.zh.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-### Behaviors
-**类型定义**:`BehaviorOptions[] | ((existingBehaviors: BehaviorOptions[]) => BehaviorOptions[])`
-默认情况下,`zoom-canvas`(缩放画布)和 `drag-canvas`(拖拽画布)交互是开启的。若需其他交互方式,则需进行额外配置。
-支持 G6 的所有内置交互。以下是部分交互的简介,详情可参考 [G6 - 核心概念 - 交互](https://g6.antv.antgroup.com/manual/core-concept/behavior):
-- [Brush Select](https://g6.antv.antgroup.com/api/behaviors/brush-select):框选
-- [Click Element](https://g6.antv.antgroup.com/api/behaviors/click-select):单击选中
-- [Collapse Expand](https://g6.antv.antgroup.com/api/behaviors/collapse-expand):展开收起
-- [Create Edge](https://g6.antv.antgroup.com/api/behaviors/create-edge):创建边
-- [Drag Canvas](https://g6.antv.antgroup.com/api/behaviors/drag-canvas):拖拽画布
-- [Drag Element](https://g6.antv.antgroup.com/api/behaviors/drag-element):拖拽元素
-- [Focus Element](https://g6.antv.antgroup.com/api/behaviors/focus-element):聚焦元素
-- [Hover Element](https://g6.antv.antgroup.com/api/behaviors/hover-activate):悬停元素
-- [Lasso Select](https://g6.antv.antgroup.com/api/behaviors/lasso-select):套索选择
-- [Zoom Canvas](https://g6.antv.antgroup.com/api/behaviors/zoom-canvas):缩放画布
-若内置交互无法满足特定需求,还可根据 [G6 - 自定义交互](https://g6.antv.antgroup.com/manual/custom-extension/behavior) 教程来自定义交互。
diff --git a/site/docs/options/graphs-common/option-plugins.zh.md b/site/docs/options/graphs-common/option-plugins.zh.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 0af72a7e6..000000000
--- a/site/docs/options/graphs-common/option-plugins.zh.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-### Plugins
-**类型定义**:`PluginOptions[] | ((existingPlugins: PluginOptions[]) => PluginOptions[])`
-支持 G6 的所有内置插件。内置插件列表请参考 [G6 - API - 插件](https://g6.antv.antgroup.com/api/plugins/background)。
diff --git a/site/docs/options/graphs-common/tree-data.zh.md b/site/docs/options/graphs-common/tree-data.zh.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7aab4d5bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/site/docs/options/graphs-common/tree-data.zh.md
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+### Data
+1. **(👍 推荐)** 树图数据
+type TreeData = {
+ id: string;
+ children?: TreeData[];
+ [key: string]: unknown;
+const data = {
+ id: 'root',
+ children: [
+ {
+ id: 'Child 1',
+ value: 10,
+ children: [
+ { id: 'Sub 1-1', value: 5 },
+ { id: 'Sub 1-2', value: 5 },
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'Child 2',
+ value: 20,
+ children: [
+ { id: 'Sub 2-1', value: 10 },
+ { id: 'Sub 2-2', value: 10 },
+ ],
+ },
+ ],
+2. 图数据。若开启“展开-收起”交互,需确保数据中包含 `children` 字段。
+const graphData = {
+ nodes: [
+ { id: '1', label: 'Node 1', children: ['2', '3'] },
+ { id: '2', label: 'Node 2', children: ['4'] },
+ { id: '3', label: 'Node 3' },
+ { id: '4', label: 'Node 4' },
+ ],
+ edges: [
+ { source: '1', target: '2' },
+ { source: '1', target: '3' },
+ { source: '2', target: '4' },
+ ],
diff --git a/site/docs/options/graphs-demos/mind-map/collapse-expand.md b/site/docs/options/graphs-demos/mind-map/collapse-expand.md
index 6438f4caf..935739909 100644
--- a/site/docs/options/graphs-demos/mind-map/collapse-expand.md
+++ b/site/docs/options/graphs-demos/mind-map/collapse-expand.md
@@ -1,27 +1,7 @@
## zh
-通过调整 `collapse-expand-react-node` 交互配置来控制展开/收起子节点的操作。
-- `enable`: 是否启用该交互,类型为 `boolean | ((data: NodeData) => boolean)`,默认为 `false`
-- `trigger`: 点击指定元素,触发节点收起/展开;`'icon'` 代表点击图标触发,`'node'` 代表点击节点触发,`HTMLElement` 代表自定义元素,默认为 `'icon'`
-- `direction`: 收起/展开指定方向上的邻居节点,`'in'` 代表前驱节点,`'out'` 代表后继节点,`'both'` 代表前驱和后继节点,默认为 `'out'`
-- `iconType`: 内置图标语法糖,`'plus-minus'` 或 `'arrow-count'`
-- `iconRender`: 渲染函数,用于自定义收起/展开图标,参数为 `isCollapsed`(当前节点是否已收起)和 `data`(节点数据),返回自定义图标
-- `iconPlacement`: 图标相对于节点的位置,可选值为 `'left'`、`'right'`、`'top'`、`'bottom'`,默认为 `'bottom'`
-- `iconOffsetX/iconOffsetY`: 图标相对于节点的水平、垂直偏移量,默认为 `0`
-- `iconClassName/iconStyle`: 指定图标的 CSS 类名及内联样式
-- `refreshLayout`: 每次收起/展开节点后,是否刷新布局
+通过配置 `collapse-expand-react-node` 交互来启用展开/收起子节点行为。具体可参考 [CollapseExpandReactNodeOptions](/options/graphs/overview#collapseexpandreactnode) 获取详细配置说明。
## en
-Adjust the `collapse-expand-react-node` interaction configuration to control expand/collapse behavior for child nodes.
-- `enable`: Whether to enable the interaction, type is `boolean | ((data: NodeData) => boolean)`, default is `false`
-- `trigger`: The element that triggers node collapse/expand; `'icon'` triggers on icon click, `'node'` triggers on node click, and `HTMLElement` allows custom elements, default is `'icon'`
-- `direction`: Collapse/expand neighbor nodes in the specified direction, `'in'` for predecessor nodes, `'out'` for successor nodes, and `'both'` for both predecessors and successors, default is `'out'`
-- `iconType`: Built-in icon options, either `'plus-minus'` or `'arrow-count'`
-- `iconRender`: Render function to customize the collapse/expand icon, takes `isCollapsed` (whether the node is collapsed) and `data` (node data) as parameters, returns a custom icon
-- `iconPlacement`: Icon position relative to the node, can be `'left'`, `'right'`, `'top'`, or `'bottom'`, default is `'bottom'`
-- `iconOffsetX/iconOffsetY`: Horizontal/vertical offset for the icon relative to the node, default is `0`
-- `iconClassName/iconStyle`: CSS class name and inline styles for the icon
-- `refreshLayout`: Whether to refresh the layout after each collapse/expand operation
+Enable the expand/collapse behavior for child nodes by configuring the `collapse-expand-react-node` behavior. For detailed configuration instructions, refer to [CollapseExpandReactNodeOptions](/en/options/graphs/overview#collapseexpandreactnode).
diff --git a/site/docs/options/graphs-demos/mind-map/collapse-expand.tsx b/site/docs/options/graphs-demos/mind-map/collapse-expand.tsx
index 23cdd1e93..d46b7da89 100644
--- a/site/docs/options/graphs-demos/mind-map/collapse-expand.tsx
+++ b/site/docs/options/graphs-demos/mind-map/collapse-expand.tsx
@@ -5,44 +5,23 @@ import React from 'react';
const { PlusMinusIcon } = CollapseExpandIcon;
const data = {
- nodes: [
- { id: 'Modeling Methods', depth: 0, children: ['Classification', 'Consensus', 'Regression'] },
- {
- id: 'Classification',
- depth: 1,
- children: ['Logistic regression', 'Linear discriminant analysis'],
- style: { collapsed: true },
- },
- { id: 'Consensus', depth: 1, children: ['Models diversity', 'Methods', 'Common'] },
- { id: 'Models diversity', depth: 2 },
- { id: 'Methods', depth: 2 },
- { id: 'Common', depth: 2 },
- { id: 'Regression', depth: 1, children: ['Multiple linear regression', 'Partial least squares'] },
- { id: 'Logistic regression', depth: 2 },
- { id: 'Linear discriminant analysis', depth: 2 },
- { id: 'Multiple linear regression', depth: 2 },
- { id: 'Partial least squares', depth: 2 },
- ],
- edges: [
- { source: 'Modeling Methods', target: 'Classification' },
- { source: 'Modeling Methods', target: 'Consensus' },
- { source: 'Modeling Methods', target: 'Regression' },
- { source: 'Consensus', target: 'Models diversity' },
- { source: 'Consensus', target: 'Methods' },
- { source: 'Consensus', target: 'Common' },
- { source: 'Classification', target: 'Logistic regression' },
- { source: 'Classification', target: 'Linear discriminant analysis' },
- { source: 'Regression', target: 'Multiple linear regression' },
- { source: 'Regression', target: 'Partial least squares' },
+ id: 'Modeling Methods',
+ children: [
+ { id: 'Classification', children: [{ id: 'Logistic regression' }, { id: 'Linear discriminant analysis' }] },
+ { id: 'Consensus', children: [{ id: 'Models diversity' }, { id: 'Methods' }, { id: 'Common' }] },
+ { id: 'Regression', children: [{ id: 'Multiple linear regression' }, { id: 'Partial least squares' }] },
export default () => {
const options: MindMapOptions = {
type: 'linear',
- containerStyle: { height: '200px' },
- autoFit: 'view',
+ containerStyle: {
+ height: '200px',
+ },
+ autoFit: 'center',
+ defaultExpandLevel: 1,
animation: false,
diff --git a/site/docs/options/graphs-demos/mind-map/color.md b/site/docs/options/graphs-demos/mind-map/color.md
index d100d969e..e65ca6023 100644
--- a/site/docs/options/graphs-demos/mind-map/color.md
+++ b/site/docs/options/graphs-demos/mind-map/color.md
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
## zh
-`assign-color-by-branch` 是内置数据转换的一个环节,可以通过修改 `colors` 来分配不同的颜色来区分思维导图的分支。
+`assign-color-by-branch` 作为内部数据处理的环节之一,通过调整 `colors` 配置,可以为思维导图的不同分支分配独特的颜色,以便更清晰地区分分支结构。具体可参考 [AssignColorByBranchOptions](/options/graphs/overview#assigncolorbybranch) 获取详细配置说明。
## en
-The `assign-color-by-branch` feature allows branch differentiation by modifying `colors` to assign different colors to the mind map branches.
+`assign-color-by-branch` As a part of internal data processing, by adjusting the `colors` configuration, you can assign unique colors to different branches of the mind map in order to distinguish the branch structure more clearly. Please refer to [AssignColorByBranchOptions](/en/options/graphs/overview#assigncolorbybranch) for detailed configuration instructions.
diff --git a/site/docs/options/graphs-demos/mind-map/color.tsx b/site/docs/options/graphs-demos/mind-map/color.tsx
index af6bea6bb..3e1f934a8 100644
--- a/site/docs/options/graphs-demos/mind-map/color.tsx
+++ b/site/docs/options/graphs-demos/mind-map/color.tsx
@@ -1,55 +1,30 @@
-import { MindMap, type MindMapOptions, type G6 } from '@ant-design/graphs';
+import { MindMap, type MindMapOptions } from '@ant-design/graphs';
import React from 'react';
const data = {
- nodes: [
- { id: 'Modeling Methods', depth: 0, children: ['Classification', 'Consensus', 'Regression'] },
- {
- id: 'Classification',
- depth: 1,
- children: ['Logistic regression', 'Linear discriminant analysis'],
- },
- { id: 'Consensus', depth: 1, children: ['Models diversity', 'Methods', 'Common'] },
- { id: 'Models diversity', depth: 2 },
- { id: 'Methods', depth: 2 },
- { id: 'Common', depth: 2 },
- { id: 'Regression', depth: 1, children: ['Multiple linear regression', 'Partial least squares'] },
- { id: 'Logistic regression', depth: 2 },
- { id: 'Linear discriminant analysis', depth: 2 },
- { id: 'Multiple linear regression', depth: 2 },
- { id: 'Partial least squares', depth: 2 },
- ],
- edges: [
- { source: 'Modeling Methods', target: 'Classification' },
- { source: 'Modeling Methods', target: 'Consensus' },
- { source: 'Modeling Methods', target: 'Regression' },
- { source: 'Consensus', target: 'Models diversity' },
- { source: 'Consensus', target: 'Methods' },
- { source: 'Consensus', target: 'Common' },
- { source: 'Classification', target: 'Logistic regression' },
- { source: 'Classification', target: 'Linear discriminant analysis' },
- { source: 'Regression', target: 'Multiple linear regression' },
- { source: 'Regression', target: 'Partial least squares' },
+ id: 'Modeling Methods',
+ children: [
+ { id: 'Classification', children: [{ id: 'Logistic regression' }, { id: 'Linear discriminant analysis' }] },
+ { id: 'Consensus', children: [{ id: 'Models diversity' }, { id: 'Methods' }, { id: 'Common' }] },
+ { id: 'Regression', children: [{ id: 'Multiple linear regression' }, { id: 'Partial least squares' }] },
export default () => {
const options: MindMapOptions = {
- containerStyle: { height: '200px' },
- type: 'boxed',
+ type: 'linear',
autoFit: 'view',
+ padding: 8,
transforms: (transforms) => [
...transforms.filter((transform) => (transform as any).key !== 'assign-color-by-branch'),
- ...(transforms.find((transform) => (transform as any).key === 'assign-color-by-branch') || {} as any),
- colors: ['rgb(78, 121, 167)', 'rgb(242, 142, 44)', 'rgb(225, 87, 89)']
+ ...(transforms.find((transform) => (transform as any).key === 'assign-color-by-branch') || ({} as any)),
+ colors: ['rgb(78, 121, 167)', 'rgb(242, 142, 44)', 'rgb(225, 87, 89)'],
animation: false,
- return <>
- >;
+ return ;
diff --git a/site/docs/options/graphs-demos/mind-map/custom-node.tsx b/site/docs/options/graphs-demos/mind-map/custom-node.tsx
index eb8655c33..a0a9dd142 100644
--- a/site/docs/options/graphs-demos/mind-map/custom-node.tsx
+++ b/site/docs/options/graphs-demos/mind-map/custom-node.tsx
@@ -2,34 +2,11 @@ import { MindMap, type MindMapOptions, measureTextSize } from '@ant-design/graph
import React from 'react';
const data = {
- nodes: [
- { id: 'Modeling Methods', depth: 0, children: ['Classification', 'Consensus', 'Regression'] },
- {
- id: 'Classification',
- depth: 1,
- children: ['Logistic regression', 'Linear discriminant analysis'],
- },
- { id: 'Consensus', depth: 1, children: ['Models diversity', 'Methods', 'Common'] },
- { id: 'Models diversity', depth: 2 },
- { id: 'Methods', depth: 2 },
- { id: 'Common', depth: 2 },
- { id: 'Regression', depth: 1, children: ['Multiple linear regression', 'Partial least squares'] },
- { id: 'Logistic regression', depth: 2 },
- { id: 'Linear discriminant analysis', depth: 2 },
- { id: 'Multiple linear regression', depth: 2 },
- { id: 'Partial least squares', depth: 2 },
- ],
- edges: [
- { source: 'Modeling Methods', target: 'Classification' },
- { source: 'Modeling Methods', target: 'Consensus' },
- { source: 'Modeling Methods', target: 'Regression' },
- { source: 'Consensus', target: 'Models diversity' },
- { source: 'Consensus', target: 'Methods' },
- { source: 'Consensus', target: 'Common' },
- { source: 'Classification', target: 'Logistic regression' },
- { source: 'Classification', target: 'Linear discriminant analysis' },
- { source: 'Regression', target: 'Multiple linear regression' },
- { source: 'Regression', target: 'Partial least squares' },
+ id: 'Modeling Methods',
+ children: [
+ { id: 'Classification', children: [{ id: 'Logistic regression' }, { id: 'Linear discriminant analysis' }] },
+ { id: 'Consensus', children: [{ id: 'Models diversity' }, { id: 'Methods' }, { id: 'Common' }] },
+ { id: 'Regression', children: [{ id: 'Multiple linear regression' }, { id: 'Partial least squares' }] },
@@ -58,19 +35,24 @@ const CustomNode = ({ text }: { text: string }) => {
export default () => {
const options: MindMapOptions = {
- containerStyle: { height: '300px' },
+ autoFit: 'view',
+ padding: 8,
background: '#F3F3F6',
node: {
style: {
component: (d) => ,
- size: (data) => measureTextSize(data.id, [24, 16]),
+ size: (d) => measureTextSize(d.id, [24, 16]),
edge: {
- style: { stroke: '#8B5DFF', endArrow: true },
+ style: {
+ stroke: '#8B5DFF',
+ endArrow: true,
+ },
animation: false,
return ;
diff --git a/site/docs/options/graphs-demos/mind-map/default.tsx b/site/docs/options/graphs-demos/mind-map/default.tsx
index 7068e63de..f085e70e2 100644
--- a/site/docs/options/graphs-demos/mind-map/default.tsx
+++ b/site/docs/options/graphs-demos/mind-map/default.tsx
@@ -2,43 +2,23 @@ import { MindMap, type MindMapOptions } from '@ant-design/graphs';
import React from 'react';
const data = {
- nodes: [
- { id: 'Modeling Methods', depth: 0, children: ['Classification', 'Consensus', 'Regression'] },
- {
- id: 'Classification',
- depth: 1,
- children: ['Logistic regression', 'Linear discriminant analysis'],
- },
- { id: 'Consensus', depth: 1, children: ['Models diversity', 'Methods', 'Common'] },
- { id: 'Models diversity', depth: 2 },
- { id: 'Methods', depth: 2 },
- { id: 'Common', depth: 2 },
- { id: 'Regression', depth: 1, children: ['Multiple linear regression', 'Partial least squares'] },
- { id: 'Logistic regression', depth: 2 },
- { id: 'Linear discriminant analysis', depth: 2 },
- { id: 'Multiple linear regression', depth: 2 },
- { id: 'Partial least squares', depth: 2 },
- ],
- edges: [
- { source: 'Modeling Methods', target: 'Classification' },
- { source: 'Modeling Methods', target: 'Consensus' },
- { source: 'Modeling Methods', target: 'Regression' },
- { source: 'Consensus', target: 'Models diversity' },
- { source: 'Consensus', target: 'Methods' },
- { source: 'Consensus', target: 'Common' },
- { source: 'Classification', target: 'Logistic regression' },
- { source: 'Classification', target: 'Linear discriminant analysis' },
- { source: 'Regression', target: 'Multiple linear regression' },
- { source: 'Regression', target: 'Partial least squares' },
+ id: 'Modeling Methods',
+ children: [
+ { id: 'Classification', children: [{ id: 'Logistic regression' }, { id: 'Linear discriminant analysis' }] },
+ { id: 'Consensus', children: [{ id: 'Models diversity' }, { id: 'Methods' }, { id: 'Common' }] },
+ { id: 'Regression', children: [{ id: 'Multiple linear regression' }, { id: 'Partial least squares' }] },
export default () => {
const options: MindMapOptions = {
- containerStyle: { height: '200px' },
autoFit: 'view',
- edge: { style: { endArrow: true } },
+ edge: {
+ style: {
+ endArrow: true,
+ },
+ },
animation: false,
return ;
diff --git a/site/docs/options/graphs-demos/mind-map/direction.tsx b/site/docs/options/graphs-demos/mind-map/direction.tsx
index 966b60ec1..068c323b7 100644
--- a/site/docs/options/graphs-demos/mind-map/direction.tsx
+++ b/site/docs/options/graphs-demos/mind-map/direction.tsx
@@ -1,36 +1,13 @@
import { MindMap, type MindMapOptions } from '@ant-design/graphs';
+import { Divider, Radio } from 'antd';
import React, { useState } from 'react';
-import { Radio, Divider } from 'antd';
const data = {
- nodes: [
- { id: 'Modeling Methods', depth: 0, children: ['Classification', 'Consensus', 'Regression'] },
- {
- id: 'Classification',
- depth: 1,
- children: ['Logistic regression', 'Linear discriminant analysis'],
- },
- { id: 'Consensus', depth: 1, children: ['Models diversity', 'Methods', 'Common'] },
- { id: 'Models diversity', depth: 2 },
- { id: 'Methods', depth: 2 },
- { id: 'Common', depth: 2 },
- { id: 'Regression', depth: 1, children: ['Multiple linear regression', 'Partial least squares'] },
- { id: 'Logistic regression', depth: 2 },
- { id: 'Linear discriminant analysis', depth: 2 },
- { id: 'Multiple linear regression', depth: 2 },
- { id: 'Partial least squares', depth: 2 },
- ],
- edges: [
- { source: 'Modeling Methods', target: 'Classification' },
- { source: 'Modeling Methods', target: 'Consensus' },
- { source: 'Modeling Methods', target: 'Regression' },
- { source: 'Consensus', target: 'Models diversity' },
- { source: 'Consensus', target: 'Methods' },
- { source: 'Consensus', target: 'Common' },
- { source: 'Classification', target: 'Logistic regression' },
- { source: 'Classification', target: 'Linear discriminant analysis' },
- { source: 'Regression', target: 'Multiple linear regression' },
- { source: 'Regression', target: 'Partial least squares' },
+ id: 'Modeling Methods',
+ children: [
+ { id: 'Classification', children: [{ id: 'Logistic regression' }, { id: 'Linear discriminant analysis' }] },
+ { id: 'Consensus', children: [{ id: 'Models diversity' }, { id: 'Methods' }, { id: 'Common' }] },
+ { id: 'Regression', children: [{ id: 'Multiple linear regression' }, { id: 'Partial least squares' }] },
@@ -38,22 +15,28 @@ export default () => {
const [direction, setDirection] = useState('right');
const options: MindMapOptions = {
- containerStyle: { height: '200px' },
- direction,
- autoFit: 'view',
- edge: { style: { endArrow: true } },
+ containerStyle: {
+ height: '300px',
+ },
+ autoFit: 'view',
+ padding: 8,
+ type: 'linear',
+ direction,
animation: false,
- return <>
- setDirection(e.target.value)}>
- Right
- Left
- Alternate
- Preview
- >;
+ return (
+ <>
+ setDirection(e.target.value)}>
+ Right
+ Left
+ Alternate
+ Preview
+ >
+ );
diff --git a/site/docs/options/graphs-demos/mind-map/type.tsx b/site/docs/options/graphs-demos/mind-map/type.tsx
index 7f9fc5604..7c6d34a67 100644
--- a/site/docs/options/graphs-demos/mind-map/type.tsx
+++ b/site/docs/options/graphs-demos/mind-map/type.tsx
@@ -3,40 +3,57 @@ import { Divider } from 'antd';
import React from 'react';
const data = {
- nodes: [
- { id: 'Modeling Methods', depth: 0, children: ['Classification', 'Consensus', 'Regression'] },
+ id: 'Modeling Methods',
+ children: [
id: 'Classification',
- depth: 1,
- children: ['Logistic regression', 'Linear discriminant analysis'],
+ children: [
+ { id: 'Logistic Regression' },
+ { id: 'Linear Discriminant Analysis', children: [{ id: "Fisher's Linear Discriminant" }] },
+ {
+ id: 'Decision Trees',
+ children: [{ id: 'CART (Classification and Regression Trees)' }, { id: 'C4.5 Algorithm' }],
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'Regression',
+ children: [{ id: 'Linear Regression' }, { id: 'Polynomial Regression' }],
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'Clustering',
+ children: [
+ { id: 'K-Means Clustering' },
+ {
+ id: 'Hierarchical Clustering',
+ children: [{ id: 'Agglomerative Clustering' }, { id: 'Divisive Clustering' }],
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'Dimensionality Reduction',
+ children: [
+ { id: 'Principal Component Analysis (PCA)' },
+ {
+ id: 'Feature Selection Techniques',
+ children: [{ id: 'Recursive Feature Elimination' }, { id: 'L1 Regularization' }],
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'Ensemble Methods',
+ children: [
+ { id: 'Bagging', children: [{ id: 'Bootstrap Aggregating' }] },
+ { id: 'Stacking' },
+ { id: 'Random Forest' },
+ { id: 'Voting Classifier' },
+ ],
- { id: 'Consensus', depth: 1, children: ['Models diversity', 'Methods', 'Common'] },
- { id: 'Models diversity', depth: 2 },
- { id: 'Methods', depth: 2 },
- { id: 'Common', depth: 2 },
- { id: 'Regression', depth: 1, children: ['Multiple linear regression', 'Partial least squares'] },
- { id: 'Logistic regression', depth: 2 },
- { id: 'Linear discriminant analysis', depth: 2 },
- { id: 'Multiple linear regression', depth: 2 },
- { id: 'Partial least squares', depth: 2 },
- ],
- edges: [
- { source: 'Modeling Methods', target: 'Classification' },
- { source: 'Modeling Methods', target: 'Consensus' },
- { source: 'Modeling Methods', target: 'Regression' },
- { source: 'Consensus', target: 'Models diversity' },
- { source: 'Consensus', target: 'Methods' },
- { source: 'Consensus', target: 'Common' },
- { source: 'Classification', target: 'Logistic regression' },
- { source: 'Classification', target: 'Linear discriminant analysis' },
- { source: 'Regression', target: 'Multiple linear regression' },
- { source: 'Regression', target: 'Partial least squares' },
export default () => {
const options: MindMapOptions = {
- containerStyle: { height: '200px' },
autoFit: 'view',
animation: false,
diff --git a/site/docs/options/graphs/dendrogram.zh.md b/site/docs/options/graphs/dendrogram.zh.md
index 42be4a8e7..271376fc9 100644
--- a/site/docs/options/graphs/dendrogram.zh.md
+++ b/site/docs/options/graphs/dendrogram.zh.md
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ import { Dendrogram } from '@ant-design/graphs';
| behaviors | 设置用户交互事件 | [Behaviors](#behaviors) | - |
| plugins | 设置画布插件 | [Plugins](#plugins) | - |
### Layout
diff --git a/site/docs/options/graphs/faq.zh.md b/site/docs/options/graphs/faq.zh.md
index 20b842f99..52907ed84 100644
--- a/site/docs/options/graphs/faq.zh.md
+++ b/site/docs/options/graphs/faq.zh.md
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
title: FAQ
-order: 2
+order: 9
### 1.如何在组件外获取图实例?
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ export default () => {
-`graph` 实例上 API 请参考 [G6 - API 列表](https://g6.antv.antgroup.com/api/graph/method)。
+Graph API 可参考 [G6 - API 列表](https://g6.antv.antgroup.com/api/graph/method)。
### 2. Graphs 支持自定义吗?
@@ -42,4 +42,4 @@ import { MindMap } from '@ant-design/graphs';
export default () => {
return ;
diff --git a/site/docs/options/graphs/fishbone.zh.md b/site/docs/options/graphs/fishbone.zh.md
index d1071e413..d05b39ce2 100644
--- a/site/docs/options/graphs/fishbone.zh.md
+++ b/site/docs/options/graphs/fishbone.zh.md
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ import { Fishbone } from '@ant-design/graphs';
| behaviors | 设置用户交互事件 | [Behaviors](#behaviors) | - |
| plugins | 设置画布插件 | [Plugins](#plugins) | - |
### Layout
diff --git a/site/docs/options/graphs/mind-map.zh.md b/site/docs/options/graphs/mind-map.zh.md
index 8d0d703e7..8f725c19a 100644
--- a/site/docs/options/graphs/mind-map.zh.md
+++ b/site/docs/options/graphs/mind-map.zh.md
@@ -22,10 +22,10 @@ import { MindMap } from '@ant-design/graphs';
## API
@@ -35,20 +35,19 @@ import { MindMap } from '@ant-design/graphs';
| 属性 | 说明 | 类型 | 默认值 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| type | 语法糖,设置思维导图的展示风格。当设置 `node.component` 时以后者为准 | `'default'` \| `'linear'` \| `'boxed'` | `'default'` |
-| direction | 语法糖,设置思维导图节点的排布方向。当设置 `layout.direction` 时会以后者为准 | `'left'` \| `'right'` \| `'alternate'` | `'alternate'` |
-| nodeMinWidth | 思维导图节点的最小宽度,当文字内容不足时将居中显示 | `number` | `0` (`default` 类型)
`120` (`boxed` 类型) |
-| nodeMaxWidth | 思维导图节点的最大宽度,超出部分将自动换行 | `number` | `300` |
-| data | 设置数据 | [Data](#data) | - |
+| data | 数据 | [Data](#data) | - |
| layout | 设置布局配置 | [Layout](#layout) | - |
-| behaviors | 设置用户交互事件 | [Behaviors](#behaviors) | - |
-| plugins | 设置画布插件 | [Plugins](#plugins) | - |
+| type | 语法糖,设置展示风格。当设置 `node.component` 时以后者为准 | `'default'` \| `'linear'` \| `'boxed'` | `'default'` |
+| direction | 语法糖,设置节点的排布方向。当设置 `layout.direction` 时会以后者为准 | `'left'` \| `'right'` \| `'alternate'` | `'alternate'` |
+| nodeMinWidth | 节点的最小宽度,当文字内容不足时将居中显示 | `number` | `0` (`default` 类型)
`120` (`boxed` 类型) |
+| nodeMaxWidth | 节点的最大宽度,超出部分将自动换行 | `number` | `300` |
+| defaultExpandLevel | 默认展开层级,若不指定,将展开全部 | number | - |
### Layout
| 属性 | 说明 | 类型 | 默认值 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
@@ -59,7 +58,3 @@ import { MindMap } from '@ant-design/graphs';
| getHGap | 每个节点的水平间隙 | (node: NodeData) => number | - |
| getVGap | 每个节点的垂直间隙 | (node: NodeData) => number | - |
| getSide | 节点排布在根节点的左侧/右侧。若设置了该值,则所有节点会在根节点同一侧,即 direction = 'H' 不再起效。若该参数为回调函数,则可以指定每一个节点在根节点的左/右侧。 | (node: NodeData) => string | - |
diff --git a/site/docs/options/graphs/overview.zh.md b/site/docs/options/graphs/overview.zh.md
index 8e4721fbf..1d8da1dae 100644
--- a/site/docs/options/graphs/overview.zh.md
+++ b/site/docs/options/graphs/overview.zh.md
@@ -29,15 +29,15 @@ order: 0
| 参数 | 说明 | 类型 | 默认值 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| data | 数据。关于图数据的详细介绍,请查阅[此处](https://g6.antv.antgroup.com/manual/core-concept/data) | [GraphData](https://g6.antv.antgroup.com/api/reference/g6/graphdata) | - |
-| layout | 布局,支持 G6 内置布局。关于图布局的详细介绍,请查阅[此处](https://g6.antv.antgroup.com/manual/core-concept/layout) | [LayoutOptions](https://g6.antv.antgroup.com/examples#layout-force-directed) \| LayoutOptions[] | - |
-| node | 节点,支持 G6 内置节点。关于节点的详细介绍,请查阅[此处](https://g6.antv.antgroup.com/manual/core-concept/element#%E8%8A%82%E7%82%B9) | [NodeOptions](https://g6.antv.antgroup.com/api/reference/g6/nodeoptions) | - |
-| edge | 边,支持 G6 内置边。关于边的详细介绍,请查阅[此处](https://g6.antv.antgroup.com/manual/core-concept/element#%E8%BE%B9) | [EdgeOptions](https://g6.antv.antgroup.com/api/reference/g6/edgeoptions) | - |
-| combo | Combo,支持 G6 内置 Combo。关于 Combo 的详细介绍,请查阅[此处](https://g6.antv.antgroup.com/manual/core-concept/element#%E7%BB%84%E5%90%88) | [ComboOptions](https://g6.antv.antgroup.com/api/reference/g6/combooptions) | - |
+| data | 数据。关于图数据的详细说明,请参考 [G6 - 核心概念 - 数据](https://g6.antv.antgroup.com/manual/core-concept/data) | [GraphData](https://g6.antv.antgroup.com/api/reference/g6/graphdata) | - |
+| node | 节点,支持 G6 内置节点。关于节点的详细说明,请参考 [G6 - 核心概念 - 元素 - 节点](https://g6.antv.antgroup.com/manual/core-concept/element#节点) | [NodeOptions](https://g6.antv.antgroup.com/api/reference/g6/nodeoptions) | - |
+| edge | 边,支持 G6 内置边。关于边的详细说明,请参考 [G6 - 核心概念 - 元素 - 边](https://g6.antv.antgroup.com/manual/core-concept/element#边) | [EdgeOptions](https://g6.antv.antgroup.com/api/reference/g6/edgeoptions) | - |
+| combo | Combo,支持 G6 内置 Combo。关于 Combo 的详细说明,请参考 [G6 - 核心概念 - 元素 - 组合](https://g6.antv.antgroup.com/manual/core-concept/element#组合) | [ComboOptions](https://g6.antv.antgroup.com/api/reference/g6/combooptions) | - |
+| layout | 布局,支持 G6 内置布局。关于图布局的详细说明,请参考 [G6 - 核心概念 - 布局](https://g6.antv.antgroup.com/manual/core-concept/layout) | 组件内查看 | - |
+| behaviors | 设置用户交互事件 | [交互 Behavior](#交互-behavior) | - |
+| plugins | 设置插件 | [插件 Plugin](#插件-plugin) | - |
+| transforms | 设置数据处理 | [数据处理 Transform](#数据处理-transform) | - |
| theme | 主题 | `light` \| `dark` \| string | - |
-| behaviors | 设置用户交互事件,同样支持 G6 内置交互。关于交互的详细介绍,请查阅[此处](https://g6.antv.antgroup.com/manual/core-concept/behavior) | [BehaviorOptions[]](https://g6.antv.antgroup.com/api/behaviors/brush-select) \| ((existingBehaviors: BehaviorOptions[]) => BehaviorOptions[]) | 组件中查看 |
-| plugins | 设置画布插件,处理画布的渲染逻辑、额外组件渲染等,同样支持 G6 内置插件。关于插件的详细介绍,请查阅[此处](https://g6.antv.antgroup.com/manual/core-concept/plugin) | [PluginOptions[]](https://g6.antv.antgroup.com/api/plugins/background) \| ((existingPlugins: PluginOptions[]) => PluginOptions[]) | - |
-| transforms | 设置数据转换器,处理用户输入数据并转换为适合后续处理的内部流转数据,同样支持 G6 内置数据转换器。关于数据转换的详细介绍,请查阅[此处](https://g6.antv.antgroup.com/api/transforms/map-node-size) | [TransformOptions[]](https://g6.antv.antgroup.com/api/transforms/map-node-size) \| ((existingTransforms: TransformOptions[]) => TransformOptions[]) | 组件中查看 |
### 容器属性
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ order: 0
| 参数 | 说明 | 类型 | 默认值 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| animation | 启用或关闭全局动画,为动画配置项时,会启用动画,并将该动画配置作为全局动画的基础配置。关于动画的详细介绍,请查阅[此处](https://g6.antv.antgroup.com/manual/core-concept/animation) | boolean \| [AnimationEffectTiming](https://g6.antv.antgroup.com/api/reference/g6/viewportanimationeffecttiming) | - |
+| animation | 启用或关闭全局动画,为动画配置项时,会启用动画,并将该动画配置作为全局动画的基础配置。关于动画的详细说明,请参考 [G6 - 核心概念 - 动画](https://g6.antv.antgroup.com/manual/core-concept/animation) | boolean \| [AnimationEffectTiming](https://g6.antv.antgroup.com/api/reference/g6/viewportanimationeffecttiming) | - |
| autoFit | 是否自动适应 | `view` \| `center` | - |
| autoResize | 是否自动调整画布大小 | boolean | false |
| background | 画布背景色 | string | - |
@@ -78,34 +78,188 @@ order: 0
| onInit | 当图初始化完成后(即 new Graph() 之后)执行回调 | (graph:[Graph](https://g6.antv.antgroup.com/api/reference/g6/graph)) => void | - |
| onReady | 当图渲染完成后(即 graph.render() 之后)执行回调 | (graph:[Graph](https://g6.antv.antgroup.com/api/reference/g6/graph)) => void | - |
-### 交互
+## 交互 Behavior
-## 定制需求
+**类型定义**:`BehaviorOptions[] | ((existingBehaviors: BehaviorOptions[]) => BehaviorOptions[])`
-#### 更新基本配置
+默认情况下,`zoom-canvas`(缩放画布)和 `drag-canvas`(拖拽画布)交互是开启的。若需其他交互方式,则需进行额外配置。
+Behavior 可定义为静态数组或动态函数:
-js import { MindMap } from '@ant-design/graphs';
+- 静态数组:直接声明所有需要的交互方式。
+- **(👍 推荐)** 动态函数:基于现有交互数组,动态添加或调整。
-export default () => { const options = { autoFit: 'view', edge: { style: { lineWidth: 3, }, }, }; return ; };
+import { MindMap } from '@ant-design/graphs';
+export default () => {
+ // 静态数组形式
+ const behaviors = ['zoom-canvas', { type: 'drag-canvas', direction: 'x' }];
+ // 动态函数形式
+ const dynamicBehaviors = (existingBehaviors) => {
+ // console.log(existingBehaviors); 👉 [{ key: 'zoom-canvas', type: 'zoom-canvas' }, { key: 'drag-canvas', type: 'drag-canvas' }]
+ return [...existingBehaviors, { type: 'click-select' /* 参数 */ }];
+ };
+ return ;
+支持 G6 提供的所有交互。以下是部分内置交互的简介,详情可参考 [G6 - 核心概念 - 交互](https://g6.antv.antgroup.com/manual/core-concept/behavior):
+- [Brush Select](https://g6.antv.antgroup.com/api/behaviors/brush-select):框选
+- [Click Element](https://g6.antv.antgroup.com/api/behaviors/click-select):单击选中
+- [Collapse Expand](https://g6.antv.antgroup.com/api/behaviors/collapse-expand):展开收起
+- [Create Edge](https://g6.antv.antgroup.com/api/behaviors/create-edge):创建边
+- [Drag Canvas](https://g6.antv.antgroup.com/api/behaviors/drag-canvas):拖拽画布
+- [Drag Element](https://g6.antv.antgroup.com/api/behaviors/drag-element):拖拽元素
+- [Focus Element](https://g6.antv.antgroup.com/api/behaviors/focus-element):聚焦元素
+- [Hover Element](https://g6.antv.antgroup.com/api/behaviors/hover-activate):悬停元素
+- [Lasso Select](https://g6.antv.antgroup.com/api/behaviors/lasso-select):套索选择
+- [Zoom Canvas](https://g6.antv.antgroup.com/api/behaviors/zoom-canvas):缩放画布
+若内置交互无法满足特定需求,还可根据 [G6 - 自定义交互](https://g6.antv.antgroup.com/manual/custom-extension/behavior) 教程来自定义交互。
+此外,Graphs 也提供了一系列交互。
+| 扩展 | 注册类型 | 描述 | 适用场景 | |
+| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+| HoverActivateChain | `hover-activate-chain` | 鼠标悬停激活节点及其链路 | 所有图类型 | [配置项](https://g6.antv.antgroup.com/api/behaviors/hover-activate) |
+| HoverActivateNeighbors | `hover-activate-neighbors` | 鼠标悬停高亮邻接的节点和边 | 所有图类型 | [配置项](https://g6.antv.antgroup.com/api/behaviors/hover-activate) |
+### HoverActivateChain
+**用途:** 当用户将鼠标悬停在一个节点或边上时,高亮该节点或边以及其直接关联的链路(上下游路径)。该交互常用于突出显示网络结构中的路径,帮助用户快速分析链路关系。
+**配置项:** 同 [G6 - Behavior - HoverActivate](https://g6.antv.antgroup.com/api/behaviors/hover-activate) 配置项。
-#### 更新交互/插件/数据转换配置
+### HoverActivateNeighbors
-> 详细讲解如何更新插件,该策略同样适用于交互与数据转换。
+**用途:** 鼠标悬停时,高亮与当前节点或边直接邻接的元素,帮助用户快速理解元素的局部上下文。
-在进行插件配置时,需特别留意插件的添加方式。为了确保既能增添新的功能,又不影响原有预设插件的正常运行,我们引入了一种 🔔 特定的插件更新策略。
+**配置项:** 同 [G6 - Behavior - HoverActivate](https://g6.antv.antgroup.com/api/behaviors/hover-activate) 配置项。
-具体来说,就是通过一个高阶函来对现有插件列表进行扩展,而不是直接替换。该函数接受当前图表实例(this: Graph)及现有插件配置(plugins: PluginOptions)作为参数,并返回一个新的插件配置数组。
+## 数据处理 Transform
+数据处理 (Transforms) 用于对用户输入数据进行处理。这种转换只会影响渲染数据,原始输入数据始终保持不变。
+**类型定义**:`TransformOptions[] | (existingTransforms: TransformOptions[]) => TransformOptions[]`
+Transform 可定义为静态数组或动态函数:
+- 静态数组:明确列出所有需要的转换器。
+- **(👍 推荐)** 动态函数:基于现有转换器数组,动态生成新的转换器数组。
import { MindMap } from '@ant-design/graphs';
-export default () => { const options = { plugins: (existingPlugins) => [ ...existingPlugins, // 保留原有的所有插件 { type: 'minimap', key: 'minimap' }, // 添加小地图插件 ], };
+export default () => {
+ // 静态数组形式
+ const transforms = [{ type: 'assign-color-by-branch' /* 参数 */ }, { type: 'map-edge-line-width' /* 参数 */ }];
+ // 动态函数形式
+ const dynamicTransforms = (existingTransforms) => {
+ return [...existingTransforms, { type: 'arrange-edge-z-index' /* 参数 */ }];
+ };
-return ; };
+ return ;
+支持 G6 提供的所有数据处理。内置数据处理列表请查看 [G6 - API - 数据转换](https://g6.antv.antgroup.com/api/transforms/map-node-size)。
+另外,Graphs 也提供了一系列数据处理。
+| 扩展 | 注册类型 | 描述 | 适用场景 | |
+| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+| TranslateReactNodeOrigin | `translate-react-node-origin` | 调整 React 节点原点,从左上调整成中心 | 所有图类型 | [配置项](#translatereactnodeorigin) |
+| CollapseExpandReactNode | `collapse-expand-react-node` | 折叠/展开 React 节点 | 所有图类型 | [配置项](#collapseexpandreactnode) |
+| AssignColorByBranch | `assign-color-by-branch` | 根据节点所在分支为节点分配颜色 | MindMap、IndentedTree、Fishbone | [配置项](#assigncolorbybranch) |
+| ArrangeEdgeZIndex | `arrange-edge-z-index` | 调整边的层级 | IndentedTree、Fishbone | [配置项](#arrangeedgezindex) |
+| MapEdgeLineWidth | `map-edge-line-width` | 调整边的描边宽度 | FlowDirectionGraph | [配置项](#mapedgelinewidth) |
+### TranslateReactNodeOrigin
+**用途:** 由于 React Node 默认原点位于左上角,与布局预期不符。通过调整偏移量 `dx` 和 `dy`,将原点设置为节点中心。
+### CollapseExpandReactNode
+**用途:** 用于实现 React 节点的子节点展开和收起功能。仅对 React 节点类型有效。通过为节点绑定副作用,控制其“展开/收起”行为。
+| 属性 | 说明 | 类型 | 默认值 |
+| --- | --- | --- | --- |
+| enable | 是否启用收起/展开功能 | boolean \| ((data: NodeData) => boolean) | true |
+| trigger | 点击指定元素,触发节点收起/展开 | `icon` \| `node` \| HTMLElement | `icon` |
+| enable | 收起/展开指定方向上的邻居节点
- `in`: 前驱节点
- `out`: 后继节点
- `both`: 前驱和后继节点 | `in` \| `out` \| `both` | `out` |
+| iconType | 内置图标语法糖 | `plus-minus` \| `arrow-count` | - |
+| iconRender | 渲染函数,用于自定义收起/展开图标,参数为 `isCollapsed`(当前节点是否已收起)和 `data`(节点数据),返回自定义图标 | (this: Graph, isCollapsed: boolean, data: NodeData) => React.ReactNode | - |
+| iconPlacement | 图标相对于节点的位置 | `left` \| `right` \| `top` \| `bottom` \| ((this: Graph, data: NodeData) => CardinalPlacement) | `bottom` |
+| iconOffsetX | 图标相对于节点的水平偏移量 | number \| ((this: Graph, data: NodeData) => number) | 0 |
+| iconOffsetY | 图标相对于节点的垂直偏移量 | number \| ((this: Graph, data: NodeData) => number) | 0 |
+| iconClassName | 指定图标的 CSS 类名 | string | - |
+| iconStyle | 指定图标的内联样式 | React.CSSProperties | {} |
+| refreshLayout | 每次收起/展开节点后,是否刷新布局 | boolean | false |
+### AssignColorByBranch
+**用途:** 为树图中的分支分配颜色,有助于在逻辑分支或层级结构中增强视觉区分。
+| 属性 | 说明 | 类型 | 默认值 |
+| --- | --- | --- | --- |
+| colors | 色板 | string[] | `['#1783FF', '#F08F56', '#D580FF', '#00C9C9', '#7863FF', '#DB9D0D', '#60C42D', '#FF80CA', '#2491B3', '#17C76F']` |
+### ArrangeEdgeZIndex
+**用途:** 调整边的 z-index 以优化渲染层次,避免边缘被遮挡或不清晰。常用于树图场景,配合 `assign-color-by-branch`使用。
+### MapEdgeLineWidth
+**用途:** 根据边的属性(如权重)动态调整其线宽,使图形信息表达更直观。
+| 属性 | 说明 | 类型 | 默认值 |
+| --- | --- | --- | --- |
+| **(Required)** value | 指定边的线宽值 | number \| ((this: Graph, data: EdgeData) => number) | - |
+| minValue | 线宽的最小值 | number \| ((data: EdgeData, edges: Record) => number) | - |
+| maxValue | 线宽的最大值 | number \| ((data: EdgeData, edges: Record) => number) | - |
+| minLineWidth | 映射线宽的最小阈值 | number \| ((data: EdgeData) => number) | 1 |
+| maxLineWidth | 映射线宽的最大阈值 | number \| ((data: EdgeData) => number) | 10 |
+| scale | 线宽的映射函数或比例(支持线性、对数等变换) | `linear` \| `log` \| `pow` \| `sqrt` \| ((value: number, domain: [number, number], range: [number, number]) => number) | `linear` |
+## 插件 Plugin
+插件 (Plugin) 用于处理画布的渲染逻辑、额外组件渲染,例如在画布中额外挂载图形组件、实现撤销重做等功能。
+**类型定义**:`PluginOptions[] | ((existingPlugins: PluginOptions[]) => PluginOptions[])`
+Plugin 可定义为静态数组或动态函数:
+- 静态数组:明确列出所有需要的插件。
+- **(👍 推荐)** 动态函数:基于现有插件,动态新增或调整。
+import { MindMap } from '@ant-design/graphs';
+export default () => {
+ // 静态数组形式
+ const plugins = [{ type: 'minimap' /* 参数 */ }];
+ // 动态函数形式
+ const dynamicTransforms = (existingPlugins) => {
+ // console.log(existingPlugins); 👉 []
+ return [...existingPlugins, { type: 'minimap' /* 参数 */ }];
+ };
+ return ;
+支持 G6 的所有内置插件。内置插件列表请参考 [G6 - API - 插件](https://g6.antv.antgroup.com/api/plugins/background)。