- Drink water that is slighly below room temperature.
- If you work in a research lab, order a small matress for you which is foldable and sneak it under your desk. No one would notice or make an objection. Unfold it when you really need to sleep at 4AM or so.
(This is written assuming that a person is never able to get to the mess (like me!))
- Keep a kettle and order 3-minute MTR ready to eat breakfast. I usually require two packets to fill my stomach. While you brush your teeth, the water boils and you can pour and eat fast.
- Keep Milk and Cornflakes along with a bowl and spoon ready. Very fast to eat and is usually more filling that plain milk.
- Do not keep eating biscuits for long otherwise you may get cavities (like I did).
This is something I have miserably failed at. I can't make any points here. I was always nice to everyone still I do not have any true friends here at IIIT.
Update: This has changed now. I have nice friends now. :)