script takes as input a FASTA file and converts it to a BED file containing the 'N's coordinates for each scaffold. It can be run with the following command: -fa referenceGenome.fasta -out targetSequenceCoordinates.bed
- referenceGenome.fasta: FASTA file containing the sequences of the scaffolds (reference genome)
- targetSequenceCoordinates.bed: Output BED file
The format of the output BED file is: <scaffoldID> <Nstretch_startPosition> <Nstretch_endPosition>
script converts a BED file containing the 'N's coordinates for each scaffold (or locus coordinates) to a GFA file (GFA 2.0).
It is possible to filter the 'N's regions you want to treat as gaps by:
- their size (e.g. gap lengths)
- the flanking contigs' sizes (for example, select only the 'N's regions whose flanking contigs' sizes are long enough to get enough barcodes)
It can be run with the following command: -bed targetSequenceCoordinates.bed -fa referenceGenome.fasta -out targetSequenceCoordinates.gfa -min MIN_GAPLENGTH -max MAX_GAPLENGTH -contigs MIN_CONTIGSIZE
- targetSequenceCoordinates.bed: BED file containing the 'Ns' coordinates for each scaffold
- referenceGenome.fasta: FASTA file containing the sequences of the scaffolds (reference genome)
- targetSequenceCoordinates.gfa: Output GFA file
- MIN_GAPLENGTH: Minimum size of the 'N's region to treat as a gap
- MAX_GAPLENGTH: Maximum size of the 'N's region to treat as a gap
- MIN_CONTIGSIZE: Minimum size of the flanking contigs of the 'N's region to treat as a gap
The output GFA file is a GFA 2.0 file.
script takes as input a file containing the paths between scaffolds and converts it to a GFA file (GFA 2.0). It can be run with the following command: -fa referenceGenome.fasta -paths pathsFile.txt -out targetSequenceCoordinates.gfa
- referenceGenome.fasta: FASTA file containing the sequences of the scaffolds (reference genome)
- pathsFile.txt: File containing the paths between scaffolds
- targetSequenceCoordinates.gfa: Output GFA file
The format of the input PATHS file is: <numberOfScaffolds>****<sid1(f|r)>+<sid2(f|r)>
When the orientation of the scaffold is undetermined (?
), both forward and reverse orientations are taken into consideration.
The output GFA file is a GFA 2.0 file.
script takes as input a file containing the number of common barcodes between all possibles pairs of scaffolds' extremities (links between the ends of the scaffolds) in tabular format (matrix) and converts it to a GFA file (GFA 2.0). It can be run with the following command: -fa referenceGenome.fasta -matrix matrixFile.matrix -out targetSequenceCoordinates.gfa -threshold THRESHOLD
- referenceGenome.fasta: FASTA file containing the sequences of the scaffolds (reference genome)
- matrixFile.matrix: File containing the number of common barcodes between all possibles pairs of scaffolds' extremities (matrix)
- targetSequenceCoordinates.gfa: Output GFA file
- THRESHOLD: Minimal number of links two scaffolds must share to try to fill the gap between them
The format of the input MATRIX file is: <scaffoldLeftID>:<extremitiesCoordStart>-<extremitiesCoordEnd> <scaffoldRightID>:<extremitiesCoordStart>-<extremitiesCoordEnd> <numberOfCommonBarcodes>
The output GFA file is a GFA 2.0 file.
script converts a VCF file containing the Indels coordinates to a GFA file (GFA 2.0).
It is possible to filter the Indels you want to treat as targets (e.g. you want to reconstruct) by:
- the flanking contigs' sizes (for example, select only the Indels whose flanking contigs' sizes are long enough to get enough barcodes)
It can be run with the following command: -vcf vcfFile.vcf -fa referenceGenome.fasta -out indelSequenceCoordinates.gfa -contigs MIN_CONTIGSIZE
- vcfFile.vcf: VCF file containing the Indels coordinates
- referenceGenome.fasta: FASTA file of the reference genome
- indelSequenceCoordinates.gfa: Output GFA file
- MIN_CONTIGSIZE: Minimum size of the flanking contigs of the Indels to treat as a target
The output GFA file is a GFA 2.0 file.
The script takes as input two GFA files (GFA 2.0) and merge them together. It can be run with the following command: -1 gfaFile1.gfa -2 gfaFile2.gfa -out merged_gfa.gfa
- gfaFile1.gfa: GFA 2.0 file n°1
- gfaFile2.gfa: GFA 2.0 file n°2
- merged_gfa.gfa: Output merged GFA file
The output GFA file is a GFA 2.0 file.
script takes as input a GFA file (GFA 2.0) and converts it to a FASTA file. The gaps of the GFA file are returned as 'N's regions in the output FASTA file. It can be run with the following command: -in gfaFile.gfa -out fastaFile.fasta
- gfaFile.gfa: GFA 2.0 file
- fastaFile.fasta: Output FASTA file