- User SignUp functioanlity with the help of ethereum blockchain.
- All account are registerd in ethereum blockchain ( in goerli testnet), and there authentication is handled with the help of smart contract which is deployed in blockchain itself.
- Users can add required items with itemName with their respective quantity
- User can connect its account to ethereum blockchain network with the help of connect account button (via Metamask Wallet)
- If item is available then it automatically go into pending list, where user can approve the transaction.
- User can link their account to ethereum blockchain with the help of the metamask.
- User can see transaction history of account.
- ReactJS
- Blockchain - Ethereum
- Web3.JS
- MetaMask
- Truffle
- Replit
- NodeJS
- Goerli TestNet
- Infura.io
- Solidity
- Polygon
- All Authentication is handled by ETH by our deployed Smart Contracts written in Solidity
- Protection against Unauthenticated users is implemented on all routes
- User Can Add Entries on this page.
- This Data is stored on MongoDB cluster
- All such entries will be checked automatically against the vendor data every 10 seconds
- Duplicate items are not allowed and thus quantities are stacked upon finding conflicting item names
- This Data is again Stored on MongoDB cluster
- All automated transactions , that satisfied criteria are displayed here
- Transactions can be approved by clicking "Approve" button
- A Metamask popup will notify user of all details , post confirmation money is sent to vendor
- This data is also stored on MongoDB cluster
- It contains record of all transactions approved by user
- Install MetaMask extension (used as wallet and Goerli TestNet is used)
- Register yourself.
- Login into your account to automate your requests.
- This page will display data about the requests you have made to marketplace.
- Upon finding appropriate vendor , the entry from this list will be automatically moved to Pending
- Add Entries to automate your transactions
- Currently the only item supported is "xxx" with quantity available by vendor as 20 , lesser request than 20 will be automated
- You can add items sold by vendors with parameters {'itemID' : "your item id" , "quantity" : quantity sold by vendor , "price" : price of each item}
- All items added by above mentioned API will be automated.
- You can Approve of Pending transactions from here
- We will (via Metamask) ensure to supply appropriate funds to the proper vendor
- You can also view Transaction History here
- Replit -> View