To run the analysis, remember first to set the coffea environment and your grid certificate. If you followed the instructions in the, the
file must be located right after the package, and then:
voms-proxy-init -rfc -voms cms --valid 168:00
cd coffea4bees/ ## Or go to this directory
Here you find the code to run the analysis from picoAODs
and to make some plots.
Each folder contains:
- helpers: python files with funcions/classes generic to the analyses
- metadata: yml files with the metadata for each analysis. In these files you can find input files, datasets, cross sections, etc.
- processors: python files with the processors for each analysis.
- pytorchModels: training models
- weights: JCM txt files with weights
- tests: python scripts for testing the code.
- hists (optional): if you run the
without a name of the output folder, this folder will be created to store the pickle files.
Then, the run-all script is called
and it is one directory below (in python/). This script will run local or condor depending on the flag used. To learn all the options of the script, just run:
# (inside /coffea4bees/python/)
python --help
For example, to run a processor you can do:
# (inside /coffea4bees/python/)
python -t -o test.coffea -d data TTToHadronic TTToSemiLeptonic TTTo2L2Nu HH4b -p analysis/processors/ -y UL18 -op analysis/hists/ -c analysis/metadata/example.yml
The output file of this process will be test.coffea
(a coffea output file), which contains many histograms and cutflows.
Assuming that the file with your histograms is called hists/hists.coffea
, you can run:
python analysis/ hists/hists.coffea -o testPlotsNew
python -i analysis/ hists/hists.coffea -o testPlotsNew
>>> examples()
>>> plot("SvB_MA.ps_hh",doRatio=1, debug=True, region="SR",cut="passPreSel",rebin=1,rlim=[0,2],norm=1)
>>> plot("SvB_MA_ps_zh",cut="passPreSel",region="SB",doRatio=True,debug=True,ylabel="Entries",norm=False,legend=True,rebin=5,yscale='log')
>>> plot2d("quadJet_min_dr.lead_vs_subl_m",process="TTToHadronic",region=sum,cut="passPreSel")
>>> plot2d("quadJet_min_dr.lead_vs_subl_m",process="TTToHadronic",region=sum,cut="passPreSel",full=3)
>>> plot("", region="SR", cut=["passSvB","failSvB"],process="data")
>>> plot("", region=["SB","SR"],cut="passSvB",process="data")
>>> plot("v4j.mass", region="SR", cut="passPreSel",process="data",norm=1)
>>> plot("v4j.mass", region="SR", cut="passPreSel",process=["TTTo2L2Nu","data"],norm=1)
> py -i analysis/ hists/histAll_file1.coffea hists/histAll_file1.coffea -l file1 file2
>>> plot("",region="SR",cut="passPreSel",process="data")
If you want to debug small portions of the code, you can run it interactively in python by using some commands like:
from coffea.nanoevents import NanoEventsFactory, NanoAODSchema
fname = "root://" #### or any nanoaod file
events = NanoEventsFactory.from_root( fname, schemaclass=NanoAODSchema.v6).events()