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Google Calendar API

1. Problem Statement

  • Timely Backend Engineer TestAs a user, I want to have my Google Calendar events for today listed on a Web interface, classified by calendar names.
  • The events should import and save to db when I connect my account to Google calendar for the first time, the subsequent events which get created/updated/deleted should be sync'd to the db automatically.

2. Technical requirement

  • Using the latest versions of Ruby and Rails would be preferred with proper test cases and following Ruby coding style guides. We use RSpec for writing test cases but minitest is also fine.
  • Using the Google Calendar APIs directly rather than using a gem would be preferred.

System Requirements

  1. Install rvm

  2. Install ruby 3.0.2

rvm install 3.0.2
  1. Install Postgres
sudo apt install postgresql-12 libpq-dev


1. To create Google Client_id and Client_secret

2. For Development we are using ngrok

  • In order to access google api in development enviornmant we need a secure url, for this purpose I've used Ngrok
  • Goto config/settings/development.yml and update the host to ngrok secure url https://....
  • Goto in the OAuth 2.0 Client IDs section.
    • update the Authorized JavaScript origins with he ngrok secure url
      Example :
    • Update the Authorized redirect URIs
      Example :

3. Setup ENV Database URL

create and Open .env

  • Update DATABASE_URL in .env as per local psql creds. For example, if the user is aniket and password is aniket, change the variable as `DATABASE_URL="postgres://aniket:aniket@localhost/google_Calendar_api?encoding=utf8&pool=5&timeout=5000"

4. Google Client_id and client_Secret

  • In rails console EDITOR=nano rails credentials:edit update the google client_id and client_secret

5. Add Test user

  • Goto in the Test User section.
  • and add user
  • While publishing status is set to "Testing", only test users are able to access the app.

6. Loom Video Link