diff --git a/src/ng/directive/ngOptions.js b/src/ng/directive/ngOptions.js
index 3d626706a13e..1d1b3eb64a68 100644
--- a/src/ng/directive/ngOptions.js
+++ b/src/ng/directive/ngOptions.js
@@ -729,7 +729,8 @@ var ngOptionsDirective = ['$compile', '$parse', function($compile, $parse) {
require: ['select', 'ngModel'],
link: {
pre: function ngOptionsPreLink(scope, selectElement, attr, ctrls) {
- ctrls[0].ngModelCtrl = null;
+ ctrls[0].addOption = noop;
+ ctrls[0].removeOption = noop;
post: ngOptionsPostLink
diff --git a/src/ng/directive/select.js b/src/ng/directive/select.js
index dd468283e965..82d59c66b269 100644
--- a/src/ng/directive/select.js
+++ b/src/ng/directive/select.js
@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ var SelectController =
var self = this,
optionsMap = new HashMap();
+ self.optionsMap = optionsMap;
// If the ngModel doesn't get provided then provide a dummy noop version to prevent errors
self.ngModelCtrl = noopNgModelController;
@@ -68,31 +70,8 @@ var SelectController =
- // Tell the select control that an option, with the given value, has been added
- self.addOption = function(value, element) {
- assertNotHasOwnProperty(value, '"option value"');
- if (value === '') {
- self.emptyOption = element;
- }
- var count = optionsMap.get(value) || 0;
- optionsMap.put(value, count + 1);
- };
- // Tell the select control that an option, with the given value, has been removed
- self.removeOption = function(value) {
- var count = optionsMap.get(value);
- if (count) {
- if (count === 1) {
- optionsMap.remove(value);
- if (value === '') {
- self.emptyOption = undefined;
- }
- } else {
- optionsMap.put(value, count - 1);
- }
- }
- };
+ self.addOption = noop;
+ self.removeOption = noop;
// Check whether the select control has an option matching the given value
self.hasOption = function(value) {
@@ -324,6 +303,36 @@ var selectDirective = function() {
selectCtrl.ngModelCtrl = ngModelCtrl;
+ // Tell the select control that an option, with the given value, has been added
+ selectCtrl.addOption = function(value, element) {
+ assertNotHasOwnProperty(value, '"option value"');
+ if (value === '') {
+ selectCtrl.emptyOption = element;
+ }
+ var count = selectCtrl.optionsMap.get(value) || 0;
+ selectCtrl.optionsMap.put(value, count + 1);
+ element.on('$destroy', function() {
+ selectCtrl.removeOption(value);
+ selectCtrl.ngModelCtrl.$render();
+ });
+ };
+ // Tell the select control that an option, with the given value, has been removed
+ selectCtrl.removeOption = function(value) {
+ var count = selectCtrl.optionsMap.get(value);
+ if (count) {
+ if (count === 1) {
+ selectCtrl.optionsMap.remove(value);
+ if (value === '') {
+ selectCtrl.emptyOption = undefined;
+ }
+ } else {
+ selectCtrl.optionsMap.put(value, count - 1);
+ }
+ }
+ };
// We delegate rendering to the `writeValue` method, which can be changed
// if the select can have multiple selected values or if the options are being
// generated by `ngOptions`
@@ -460,11 +469,6 @@ var optionDirective = ['$interpolate', function($interpolate) {
// The value attribute is static
- element.on('$destroy', function() {
- selectCtrl.removeOption(attr.value);
- selectCtrl.ngModelCtrl.$render();
- });
diff --git a/test/ng/directive/ngOptionsSpec.js b/test/ng/directive/ngOptionsSpec.js
index 8c2c15d7b878..fa8e21d02744 100644
--- a/test/ng/directive/ngOptionsSpec.js
+++ b/test/ng/directive/ngOptionsSpec.js
@@ -125,12 +125,15 @@ describe('ngOptions', function() {
.directive('oCompileContents', function() {
return {
- link: function(scope, element) {
- linkLog.push('linkCompileContents');
- $compile(element.contents())(scope);
+ priority: 2,
+ link: {
+ pre: function(scope, element) {
+ linkLog.push('linkCompileContents');
+ $compile(element.contents())(scope);
+ }
- });
+ });
$provide.decorator('ngOptionsDirective', function($delegate) {
@@ -2170,29 +2173,38 @@ describe('ngOptions', function() {
it('should not throw when a directive compiles the blank option before ngOptions is linked', function() {
expect(function() {
- createSelect({
- 'o-compile-contents': '',
- 'name': 'select',
- 'ng-model': 'value',
- 'ng-options': 'item for item in items'
+ createSelect({
+ 'o-compile-contents': '',
+ 'name': 'select',
+ 'ng-model': 'value',
+ 'ng-options': 'item for item in items'
}, true);
expect(linkLog).toEqual(['linkCompileContents', 'linkNgOptions']);
+ var options = element.find('option');
+ expect(options.length).toBe(1);
+ expect(options.eq(0).val()).toBe('');
+ expect(options.eq(0).text()).toBe('blank');
it('should not throw with a directive that replaces', inject(function($templateCache, $httpBackend) {
- $templateCache.put('select_template.html', '');
+ $templateCache.put('select_template.html', '');
- scope.options = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'];
+ scope.options = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
expect(function() {
- var element = $compile('')(scope);
+ element = $compile('')(scope);
- dealoc(element);
+ var options = element.find('option');
+ expect(options.length).toBe(4);
+ expect(options.eq(0).val()).toBe('');
+ expect(options.eq(0).text()).toBe('--select--');
+ dealoc(element);