diff --git a/src/tabs/docs/readme.md b/src/tabs/docs/readme.md
index eae3108d5f..6072f5f482 100644
--- a/src/tabs/docs/readme.md
+++ b/src/tabs/docs/readme.md
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ AngularJS version of the tabs directive.
* `deselect()`
$ -
- An optional expression called when tab is deactivated. Supports $event and selectedTabIndex in template for expression. You may call `$event.preventDefault()` in this event handler to prevent a tab change from occurring. The selectedTabIndex can be used to determine which tab was attempted to be opened.
+ An optional expression called when tab is deactivated. Supports `$event` and `selectedTabIndex` in template for expression. You may call `$event.preventDefault()` in this event handler to prevent a tab change from occurring. The `selectedTabIndex` can be used to determine which tab was attempted to be opened.
* `disable`