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The Pixie pipeline computes and saves out a lot of extraneous files, most of which correspond to a common set of dimensions (num_cells and num_channels). This has been extremely cumbersome for a few reasons:
It's difficult to keep track of the names of all these files. Additionally, if the naming standard for a file changes, this change needs to propagate through the entire pipeline.
More files = more variables to keep track of and pass around
Fallback protection is difficult to implement because several files need to be checked and possibly updated.
Re-running portions of the pipeline is cumbersome because it requires the user to manually delete files. It's much easier to programmatically access and delete a variable in a shared data structure with AnnData.
Users are unable to easily snapshot previous runs on the same dataset with different parameters.
In light of a gradual conversion of the spatial analysis portion of the pipeline to AnnData, it would be best to think about how to utilize AnnData for a Pixie implementation.
Design overview
The implementation for Pixie will be different for pixel- and cell-level clustering.
Pixel-level clustering
Due to the nature of Pixie being trained on a subset, this will require some additional thought.
The full subsetted data can be represented as an AnnData object:
X: the pixels x channels dataset. X may include additional layers for different levels of normalization. Keep in mind that even subsetted datasets may be very large, so we might only be able to keep the main training data in X for this component.
var: channel-level information (ex. names, norm_coeffs, etc.)
obs: various cell-level assignments. This could contain stuff like fov, segmentation_label, x, y, etc.
uns: pixel_thresh_val, SOM weights, color mappings, etc.
The main challenge with the pixel clustering component is the need to train on a subset, then assign on the full dataset. No matter how efficient AnnData is in loading data, it would be cumbersome to load a full pixel-level dataset into memory.
The weights can still be accessed from uns + the norm_coeffs from var and used to normalize + assign to each FOV's full pixel dataset individually.
The average channel expressions per cluster tables will require some thought, there are two possible places they could go in:
varm: this is my first thought. Since this is an average of pixel cluster across channels, there's a correlation between the channel dimensions
uns: since this is a high-level summary file, it may makes more sense to put here. Additionally, these average expression files are computed across the full dataset, whereas X in the pixel-level clustering AnnData object contains just the subsetted data.
Instead of saving a hacky dict with params to use in cell clustering, we can instead save this Pixie AnnData object and load this into the cell clustering notebook.
Cell-level clustering
Because we train and label the same dataset, AnnData representation is much easier for cell-level data.
X: the cells x cell_expression_columns (ex. normalized pixel-level metacluster expression) dataset. X may include additional layers for different levels of normalization. We can create this matrix by leveraging the AnnData object from the pixel-level Pixie notebook.
var: cell expression column information (ex. names)
obs: various cell-level assignments. This could contain stuff like fov, segmentation_label, x, y, etc. For cell clustering, this can also contain the actual SOM and meta-cluster assignments. In this way, we can more easily leverage AnnData's groupby functionality.
uns: SOM weights, color mappings, etc.
As with pixel-level clustering, we need to decide if the average cell_expression_col per cluster + weighted channel average tables should be stored in varm or uns.
Integration with metacluster remapping step/visualization
The visualization component has caused us no shortage of issues in the past, in large part because of inconsistent coloring schemes. AnnData can be used to store information related to the metacluster remapping step to save a lot of hassle.
For now, we can simply access the data we need to pass into the remapping GUI from the AnnData objects. Implementing this will likely be a separate PR in itself.
Code mockup
An AnnData object can be created like:
import anndata as ad
anndata_obj = ad.AnnData(feather.read_dataframe(os.path.join("/path/to/training/data.feather"))) # or just pass in the loaded dataframe
For pixel-level training, we'd have to concatenate the data from all the .feather files together. We already do this in the existing Pixie workflow very efficiently.
Here's how the preprocessing function could look like with AnnData:
def preprocess_fov(...):
return pixel_mat, pixel_mat_subset # we will NOT be writing out the subsetted data into separate dfs anymore
def create_pixel_matrix(..., pixel_subset_name="pixel_mat_subsetted.h5ad", ...):
# initialize a blank AnnData object, or load if an intermediate file already saved
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(base_dir, pixel_output_dir, pixel_subset_name)):
pixel_train_data = ad.read_h5ad(os.path.join(base_dir, pixel_output_dir, pixel_subset_name))
pixel_train_data = ad.AnnData(pd.DataFrame({chan: 0 for chan in channels}))
if "channel" not in pixel_train_data.var.columns.values:
pixel_train_data.var = pd.DataFrame({"channel": channels})
fovs_sub = ad.AnnData.obs["fov"].unique()
fov_data = io_utils.list_files(os.path.join(base_dir, data_dir), substrs='.feather')
# intersect the two fovs lists together (if a FOV appears in one but not the other, regenerate)
fovs_full = list(set(fovs_sub).intersection(fovs_data))
# trim the .feather suffix from the fovs in the subsetted directory
fovs_full = io_utils.remove_file_extensions(fovs_full)
# define the list of FOVs for preprocessing
# NOTE: if an existing FOV is already corrupted, future steps will discard it
fovs_list = list(set(fovs).difference(set(fovs_full)))
# if there are no FOVs left to preprocess don't run function
if len(fovs_list) == 0:
print("There are no more FOVs to preprocess, skipping")
# check for missing quant data and add to the list of FOVs for processing
if "quant_dat_all" not in pixel_train_data.uns:
pixel_train_data.uns["quant_dat_all"] = pd.DataFrame()
quant_fov_list = pixel_train_data.uns["quant_dat_all"].columns
quant_missing = list(set(fovs).difference(set(quant_fov_list)))
fovs_list = list(set(fovs_list).union(set(quant_missing)))
# if the process is only partially complete, inform the user of restart
if len(fovs_list) < len(fovs):
print("Restarting preprocessing from FOV %s, "
"%d fovs left to process" % (fovs_list[0], len(fovs_list)))
if "norm_vals_pre_rownorm" not in pixel_train_data.var.columns.values or set(pixel_train_data.var["norm_vals_pre_rownorm"].columns.values) != set(channels):
pixel_train_data.var["norm_vals_pre_rownorm"] = channel_norm_pre_rownorm_df
if "pixel_thresh_val" not in pixel_train_data.uns or set(pixel_train_data.var["norm_vals_pre_rownorm"].columns.values) != set(channels):
pixel_train_data.uns["pixel_thresh_val"] = pixel_thresh_val
pixel_train_data.write_h5ad(os.path.join(base_dir, pixel_output_dir, pixel_subset_name))
if multiprocess:
# define the multiprocessing context
with multiprocessing.get_context('spawn').Pool(batch_size) as fov_data_pool:
# asynchronously generate and save the pixel matrices per FOV
# NOTE: fov_data_pool should NOT operate on quant_dat since that is a shared resource
for fov_batch in [fovs_list[i:(i + batch_size)]
for i in range(0, len(fovs_list), batch_size)]:
fov_data_batch =, fov_batch)
# compute the 99.9% quantile values for each FOV
for pixel_mat_data, pixel_mat_subset in fov_data_batch:
quant_dat_all = quant_dat_all.merge(pixel_train_data.uns["quant_dat_all"], how="outer",
left_index=True, right_index=True)
pixel_train_data["X"] = pd.concat(pixel_train_data["X"], pixel_mat_subset[channels])
pixel_train_data["obs"] = pd.concat(pixel_train_data["obs"], pixel_train_data.drop(columns=channels))
pixel_train_data.write_h5ad(os.path.join(base_dir, pixel_output_dir, pixel_subset_name))
for fov in fovs_list:
pixel_mat_data, pixel_mat_subset = fov_data_func(fov)
quant_dat_all = quant_dat_all.merge(quant_dat_fov, how="outer",
left_index=True, right_index=True)
pixel_train_data["X"] = pd.concat(pixel_train_data["X"], pixel_mat_subset)
pixel_train_data["obs"] = pd.concat(pixel_train_data["obs"], pixel_train_data.drop(columns=channels))
pixel_train_data.write_h5ad(os.path.join(base_dir, pixel_output_dir, pixel_subset_name))
# additional features can be set to pixel_train_data
# persist for fallback purposes
pixel_train_data.write_h5ad(os.path.join(base_dir, pixel_output_dir, pixel_subset_name))
return pixel_train_data
For integration with the rest of Pixie, we'll need to rethink the class.
The bulk of functionality derives from the base PixieSOMCluster class, so only this will be included for demonstration:
class PixieSOMCluster(ABC):
def __init__(self, pixel_train_data: ad.AnnData, train_data_path: str, num_passes: int = 1,
xdim: int = 10, ydim: int = 10, lr_start: float = 0.05, lr_end: float = 0.01,
self.pixel_train_data = pixel_train_data
if "weights" not in pixel_train_data.uns:
self.pixel_train_data.uns["weights"] = None
self.train_data_path = train_data_path
self.columns = columns
self.num_passes = num_passes
self.xdim = xdim
self.ydim = ydim
self.lr_start = lr_start
self.lr_end = lr_end
self.seed = seed
def normalize_data(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
def train_som(self, data: pd.DataFrame):
# pyFlowSOM.som requires data in np.float64, add type cast for safety purposes
som_weights = som(
data=data.values.astype(np.float64), xdim=self.xdim, ydim=self.ydim,
rlen=self.num_passes, alpha_range=(self.lr_start, self.lr_end), seed=self.seed
# ensure dimensions of weights are flattened
som_weights = np.reshape(som_weights, (self.xdim * self.ydim, som_weights.shape[-1]))
self.pixel_train_data.uns["weights"] = pd.DataFrame(som_weights, columns=data.columns.values)
def generate_som_clusters(self, external_data: pd.DataFrame,
num_parallel_obs: int = 1000000) -> np.ndarray:
# ensure batch_size passed is valid
if num_parallel_obs <= 0:
raise ValueError("num_parallel_obs specified needs to be greater than 0")
# subset on just the weights columns prior to SOM cluster mapping
weights_cols = self.pixel_train_data.uns["weights"].columns.values
# ensure the weights cols are actually contained in external_data
# define the batches of cluster labels assigned
cluster_labels = []
# work in batches to support large dataframe sizes
# TODO: possible dynamic computation in order?
for i in np.arange(0, external_data.shape[0], num_parallel_obs):
# NOTE: this also orders the columns of external_data_sub the same as self.weights
i:min(i + num_parallel_obs - 1, external_data.shape[0]), weights_cols
# if no pixels in the image, return empty array
if not cluster_labels:
return np.empty(0)
# concat all the results together and return
return np.concatenate(cluster_labels)
class PixelSOMCluster(PixieSOMCluster):
def __init__(self, pixel_train_data: ad.AnnData,
num_passes: int = 1, xdim: int = 10, ydim: int = 10,
lr_start: float = 0.05, lr_end: float = 0.01, seed=42):
pixel_train_data, num_passes, xdim, ydim, lr_start, lr_end, seed
# define each SOM cluster seen
self.som_clusters_seen = set()
def normalize_data(self, external_data: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
# verify norm_data_cols actually contained in external_data
# ensure columns in norm_data match up with external_data before normalizing
norm_data_cols = self.pixel_train_data.var["norm_data_post_rownorm"].columns.values
external_data_norm = external_data.copy()
external_data_norm[norm_data_cols] = external_data_norm[norm_data_cols].div(
self.norm_data.iloc[0], axis=1
return external_data_norm
def train_som(self, overwrite=False):
# if overwrite flag set, retrain SOM regardless of state
if overwrite:
warnings.warn('Overwrite flag set, retraining SOM')
# otherwise, do not train SOM if weights already exist and the same markers used to train
elif self.pixel_train_data.uns["weights"] is not None:
if set(self.pixel_train_data.uns["weights"].columns.values) == set(self.pixel_train_data.var["channel"].values):
warnings.warn('Pixel SOM already trained on specified markers')
# notify the user that different markers specified
warnings.warn('New markers specified, retraining')
def assign_som_clusters(self, external_data: pd.DataFrame,
normalize_data: bool = True,
num_parallel_pixels: int = 1000000) -> pd.DataFrame:
# normalize external_data prior to assignment, if normalize_data set
external_data_norm = self.normalize_data(external_data) if normalize_data \
else external_data.copy()
som_labels = super().generate_som_clusters(
external_data_norm, num_parallel_obs=num_parallel_pixels
# assign SOM clusters to external_data
external_data_norm['pixel_som_cluster'] = som_labels
# update the total number of SOM clusters
return external_data_norm
class CellSOMCluster(PixieSOMCluster):
def __init__(self, cell_train_data: ad.AnnData, num_passes: int = 1,
xdim: int = 10, ydim: int = 10, lr_start: float = 0.05, lr_end: float = 0.01,
seed=42, normalize=True):
cell_train_data, num_passes, xdim, ydim, lr_start, lr_end, seed
# since cell_data is the only dataset, we can just normalize it immediately
if normalize:
def normalize_data(self):
# this will need to be converted into numpy-compatible format, but the gist is the same
cell_norm_vals = self.cell_train_data.X.replace(0, np.nan).quantile(q=0.999, axis=0)
self.cell_train_data = self.cell_train_data.div(cell_norm_vals)
def train_som(self, overwrite=False):
# if overwrite flag set, retrain SOM regardless of state
if overwrite:
warnings.warn('Overwrite flag set, retraining SOM')
# otherwise, do not train SOM if weights already exist and the same columns used to train
elif self.weights is not None:
if set(self.pixel_train_data.uns["weights"].columns.values) == set(self.pixel_train_data.var["channels"].values):
warnings.warn('Cell SOM already trained on specified columns')
# notify the user that different columns specified
warnings.warn('New columns specified, retraining')
def assign_som_clusters(self, num_parallel_cells=1000000) -> pd.DataFrame:
# cell_data is already normalized, don't repeat
som_labels = super().generate_som_clusters(
self.cell_train_data.X, num_parallel_obs=num_parallel_cells
# assign SOM clusters to cell_data
self.cell_train_data.obs["cell_som_cluster"] = som_labels
return self.cell_train_data
class PixieConsensusCluster:
def __init__(self, cluster_type: str, pixie_data: ad.AnnData, pixie_path: str
max_k: int = 20, cap: float = 3):
# validate the cluster_type provided
supported_cluster_types=['pixel', 'cell']
self.pixie_data = pixie_data
self.pixie_path = pixie_path
self.cluster_type = cluster_type
self.som_col = '%s_som_cluster' % cluster_type
self.meta_col = '%s_meta_cluster' % cluster_type
self.max_k = max_k
self.cap = cap
# NOTE: H set to 10 to replicate default 'reps' arg in R ConsensusClusterPlus
# resample_proportion set to 0.8 to replicate default 'pItem' arg in ConsensusClusterPlus = ConsensusCluster(
self.mapping = None
def scale_data(self):
"""z-scores and caps `input_data`.
Scaling will be done on a per-column basis for all column names specified.
Capping will truncate the data in the range `[-cap, cap]`.
# z-score the data
self.pixie_data.uns["som_agg_data_zscore"] = self.pixie_data.varm["som_agg_data"].apply(zscore) # need to be converted to numpy-compatible format
# cap the data in the range [-cap, cap]
self.pixie_data.uns["som_agg_data_zscore_cap"] = self.pixie_data.uns["som_agg_data_zscore_cap"].clip(
lower=-self.cap, upper=self.cap
def run_consensus_clustering(self):
"""Fits the meta clustering results using `ConsensusCluster`.
self.pixie_data.uns["consensus_cluster_fit"] =
def generate_som_to_meta_map(self):
"""Maps each `'{self.cluster_type}_som_cluster'` to the meta cluster
generated by `ConsensusCluster`.
Also assigns mapping to `self.mapping` for use in `assign_consensus_labels`.
self.pixie_data.varm["som_agg_data_zscore_cap"][self.meta_col] =["som_agg_data_zscore_cap"])
self.pixie_data.uns["som_to_meta_mapping"] = self.pixie_data.uns["som_agg_data_zscore_cap"][[self.som_col, self.meta_col]].copy().astype(int)
self.pixie_data.uns["som_to_meta_mapping"].loc[:, self.meta_col] += 1
def assign_consensus_labels(self, external_data: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Takes an external dataset and applies `ConsensusCluster` mapping to it.
external_data (pandas.DataFrame):
A dataset which contains a `'{self.cluster_type}_som_cluster'` column.
The `external_data` with a `'{self.cluster_type}_meta_cluster'` column attached.
external_data[self.meta_col] = external_data[self.som_col].map(
return external_data
We can extrapolate this to the existing workflows to leverage SOM and meta cluster fitting and prediction.
TODO: include meta cluster remapping stage as well as post-norm visualizations
Required inputs
Same as before, these will be programmatically combined into an AnnData object
Output files
Instead of several fragmented files, the goal is to unify all of this into a single AnnData object that gets saved to a single .h5ad file.
Give a rough estimate for how long you think the project will take. In general, it's better to be too conservative rather than too optimistic.
A couple days
A week
Multiple weeks. For large projects, make sure to agree on a plan that isn't just a single monster PR at the end.
Estimated date when a fully implemented version will be ready for review:
Early next year.
Estimated date when the finalized project will be merged in:
Early next year.
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:
@jranek@camisowers this is a very rough draft but provides an overview of how an AnnData conversion could look. Depending on how the FlowSOM_Python package works for us, that could encapsulate away a lot of the AnnData representation. Let me know your thoughts, thanks!
Relevant background
The Pixie pipeline computes and saves out a lot of extraneous files, most of which correspond to a common set of dimensions (num_cells and num_channels). This has been extremely cumbersome for a few reasons:
In light of a gradual conversion of the spatial analysis portion of the pipeline to AnnData, it would be best to think about how to utilize AnnData for a Pixie implementation.
Design overview
The implementation for Pixie will be different for pixel- and cell-level clustering.
Pixel-level clustering
Due to the nature of Pixie being trained on a subset, this will require some additional thought.
The full subsetted data can be represented as an AnnData object:
: the pixels x channels dataset.X
may include additional layers for different levels of normalization. Keep in mind that even subsetted datasets may be very large, so we might only be able to keep the main training data inX
for this component.var
: channel-level information (ex. names, norm_coeffs, etc.)obs
: various cell-level assignments. This could contain stuff likefov
, etc.uns
: pixel_thresh_val, SOM weights, color mappings, etc.The main challenge with the pixel clustering component is the need to train on a subset, then assign on the full dataset. No matter how efficient AnnData is in loading data, it would be cumbersome to load a full pixel-level dataset into memory.
The weights can still be accessed from
+ the norm_coeffs fromvar
and used to normalize + assign to each FOV's full pixel dataset individually.The average channel expressions per cluster tables will require some thought, there are two possible places they could go in:
: this is my first thought. Since this is an average of pixel cluster across channels, there's a correlation between the channel dimensionsuns
: since this is a high-level summary file, it may makes more sense to put here. Additionally, these average expression files are computed across the full dataset, whereasX
in the pixel-level clustering AnnData object contains just the subsetted data.Instead of saving a hacky
with params to use in cell clustering, we can instead save thisPixie
AnnData object and load this into the cell clustering notebook.Cell-level clustering
Because we train and label the same dataset, AnnData representation is much easier for cell-level data.
: the cells x cell_expression_columns (ex. normalized pixel-level metacluster expression) dataset.X
may include additional layers for different levels of normalization. We can create this matrix by leveraging the AnnData object from the pixel-level Pixie notebook.var
: cell expression column information (ex. names)obs
: various cell-level assignments. This could contain stuff likefov
, etc. For cell clustering, this can also contain the actual SOM and meta-cluster assignments. In this way, we can more easily leverage AnnData'sgroupby
: SOM weights, color mappings, etc.As with pixel-level clustering, we need to decide if the average cell_expression_col per cluster + weighted channel average tables should be stored in
.NOTE: if the
repo works out for us (, we may be able to delegate a lot of the work there.Integration with metacluster remapping step/visualization
The visualization component has caused us no shortage of issues in the past, in large part because of inconsistent coloring schemes. AnnData can be used to store information related to the metacluster remapping step to save a lot of hassle.
For now, we can simply access the data we need to pass into the remapping GUI from the AnnData objects. Implementing this will likely be a separate PR in itself.
Code mockup
An AnnData object can be created like:
For pixel-level training, we'd have to concatenate the data from all the
files together. We already do this in the existing Pixie workflow very efficiently.Here's how the preprocessing function could look like with AnnData:
For integration with the rest of Pixie, we'll need to rethink the
class.The bulk of functionality derives from the base
class, so only this will be included for demonstration:We can extrapolate this to the existing workflows to leverage SOM and meta cluster fitting and prediction.
TODO: include meta cluster remapping stage as well as post-norm visualizations
Required inputs
Same as before, these will be programmatically combined into an AnnData object
Output files
Instead of several fragmented files, the goal is to unify all of this into a single AnnData object that gets saved to a single .h5ad file.
Give a rough estimate for how long you think the project will take. In general, it's better to be too conservative rather than too optimistic.
Estimated date when a fully implemented version will be ready for review:
Early next year.
Estimated date when the finalized project will be merged in:
Early next year.
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: