Bot building superpowers.
// dialogs/astrologer.js
import {FlowDialog} from 'deepdialog';
export const Astrologer = new FlowDialog({
name: "Astrologer",
flows: {
onStart: [
"Hi, I'm Sybil the Astrologer...",
{ type:'wait', seconds:2 }, // a pregnant pause
start: ["Sys:YesNoPrompt", {
text: "I can read your horoscope. Would you like that?"
then: {
if: ({value})=>value,
then: {
text: "Would you like to subscribe for daily readings?",
actions: {
yes: [
{ set: {Subscribed: true} }, //
"You are now subscribed for daily readings"
no: [
{ set: {Subscribed: false} },
"Ok, I won't subscribe you to daily readings"
else: "I'm sorry, I'm just a simple bot. I can only tell horoscopes."
// dialogs/readhoroscope.js
export {FlowDialog} from 'deepdialog';
export const ReadHoroscope = new FlowDialog({
name: 'ReadHoroscope',
flows: {
start: {
if: ({ZodiacSign})=>!ZodiacSign,
then: async ({ZodiacSign}) => {
var horoscope = await retrieveHoroscope(ZodiacSign),
else: {
start: "PickSign",
then: {
if: {result}=>result,
then: async ({result}) => await{ZodiacSign: result});
// dialogs/picksign.js
// A dialog which enables the user to choose their Zodiac sign
// etc.
Step by step instructions - or checkout the starter bot:
Checkout the FlowScript for a high-level approach to writing dynamic conversations.
// maindialog.js
import {Dialog} from 'deepdialog';
export const MainDialog = new Dialog({
name: 'MainDialog',
// When the dialog starts:
MainDialog.onStart(async function (session, localVars) {
await session.send("I'm a bot, what can I help you with?");
// When the dialog receives text:
MainDialog.onText(/hello.*/, async function (session, text) {
// respond to the hello message
await session.send("Hello to you!");
And add the dialogs:
import {MainDialog} from './maindialog';
var app = new App({
appId: process.env.DEEPDIALOG_APPID,
appSecret: process.env.DEEPDIALOG_APPSECRET,
hostURL: process.env.HOST_URL,
mainDialog: 'MainDialog', // point at the starting dialog
deepDialogServer: process.env.DEEPDIALOG_SERVER_URL,
automaticTypingState: true
app.server.start(process.env.PORT, async function () {'Bot started');