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The minified dist files trip up the RequireJS mechanism. To bypass, the scripts automatically expose an XLSX variable that can be used if the require callback argument is _XLSX rather than XLSX. This trick is employed in the included xlsx-shim.js script:

/* xlsx-shim.js */
define(['xlsx'], function (_XLSX) {
	return XLSX;

The require config should set xlsx path to the appropriate dist file:

	paths: {
		xlsx: "xlsx.full.min"

Once that is set, app code can freely require "xlsx-shim":

require(["xlsx-shim"], function(XLSX) {
	/* use XLSX here */


browser.html demonstrates a dynamic deployment, using the in-browser config:

<script src="require.js"></script>
	baseUrl: ".",
	name: "app",
	paths: {
		xlsx: "xlsx.full.min"
<script src="app.js"></script>

optimizer.html demonstrates an optimized deployment using build.js config:

/* build config */
	baseUrl: ".",
	name: "app",
	paths: {
		xlsx: "xlsx.full.min"
	out: "app-built.js"

The optimizer is invoked with:

node r.js -o build.js paths.requireLib=./require include=requireLib

That step creates a file app-built.js that can be included in a page:

<!-- final bundle includes require.js, xlsx-shim, library and app code -->
<script src="app-built.js"></script>
