#Before running buildDockerImage.sh, you need to set the environment variables, http_proxy, https_proxy, ftp_proxy, and no_proxy, to access internet if the docker environment is behind a corporate proxy.
The base image oracle/tuxedo:12.2.2 should be built before you run buildDockerImage.sh.
- For how to build the base image oracle/tuxedo:12.2.2, visit Tuxedo on Docker. Before getting started, download the Tuxedo 12.2.2 Linux 64 bit installer tuxedo122200_64_Linux_01_x86.zip from http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/middleware/tuxedo/downloads/index.html Execute: $ ./buildDockerImage.sh Or: $ docker build -t oracle/tuxedoall 12.2.2/
You can then start the image in a new container with:
$ docker run -d -v