npm i --save
Add to settings.gradle
include ':react-native-cloudinary'
project(':react-native-cloudinary').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-cloudinary/android')
Add to /app/build.gradle dependencies
compile project(':react-native-cloudinary')
Add to
import com.agouin.cloudinary.RNCloudinaryPackage;
public List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
return Arrays.<ReactPackage>asList(
new RNCloudinaryPackage(),
Add to podfile
pod 'AFNetworking', '~> 3.0'
pod 'react-native-cloudinary', path: '../node-modules/react-native-cloudinary'
cd ios/
pod install
import Cloudinary from 'react-native-cloudinary';
let progressListener = ({progress, id}) => {
console.log('received progress event', progress);
// Get progress events
Cloudinary.addUploadProgressListener(progressListener); //before upload
Cloudinary.upload(url, // url after
uri, // uri to media
filename, // file name
signature, // signature to sign parameters
apiKey, // api key for signing
timestamp, // timestamp in epoch time
colors, // boolean matching what was requested from cloudinary
returnDeleteToken, // boolean matching what was requested from cloudinary
format, // string matching what was requested from cloudinary (null if not used)
type, // mimetype
id // upload id, unique id that will be sent back in progress event
.then(r => /* Cloudinary response in r including public_id, etc. */)
.catch(e => /* Cloudinary error in e*/);
Cloudinary.removeUploadProgressListener(progressListener); //after upload