export type Result<T, E> = { success: true; value: T } | { success: false; error: E };
export enum FetchError {
export interface BaseError {
is_error: boolean,
message: string,
code?: number,
export interface GET_baseRequestOptions {
method: string;
credentials: "include";
headers: RequestHeaders
signal: AbortSignal;
With those base types explained, here is the current 'template' I use, I copy this as the starting point for each new hook! In this example, there is a another best pratice in play, with regards to /api/backend_api that isn't covered here, just understand that the BASE_URL is the root of your target -> https://mybackend.com:42069/ and the PLACHOLDER_URL would be whatever other URL you are using from that file.
import { useEffect, useRef, useState } from "react";
import { Result, FetchError, BaseError, GET_baseRequestOptions } from "../../types/basetypes";
import { BASE_URL, PLACEHOLDER_URL } from "../../api/backend_api";
type thisHookSuccessPayload = {
value: string
const clean_error: BaseError = { is_error: false, message: "" };
export default function useTemplate() {
const [loading, setLoading] = useState<boolean>(false);
const [error, setError] = useState<BaseError>(clean_error);
const [data, setData] = useState<Result<thisHookSuccessPayload, BaseError>>({ success: true, value: { value: "Default" } });
const controllerRef = useRef<AbortController | null>(null);
useEffect(() => {
// This will abort any calls that are inflight, if the thing using this hook un-mounts.
return () => {
if (controllerRef.current) {
}, []);
const default_load_data = async (): Promise<void> => {
// Abort any existing requests before starting a new one
if (controllerRef.current) {
controllerRef.current = new AbortController();
const signal = controllerRef.current.signal;
let request_options: GET_baseRequestOptions = {
method: "GET",
credentials: "include",
headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
try {
const response = await fetch(`${BASE_URL}${PLACEHOLDER_URL}`, request_options);
if (signal.aborted) return; // Fast Return if aborted
if (response.status === 200) { //Fast return on success.
let result: thisHookSuccessPayload = await response.json();
setData({ success: true, value: result });
const message = await response.text();
const errorType = response.status in FetchError ? response.status : FetchError.NETWORK_ERROR;
setError({ is_error: true, message, code: errorType });
} catch (e: any) {
if (e instanceof DOMException && e.name === 'AbortError') {
return; //Fast return in case of Abort mid-flight, without throwing app into Error state!
if (e instanceof Error) {
console.error(`[useTemplate] -> [default_load_data] -> Fetch Error: ${e}`);
setError({ is_error: true, message: e.message, code: FetchError.NETWORK_ERROR });
} else {
setError({ is_error: true, message: e.to_string(), code: FetchError.NETWORK_ERROR });
finally {
// Only clear the controller ref if it wasn't already aborted
if (controllerRef.current && !controllerRef.current.signal.aborted) {
controllerRef.current = null;
return { loading, error, data, default_load_data };
This hook covers these pitfalls I'm trying to avoid!
- UseEffect catches when a component using this hook un-mounts, it will remove and terminate the fetch, this will prevent memory leaks (possible).
- UseRef will make sure that this hold the current Signal, regardless of invokation. It is cleared when there is a successful fetch.
- This method also prevents race conditions for fetch calls, it immediately aborts when called. So single caller only.
- The Error handling in the success path is, fast return values on success, and leverage Typescript ENUM -> Value to build error type based on response from server!
- No retry mechanism currently.
- No Caching currently.
- No way to handle timeouts currently.