- Kotlin script migration
- API Breaking changes
- Interfaces Authenticator, OwnerStorage, CredentialStorage have been changed
- removed all usages of
or callbacks
- removed all usages of
- Generics have been reduced to a minimum (from production experiences, it was not needed)
- Removed the owner-type from the api
- Credential is now a predefined data object, that should cover all cases
- credential-type is now just a string
- Interfaces Authenticator, OwnerStorage, CredentialStorage have been changed
- Removing the Retrofit CallAdapter in order to enrich the requests using this method
- using the github api instead of facebook in the demo.
- Renaming retroauth-android to android-accountmanager. WARNING: This changes the project-import!!!
- Renaming AndroidOwnerStorage to AndroidAccountManagerOwnerStorage and AndroidCredentialStorage to AndroidAccountManagerCredentialStorage
- Removing startup hack with google version of it.
- increasing min SDK level from 14 to 21
- opened CredentialInterceptor for use outside the library
- Renaming Token -> Credentials
- Converted the project to Kotlin
- When getting the credentials, it CAN automatically read user data items, which are defined in the CredentialType
- API changes
- Solving problem with multiple authenticated requests.
- Renamed Provider to CredentialProvider and added functionality
- Better separation of OwnerStorage and CredentialStorage
- Fixed Demo app which is using Facebook with scribe
- Added functionalities to refresh the credentials before the authenticated call is called.
- Renaming TokenProvider to Authenticator
- Callback method when the account is removed from the Android AccountManager
- Updating release script
- Fixing Exception when Exception is thrown during the actual call (was always AuthenticationCanceledException)
- Renamed core project to retroauth instead of retroauth-core
- Renaming ContextManager to ActivityManager and focusing on providing a Nullable Activity. No Context will be provided anymore! Due to this change this is a breaking change.
- Doesn't use ContentProvider workaround for getting the Application Object. It seemed nice but was difficult when using multiple processes.
- Adding the hashCode method for the AndroidTokenType, so that the locking is actually working.
- If Request-Locking is enabled, it's locking (only one request at once) requests over multiple retroauth instances.
- Removed Deprecated Methods
- Changes in the CallAdapter implementation update to retrofit 2.3.0
- Added functionalities to switch accounts easily
- Fixed a bug in the ContextManager. Activity Stack was used a bit "optimistic"
- retroauth-android
- set fixed appcompat minimum version to 22.1.0
- retroauth-android
- added robolectric to enhance test coverage
- bugfix in ContextManager
- retroauth-android:
- Authentication can be finalized without finishing the activity itself
- Adding and removing accounts using the AuthAccountManager can have some optional callbacks, which notifies you, when the system created/removed the account
- retroauth-core:
- Removed method "createType" from TokenStorage
- Created TokenTypeFactory, which can be passed optionally into the AuthenticationHandler
- retroauth-core:
- breaking improvement
- Switching from String[] to int[], which is easier to handle on android
- breaking improvement
- retroauth-android:
- Some of the methods of the AuthAccountManager don't need a Context anymore
- removed method "getActiveUserToken" from AuthAccountManager, 'cause it's not necessary anymore
- Update dependencies
- retrofit 2.1.0 (retroauth-core)
- appcompat 24.1.1 (retroauth-android)
- Complete rebuild, to be able to work with retrofit2
- Removed rxjava as dependency
- Works as well with plain java
- added retroauth-android library (for android accountmanager needs)
- added java demo (google, javafx)
- added android demo (google, webview)
- No Context required for creating the Retrofit object
- Demo App:
- Added Github authentication as an example
- Permission GET_ACCOUNTS, MANAGE_ACCOUNTS, USE_CREDENTIALS, AUTHENTICATE_ACCOUNTS are now limited to APIs below 23 (No Runtime Permissions to ask the user for anymore)
- Dependency Updates:
- appcompat 23.1.0
- rxjava 1.0.15
- (Demo App:) rxandroid 1.0.1
- Bugfixes:
- there were several issues regarding the relogin on a 401 on specific request types (blocking/async/rx)
- Storing multiple credentials in the AuthenticationActivity
- Adding some sequence diagrams for a better understanding
- Bugfixes:
- Creating an instance of the LockingStrategy required a protected class as argument. fixed this.
- Dependency updates:
- rxjava 1.0.14
- appcompat 23.0.0
- Introducing RequestStrategies
- RequestStrategy
- The most basic one, just executes the request without retrying
- RetryAndInvalidateStrategy: based on RequestStrategy
- Retries the request if it returns with 401 and invalidates the token, which was (obviously) not valid anymore
- LockingStrategy: based on RetryAndInvalidateStrategy
- only one request (of a tokentype) is executed at once. this is to prevent multiple login screens.
- RequestStrategy
- Bugfix
- When multiple authenticated requests were called at the same time, and the provided token was invalid at this time, multiple 401's were returned and multiple login activities were opened.
- when you do multiple authenticated requests, there will be only one executed at one time. This is to avoid multiple 401's and multiple activities to open.
- when a request has to wait for another one, it'll be executed as soon as the previous one returns.
- When multiple authenticated requests were called at the same time, and the provided token was invalid at this time, multiple 401's were returned and multiple login activities were opened.
- Bugfixes:
- There was a major issue causing a crash, when trying to show the account chooser, after creating a new account
- Unit Tests for the main functionalities
- Javadocs for all classes
- Bugfix:
- Right after the first login, the Token was not correctly appended to the TokenInterceptor
- Lots of documentation
Demo App:
can have unlimited amount of users (using any username and the password "test"
shows the active account in the title
The Token didn't invalidate on
to get the userdata of an active account, which were setup inAuthenticationActivity#finalizeAuthentication
- All retrofit request types are supported
- rxjava
- blocking
- async
- Added AuthAccountManager to simplify the Account handling with retroauth
Multiple Accounts possible
If the User has multiple accounts setup and an authenticated request is called, the user will see an account picker to choose between the accounts or create a new one
First public release