This is a quite straightforward test where we will be able to evaluate your knowledge in:
- CSS3
- JS (React ^16.X or Angular ^5.2)
- Git
- Code Documentation
- API mockup
- Docker (optional but great chance booster)
Given the next image as model you'll have to:
Design a dummy API to work with
A whyNot approach...
{ inbox: [{ id:1, subject: 'Im opting', messageText: 'Some text', createdAt: '2018-05-16', userId: 1 }], outbox: [...], archived: [...], users: [{ id: 1, fullname: 'Jhon Doe' }] }
Mark up the image above using css3 and html5 (be careful with the browser support)
Document the code the best you can!
If possible create a Dockerfile with the node:carbon image
Bundle your code and push it!
- Responsive implementation is made