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241 lines (171 loc) · 8.51 KB

File metadata and controls

241 lines (171 loc) · 8.51 KB



This file allow you to overwrite Sass variables.

The colors variables are the following:

$palette-primary-dark: #455a64 !default;
$palette-primary-color: #607d8b !default;
$palette-primary-light: #cfd8dc !default;
$palette-primary-icon: #fff !default;
$palette-primary-text: #212121 !default;
$palette-primary-background: white !default;
$palette-accent-color: #009688 !default;
$palette-secondary-text: #727272 !default;
$palette-divider-color: #eaeaea !default;

You can also overwrite Ionic variables:

To know all WPHC internal varaibles checkout lib/scss/_variables.scss


You can now create your own custom posts/taxonomies templates or overwrite any template of the app by registering them in the config/templates/index.js file.

Create custom posts templates

Custom posts need custom templates because WPHC cannot know in advance the properties of the returned object.

After installation you will find a config/templates folder. This is your own folder, you can modify it in any way you want.

In that folder you will find an example of custom templates for the custom post type movie.

the movie folder contains list.html (list all movies) and item.html (particular movie).

Register your own templates

In index.js you will find the following line of code:

$templateCache.put('customPosts/movie/item.html', require('!html!./customPosts/movie/item.html'));
$templateCache.put('customPosts/movie/list.html', require('!html!./customPosts/movie/list.html'));

What it does is to register custom templates following the naming convention customPosts/<customPostType>/item.html for items and customPosts/<customPostType>/list.html for lists.

The require('!html!./customPosts/movie/item.html') part is just the path to your custom templates in your filesystem.

If you want to add a new custom post type, for instance countries, you will end up adding those two lines:

$templateCache.put('customPosts/countries/item.html', require('!html!<pathToTheItemTemplate>'));
$templateCache.put('customPosts/countries/list.html', require('!html!<pathToTheListTemplate>'));

Now navigating to #/public/customPosts/countries will list all the countries the WP-API returns and #/public/customPosts/countries/<id> will display one particular country.

Overwriting existing templates

If you want to modify an existing template since v2 it is possible.

WPHC templates are all located in lib/templates. These should not be touched. If you want to overwrite one just copy it and past it into your personal config/templates folder.

For instance if you want to modify the way the menu is displayed, you will need to copy lib/templates/directive/menu.html and past it wherever you want in config/templates folder.

After that you will need to register your new template in lib/templates/index.js (read the comments for help)


The default values live under config/config.default.cson (file that you should not modify), if you wish to overwrite something from it, just copy it into your personal config/config.cson file with the same indentation.

Here is a simple view of what you can configure:

  • title
  • ionicConfig
  • api
    • baseUrl
    • timeout
    • maxAttempt
  • menu
    • exposeAsideWhen
    • list
  • settings
  • cache
    • views
    • forward
    • img
    • data
  • bookmark
  • post
    • comments
  • syntaxHighlighter
  • taxonomies
  • search
  • pages
  • authors
  • posts
  • translation
    • available
    • prefered
  • analytics
  • cordova
    • statubar
    • appRate
    • pushNotifications

api [Object]

    "baseUrl": "http://YourDomain/wp-json", // This is where you put the WP-API webservice entry
    "timeout": 3000, // The time in ms when a http request is considered as failed
    "maxAttempt": 3 // The number of attempt the app will try before giving up. A button "Retry" will therefor be display

title [String]

Your website title. The title will appear on the top of the left navigation menu

ionicConfig [Object]

allow overwriting ionic configuration$ionicConfigProvider/

Setting null will keep ionic default value.

menu [Object]

The media query used to determine when to always display the left menu.

"exposeAsideWhen": "(min-width:900px)"

They are four types of menu item (internal|external|folder|separator).

  • internal Can be any page of the application (home|category|tag|parameters)
  • external Any www website
  • folder Create a menu sublevel (you can add up to six levels)
  • separator Separate menu items

NB: The icons must be from NB: For now the homepage is mandatory and cannot be a specific page.

Settings configuration.

"settings": {
    "parameters": {
        "defaultFontSize": "medium" // "small" | "medium" | "large" | "x-large" | "xx-large"

cache [Object]


  • localCacheFolder String name of the cache folder
  • useDataURI Boolean use src="data:.."? otherwise will use src="filesystem:.."
  • chromeQuota Number allocated cache space : here 10MB
  • usePersistentCache Boolean false = use temporary cache storage
  • cacheClearSize Number asize in MB that triggers cache clear on init, 0 to disable
  • headers Object HTTP headers for the download requests -- e.g: headers: { 'Accept': 'application/jpg' }
  • skipURIencoding Boolean enable if URIs are already encoded (skips call to sanitizeURI)


  • capacity Number Maximum number of items a cache can hold.
  • maxAge Number The number of milliseconds until a newly inserted item expires.
  • deleteOnExpire String Determines the behavior of a cache when an item expires. Possible values: none | passive | aggressive
  • recycleFreq Number Determines how often a cache will scan for expired items when in aggressive mode.
  • cacheFlushInterval Number If set, remove all items from a cache on an interval after the given number of milliseconds. Default: null.
  • storageMode String Determines the storage medium used by a cache.


"comments": {
    "enabled": true,    // display or not the comments
    "depth": 2,         // the thread depth you want to display. More than 2 on mobile devices may be too much
    "per_page": 50      // The max number of comments you want to display
"cache": { // Overwrite global cache. Can be empty



The bookmark cache has a difference from others. maxAge is infinite and cannot be overwritten.

"bookmark": {  // Overwrite global cache. Can be empty
    "cache": {
        "capacity": 10

taxonomies, posts, authors, pages, search

Similar configuration, contains a way to overwrite the list query and the cache.


The languages you want to see in the parameters. So far we only support English and French.


Enable Google Analytics




  • enabled Boolean Enable/Disable appRate
  • language String Language of Dialog - eg 'en', 'fr', 'it'
  • appName String Custom application title
  • openStoreInApp Boolean Leave app or not
  • usesUntilPrompt Integer Number of runs of app before dialog is displayed
  • promptForNewVersion Boolean Show dialog again if new app version
  • useCustomRateDialog String Use custom view for rate dialog
  • iosURL String Application id in AppStore
  • androidURL String Application URL in GooglePlay
  • windowsURL String Application URL in WindowsStore


Programming language auto detection for tech blogs

  • tabReplace: a string used to replace TAB characters in indentation.
  • useBR: a flag to generate
    tags instead of new-line characters in the output, useful when code is marked up using a non-
  • classPrefix: a string prefix added before class names in the generated markup, used for backwards compatibility with stylesheets.
  • languages: an array of language names and aliases restricting auto detection to only these languages.