version 1.7
Search an exploit in the local exploitdb database by its CVE.
Here you can get a free cve to exploit-db mapping in json format.
$ pip3 install cve_searchsploit
$ git clone
$ cd cve_searchsploit
$ python3 install
- python3
- requests
- progressbar2
- git
$ cve_searchsploit [parameters...]
search exploits by a cve-u
update the cve-edbid mapping-f <file with cve list>
search exploits by a cve list file-n <nessus csv scan file>
search exploits by the cve matching with a nessus scan in csv format
>>> import cve_searchsploit as CS
>>> CS.update_db()
Refreshing exploit-database repo with lastest exploits
* branch master -> FETCH_HEAD
Already up to date.
Refreshing EDBID-CVE mapping
100% (41823 of 41823) |##############| Elapsed Time: 0:00:00 Time: 0:00:00
>>> CS.edbid_from_cve("CVE-2019-0708")
[46946, 47120, 47416]
>>> CS.cve_from_edbid(47120)
If you use this tool in your academic work you can cite it using
author = {Andrea Fioraldi},
howpublished = {GitHub},
month = jun,
title = {{CVE SearchSploit}},
year = {2017},
url = {},