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fred777 edited this page Apr 6, 2014 · 16 revisions

Welcome to the Dropbox-Uploader wiki!

Backup script examples using Dropbox-Uploader:

Making it work on Android:

  1. Prerequisites: Android device must be rooted, busybox is required
  2. Download curl Android binary from here:
  3. As root, put curl binary into /system/bin/ and ca-bundle.crt into /system/usr/ and execute chmod 0755 /system/bin/curl
  4. Put into /mnt/sdcard/dropbox_uploader
  5. Make changes to
  6. Home directory defaults to /data in Android, which is non-writable by non-root users, so change CONFIG_FILE variable to /mnt/sdcard/dropbox_uploader/.dropbox_uploader
  7. Configure TMP_DIR, e.g. /mnt/sdcard/dropbox_uploader/tmp
  8. curl won't fine ca cert bundle by itself, so point it to the right place via CURL_ACCEPT_CERTIFICATES="--cacert /system/usr/ca-bundle.crt"
  9. Busybox stat command does not support output formating. As a workaround, file_size function must be changed into
function file_size
  a=(`stat -t "$1"`)
  echo ${a[1]}

Finally, dropbox_uploader can be set up by executing "bash /mnt/sdcard/dropbox_uploader/" via Android terminal or adb shell as a non-root user.

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