- Become an Effective Software Engineering Manager
- Becoming a Technical Leader - An Organic Problem-Solving Approach
- Bugs in Writing - A Guide to Debugging Your Prose
- Coders at Work - Reflections on the Craft of Programming
- Crucial Conversations - Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High
- Evidence-based Software Engineering
- Fierce Conversations
- Getting to Yes - Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In
- High Output Management
- Influence - The Psychology of Persuasion
- Managing Humans - Biting and Humorous Tales of a Software Engineering Manager
- Mindset - The New Psychology of Success
- Nonviolent Communication - A Language of Life
- On Writing Well - The Classic Guide to Writing Nonfiction
- Peopleware - Productive Projects and Teams
- Release It! - Design and Deploy Production-Ready Software
- Site Reliability Engineering - How Google Runs Production Systems
- Software Engineering at Google
- Start With Why
- Style - Toward Clarity and Grace
- Team of Teams - New Rules of Engagement for a Complex World
- The Culture Code - The Secrets of Highly Successful Group
- The Fearless Organization - Creating Psychological Safety in the Workplace for Learning, Innovation, and Growth
- The First 90 Days - Critical Success Strategies for New Leaders at All Levels
- The Five Dysfunctions of a Team - A Leadership Fable
- The Manager's Handbook
- The Manager's Path
- The Personal MBA
- The Pragmatic Programmer - From Journeyman to Master
- The Principles of Product Development Flow - Second Generation Lean Product Development
- The Productive Programmer
- The Startup CTO's Handbook
- Thinking in Bets - Making Smarter Decisions When You Don't Have All the Facts
- Thinking in Systems - A Primer
- Turn the Ship Around! - A True Story of Turning Followers into Leaders
- Value Stream Mapping - How to Visualize Work and Align Leadership for Organizational Transformation
- Decision by design - Learn the skills and systems you need to master decision-making, unlock your full potential, and intentionally design the life you want (12 weeks)
- Technical Writing Courses - A collection of courses and learning resources offered by Google
- Software Lead Weekly - A weekly email for busy people who care about people, culture and leadership
- Sunday Brain Food (Archive) - Every Sunday we share timeless insights and ideas that you can use at work and home
- thoughtworks/metric
- GitClear (paid)