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AD FS Environment Diagnostics


This module provides cmdlets that can be used to perform various tests on AD FS and WAP servers. The tests can help ensure that the AD FS / WAP service are up and running. Using the cmdlets in the module, you can root cause a service level issue faster.


  1. AD FS environment (2012R2 or higher) or WAP environment


Follow the instructions here to install this module.

Available Cmdlets

  1. Get-AdfsSystemInformation: This command gathers information regarding operating system and hardware
  2. Get-AdfsServerConfiguration: This command takes a snapshot of the AD FS farm configuration and relevant dependencies
  3. Test-AdfsServerToken: This command verifies if you can reach AD FS service and get a token issued for the credentials supplied or the identity under which the cmdlet is run
  4. Test-AdfsServerHealth: This command performs health checks of the server. The health checks are role-specific (WAP or AD FS)
  5. Export-AdfsDiagnosticsFile: This command runs diagnostics on your AD FS server and generates a diagnostic file for use with the AD FS Help Diagnostic Analyzer Tool (


  • No parameters

Usage: Get-AdfsSystemInformation

    PS > Get-AdfsSystemInformation

        OSVersion                 : 10.0.16257.0
        OSName                    : Microsoft Windows Server Standard
        MachineDomain             :
        IPAddress                 :
        TimeZone                  : Pacific Standard Time
        LastRebootTime            : 2/8/2018 7:23:17 PM
        MachineType               : Virtual Machine
        NumberOfLogicalProcessors : 8
        MaxClockSpeed             : 3591
        PhsicalMemory             : 4096
        Hosts                     : {}
        Hotfixes                  : {}
        AdfsWmiProperties         : {ConfigurationDatabaseConnectionString, ConfigurationServiceAddress, ConfigurationChannelMaxMessageSizeInBytes}
        SslBindings               : {System.Collections.Hashtable, System.Collections.Hashtable, System.Collections.Hashtable, System.Collections.Hashtable...}
        AdfssrvServiceAccount     : CONTOSO\FsSvcAcct
        AdfsVersion               : 3.0
        Role                      : STS
        Top10ProcessesByMemory    : {@{Name=dns; MemoryInMB=447.75390625; MemoryPercentOfTotal=10.9314918518066}, @{Name=Microsoft.IdentityServer.ServiceHost;
                                    MemoryInMB=270.51953125; MemoryPercentOfTotal=6.6044807434082}, @{Name=sqlservr; MemoryInMB=227.234375;
                                    MemoryPercentOfTotal=5.54771423339844}, @{Name=MsMpEng; MemoryInMB=98.8359375; MemoryPercentOfTotal=2.41298675537109}...}
        AdHealthAgentInformation  : AdHealthAgentInformation


  • IncludeTrusts: Boolean switch to indicate whether trusts (claims provider and relying party) configuration is also to be retrieved

Usage: $res = Get-AdfsServerConfiguration –IncludeTrusts

    PS > $res.ADFSRelyingPartyTrustCount
    PS > $res.ADFSClaimDescription

        ClaimType  :
        IsAccepted : True
        IsOffered  : True
        IsRequired : False
        Name       : E-Mail Address
        ShortName  : email
        Notes      : The e-mail address of the user

        ClaimType  :
        IsAccepted : True
        IsOffered  : True
        IsRequired : False
        Name       : Given Name
        ShortName  : given_name
        Notes      : The given name of the user

        ClaimType  :
        IsAccepted : True
        IsOffered  : True
        IsRequired : False
        Name       : Name
        ShortName  : unique_name
        Notes      : The unique name of the user

        ClaimType  :
        IsAccepted : True
        IsOffered  : True
        IsRequired : False
        Name       : UPN
        ShortName  : upn
        Notes      : The user principal name (UPN) of the user

        ClaimType  :
        IsAccepted : True
        IsOffered  : True
        IsRequired : False
        Name       : Common Name
        ShortName  : commonname
        Notes      : The common name of the user

        (more info) ...

        PS > $res.ADFSDeviceRegistration

        DrsObjectDN                          : CN=DeviceRegistrationService,CN=Device Registration Services,CN=Device Registration
        DevicesPerUser                       : 10
        MaximumInactiveDays                  : 90
        DeviceObjectLocation                 : CN=RegisteredDevices,DC=CONTOSO,DC=com
        IsAdfsServiceAuthorizationReady      : True
        IsDirectoryConfigured                : True

        (more info) ...


  • FederationServer: Federation Server (Farm) host name Federation Server (Farm) host name
  • AppliesTo: Identifier of the target relying party
  • Credential: Optional Username Credential used to retrieve the token
  • TestTls10: Optional switch to specify performing a synthetic transaction using Tls 1.0
  • TestTls11: Optional switch to specify performing a synthetic transaction using Tls 1.1
  • TestTls12: Optional switch to specify performing a synthetic transaction using Tls 1.2

Usage: Test-AdfsServerToken -FederationServer -AppliesTo urn:examplerpt


  • verifyO365: Boolean parameter that will enable Office 365 targeted checks. It is true by default
  • verifyTrustCerts: Boolean parameter that will enable additional checks for relying party trust and claims provider trust certificates. It is false by default
  • sslThumbprint: String parameter that is the thumbprint of the AD FS SSL certificate. This is required while running health checks on a proxy server.
  • adfsServers: Array of fully qualified domain names (FQDN) of all of the AD FS STS servers that you want to run health checks on. For Windows Server 2016 this is automatically populated using Get-AdfsFarmInformation. By default the tests are already run on the local machine, so it is not necessary to include the FQDN of the current machine in this parameter.
  • local: Switch to indicate that you only want to run the health checks on the local machine.

AD FS STS servers

Important: To get the most diagnosability you should run the health checks from your primary AD FS server.

Example Usage

Running health checks on specific servers:

$ret = Test-AdfsServerHealth -VerifyOffice365:<$true / $false> -VerifyTrustCerts:<$true / $false> -adfsServers @("", "", "")

Running health checks only on the local server:

$ret = Test-AdfsServerHealth -VerifyOffice365:<$true / $false> -VerifyTrustCerts:<$true / $false> -local

Running health checks on farm nodes automatically enumerated (Only applicable for WS2016 farms):

$ret = Test-AdfsServerHealth -VerifyOffice365:<$true / $false> -VerifyTrustCerts:<$true / $false>

AD FS Proxy servers

Usage: $ret = Test-AdfsServerHealth -sslThumbprint <AD FS SSL thumbprint>

Understanding the results

General Information

Run the cmdlet with the parameters as necessary and save the return value in a variable (in this case it is $ret). This variable will expose the following properties.

  • AllTests: This is a list of all of the tests that were run.
  • PassedTests: This is a list of all of the tests that passed.
  • WarningTests: This is a list of all of the tests that resulted in a warning.
  • FailedTests: This is a list of all of the tests that failed.
  • ErrorTests: This is a list of all of the tests that threw an exception due to a test configuration problem or a bug. This should not occur.
  • NotRunTests: This is a list of all of the tests that were not run because they were not applicable.

Additionally, you are also able to search for a specific test case by its name using the [] operator on the return value. See example usage >

    PS > $ret = Test-AdfsServerHealth
    PS > $ret

        AllTests     : {IsAdfsRunning, IsWidRunning, PingFederationMetadata, CheckAdfsSslBindings...}
        PassedTests  : {IsAdfsRunning, IsWidRunning, PingFederationMetadata, CheckAdfsSslBindings...}
        WarningTests : {}
        FailedTests  : {TestAdfsAuditPolicyEnabled}
        ErrorTests   : {}
        NotRunTests  : {Test-Certificate-Token-Decrypting-Primary-NotFoundInStore, Test-Certificate-Token-Decrypting-Primary-IsSelfSigned,
                    Test-Certificate-Token-Decrypting-Primary-PrivateKeyAbsent, Test-Certificate-Token-Decrypting-Primary-AboutToExpire...}

Each health check that were run return a class that contains the following.

  • Name: Mnemonic identifier for the test.
  • ComputerName: The name of the computer the test was run on.
  • Result: One value of 'Pass','Fail','NotRun','Error','Warning'.
  • Detail: Explanation of the 'Fail', 'NotRun', and 'Warning' result. It is typically empty when the check passes.
  • Output: Data collected for the specific test. It is a list of Key value pairs.
  • ExceptionMessage: If the test encountered an exception, this property contains the exception message.
  • Exception: If the test encountered an exception, this property contains the exception.
    PS > $ret.AllTests[0]

        Name             : IsAdfsRunning
        ComputerName     : Localhost
        Result           : Pass
        Detail           :
        Output           : {ADFSServiceState}
        ExceptionMessage :
        Exception        :

Examples of using the results

Enumerating all of the results

    PS > $ret.AllTests

        Name             : IsAdfsRunning
        ComputerName     : Localhost
        Result           : Pass
        Detail           :
        Output           : {ADFSServiceState}
        ExceptionMessage :
        Exception        :

        Name             : IsWidRunning
        ComputerName     : Localhost
        Result           : Pass
        Detail           :
        Output           : {WIDServiceState, WIDServiceStartMode}
        ExceptionMessage :
        Exception        :

        (more info) ...

Enumerating all of the failed health checks

    PS > $ret.FailedTests

        Name             : TestAdfsAuditPolicyEnabled
        ComputerName     : Localhost
        Result           : Fail
        Detail           : Audits are not configured for Usage data collection : Expected 'Success and Failure', Actual='No Auditing'
        Output           : {StsAuditConfig, MachineAuditPolicy}
        ExceptionMessage :
        Exception        :

        (more info) ...

Searching for a specific test case

    PS > $ret["Test-Certificate-Token-Decrypting-Primary-IsSelfSigned"]

        Name             : Test-Certificate-Token-Decrypting-Primary-IsSelfSigned
        ComputerName     : Localhost
        Result           : NotRun
        Detail           : Check Skipped when AutoCertificateRollover is enabled
        Output           : {Thumbprint}
        ExceptionMessage :
        Exception        :

        Name             : Test-Certificate-Token-Decrypting-Primary-IsSelfSigned
        Result           : NotRun
        Detail           : This check does not run on AD FS Secondary Server
        Output           :
        ExceptionMessage :
        Exception        :

        (more info) ...


You are welcome to contribute to the module and provide suggestions. We encourage you to fork this project, include any scripts you use for managing AD FS, and then do a pull request to master. If your scripts work, we'll include them so everyone can benefit.

Most contributions require you to agree to a Contributor License Agreement (CLA) declaring that you have the right to, and actually do, grant us the rights to use your contribution. For details, visit

When you submit a pull request, a CLA-bot will automatically determine whether you need to provide a CLA and decorate the PR appropriately (e.g., label, comment). Simply follow the instructions provided by the bot. You will only need to do this once across all repos using our CLA.

This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact [email protected] with any additional questions or comments.

Integration Testing

This project includes a set of Pester tests to ensure the basic functionality of this module. These tests should only be run by those making changes to the module. To run the tests, you must have Pester version 4.x or higher installed on the machine.

Run .\build.ps1 -Task Test to automatically enumerate and run all of the Pester tests within the Test folder.

Additionally, you can use .\build.ps1 -Task Test -CodeCoverage to perform code coverage.

We also enforce PSScriptAnalyzer rules, you must run .\build.ps1 -Task Analyze.

Adding new tests

All of the Pester tests are located in the Test folder. This folder follows the same structure as the ADFSDiagnostics root folder. Each pester test file should have .Test appended to the end of it. For example if you wanted to write tests for Filename.ps1 located in the Private folder, you should add Filename.Test.ps1 to the Private folder located in the Test folder.