Releases: anchore/yardstick
Releases · anchore/yardstick
v0.2.0 (2023-02-16)
Added Features
- feat: support loading yardstick tools as plugins [PR #5] [westonsteimel]
- feat: improve logging when fetching grype latest and support github token [PR #11] [kzantow]
- feat: support year-based filtering for ELSA, ALAS, ALASKERNEL [PR #28] [westonsteimel]
Bug Fixes
- fix: profile is yaml rather than json [PR #3] [westonsteimel]
- fix: update building syft from source to reflect reorganization of code [PR #4] [westonsteimel]
- fix: pass full image identifier to tool.capture [PR #6] [westonsteimel]
- fix: warning->debug for logging of discovered tool plugin entrypoints [PR #7] [westonsteimel]
- Add caching to github calls for version checks [PR #24] [wagoodman]
- fix: correct year parsing for ALASKERNEL and handle ValueError [PR #29] [westonsteimel]
Additional Changes
- refactor: move fullentry parsing logic to specific tool implementation [PR #8] [westonsteimel]
- refactor: pass both image and tool_input as parameters to capture [PR #9] [westonsteimel]
- chore: enable dependabot [PR #13] [westonsteimel]
- chore: update to poetry version supported by dependabot [PR #23] [westonsteimel]
- Add release process [PR #39] [wagoodman]