diff --git a/.docs/content/docs/reference/merge-skinned-mesh/index.ja.md b/.docs/content/docs/reference/merge-skinned-mesh/index.ja.md
index b317decd0..91126b6bf 100644
--- a/.docs/content/docs/reference/merge-skinned-mesh/index.ja.md
+++ b/.docs/content/docs/reference/merge-skinned-mesh/index.ja.md
@@ -19,7 +19,13 @@ SkinnedMeshRendererを統合することでメッシュを変形させる処理
+Anchor Override等の設定を行うには、MergeSkinnedMeshのあるGameObject上のSkinnedMeshRendererコンポーネントを編集してください。
+{{< hint info >}}
+[Modular Avatar]を使用している場合は、アバターのルートに[`MA Mesh Settings`]コンポーネントを追加して設定することにより、アバター全体のAnchor Override等をまとめて設定することができます。
+{{< /hint >}}
@@ -66,3 +72,6 @@ BlendShapeは、頂点とBlendShapeの数に比例して負荷が大きくなる
+[Modular Avatar]: https://modular-avatar.nadena.dev/ja
+[`MA Mesh Settings`]: https://modular-avatar.nadena.dev/ja/docs/reference/mesh-settings
diff --git a/.docs/content/docs/reference/merge-skinned-mesh/index.md b/.docs/content/docs/reference/merge-skinned-mesh/index.md
index 4d8a4d777..1b4379106 100644
--- a/.docs/content/docs/reference/merge-skinned-mesh/index.md
+++ b/.docs/content/docs/reference/merge-skinned-mesh/index.md
@@ -19,7 +19,13 @@ Also, it can reduce material slots using the same material, so we can reduce ren
 This component makes it impossible to turn meshes on and off individually on animations, but material-related animations will work without modification.
 This component will configure Meshes, Materials, BlendShapes, and Bounds but other settings will not be modified.
-Please edit SkinnedMeshRenderer component attached to same GameObject as MergeSkinnedMesh to set AnchorOverride or else.
+Please edit SkinnedMeshRenderer component attached to same GameObject as MergeSkinnedMesh to set Anchor Override or else.
+{{< hint info >}}
+If you are using [Modular Avatar], you can add [`MA Mesh Settings`] component to the root of the avatar to set the Anchor Override or else for the whole avatar.
+{{< /hint >}}
 This component is good for merging your cloth meshes and body meshes but not good for face meshes because BlendShape can cause performance impact.
 BlendShape is a feature became heavier in proportion to the count of vertices and BlendShapes.
@@ -69,3 +75,6 @@ If this checkbox is checked, renderers whose enablement is different than target
 If this component found some Materials used in multiple renderers, the Materials will be listed here.
 Check `Merge` to merge those MaterialSlots (SubMeshes) into one MaterialSlot. This reduces DrawCalls.
+[Modular Avatar]: https://modular-avatar.nadena.dev
+[`MA Mesh Settings`]: https://modular-avatar.nadena.dev/docs/reference/mesh-settings
diff --git a/Localization/en-us.po b/Localization/en-us.po
index 2e8a06add..da3868f87 100644
--- a/Localization/en-us.po
+++ b/Localization/en-us.po
@@ -339,9 +339,21 @@ msgstr "Please exclude this from the source SkinnedMeshRenderers or remove Cloth
 msgid "MergeSkinnedMesh:warning:no-root-bone"
 msgstr "Root Bone of the merged mesh is not set. This may cause unexpected behavior."
+msgid "MergeSkinnedMesh:warning:no-root-bone:description"
+msgstr "MergeSkinnedMesh does not automatically set the Root Bone of the merged mesh."
+msgid "MergeSkinnedMesh:warning:no-root-bone:hint"
+msgstr "You need to set it manually. If you are using Modular Avatar, you can also add MA Mesh Settings component to the root of the avatar to set the Root Bone for the whole avatar."
 msgid "MergeSkinnedMesh:warning:no-probe-anchor"
 msgstr "Anchor Override of the merged mesh is not set. This may cause unexpected behavior."
+msgid "MergeSkinnedMesh:warning:no-probe-anchor:description"
+msgstr "MergeSkinnedMesh does not automatically set the Anchor Override of the merged mesh."
+msgid "MergeSkinnedMesh:warning:no-probe-anchor:hint"
+msgstr "You need to set it manually. If you are using Modular Avatar, you can also add MA Mesh Settings component to the root of the avatar to set the Anchor Override for the whole avatar."
 # endregion
 # region MergeToonLitMaterial
diff --git a/Localization/ja-jp.po b/Localization/ja-jp.po
index 5e1f88412..0205664a7 100644
--- a/Localization/ja-jp.po
+++ b/Localization/ja-jp.po
@@ -249,9 +249,23 @@ msgstr "このメッシュを統合対象から除外するか、このメッシ
 msgid "MergeSkinnedMesh:warning:no-root-bone"
 msgstr "統合先のメッシュにRoot Boneが設定されていないため、予期しない動作が引き起こされる場合があります。"
+msgid "MergeSkinnedMesh:warning:no-root-bone:description"
+msgstr "MergeSkinnedMeshは統合先のメッシュのRoot Boneを自動では設定しません。"
+msgid "MergeSkinnedMesh:warning:no-root-bone:hint"
+msgstr "統合先のメッシュのRoot Boneを手動で設定する必要があります。\n"
+"Modular Avatarを使用している場合は、アバターのルートにMA Mesh Settingsコンポーネントを追加して設定することにより、アバター全体のRoot Boneをまとめて設定することもできます。"
 msgid "MergeSkinnedMesh:warning:no-probe-anchor"
 msgstr "統合先のメッシュにAnchor Overrideが設定されていないため、予期しない動作が引き起こされる場合があります。"
+msgid "MergeSkinnedMesh:warning:no-probe-anchor:description"
+msgstr "MergeSkinnedMeshは統合先のメッシュのAnchor Overrideを自動では設定しません。"
+msgid "MergeSkinnedMesh:warning:no-probe-anchor:hint"
+msgstr "統合先のメッシュのAnchor Overrideを手動で設定する必要があります。\n"
+"Modular Avatarを使用している場合は、アバターのルートにMA Mesh Settingsコンポーネントを追加して設定することにより、アバター全体のAnchor Overrideをまとめて設定することもできます。"
 # endregion
 # region MergeToonLitMaterial