- Jira widget navigable via up/down arrow keys, by @jdenoy
- Windows security module improved, by @E3V3A
- Function modules moved into the /modules directory, by @Seanstoppable
- Resource Usage module added by @nicholas-eden
- Recursive repo search in Git module (#126 by @anandsudhir)
- HTTP/HTTPS handling in OpenFile() util function by @jdenoy
- Honor system http proxies when using non-default transport by @skymeyer
- VictorOps module added by ImDevinC
- Module templates added by retgits
- Mecurial module added (@mweb)
- Can now define numeric hotkeys in config (@mweb)
- Linux firewall support added (@TheRedSpy15)
- Spotify Web module added (@StormFireFox1)
- Google Calendar module now displays all-day events (#306 by @nicholas-eden)
- Google Calendar configuration much improved (#326 by @dvdmssmnn)
- Spotify module added (@sticreations)
- Clocks module now supports configurable datetime formats (@danrabinowitz)
- Twitter module now supports subscribing to multiple screen names
- Textfile module now watches files for changes (#276 by @senporprogrammer)
- Nav shortcuts now use numbers rather than letters to allow the use of letters in widget menus
- Twitter widget no longer crashes app when closing the help modal
- Twitter tweets are now colourized (@senorprogrammer)
- Twitter number of tweets to fetch is now customizable via config (@senorprogrammer)
- Google Calendar: widget is now focusable (@anandsudhir)
- DataDog module added (@Seanstoppable)
- Textfile syntax highlighting now included in stand-alone binary (#261 by @senporprogrammer)
- Config param now supports relative paths starting with
(#295 by @anandsudhir)
- HackerNews widget is now scrollable (@anandsudhir)
- Twitter screen name now configurable in configuration file (@senorprogrammer)
- Gerrit module no longer dies if it can't connect to the server (@anandsudhir)
- Pretty Weather properly displays colours again ((#298 by @bertl4398)
- Clocks row colour configuration fixed ((#282 by @anandsudhir)
- Sigils no longer display when there's only one option ((#291 by @anandsudhir)
- Jira module now responds to the "/" key ((#268) by @senorprogrammer)
- HackerNews module added (@anandsudhir)
- Twitter module added (@Trinergy)
- TravisCI module now works with Pro version thanks to @ruggi
- Sensitive credentials can now be stored in config.yml instead of ENV vars
- GCal.showDeclined config added (@baustinanki)
- Gerrit widget is now interactive, added (@anandsudhir)
This file attempts to adhere to the principles of keep a changelog.